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The project web page contains further information along with pointers to papers and technical reports: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/xeno Xen has since grown into a project in its own right, enabling us to investigate interesting research issues regarding the best techniques for virtualizing resources such as the CPU, memory, disk and network. The project has been bolstered by support from Intel Research Cambridge, and HP Labs, who are now working closely with us. We're also in receipt of support from Microsoft Research Cambridge to port Windows XP to run on Xen. Xen enables multiple operating system images to execute concurrently on the same hardware with very low performance overhead --- much lower than commercial offerings for the same x86 platform. This is achieved by requiring OSs to be specifically ported to run on Xen, rather than allowing unmodified OS images to be used. Crucially, only the OS needs to be changed -- all of the user-level application binaries, libraries etc can run unmodified. Hence the modified OS kernel can typically just be dropped into any existing OS distribution or installation. Xen currently runs on the x86 architecture, but could in principle be ported to others. In fact, it would have been rather easier to write Xen for pretty much any other architecture as x86 is particularly tricky to handle. A good description of Xen's design, implementation and performance is contained in our October 2003 SOSP paper, available at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/netos/papers/2003-xensosp.pdf [update: work to port Xen to x86_64 and IA64 is underway] Five different operating systems have been ported to run on Xen: Linux 2.4/2.6, Windows XP, NetBSD, FreeBSD and Plan 9. The Linux 2.4 port (currently Linux 2.4.26) works very well -- we regularly use it to host complex applications such as PostgreSQL, Apache, BK servers etc. It runs every user-space applications we've tried. We refer to our version of Linux ported to run on Xen as "XenLinux", although really it's just standard Linux ported to a new virtual CPU architecture that we call xen-x86. NetBSD has been ported to Xen by Christian Limpach, and will hopefully soon become part of the standard release. Work on a FreeBSD port has been started by Kip Macy, and we hope to see this complete for the 2.0 release. Ron Minnich has been working on Plan 9. The Windows XP port is nearly finished. It's running user space applications and is generally in pretty good shape thanks to some hard work by a team over the summer. Of course, there are issues with releasing this code to others. We should be able to release the source and binaries to anyone that has signed the Microsoft academic source license, which these days has very reasonable terms. We are in discussions with Microsoft about the possibility of being able to make binary releases to a larger user community. Obviously, there are issues with product activation in this environment which need to be thought through. So, for the moment, you only get to run Linux 2.4/2.6 and NetBSD on Xen, but we hope this will change before too long. Even running multiple copies of the same OS can be very useful, as it provides a means of containing faults to one OS image, and also for providing performance isolation between the various OS, enabling you to either restrict, or reserve resources for, particular VM instances. It's also useful for development -- each version of Linux can have different patches applied, enabling different kernels to be tried out. For example, the "vservers" patch used by PlanetLab applies cleanly to our ported version of Linux. We've successfully booted over 128 copies of Linux on the same machine (a dual CPU hyperthreaded Xeon box) but we imagine that it would be more normal to use some smaller number, perhaps 10-20. A common question is "how many virtual machines can I run on hardware xyz?". The answer is very application dependent, but the rule of thumb is that you should expect to be able to run the same workload under multiple guest OSes that you could run under a single Linux instance, with an additional overhead of a few MB per OS instance. One key feature in this new release of Xen is `live migration'. This enables virtual machines instances to be dynamically moved between physical Xen machines, with typical downtimes of just a few tens of milliseconds. This is really useful for admins that want to take a node down for maintenance, or to load balance a large number of virtual machines across a cluster. Hardware support ================ Xen is intended to be run on server-class machines, and the current list of supported hardware very much reflects this, avoiding the need for us to write drivers for "legacy" hardware. It is likely that some desktop chipsets will fail to work properly with the default Xen configuration: specifying 'noacpi' or 'ignorebiostables' when booting Xen may help in these cases. Xen requires a "P6" or newer processor (e.g. Pentium Pro, Celeron, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, Xeon, AMD Athlon, AMD Duron). Multiprocessor machines are supported, and we also have basic support for HyperThreading (SMT), although this remains a topic for ongoing research. We're also working on an AMD x86_64 port (though Xen should run on Opterons in 32-bit mode just fine). Xen can currently use up to 4GB of memory. It's possible for x86 machines to address more than that (64GB), but it requires using a different page table format (3-level rather than 2-level) that we currently don't support. Adding 3-level PAE support wouldn't be difficult, but we'd also need to add support to all the guest OSs. Volunteers welcome! In contrast to previous Xen versions, in Xen 2.0 device drivers run within a privileged guest OS rather than within Xen itself. This means that we should be compatible with the full set of device hardware supported by Linux. The default XenLinux build contains support for relatively modern server-class network and disk hardware, but you can add suppport for other hardware by configuring your XenLinux kernel in the normal way (e.g. "make xconfig"). Building Xen and XenLinux ========================= The public master BK repository for the 2.0 release lives at: bk://xen.bkbits.net/xen-2.0.bk To fetch a local copy, install the BitKeeper tools, then run: 'bk clone bk://xen.bkbits.net/xen-2.0.bk' You can do a complete build of Xen, the control tools, and the XenLinux kernel images with "make world". This can take 10 minutes even on a fast machine. If you're on an SMP machine you may wish to give the '-j4' argument to make to get a parallel build. All of the files that are built are placed under the ./install directory. You can then install everything to the standard system directories (e.g. /boot, /usr/bin, /usr/lib/python/ etc) by typing "make install". Take a look in install/boot/: install/boot/xen.gz The Xen 'kernel' (formerly image.gz) install/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-xen0 Domain 0 XenLinux kernel (xenolinux.gz) install/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-xenU Unprivileged XenLinux kernel The difference between the two Linux kernels that are built is due to the configuration file used for each. The "U" suffixed unprivileged version doesn't contain any of the physical hardware device drivers, so is 30% smaller and hence may be preferred for your non-privileged domains. The install/boot directory will also contain the config files used for building the XenLinux kernels, and also versions of Xen and XenLinux kernels that contain debug symbols (xen-syms and vmlinux-syms-2.4.27-xen0) which are essential for interpreting crash dumps. Inspect the Makefile if you want to see what goes on during a build. Building Xen and the tools is straightforward, but XenLinux is more complicated. The makefile needs a 'pristine' linux kernel tree which it will then add the Xen architecture files to. You can tell the makefile the location of the appropriate linux compressed tar file by setting the LINUX_SRC environment variable (e.g. "LINUX_SRC=/tmp/linux-2.4.27.tar.gz make world") or by placing the tar file somewhere in the search path of LINUX_SRC_PATH which defaults to ".:..". If the makefile can't find a suitable kernel tar file it attempts to download it from kernel.org, but this won't work if you're behind a firewall. After untaring the pristine kernel tree, the makefile uses the 'mkbuildtree' script to add the Xen patches the kernel. "make world" then build two different XenLinux images, one with a "-xen0" extension which contains hardware device drivers and is intended to be used in the first virtual machine ("domain 0"), and one with a "-xenU" extension that just contains virtual-device drivers. The latter can be used for all non hardware privileged domains, and is substantially smaller than the other kernel with its selection of hardware drivers. If you don't want to use bitkeeper to download the source, you can download prebuilt binaries and src tar balls from the project downloads page: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/netos/xen/downloads/ Using the domain control tools ============================== Before starting domains you'll need to start the node management daemon: "xend start". The primary tool for starting and controlling domains is "xm". "xm help " will tell you how to use it. README.CD contains some example invocations. Further documentation is in docs/ (e.g., docs/Xen-HOWTO), and also in