/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Citrix Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special * exception on linking described in file LICENSE. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #include "libxl_osdeps.h" #include "libxl_internal.h" /* stream_fd is as from the caller (eventually, the application). * It may be 0, 1 or 2, in which case we need to dup it elsewhere. * The actual fd value is not included in the supplied argnums; rather * it will be automatically supplied by run_helper as the 2nd argument. * * preserve_fds are fds that the caller is intending to pass to the * helper so which need cloexec clearing. They may not be 0, 1 or 2. * An entry may be -1 in which case it will be ignored. */ static void run_helper(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__save_helper_state *shs, const char *mode_arg, int stream_fd, const int *preserve_fds, int num_preserve_fds, const unsigned long *argnums, int num_argnums); static void helper_failed(libxl__egc*, libxl__save_helper_state *shs, int rc); static void helper_stdout_readable(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_fd *ev, int fd, short events, short revents); static void helper_exited(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_child *ch, pid_t pid, int status); static void helper_done(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__save_helper_state *shs); /*----- entrypoints -----*/ void libxl__xc_domain_restore(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__domain_create_state *dcs, int hvm, int pae, int superpages, int no_incr_generationid) { STATE_AO_GC(dcs->ao); /* Convenience aliases */ const uint32_t domid = dcs->guest_domid; const int restore_fd = dcs->restore_fd; libxl__domain_build_state *const state = &dcs->build_state; unsigned cbflags = libxl__srm_callout_enumcallbacks_restore (&dcs->shs.callbacks.restore.a); const unsigned long argnums[] = { domid, state->store_port, state->store_domid, state->console_port, state->console_domid, hvm, pae, superpages, no_incr_generationid, cbflags, }; dcs->shs.ao = ao; dcs->shs.domid = domid; dcs->shs.recv_callback = libxl__srm_callout_received_restore; dcs->shs.completion_callback = libxl__xc_domain_restore_done; dcs->shs.caller_state = dcs; dcs->shs.need_results = 1; dcs->shs.toolstack_data_file = 0; run_helper(egc, &dcs->shs, "--restore-domain", restore_fd, 0,0, argnums, ARRAY_SIZE(argnums)); } void libxl__xc_domain_save(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__domain_suspend_state *dss, unsigned long vm_generationid_addr) { STATE_AO_GC(dss->ao); int r, rc, toolstack_data_fd = -1; uint32_t toolstack_data_len = 0; /* Resources we need to free */ uint8_t *toolstack_data_buf = 0; unsigned cbflags = libxl__srm_callout_enumcallbacks_save (&dss->shs.callbacks.save.a); if (dss->shs.callbacks.save.toolstack_save) { r = dss->shs.callbacks.save.toolstack_save (dss->domid, &toolstack_data_buf, &toolstack_data_len, dss); if (r) { rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } dss->shs.toolstack_data_file = tmpfile(); if (!dss->shs.toolstack_data_file) { LOGE(ERROR, "cannot create toolstack data tmpfile"); rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } toolstack_data_fd = fileno(dss->shs.toolstack_data_file); r = libxl_write_exactly(CTX, toolstack_data_fd, toolstack_data_buf, toolstack_data_len, "toolstack data tmpfile", 0); if (r) { rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } } const unsigned long argnums[] = { dss->domid, 0, 0, dss->xcflags, dss->hvm, vm_generationid_addr, toolstack_data_fd, toolstack_data_len, cbflags, }; dss->shs.ao = ao; dss->shs.domid = dss->domid; dss->shs.recv_callback = libxl__srm_callout_received_save; dss->shs.completion_callback = libxl__xc_domain_save_done; dss->shs.caller_state = dss; dss->shs.need_results = 0; free(toolstack_data_buf); run_helper(egc, &dss->shs, "--save-domain", dss->fd, &toolstack_data_fd, 1, argnums, ARRAY_SIZE(argnums)); return; out: free(toolstack_data_buf); if (dss->shs.toolstack_data_file) fclose(dss->shs.toolstack_data_file); libxl__xc_domain_save_done(egc, dss, rc, 0, 0); } void libxl__xc_domain_saverestore_async_callback_done(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__save_helper_state *shs, int return_value) { shs->egc = egc; libxl__srm_callout_sendreply(return_value, shs); shs->egc = 0; } /*----- helper execution -----*/ static void run_helper(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__save_helper_state *shs, const char *mode_arg, int stream_fd, const int *preserve_fds, int num_preserve_fds, const unsigned long *argnums, int num_argnums) { STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); const char *args[4 + num_argnums]; const char **arg = args; int i, rc; /* Resources we must free */ libxl__carefd *childs_pipes[2] = { 0,0 }; /* Convenience aliases */ const uint32_t domid = shs->domid; shs->rc = 0; shs->completed = 0; shs->pipes[0] = shs->pipes[1] = 0; libxl__ev_fd_init(&shs->readable); libxl__ev_child_init(&shs->child); shs->stdin_what = GCSPRINTF("domain %"PRIu32" save/restore helper" " stdin pipe", domid); shs->stdout_what = GCSPRINTF("domain %"PRIu32" save/restore helper" " stdout pipe", domid); *arg++ = getenv("LIBXL_SAVE_HELPER") ?: PRIVATE_BINDIR "/" "libxl-save-helper"; *arg++ = mode_arg; const char **stream_fd_arg = arg++; for (i=0; ipipes[childfd] = libxl__carefd_record(CTX, fds[our_end]); } libxl__carefd_unlock(); pid_t pid = libxl__ev_child_fork(gc, &shs->child, helper_exited); if (!pid) { if (stream_fd <= 2) { stream_fd = dup(stream_fd); if (stream_fd < 0) { LOGE(ERROR,"dup migration stream fd"); exit(-1); } } libxl_fd_set_cloexec(CTX, stream_fd, 0); *stream_fd_arg = GCSPRINTF("%d", stream_fd); for (i=0; i= 0) { assert(preserve_fds[i] > 2); libxl_fd_set_cloexec(CTX, preserve_fds[i], 0); } libxl__exec(gc, libxl__carefd_fd(childs_pipes[0]), libxl__carefd_fd(childs_pipes[1]), -1, args[0], (char**)args, 0); } libxl__carefd_close(childs_pipes[0]); libxl__carefd_close(childs_pipes[1]); rc = libxl__ev_fd_register(gc, &shs->readable, helper_stdout_readable, libxl__carefd_fd(shs->pipes[1]), POLLIN|POLLPRI); if (rc) goto out; return; out: libxl__carefd_close(childs_pipes[0]); libxl__carefd_close(childs_pipes[1]); helper_failed(egc, shs, rc);; } static void helper_failed(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__save_helper_state *shs, int rc) { STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); if (!shs->rc) shs->rc = rc; libxl__ev_fd_deregister(gc, &shs->readable); if (!libxl__ev_child_inuse(&shs->child)) { helper_done(egc, shs); return; } int r = kill(shs->child.pid, SIGKILL); if (r) LOGE(WARN, "failed to kill save/restore helper [%lu]", (unsigned long)shs->child.pid); } static void helper_stdout_readable(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_fd *ev, int fd, short events, short revents) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = CONTAINER_OF(ev, *shs, readable); STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); int rc, errnoval; if (revents & (POLLERR|POLLPRI)) { LOG(ERROR, "%s signaled POLLERR|POLLPRI (%#x)", shs->stdout_what, revents); rc = ERROR_FAIL; out: /* this is here because otherwise we bypass the decl of msg[] */ helper_failed(egc, shs, rc); return; } uint16_t msglen; errnoval = libxl_read_exactly(CTX, fd, &msglen, sizeof(msglen), shs->stdout_what, "ipc msg header"); if (errnoval) { rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } unsigned char msg[msglen]; errnoval = libxl_read_exactly(CTX, fd, msg, msglen, shs->stdout_what, "ipc msg body"); if (errnoval) { rc = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } shs->egc = egc; shs->recv_callback(msg, msglen, shs); shs->egc = 0; return; } static void helper_exited(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_child *ch, pid_t pid, int status) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = CONTAINER_OF(ch, *shs, child); STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); /* Convenience aliases */ const uint32_t domid = shs->domid; const char *what = GCSPRINTF("domain %"PRIu32" save/restore helper", domid); if (status) { libxl_report_child_exitstatus(CTX, XTL_ERROR, what, pid, status); shs->rc = ERROR_FAIL; } if (shs->need_results) { if (!shs->rc) LOG(ERROR,"%s exited without providing results",what); shs->rc = ERROR_FAIL; } if (!shs->completed) { if (!shs->rc) LOG(ERROR,"%s exited without signaling completion",what); shs->rc = ERROR_FAIL; } helper_done(egc, shs); return; } static void helper_done(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__save_helper_state *shs) { STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); libxl__ev_fd_deregister(gc, &shs->readable); libxl__carefd_close(shs->pipes[0]); shs->pipes[0] = 0; libxl__carefd_close(shs->pipes[1]); shs->pipes[1] = 0; assert(!libxl__ev_child_inuse(&shs->child)); if (shs->toolstack_data_file) fclose(shs->toolstack_data_file); shs->egc = egc; shs->completion_callback(egc, shs->caller_state, shs->rc, shs->retval, shs->errnoval); shs->egc = 0; } /*----- generic helpers for the autogenerated code -----*/ const libxl__srm_save_autogen_callbacks* libxl__srm_callout_get_callbacks_save(void *user) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = user; return &shs->callbacks.save.a; } const libxl__srm_restore_autogen_callbacks* libxl__srm_callout_get_callbacks_restore(void *user) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = user; return &shs->callbacks.restore.a; } void libxl__srm_callout_sendreply(int r, void *user) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = user; libxl__egc *egc = shs->egc; STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); int errnoval; errnoval = libxl_write_exactly(CTX, libxl__carefd_fd(shs->pipes[0]), &r, sizeof(r), shs->stdin_what, "callback return value"); if (errnoval) helper_failed(egc, shs, ERROR_FAIL); } void libxl__srm_callout_callback_log(uint32_t level, uint32_t errnoval, const char *context, const char *formatted, void *user) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = user; STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); xtl_log(CTX->lg, level, errnoval, context, "%s", formatted); } void libxl__srm_callout_callback_progress(const char *context, const char *doing_what, unsigned long done, unsigned long total, void *user) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = user; STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); xtl_progress(CTX->lg, context, doing_what, done, total); } int libxl__srm_callout_callback_complete(int retval, int errnoval, void *user) { libxl__save_helper_state *shs = user; STATE_AO_GC(shs->ao); shs->completed = 1; shs->retval = retval; shs->errnoval = errnoval; libxl__ev_fd_deregister(gc, &shs->readable); return 0; }