CC := gcc LD := ld # Linker should relocate monitor to this address MONITOR_BASE := 0xE0100000 CFLAGS := -fno-builtin -O3 -Wall -Ih/ TARGET := LOBJS:= lib/malloc.o lib/math.o lib/printf.o lib/string.o OBJS := entry.o kernel.o traps.o hypervisor.o mm.o events.o time.o ${LOBJS} HINTF := h/hypervisor-ifs/hypervisor-if.h HDRS := h/os.h h/types.h h/hypervisor.h h/mm.h h/events.h h/time.h h/lib.h $(HINTF) default: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): head.o $(OBJS) # Image will load at 0xC0000000. First bytes from head.o #$(LD) -N -Ttext 0xC0000000 head.o $(OBJS) -o image.elf $(LD) -N -T head.o $(OBJS) -o image.elf # Guest OS header -- first 8 bytes are identifier 'XenoGues'. echo -e -n 'XenoGues' >$@ # Guest OS header -- next 4 bytes are load address (0xC0000000). echo -e -n '\000\000\000\300' >>$@ # Create a raw bag of bytes from the ELF image. objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment image.elf image.raw # Guest OS header is immediately followed by raw OS image. cat image.raw >>$@ #gzip -f -9 $@ clean: rm -f *.o *~ core image.elf image.raw %.o: %.c $(HDRS) Makefile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ %.o: %.S $(HDRS) Makefile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__ASSEMBLY__ -c $< -o $@