/* **************************************************************************** * (C) 2006 - Cambridge University **************************************************************************** * * File: xenbus.c * Author: Steven Smith (sos22@cam.ac.uk) * Changes: Grzegorz Milos (gm281@cam.ac.uk) * Changes: John D. Ramsdell * * Date: Jun 2006, chages Aug 2005 * * Environment: Xen Minimal OS * Description: Minimal implementation of xenbus * **************************************************************************** **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define min(x,y) ({ \ typeof(x) tmpx = (x); \ typeof(y) tmpy = (y); \ tmpx < tmpy ? tmpx : tmpy; \ }) #ifdef XENBUS_DEBUG #define DEBUG(_f, _a...) \ printk("MINI_OS(file=xenbus.c, line=%d) " _f , __LINE__, ## _a) #else #define DEBUG(_f, _a...) ((void)0) #endif static struct xenstore_domain_interface *xenstore_buf; static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(xb_waitq); DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(xenbus_watch_queue); struct xenbus_event *volatile xenbus_events; static struct watch { char *token; struct xenbus_event *volatile *events; struct watch *next; } *watches; struct xenbus_req_info { int in_use:1; struct wait_queue_head waitq; void *reply; }; #define NR_REQS 32 static struct xenbus_req_info req_info[NR_REQS]; static void memcpy_from_ring(const void *Ring, void *Dest, int off, int len) { int c1, c2; const char *ring = Ring; char *dest = Dest; c1 = min(len, XENSTORE_RING_SIZE - off); c2 = len - c1; memcpy(dest, ring + off, c1); memcpy(dest + c1, ring, c2); } char **xenbus_wait_for_watch_return() { struct xenbus_event *event; DEFINE_WAIT(w); while (!(event = xenbus_events)) { add_waiter(w, xenbus_watch_queue); schedule(); } remove_waiter(w); xenbus_events = event->next; return &event->path; } void xenbus_wait_for_watch(void) { char **ret; ret = xenbus_wait_for_watch_return(); free(ret); } char* xenbus_wait_for_value(const char* path, const char* value) { for(;;) { char *res, *msg; int r; msg = xenbus_read(XBT_NIL, path, &res); if(msg) return msg; r = strcmp(value,res); free(res); if(r==0) break; else xenbus_wait_for_watch(); } return NULL; } static void xenbus_thread_func(void *ign) { struct xsd_sockmsg msg; unsigned prod = 0; for (;;) { wait_event(xb_waitq, prod != xenstore_buf->rsp_prod); while (1) { prod = xenstore_buf->rsp_prod; DEBUG("Rsp_cons %d, rsp_prod %d.\n", xenstore_buf->rsp_cons, xenstore_buf->rsp_prod); if (xenstore_buf->rsp_prod - xenstore_buf->rsp_cons < sizeof(msg)) break; rmb(); memcpy_from_ring(xenstore_buf->rsp, &msg, MASK_XENSTORE_IDX(xenstore_buf->rsp_cons), sizeof(msg)); DEBUG("Msg len %d, %d avail, id %d.\n", msg.len + sizeof(msg), xenstore_buf->rsp_prod - xenstore_buf->rsp_cons, msg.req_id); if (xenstore_buf->rsp_prod - xenstore_buf->rsp_cons < sizeof(msg) + msg.len) break; DEBUG("Message is good.\n"); if(msg.type == XS_WATCH_EVENT) { struct xenbus_event *event = malloc(sizeof(*event) + msg.len), *volatile *events = NULL; char *data = (char*)event + sizeof(*event); struct watch *watch; memcpy_from_ring(xenstore_buf->rsp, data, MASK_XENSTORE_IDX(xenstore_buf->rsp_cons + sizeof(msg)), msg.len); event->path = data; event->token = event->path + strlen(event->path) + 1; xenstore_buf->rsp_cons += msg.len + sizeof(msg); for (watch = watches; watch; watch = watch->next) if (!strcmp(watch->token, event->token)) { events = watch->events; break; } if (!events) events = &xenbus_events; event->next = *events; *events = event; wake_up(&xenbus_watch_queue); } else { req_info[msg.req_id].reply = malloc(sizeof(msg) + msg.len); memcpy_from_ring(xenstore_buf->rsp, req_info[msg.req_id].reply, MASK_XENSTORE_IDX(xenstore_buf->rsp_cons), msg.len + sizeof(msg)); xenstore_buf->rsp_cons += msg.len + sizeof(msg); wake_up(&req_info[msg.req_id].waitq); } } } } static void xenbus_evtchn_handler(evtchn_port_t port, struct pt_regs *regs, void *ign) { wake_up(&xb_waitq); } static int nr_live_reqs; static spinlock_t