# # Grand Unified Makefile for Xen. # INSTALL_DIR ?= $(shell pwd)/install SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR := http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge #http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ #http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge .PHONY: docs delete-symlinks clean # a not partcularly useful but safe default target all: make-symlinks $(MAKE) prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) dist=yes -C xen install $(MAKE) prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR) dist=yes -C tools install # install everything into the standard system directories install: dist $(MAKE) -C xen install $(MAKE) -C tools install $(shell cp -a install/boot/*$(LINUX_VER)* /boot/) $(shell cp -a install/lib/modules/* /lib/modules/) # install xen and tools into the install directory dist: all $(MAKE) linux-xenU $(MAKE) linux-xen0 LINUX_RELEASE ?= 2.6 LINUX_VER ?= $(shell ( /bin/ls -ld linux-$(LINUX_RELEASE).*-xen-sparse ) 2>/dev/null | \ sed -e 's!^.*linux-\(.\+\)-xen-sparse!\1!' ) LINUX26_VER ?= $(shell ( /bin/ls -ld linux-2.6.*-xen-sparse ) 2>/dev/null | \ sed -e 's!^.*linux-\(.\+\)-xen-sparse!\1!' ) LINUX_CONFIG_DIR ?= $(INSTALL_DIR)/boot LINUX_SRC_PATH ?= .:.. LINUX_SRC ?= $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(subst :, ,$(LINUX_SRC_PATH)),\ $(wildcard $(dir)/linux-$(LINUX_VER).tar.*z*))) # search for a pristine kernel tar ball, or try downloading one pristine-linux-src: ifeq ($(LINUX_SRC),) @echo "Cannot find linux-$(LINUX_VER).tar.gz in path $(LINUX_SRC_PATH)" @wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v$(LINUX_RELEASE)/linux-$(LINUX_VER).tar.bz2 -O./linux-$(LINUX_VER).tar.bz2 LINUX_SRC := ./linux-$(LINUX_VER).tar.bz2 endif patches/ebtables.diff: mkdir -p patches #wget $(SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR)/ebtables/ebtables-brnf-5_vs_2.4.25.diff.gz \ -O- | gunzip -c > $@ wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/netos/xen/downloads/ebtables-brnf-5_vs_2.4.27.diff.gz -O- | gunzip -c > $@ LINUX_TREES := linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xenU # make a linux-xen build tree from a pristine kernel plus sparse tree ifeq ($(LINUX_RELEASE),2.4) mk-linux-trees: patches/ebtables.diff pristine-linux-src $(RM) -rf $(LINUX_TREES) echo $(LINUX_SRC) | grep -q bz2 && \ tar -jxf $(LINUX_SRC) || tar -zxf $(LINUX_SRC) mv linux-$(LINUX_VER) linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 ( cd linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen-sparse ; \ ./mkbuildtree ../linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 ) cp -al linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xenU ( cd linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 ; \ patch -p1 -F3 < ../patches/ebtables.diff ) else mk-linux-trees: pristine-linux-src $(RM) -rf $(LINUX_TREES) echo $(LINUX_SRC) | grep -q bz2 && \ tar -jxf $(LINUX_SRC) || tar -zxf $(LINUX_SRC) mv linux-$(LINUX_VER) linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 ( cd linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen-sparse ; \ ./mkbuildtree ../linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 ) cp -al linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xenU endif # configure the specified linux tree CDIR = $(subst config-,linux-$(LINUX_VER)-,$@) ifeq ($(LINUX_RELEASE),2.4) config-xen%: $(MAKE) -C $(CDIR) ARCH=xen mrproper cp $(LINUX_CONFIG_DIR)/config-$(LINUX_VER)-$(subst config-,,$@) \ $(CDIR)/.config || \ $(MAKE) -C $(CDIR) ARCH=xen $(subst config-,,$@)_config $(MAKE) -C $(CDIR) ARCH=xen oldconfig $(MAKE) -C $(CDIR) ARCH=xen dep else config-xen%: $(MAKE) -C $(CDIR) ARCH=xen mrproper @[ -e $(LINUX_CONFIG_DIR)/config-$(LINUX_VER)-$(subst config-,,$@) ] \ && cp $(LINUX_CONFIG_DIR)/config-$(LINUX_VER)-$(subst config-,,$@) \ $(CDIR)/.config || \ $(MAKE) -C $(CDIR) ARCH=xen $(subst config-,,$@)_defconfig endif # build the specified linux tree BDIR = $(subst linux-,linux-$(LINUX_VER)-,$@) linux-xen%: $(MAKE) -C $(BDIR) ARCH=xen modules $(MAKE) -C $(BDIR) ARCH=xen INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(INSTALL_DIR) \ modules_install $(MAKE) -C $(BDIR) ARCH=xen INSTALL_PATH=$(INSTALL_DIR) install NETBSD_RELEASE ?= 2.0 NETBSD_VER ?= $(shell ( /bin/ls -ld netbsd-$(NETBSD_RELEASE)*-xen-sparse ) 2>/dev/null | \ sed -e 's!^.*netbsd-\(.\+\)-xen-sparse!\1!' ) NETBSD_CVSSNAP ?= 20040906 NETBSD_SRC_PATH ?= .:.. NETBSD_SRC ?= $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(subst :, ,$(NETBSD_SRC_PATH)),\ $(wildcard $(dir)/netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-kernel-$(NETBSD_CVSSNAP).tar.