#!/bin/sh src='./install' if [ -d ./dist ]; then src='./dist/install' fi if ! [ -d $src ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not find a valid distribution directory." echo " If this is a source-only release, try 'make dist'." exit 1 fi dst='/' if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then dst=$1 fi if ! [ -d $dst ]; then echo "ERROR: You must specify a valid install directory." echo " The specified directory '$dst' is not valid." exit 1 fi tmp="`mktemp -d`" echo "Installing Xen from '$src' to '$dst'..." (cd $src; tar -cf - * ) | tar -C "$tmp" -xf - [ -x "$(which udevinfo)" ] && \ UDEV_VERSION=$(udevinfo -V | sed -e 's/^[^0-9]* \([0-9]\{1,\}\)[^0-9]\{0,\}/\1/') if [ -n "$UDEV_VERSION" ] && [ $UDEV_VERSION -ge 059 ]; then echo " - installing for udev-based system" rm -rf "$tmp/etc/hotplug" else echo " - installing for hotplug-based system" rm -rf "$tmp/etc/udev" fi echo " - modifying permissions" chmod -R a+rX "$tmp" (cd $tmp; tar -cf - *) | tar --no-same-owner -C "$dst" -xf - rm -rf "$tmp" echo "All done." echo "Checking to see whether prerequisite tools are installed..." cd $src/../check ./chk install echo "All done." exit 0