A couple of simple steps to get you going: 1. do make (suitable Makefile is in the source dir) 2. copy over andy's vifinit script to local dir 3. copy over xenolinux guestos image (NB. image needs to be uncompressed, so if the only image you have is image.gz do gunzip image.gz before doing anything further) 4. add executable permissions to newdom and vifint 5. edit newdom script and change it as it suits you newdom script takes guestos image file name as first parameter and newdom id as second parameter, eg.: ./newdom xenolinux 1 should initiate building of dom1 with the image contained in file named xenolinux in local dir. in general, domain_builder application takes three parameters: requested memory in kb, guestos image file name and number of vifs to be created, eg. ./domain_builder 16000 xenolinux 1 would build domX reserving 16MB mem, creating 1 vif and using os image stored as xenolinux in local dir. happy booting! boris