req_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED; static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(req_wq); /* Release a xenbus identifier */ static void release_xenbus_id(int id) { BUG_ON(!req_info[id].in_use); spin_lock(&req_lock); req_info[id].in_use = 0; nr_live_reqs--; req_info[id].in_use = 0; if (nr_live_reqs == NR_REQS - 1) wake_up(&req_wq); spin_unlock(&req_lock); } /* Allocate an identifier for a xenbus request. Blocks if none are available. */ static int allocate_xenbus_id(void) { static int probe; int o_probe; while (1) { spin_lock(&req_lock); if (nr_live_reqs < NR_REQS) break; spin_unlock(&req_lock); wait_event(req_wq, (nr_live_reqs < NR_REQS)); } o_probe = probe; for (;;) { if (!req_info[o_probe].in_use) break; o_probe = (o_probe + 1) % NR_REQS; BUG_ON(o_probe == probe); } nr_live_reqs++; req_info[o_probe].in_use = 1; probe = (o_probe + 1) % NR_REQS; spin_unlock(&req_lock); init_waitqueue_head(&req_info[o_probe].waitq); return o_probe; } /* Initialise xenbus. */ void init_xenbus(void) { int err; printk("Initialising xenbus\n"); DEBUG("init_xenbus called.\n"); xenstore_buf = mfn_to_virt(start_info.store_mfn); create_thread("xenstore", xenbus_thread_func, NULL); DEBUG("buf at %p.\n", xenstore_buf); err = bind_evtchn(start_info.store_evtchn, xenbus_evtchn_handler, NULL); DEBUG("xenbus on irq %d\n", err); } /* Send data to xenbus. This can block. All of the requests are seen by xenbus as if sent atomically. The header is added automatically, using type %type, req_id %req_id, and trans_id %trans_id. */ static void xb_write(int type, int req_id, xenbus_transaction_t trans_id, const struct write_req *req, int nr_reqs) { XENSTORE_RING_IDX prod; int r; int len = 0; const struct write_req *cur_req; int req_off; int total_off; int this_chunk; struct xsd_sockmsg m = {.type = type, .req_id = req_id, .tx_id = trans_id }; struct write_req header_req = { &m, sizeof(m) }; for (r = 0; r < nr_reqs; r++) len += req[r].len; m.len = len; len += sizeof(m); cur_req = &header_req; BUG_ON(len > XENSTORE_RING_SIZE); /* Wait for the ring to drain to the point where we can send the message. */ prod = xenstore_buf->req_prod; if (prod + len - xenstore_buf->req_cons > XENSTORE_RING_SIZE) { /* Wait for there to be space on the ring */ DEBUG("prod %d, len %d, cons %d, size %d; waiting.\n", prod, len, xenstore_buf->req_cons, XENSTORE_RING_SIZE); wait_event(xb_waitq, xenstore_buf->req_prod + len - xenstore_buf->req_cons <= XENSTORE_RING_SIZE); DEBUG("Back from wait.\n"); prod = xenstore_buf->req_prod; } /* We're now guaranteed to be able to send the message without overflowing the ring. Do so. */ total_off = 0; req_off = 0; while (total_off < len) { this_chunk = min(cur_req->len - req_off, XENSTORE_RING_SIZE - MASK_XENSTORE_IDX(prod)); memcpy((char *)xenstore_buf->req + MASK_XENSTORE_IDX(prod), (char *)cur_req->data + req_off, this_chunk); prod += this_chunk; req_off += this_chunk; total_off += this_chunk; if (req_off == cur_req->len) { req_off = 0; if (cur_req == &header_req) cur_req = req; else cur_req++; } } DEBUG("Complete main loop of xb_write.\n"); BUG_ON(req_off != 0); BUG_ON(total_off != len); BUG_ON(prod > xenstore_buf->req_cons + XENSTORE_RING_SIZE); /* Remote must see entire message before updating indexes */ wmb(); xenstore_buf->req_prod += len; /* Send evtchn to notify remote */ notify_remote_via_evtchn(start_info.store_evtchn); } /* Send a mesasge to xenbus, in the same fashion as xb_write, and block waiting for a reply. The reply is malloced and should be freed by the caller. */ struct xsd_sockmsg * xenbus_msg_reply(int type, xenbus_transaction_t trans, struct write_req *io, int nr_reqs) { int id; DEFINE_WAIT(w); struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; id = allocate_xenbus_id(); add_waiter(w, req_info[id].waitq); xb_write(type, id, trans, io, nr_reqs); schedule(); remove_waiter(w); wake(current); rep = req_info[id].reply; BUG_ON(rep->req_id != id); release_xenbus_id(id); return rep; } static char *errmsg(struct xsd_sockmsg *rep) { if (!rep) { char msg[] = "No reply"; size_t len = strlen(msg) + 1; return memcpy(malloc(len), msg, len); } if (rep->type != XS_ERROR) return NULL; char *res = malloc(rep->len + 1); memcpy(res, rep + 1, rep->len); res[rep->len] = 0; free(rep); return res; } /* Send a debug message to xenbus. Can block. */ static void xenbus_debug_msg(const char *msg) { int len = strlen(msg); struct write_req req[] = { { "print", sizeof("print") }, { msg, len }, { "", 1 }}; struct xsd_sockmsg *reply; reply = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_DEBUG, 0, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); DEBUG("Got a reply, type %d, id %d, len %d.\n", reply->type, reply->req_id, reply->len); } /* List the contents of a directory. Returns a malloc()ed array of pointers to malloc()ed strings. The array is NULL terminated. May block. */ char *xenbus_ls(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *pre, char ***contents) { struct xsd_sockmsg *reply, *repmsg; struct write_req req[] = { { pre, strlen(pre)+1 } }; int nr_elems, x, i; char **res; repmsg = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_DIRECTORY, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(repmsg); if (msg) { *contents = NULL; return msg; } reply = repmsg + 1; for (x = nr_elems = 0; x < repmsg->len; x++) nr_elems += (((char *)reply)[x] == 0); res = malloc(sizeof(res[0]) * (nr_elems + 1)); for (x = i = 0; i < nr_elems; i++) { int l = strlen((char *)reply + x); res[i] = malloc(l + 1); memcpy(res[i], (char *)reply + x, l + 1); x += l + 1; } res[i] = NULL; free(repmsg); *contents = res; return NULL; } char *xenbus_read(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path, char **value) { struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1} }; struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; char *res; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_READ, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) { *value = NULL; return msg; } res = malloc(rep->len + 1); memcpy(res, rep + 1, rep->len); res[rep->len] = 0; free(rep); *value = res; return NULL; } char *xenbus_write(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path, const char *value) { struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1}, {value, strlen(value) + 1}, }; struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_WRITE, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) return msg; free(rep); return NULL; } char* xenbus_watch_path_token( xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path, const char *token, struct xenbus_event *volatile *events) { struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1}, {token, strlen(token) + 1}, }; struct watch *watch = malloc(sizeof(*watch)); watch->token = strdup(token); watch->events = events; watch->next = watches; watches = watch; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_WATCH, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) return msg; free(rep); return NULL; } char* xenbus_unwatch_path_token( xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path, const char *token) { struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1}, {token, strlen(token) + 1}, }; struct watch *watch, **prev; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_UNWATCH, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) return msg; free(rep); for (prev = &watches, watch = *prev; watch; prev = &watch->next, watch = *prev) if (!strcmp(watch->token, token)) { free(watch->token); *prev = watch->next; free(watch); break; } return NULL; } char *xenbus_rm(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path) { struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1} }; struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_RM, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) return msg; free(rep); return NULL; } char *xenbus_get_perms(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path, char **value) { struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1} }; struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; char *res; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_GET_PERMS, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) { *value = NULL; return msg; } res = malloc(rep->len + 1); memcpy(res, rep + 1, rep->len); res[rep->len] = 0; free(rep); *value = res; return NULL; } #define PERM_MAX_SIZE 32 char *xenbus_set_perms(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, const char *path, domid_t dom, char perm) { char value[PERM_MAX_SIZE]; snprintf(value, PERM_MAX_SIZE, "%c%hu", perm, dom); struct write_req req[] = { {path, strlen(path) + 1}, {value, strlen(value) + 1}, }; struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_SET_PERMS, xbt, req, ARRAY_SIZE(req)); char *msg = errmsg(rep); if (msg) return msg; free(rep); return NULL; } char *xenbus_transaction_start(xenbus_transaction_t *xbt) { /* xenstored becomes angry if you send a length 0 message, so just shove a nul terminator on the end */ struct write_req req = { "", 1}; struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; char *err; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_TRANSACTION_START, 0, &req, 1); err = errmsg(rep); if (err) return err; sscanf((char *)(rep + 1), "%u", xbt); free(rep); return NULL; } char * xenbus_transaction_end(xenbus_transaction_t t, int abort, int *retry) { struct xsd_sockmsg *rep; struct write_req req; char *err; *retry = 0; req.data = abort ? "F" : "T"; req.len = 2; rep = xenbus_msg_reply(XS_TRANSACTION_END, t, &req, 1); err = errmsg(rep); if (err) { if (!strcmp(err, "EAGAIN")) { *retry = 1; free(err); return NULL; } else { return err; } } free(rep); return NULL; } int xenbus_read_integer(char *path) { char *res, *buf; int t; res = xenbus_read(XBT_NIL, path, &buf); if (res) { printk("Failed to read %s.\n", path); free(res); return -1; } sscanf(buf, "%d", &t); free(buf); return t; } char* xenbus_printf(xenbus_transaction_t xbt, char* node, char* path, char* fmt, ...) { #define BUFFER_SIZE 256 char fullpath[BUFFER_SIZE]; char val[BUFFER_SIZE]; va_list args; BUG_ON(strlen(node) + strlen(path) + 1 >= BUFFER_SIZE); sprintf(fullpath,"%s/%s", node, path); va_start(args, fmt); vsprintf(val, fmt, args); va_end(args); xenbus_write(xbt,fullpath,val); return NULL; } static void do_ls_test(const char *pre) { char **dirs; int x; DEBUG("ls %s...\n", pre); char *msg = xenbus_ls(XBT_NIL, pre, &dirs); if (msg) { DEBUG("Error in xenbus ls: %s\n", msg); free(msg); return; } for (x = 0; dirs[x]; x++) { DEBUG("ls %s[%d] -> %s\n", pre, x, dirs[x]); free(dirs[x]); } free(dirs); } static void do_read_test(const char *path) { char *res; DEBUG("Read %s...\n", path); char *msg = xenbus_read(XBT_NIL, path, &res); if (msg) { DEBUG("Error in xenbus read: %s\n", msg); free(msg); return; } DEBUG("Read %s -> %s.\n", path, res); free(res); } static void do_write_test(const char *path, const char *val) { DEBUG("Write %s to %s...\n", val, path); char *msg = xenbus_write(XBT_NIL, path, val); if (msg) { DEBUG("Result %s\n", msg); free(msg); } else { DEBUG("Success.\n"); } } static void do_rm_test(const char *path) { DEBUG("rm %s...\n", path); char *msg = xenbus_rm(XBT_NIL, path); if (msg) { DEBUG("Result %s\n", msg); free(msg); } else { DEBUG("Success.\n"); } } /* Simple testing thing */ void test_xenbus(void) { DEBUG("Doing xenbus test.\n"); xenbus_debug_msg("Testing xenbus...\n"); DEBUG("Doing ls test.\n"); do_ls_test("device"); do_ls_test("device/vif"); do_ls_test("device/vif/0"); DEBUG("Doing read test.\n"); do_read_test("device/vif/0/mac"); do_read_test("device/vif/0/backend"); DEBUG("Doing write test.\n"); do_write_test("device/vif/0/flibble", "flobble"); do_read_test("device/vif/0/flibble"); do_write_test("device/vif/0/flibble", "widget"); do_read_test("device/vif/0/flibble"); DEBUG("Doing rm test.\n"); do_rm_test("device/vif/0/flibble"); do_read_test("device/vif/0/flibble"); DEBUG("(Should have said ENOENT)\n"); } /* * Local variables: * mode: C * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */