#!/usr/bin/env python # pythfilter.py v1.5.5, written by Matthias Baas (baas@ira.uka.de) # Doxygen filter which can be used to document Python source code. # Classes (incl. methods) and functions can be documented. # Every comment that begins with ## is literally turned into an # Doxygen comment. Consecutive comment lines are turned into # comment blocks (-> /** ... */). # All the stuff is put inside a namespace with the same name as # the source file. # Conversions: # ============ # ##-blocks -> /** ... */ # "class name(base): ..." -> "class name : public base {...}" # "def name(params): ..." -> "name(params) {...}" # Changelog: # 21.01.2003: Raw (r"") or unicode (u"") doc string will now be properly # handled. (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch) # 22.12.2003: Fixed a bug where no function names would be output for "def" # blocks that were not in a class. # (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch) # 12.12.2003: Implemented code to handle static and class methods with # this logic: Methods with "self" as the first argument are # non-static. Methods with "cls" are Python class methods, # which translate into static methods for Doxygen. Other # methods are assumed to be static methods. As should be # obvious, this logic doesn't take into account if the method # is actually setup as a classmethod() or a staticmethod(), # just if it follows the normal conventions. # (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch) # 11.12.2003: Corrected #includes to use os.path.sep instead of ".". Corrected # namespace code to use "::" instead of ".". # (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch) # 11.12.2003: Methods beginning with two underscores that end with # something other than two underscores are considered private # and are handled accordingly. # (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch) # 03.12.2003: The first parameter of class methods (self) is removed from # the documentation. # 03.11.2003: The module docstring will be used as namespace documentation # (thanks to Joe Bronkema for the patch) # 08.07.2003: Namespaces get a default documentation so that the namespace # and its contents will show up in the generated documentation. # 05.02.2003: Directories will be delted during synchronization. # 31.01.2003: -f option & filtering entire directory trees. # 10.08.2002: In base classes the '.' will be replaced by '::' # 18.07.2002: * and ** will be translated into arguments # 18.07.2002: Argument lists may contain default values using constructors. # 18.06.2002: Support for ## public: # 21.01.2002: from ... import will be translated to "using namespace ...;" # TODO: "from ... import *" vs "from ... import names" # TODO: Using normal imports: name.name -> name::name # 20.01.2002: #includes will be placed in front of the namespace ###################################################################### # The program is written as a state machine with the following states: # # - OUTSIDE The current position is outside any comment, # class definition or function. # # - BUILD_COMMENT Begins with first "##". # Ends with the first token that is no "##" # at the same column as before. # # - BUILD_CLASS_DECL Begins with "class". # Ends with ":" # - BUILD_CLASS_BODY Begins just after BUILD_CLASS_DECL. # The first following token (which is no comment) # determines indentation depth. # Ends with a token that has a smaller indendation. # # - BUILD_DEF_DECL Begins with "def". # Ends with ":". # - BUILD_DEF_BODY Begins just after BUILD_DEF_DECL. # The first following token (which is no comment) # determines indentation depth. # Ends with a token that has a smaller indendation. import getopt import glob import os.path import re import shutil import string import sys import token import tokenize from stat import * OUTSIDE = 0 BUILD_COMMENT = 1 BUILD_CLASS_DECL = 2 BUILD_CLASS_BODY = 3 BUILD_DEF_DECL = 4 BUILD_DEF_BODY = 5 IMPORT = 6 IMPORT_OP = 7 IMPORT_APPEND = 8 # Output file stream outfile = sys.stdout # Output buffer outbuffer = [] out_row = 1 out_col = 0 # Variables used by rec_name_n_param() name = "" param = "" doc_string = "" record_state = 0 bracket_counter = 0 # Tuple: (row,column) class_spos = (0,0) def_spos = (0,0) import_spos = (0,0) # Which import was used? ("import" or "from") import_token = "" # Comment block buffer comment_block = [] comment_finished = 0 # Imported modules modules = [] # Program state stateStack = [OUTSIDE] # Keep track of whether module has a docstring module_has_docstring = False # Keep track of member protection protection_level = "public" private_member = False # Keep track of the module namespace namespace = "" ###################################################################### # Output string s. '\n' may only be at the end of the string (not # somewhere in the middle). # # In: s - String # spos - Startpos ###################################################################### def output(s,spos, immediate=0): global outbuffer, out_row, out_col, outfile os = string.rjust(s,spos[1]-out_col+len(s)) if immediate: outfile.write(os) else: outbuffer.append(os) assert -1 == string.find(s[0:-2], "\n"), s if (s[-1:]=="\n"): out_row = out_row+1 out_col = 0 else: out_col = spos[1]+len(s) ###################################################################### # Records a name and parameters. The name is either a class name or # a function name. Then the parameter is either the base class or # the function parameters. # The name is stored in the global variable "name", the parameters # in "param". # The variable "record_state" holds the current state of this internal # state machine. # The recording is started by calling start_recording(). # # In: type, tok ###################################################################### def rec_name_n_param(type, tok): global record_state,name,param,doc_string,bracket_counter s = record_state # State 0: Do nothing. if (s==0): return # State 1: Remember name. elif (s==1): name = tok record_state = 2 # State 2: Wait for opening bracket or colon elif (s==2): if (tok=='('): bracket_counter = 1 record_state=3 if (tok==':'): record_state=4 # State 3: Store parameter (or base class) and wait for an ending bracket elif (s==3): if (tok=='*' or tok=='**'): tok='' if (tok=='('): bracket_counter = bracket_counter+1 if (tok==')'): bracket_counter = bracket_counter-1 if bracket_counter==0: record_state=4 else: param=param+tok # State 4: Look for doc string elif (s==4): if (type==token.NEWLINE or type==token.INDENT or type==token.SLASHEQUAL): return elif (tok==":"): return elif (type==token.STRING): while tok[:1]=='r' or tok[:1]=='u': tok=tok[1:] while tok[:1]=='"': tok=tok[1:] while tok[-1:]=='"': tok=tok[:-1] doc_string=tok record_state=0 ###################################################################### # Starts the recording of a name & param part. # The function rec_name_n_param() has to be fed with tokens. After # the necessary tokens are fed the name and parameters can be found # in the global variables "name" und "param". ###################################################################### def start_recording(): global record_state,param,name, doc_string record_state=1 name="" param="" doc_string="" ###################################################################### # Test if recording is finished ###################################################################### def is_recording_finished(): global record_state return record_state==0 ###################################################################### ## Gather comment block ###################################################################### def gather_comment(type,tok,spos): global comment_block,comment_finished if (type!=tokenize.COMMENT): comment_finished = 1 else: # Output old comment block if a new one is started. if (comment_finished): print_comment(spos) comment_finished=0 if (tok[0:2]=="##" and tok[0:3]!="###"): append_comment_lines(tok[2:]) ###################################################################### ## Output comment block and empty buffer. ###################################################################### def print_comment(spos): global comment_block,comment_finished if (comment_block!