/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 United States Government, as represented by * the Secretary of Defense. All rights reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. ALL WARRANTIES * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. USERS ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AND LIABILITY OF USING THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tpm/tpm_emulator_extern.h" #include "tpm/tpm_marshalling.h" #include "vtpm.h" #include "vtpm_cmd.h" #include "vtpm_pcrs.h" #include "vtpmblk.h" #define TPM_LOG_INFO LOG_INFO #define TPM_LOG_ERROR LOG_ERR #define TPM_LOG_DEBUG LOG_DEBUG /* Global commandline options - default values */ struct Opt_args opt_args = { .startup = ST_CLEAR, .loglevel = TPM_LOG_INFO, .hwinitpcrs = VTPM_PCRNONE, .tpmconf = 0, .enable_maint_cmds = false, }; static uint32_t badords[32]; static unsigned int n_badords = 0; entropy_context entropy; ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg; struct tpmfront_dev* tpmfront_dev; void vtpm_get_extern_random_bytes(void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ctr_drbg_random(&ctr_drbg, buf, nbytes); } int vtpm_read_from_file(uint8_t **data, size_t *data_length) { return read_vtpmblk(tpmfront_dev, data, data_length); } int vtpm_write_to_file(uint8_t *data, size_t data_length) { return write_vtpmblk(tpmfront_dev, data, data_length); } int vtpm_extern_init_fake(void) { return 0; } void vtpm_extern_release_fake(void) { } void vtpm_log(int priority, const char *fmt, ...) { if(opt_args.loglevel >= priority) { va_list v; va_start(v, fmt); vprintf(fmt, v); va_end(v); } } static uint64_t vtpm_get_ticks(void) { static uint64_t old_t = 0; uint64_t new_t, res_t; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); new_t = (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + (uint64_t)tv.tv_usec; res_t = (old_t > 0) ? new_t - old_t : 0; old_t = new_t; return res_t; } static int tpm_entropy_source(void* dummy, unsigned char* data, size_t len, size_t* olen) { UINT32 sz = len; TPM_RESULT rc = VTPM_GetRandom(tpmfront_dev, data, &sz); *olen = sz; return rc == TPM_SUCCESS ? 0 : POLARSSL_ERR_ENTROPY_SOURCE_FAILED; } int init_random(void) { /* Initialize the rng */ entropy_init(&entropy); entropy_add_source(&entropy, tpm_entropy_source, NULL, 0); entropy_gather(&entropy); ctr_drbg_init(&ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy, NULL, 0); ctr_drbg_set_prediction_resistance( &ctr_drbg, CTR_DRBG_PR_OFF ); return 0; } int check_ordinal(tpmcmd_t* tpmcmd) { TPM_COMMAND_CODE ord; UINT32 len = 4; BYTE* ptr; unsigned int i; if(tpmcmd->req_len < 10) { return true; } ptr = tpmcmd->req + 6; tpm_unmarshal_UINT32(&ptr, &len, &ord); for(i = 0; i < n_badords; ++i) { if(ord == badords[i]) { error("Disabled command ordinal (%" PRIu32") requested!\n"); return false; } } return true; } static void main_loop(void) { tpmcmd_t* tpmcmd = NULL; domid_t domid; /* Domid of frontend */ unsigned int handle; /* handle of frontend */ int res = -1; info("VTPM Initializing\n"); /* Set required tpm config args */ opt_args.tpmconf |= TPM_CONF_STRONG_PERSISTENCE; opt_args.tpmconf &= ~TPM_CONF_USE_INTERNAL_PRNG; opt_args.tpmconf |= TPM_CONF_GENERATE_EK; opt_args.tpmconf |= TPM_CONF_GENERATE_SEED_DAA; /* Initialize the emulator */ tpm_emulator_init(opt_args.startup, opt_args.tpmconf); /* Initialize any requested PCRs with hardware TPM values */ if(vtpm_initialize_hw_pcrs(tpmfront_dev, opt_args.hwinitpcrs) != TPM_SUCCESS) { error("Failed to initialize PCRs with hardware TPM values"); goto abort_postpcrs; } /* Wait for the frontend domain to connect */ info("Waiting for frontend domain to connect.."); if(tpmback_wait_for_frontend_connect(&domid, &handle) == 0) { info("VTPM attached to Frontend %u/%u", (unsigned int) domid, handle); } else { error("Unable to attach to a frontend"); } tpmcmd = tpmback_req(domid, handle); while(tpmcmd) { /* Handle the request */ if(tpmcmd->req_len) { tpmcmd->resp = NULL; tpmcmd->resp_len = 0; /* First check for disabled ordinals */ if(!check_ordinal(tpmcmd)) { create_error_response(tpmcmd, TPM_BAD_ORDINAL); } /* If not disabled, do the command */ else { if((res = tpm_handle_command(tpmcmd->req, tpmcmd->req_len, &tpmcmd->resp, &tpmcmd->resp_len, tpmcmd->locality)) != 0) { error("tpm_handle_command() failed"); create_error_response(tpmcmd, TPM_FAIL); } } } /* Send the response */ tpmback_resp(tpmcmd); /* Wait for the next request */ tpmcmd = tpmback_req(domid, handle); } abort_postpcrs: info("VTPM Shutting down\n"); tpm_emulator_shutdown(); } int parse_cmd_line(int argc, char** argv) { char sval[25]; char* logstr = NULL; /* Parse the command strings */ for(unsigned int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (sscanf(argv[i], "loglevel=%25s", sval) == 1){ if (!strcmp(sval, "debug")) { opt_args.loglevel = TPM_LOG_DEBUG; logstr = "debug"; } else if (!strcmp(sval, "info")) { logstr = "info"; opt_args.loglevel = TPM_LOG_INFO; } else if (!strcmp(sval, "error")) { logstr = "error"; opt_args.loglevel = TPM_LOG_ERROR; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "clear")) { opt_args.startup = ST_CLEAR; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "save")) { opt_args.startup = ST_SAVE; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "deactivated")) { opt_args.startup = ST_DEACTIVATED; } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "maintcmds=", 10)) { if(!strcmp(argv[i] + 10, "1")) { opt_args.enable_maint_cmds = true; } else if(!strcmp(argv[i] + 10, "0")) { opt_args.enable_maint_cmds = false; } } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "hwinitpcr=", 10)) { char *pch = argv[i] + 10; unsigned int v1, v2; pch = strtok(pch, ","); while(pch != NULL) { if(!strcmp(pch, "all")) { //Set all opt_args.hwinitpcrs = VTPM_PCRALL; } else if(!strcmp(pch, "none")) { //Set none opt_args.hwinitpcrs = VTPM_PCRNONE; } else if(sscanf(pch, "%u", &v1) == 1) { //Set one if(v1 >= TPM_NUM_PCR) { error("hwinitpcr error: Invalid PCR index %u", v1); return -1; } opt_args.hwinitpcrs |= (1 << v1); } else if(sscanf(pch, "%u-%u", &v1, &v2) == 2) { //Set range if(v1 >= TPM_NUM_PCR) { error("hwinitpcr error: Invalid PCR index %u", v1); return -1; } if(v2 >= TPM_NUM_PCR) { error("hwinitpcr error: Invalid PCR index %u", v1); return -1; } if(v2 < v1) { unsigned tp = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = tp; } for(unsigned int i = v1; i <= v2; ++i) { opt_args.hwinitpcrs |= (1 << i); } } else { error("hwintipcr error: Invalid PCR specification : %s", pch); return -1; } pch = strtok(NULL, ","); } } else { error("Invalid command line option `%s'", argv[i]); } } /* Check Errors and print results */ switch(opt_args.startup) { case ST_CLEAR: info("Startup mode is `clear'"); break; case ST_SAVE: info("Startup mode is `save'"); break; case ST_DEACTIVATED: info("Startup mode is `deactivated'"); break; default: error("Invalid startup mode %d", opt_args.startup); return -1; } if(opt_args.hwinitpcrs & (VTPM_PCRALL)) { char pcrstr[1024]; char* ptr = pcrstr; pcrstr[0] = '\0'; info("The following PCRs will be initialized with values from the hardware TPM:"); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < TPM_NUM_PCR; ++i) { if(opt_args.hwinitpcrs & (1 << i)) { ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%u, ", i); } } /* get rid of the last comma if any numbers were printed */ *(ptr -2) = '\0'; info("\t%s", pcrstr); } else { info("All PCRs initialized to default values"); } if(!opt_args.enable_maint_cmds) { info("TPM Maintenance Commands disabled"); badords[n_badords++] = TPM_ORD_CreateMaintenanceArchive; badords[n_badords++] = TPM_ORD_LoadMaintenanceArchive; badords[n_badords++] = TPM_ORD_KillMaintenanceFeature; badords[n_badords++] = TPM_ORD_LoadManuMaintPub; badords[n_badords++] = TPM_ORD_ReadManuMaintPub; } else { info("TPM Maintenance Commands enabled"); } info("Log level set to %s", logstr); return 0; } void cleanup_opt_args(void) { } int main(int argc, char **argv) { //FIXME: initializing blkfront without this sleep causes the domain to crash on boot sleep(2); /* Setup extern function pointers */ tpm_extern_init = vtpm_extern_init_fake; tpm_extern_release = vtpm_extern_release_fake; tpm_malloc = malloc; tpm_free = free; tpm_log = vtpm_log; tpm_get_ticks = vtpm_get_ticks; tpm_get_extern_random_bytes = vtpm_get_extern_random_bytes; tpm_write_to_storage = vtpm_write_to_file; tpm_read_from_storage = vtpm_read_from_file; info("starting TPM Emulator (1.2.%d.%d-%d)", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_BUILD); if(parse_cmd_line(argc, argv)) { error("Error parsing commandline\n"); return -1; } /* Initialize devices */ init_tpmback(NULL, NULL); if((tpmfront_dev = init_tpmfront(NULL)) == NULL) { error("Unable to initialize tpmfront device"); goto abort_posttpmfront; } /* Seed the RNG with entropy from hardware TPM */ if(init_random()) { error("Unable to initialize RNG"); goto abort_postrng; } /* Initialize blkfront device */ if(init_vtpmblk(tpmfront_dev)) { error("Unable to initialize Blkfront persistent storage"); goto abort_postvtpmblk; } /* Run main loop */ main_loop(); /* Shutdown blkfront */ shutdown_vtpmblk(); abort_postvtpmblk: abort_postrng: /* Close devices */ shutdown_tpmfront(tpmfront_dev); abort_posttpmfront: shutdown_tpmback(); cleanup_opt_args(); return 0; }