This directory builds gPXE option ROMs from the gPXE source tarball. We provide this tarball in our source so that the option ROMs can be reconstructed from source, allowing easier debugging and fulfilling the terms of the GPL. We make a few non-standard settings, most to do with timeouts and when to give up, and for stricter DHCP spec compliance. ---------------------------------------- Since gPXE upstream do not appear to distribute tarballs, we generated one ourselves with the following runes (to extract the tree as on 25th September 2008): git clone git:// cd gpxe git archive --format=tar --prefix=gpxe/ c24bc349ead939d90b5784dbff3cd9fdb9d83ba8 | gzip >../gpxe-git-snapshot.tar.gz ---------------------------------------- Previously, an image from was provided here, fetched from the following URL: The mkhex script in tools/firmware/hvmloader will make the header file from the downloaded image.