*z*))) NETBSD_TOOLS_SRC ?= $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(subst :, ,$(NETBSD_SRC_PATH)),\ $(wildcard $(dir)/netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-tools.tar.*z*))) NETBSD_TREES := netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xenU pristine-netbsd-src: ifeq ($(NETBSD_SRC),) @echo "Cannot find netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-kernel-$(NETBSD_CVSSNAP).tar.gz in path $(NETBSD_SRC_PATH)" @wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads/netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-kernel-$(NETBSD_CVSSNAP).tar.bz2 -O./netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-kernel-$(NETBSD_CVSSNAP).tar.bz2 NETBSD_SRC := ./netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-kernel-$(NETBSD_CVSSNAP).tar.bz2 endif pristine-netbsd-tools-src: ifeq ($(NETBSD_TOOLS_SRC),) @echo "Cannot find netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-tools.tar.gz in path $(NETBSD_SRC_PATH)" @wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads/netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-tools.tar.bz2 -O./netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-tools.tar.bz2 NETBSD_TOOLS_SRC := ./netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-tools.tar.bz2 endif netbsd-tools: pristine-netbsd-tools-src @[ -d netbsd-$(NETBSD_RELEASE)-tools ] || { \ echo extract $(NETBSD_TOOLS_SRC); \ tar -jxf $(NETBSD_TOOLS_SRC); } mk-netbsd-trees: netbsd-tools pristine-netbsd-src $(RM) -rf $(NETBSD_TREES) echo $(NETBSD_SRC) | grep -q bz2 && \ tar -jxf $(NETBSD_SRC) || tar -zxf $(NETBSD_SRC) mv netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-kernel-$(NETBSD_CVSSNAP) \ netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xenU ( cd netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xen-sparse ; \ ./mkbuildtree ../netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-xenU ) # build the specified netbsd tree NBDIR = $(subst netbsd-,netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-,$@) netbsd-xen%: $(MAKE) -C $(NBDIR) config $(MAKE) -C $(NBDIR) netbsd $(MAKE) -C $(NBDIR) INSTALL_PATH=$(INSTALL_DIR) INSTALL_NAME=boot/netbsd-$(NETBSD_VER)-$(subst netbsd-,,$@) install # build xen, the tools, and a domain 0 plus unprivileged linux-xen images, # and place them in the install directory. 'make install' should then # copy them to the normal system directories world: $(MAKE) clean $(MAKE) all $(MAKE) mk-linux-trees $(MAKE) config-xenU $(MAKE) linux-xenU $(MAKE) config-xen0 $(MAKE) linux-xen0 $(MAKE) docs linux26: $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.6 mk-linux-trees $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.6 config-xenU $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.6 linux-xenU $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.6 config-xen0 $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.6 linux-xen0 linux24: $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.4 mk-linux-trees $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.4 config-xenU $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.4 linux-xenU $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.4 config-xen0 $(MAKE) LINUX_RELEASE=2.4 linux-xen0 netbsd: $(MAKE) mk-netbsd-trees $(MAKE) netbsd-xenU clean: delete-symlinks $(MAKE) -C xen clean $(MAKE) -C tools clean $(MAKE) -C docs clean # clean, but blow away linux build tree plus src tar ball mrproper: clean rm -rf install/* patches $(LINUX_TREES) linux-$(LINUX_VER).tar.* make-symlinks: delete-symlinks ln -sf linux-$(LINUX26_VER)-xen-sparse linux-xen-sparse delete-symlinks: $(RM) linux-xen-sparse # handy target to install twisted (use rpm or apt-get in preference) install-twisted: wget http://www.twistedmatrix.com/products/get-current.epy tar -zxf Twisted-*.tar.gz ( cd Twisted-* ; python setup.py install ) install-logging: LOGGING=logging- install-logging: [ -f $(LOGGING).tar.gz ] || wget http://www.red-dove.com/$(LOGGING).tar.gz tar -zxf $(LOGGING).tar.gz ( cd $(LOGGING) && python setup.py install ) # handy target to upgrade iptables (use rpm or apt-get in preference) install-iptables: wget http://www.netfilter.org/files/iptables-1.2.11.tar.bz2 tar -jxf iptables-*.tar.bz2 ( cd iptables-* ; \ make PREFIX= KERNEL_DIR=../linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen0 install) uninstall: cp -a /etc/xen /etc/xen.old && rm -rf /etc/xen rm -rf "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/xen* /usr/lib/libxc* /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/Xc*" docs: $(MAKE) -C docs all || true