=[]): output("/** ",spos) for c in comment_block: output(c,spos) output("*/\n",spos) comment_block = [] comment_finished = 0 ###################################################################### def set_state(s): global stateStack stateStack[len(stateStack)-1]=s ###################################################################### def get_state(): global stateStack return stateStack[len(stateStack)-1] ###################################################################### def push_state(s): global stateStack stateStack.append(s) ###################################################################### def pop_state(): global stateStack stateStack.pop() ###################################################################### def tok_eater(type, tok, spos, epos, line): global stateStack,name,param,class_spos,def_spos,import_spos global doc_string, modules, import_token, module_has_docstring global protection_level, private_member global out_row while out_row + 1 < spos[0]: output("\n", (0, 0)) rec_name_n_param(type,tok) if (string.replace(string.strip(tok)," ","")=="##private:"): protection_level = "private" output("private:\n",spos) elif (string.replace(string.strip(tok)," ","")=="##protected:"): protection_level = "protected" output("protected:\n",spos) elif (string.replace(string.strip(tok)," ","")=="##public:"): protection_level = "public" output("public:\n",spos) else: gather_comment(type,tok,spos) state = get_state() # sys.stderr.write("%d: %s\n"%(state, tok)) # OUTSIDE if (state==OUTSIDE): if (tok=="class"): start_recording() class_spos = spos push_state(BUILD_CLASS_DECL) elif (tok=="def"): start_recording() def_spos = spos push_state(BUILD_DEF_DECL) elif (tok=="import") or (tok=="from"): import_token = tok import_spos = spos modules = [] push_state(IMPORT) elif (spos[1] == 0 and tok[:3] == '"""'): # Capture module docstring as namespace documentation module_has_docstring = True append_comment_lines("\\namespace %s\n" % namespace) append_comment_lines(tok[3:-3]) print_comment(spos) # IMPORT elif (state==IMPORT): if (type==token.NAME): modules.append(tok) set_state(IMPORT_OP) # IMPORT_OP elif (state==IMPORT_OP): if (tok=="."): set_state(IMPORT_APPEND) elif (tok==","): set_state(IMPORT) else: for m in modules: output('#include "'+m.replace('.',os.path.sep)+'.py"\n', import_spos, immediate=1) if import_token=="from": output('using namespace '+m.replace('.', '::')+';\n', import_spos) pop_state() # IMPORT_APPEND elif (state==IMPORT_APPEND): if (type==token.NAME): modules[len(modules)-1]+="."+tok set_state(IMPORT_OP) # BUILD_CLASS_DECL elif (state==BUILD_CLASS_DECL): if (is_recording_finished()): s = "class "+name if (param!=""): s = s+" : public "+param.replace('.','::') if (doc_string!=""): append_comment_lines(doc_string) print_comment(class_spos) output(s+"\n",class_spos) output("{\n",(class_spos[0]+1,class_spos[1])) protection_level = "public" output(" public:\n",(class_spos[0]+2,class_spos[1])) set_state(BUILD_CLASS_BODY) # BUILD_CLASS_BODY elif (state==BUILD_CLASS_BODY): if (type!=token.INDENT and type!=token.NEWLINE and type!=40 and type!=tokenize.NL and type!=tokenize.COMMENT and (spos[1]<=class_spos[1])): output("}; // end of class\n",(out_row+1,class_spos[1])) pop_state() elif (tok=="def"): start_recording() def_spos = spos push_state(BUILD_DEF_DECL) # BUILD_DEF_DECL elif (state==BUILD_DEF_DECL): if (is_recording_finished()): param = param.replace("\n", " ") param = param.replace("=", " = ") params = param.split(",") if BUILD_CLASS_BODY in stateStack: if len(name) > 1 \ and name[0:2] == '__' \ and name[len(name)-2:len(name)] != '__' \ and protection_level != 'private': private_member = True output(" private:\n",(def_spos[0]+2,def_spos[1])) if (doc_string != ""): append_comment_lines(doc_string) print_comment(def_spos) output_function_decl(name, params) # output("{\n",(def_spos[0]+1,def_spos[1])) set_state(BUILD_DEF_BODY) # BUILD_DEF_BODY elif (state==BUILD_DEF_BODY): if (type!=token.INDENT and type!=token.NEWLINE \ and type!=40 and type!=tokenize.NL \ and (spos[1]<=def_spos[1])): # output("} // end of method/function\n",(out_row+1,def_spos[1])) if private_member and protection_level != 'private': private_member = False output(" " + protection_level + ":\n",(def_spos[0]+2,def_spos[1])) pop_state() # else: # output(tok,spos) def output_function_decl(name, params): global def_spos # Do we document a class method? then remove the 'self' parameter if params[0] == 'self': preamble = '' params = params[1:] else: preamble = 'static ' if params[0] == 'cls': params = params[1:] param_string = string.join(params, ", Type ") if param_string == '': param_string = '(' + param_string + ');\n' else: param_string = '(Type ' + param_string + ');\n' output(preamble, def_spos) output(name, def_spos) output(param_string, def_spos) def append_comment_lines(lines): map(append_comment_line, doc_string.split('\n')) paramRE = re.compile(r'(@param \w+):') def append_comment_line(line): global paramRE comment_block.append(paramRE.sub(r'\1', line) + '\n') def dump(filename): f = open(filename) r = f.readlines() for s in r: sys.stdout.write(s) def filter(filename): global name, module_has_docstring, source_root path,name = os.path.split(filename) root,ext = os.path.splitext(name) if source_root and path.find(source_root) == 0: path = path[len(source_root):] if path[0] == os.sep: path = path[1:] ns = path.split(os.sep) else: ns = [] ns.append(root) for n in ns: output("namespace " + n + " {\n",(0,0)) # set module name for tok_eater to use if there's a module doc string name = root # sys.stderr.write('Filtering "'+filename+'"...') f = open(filename) tokenize.tokenize(f.readline, tok_eater) f.close() print_comment((0,0)) output("\n",(0,0)) for n in ns: output("} // end of namespace\n",(0,0)) if not module_has_docstring: # Put in default namespace documentation output('/** \\namespace '+root+' \n',(0,0)) output(' \\brief Module "%s" */\n'%(root),(0,0)) for s in outbuffer: outfile.write(s) def filterFile(filename, out=sys.stdout): global outfile outfile = out try: root,ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext==".py": filter(filename) else: dump(filename) # sys.stderr.write("OK\n") except IOError,e: sys.stderr.write(e[1]+"\n") ###################################################################### # preparePath def preparePath(path): """Prepare a path. Checks if the path exists and creates it if it does not exist. """ if not os.path.exists(path): parent = os.path.dirname(path) if parent!="": preparePath(parent) os.mkdir(path) # isNewer def isNewer(file1,file2): """Check if file1 is newer than file2. file1 must be an existing file. """ if not os.path.exists(file2): return True return os.stat(file1)[ST_MTIME]>os.stat(file2)[ST_MTIME] # convert def convert(srcpath, destpath): """Convert a Python source tree into a C+ stub tree. All *.py files in srcpath (including sub-directories) are filtered and written to destpath. If destpath exists, only the files that have been modified are filtered again. Files that were deleted from srcpath are also deleted in destpath if they are still present. The function returns the number of processed *.py files. """ count=0 sp = os.path.join(srcpath,"*") sfiles = glob.glob(sp) dp = os.path.join(destpath,"*") dfiles = glob.glob(dp) leftovers={} for df in dfiles: leftovers[os.path.basename(df)]=1 for srcfile in sfiles: basename = os.path.basename(srcfile) if basename in leftovers: del leftovers[basename] # Is it a subdirectory? if os.path.isdir(srcfile): sdir = os.path.join(srcpath,basename) ddir = os.path.join(destpath,basename) count+=convert(sdir, ddir) continue # Check the extension (only *.py will be converted) root, ext = os.path.splitext(srcfile) if ext.lower()!=".py": continue destfile = os.path.join(destpath,basename) if destfile==srcfile: print "WARNING: Input and output names are identical!" sys.exit(1) count+=1 # sys.stdout.write("%s\015"%(srcfile)) if isNewer(srcfile, destfile): preparePath(os.path.dirname(destfile)) # out=open(destfile,"w") # filterFile(srcfile, out) # out.close() os.system("python %s -f %s>%s"%(sys.argv[0],srcfile,destfile)) # Delete obsolete files in destpath for df in leftovers: dname=os.path.join(destpath,df) if os.path.isdir(dname): try: shutil.rmtree(dname) except: print "Can't remove obsolete directory '%s'"%dname else: try: os.remove(dname) except: print "Can't remove obsolete file '%s'"%dname return count ###################################################################### ###################################################################### ###################################################################### filter_file = False source_root = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hfr:", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError,e: print e sys.exit(1) for o,a in opts: if o=="-f": filter_file = True if o=="-r": source_root = os.path.abspath(a) if filter_file: # Filter the specified file and print the result to stdout filename = string.join(args) filterFile(os.path.abspath(filename)) else: if len(args)!=2: sys.stderr.write("%s options input output\n"%(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) sys.exit(1) # Filter an entire Python source tree print '"%s" -> "%s"\n'%(args[0],args[1]) c=convert(args[0],args[1]) print "%d files"%(c)