path: root/tools/python/xen/xend/sxp.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/python/xen/xend/sxp.py')
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xend/sxp.py b/tools/python/xen/xend/sxp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01654a2377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/sxp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mike Wray <mike.wray@hp.com>
+Input-driven parsing for s-expression (sxp) format.
+Create a parser: pin = Parser();
+Then call pin.input(buf) with your input.
+Call pin.input_eof() when done.
+Use pin.read() to see if a value has been parsed, pin.get_val()
+to get a parsed value. You can call ready and get_val at any time -
+you don't have to wait until after calling input_eof.
+from __future__ import generators
+import sys
+import types
+import errno
+import string
+from StringIO import StringIO
+__all__ = [
+ "mime_type",
+ "ParseError",
+ "Parser",
+ "atomp",
+ "show",
+ "show_xml",
+ "elementp",
+ "name",
+ "attributes",
+ "attribute",
+ "children",
+ "child",
+ "child_at",
+ "child0",
+ "child1",
+ "child2",
+ "child3",
+ "child4",
+ "child_value",
+ "has_id",
+ "with_id",
+ "child_with_id",
+ "elements",
+ "parse",
+ ]
+mime_type = "application/sxp"
+escapes = {
+ 'a': '\a',
+ 'b': '\b',
+ 't': '\t',
+ 'n': '\n',
+ 'v': '\v',
+ 'f': '\f',
+ 'r': '\r',
+ '\\': '\\',
+ '\'': '\'',
+ '\"': '\"'}
+k_list_open = "("
+k_list_close = ")"
+k_attr_open = "@"
+k_eval = "!"
+escapes_rev = {}
+for k in escapes:
+ escapes_rev[escapes[k]] = k
+class ParseError(StandardError):
+ def __init__(self, parser, value):
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.value
+class ParserState:
+ def __init__(self, fn, parent=None):
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.buf = ''
+ self.val = []
+ self.delim = None
+ self.fn = fn
+ def push(self, fn):
+ return ParserState(fn, parent=self)
+class Parser:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.error = sys.stderr
+ self.reset()
+ def reset(self):
+ self.val = []
+ self.eof = 0
+ self.err = 0
+ self.line_no = 0
+ self.char_no = 0
+ self.state = None
+ def push_state(self, fn):
+ self.state = self.state.push(fn)
+ def pop_state(self):
+ val = self.state
+ self.state = self.state.parent
+ if self.state and self.state.fn == self.state_start:
+ # Return to start state - produce the value.
+ self.val += self.state.val
+ self.state.val = []
+ return val
+ def in_class(self, c, s):
+ return s.find(c) >= 0
+ def in_space_class(self, c):
+ return self.in_class(c, ' \t\n\v\f\r')
+ def is_separator(self, c):
+ return self.in_class(c, '{}()<>[]!;')
+ def in_comment_class(self, c):
+ return self.in_class(c, '#')
+ def in_string_quote_class(self, c):
+ return self.in_class(c, '"\'')
+ def in_printable_class(self, c):
+ return self.in_class(c, string.printable)
+ def set_error_stream(self, error):
+ self.error = error
+ def has_error(self):
+ return self.err > 0
+ def at_eof(self):
+ return self.eof
+ def input_eof(self):
+ self.eof = 1
+ self.input_char(-1)
+ def input(self, buf):
+ if not buf or len(buf) == 0:
+ self.input_eof()
+ else:
+ for c in buf:
+ self.input_char(c)
+ def input_char(self, c):
+ if self.at_eof():
+ pass
+ elif c == '\n':
+ self.line_no += 1
+ self.char_no = 0
+ else:
+ self.char_no += 1
+ if self.state is None:
+ self.begin_start(None)
+ self.state.fn(c)
+ def ready(self):
+ return len(self.val) > 0
+ def get_val(self):
+ v = self.val[0]
+ self.val = self.val[1:]
+ return v
+ def get_all(self):
+ return self.val
+ def begin_start(self, c):
+ self.state = ParserState(self.state_start)
+ def end_start(self):
+ self.val += self.state.val
+ self.pop_state()
+ def state_start(self, c):
+ if self.at_eof():
+ self.end_start()
+ elif self.in_space_class(c):
+ pass
+ elif self.in_comment_class(c):
+ self.begin_comment(c)
+ elif c == k_list_open:
+ self.begin_list(c)
+ elif c == k_list_close:
+ raise ParseError(self, "syntax error: "+c)
+ elif self.in_string_quote_class(c):
+ self.begin_string(c)
+ elif self.in_printable_class(c):
+ self.begin_atom(c)
+ elif c == chr(4):
+ # ctrl-D, EOT: end-of-text.
+ self.input_eof()
+ else:
+ raise ParseError(self, "invalid character: code %d" % ord(c))
+ def begin_comment(self, c):
+ self.push_state(self.state_comment)
+ self.state.buf += c
+ def end_comment(self):
+ self.pop_state()
+ def state_comment(self, c):
+ if c == '\n' or self.at_eof():
+ self.end_comment()
+ else:
+ self.state.buf += c
+ def begin_string(self, c):
+ self.push_state(self.state_string)
+ self.state.delim = c
+ def end_string(self):
+ val = self.state.buf
+ self.state.parent.val.append(val)
+ self.pop_state()
+ def state_string(self, c):
+ if self.at_eof():
+ raise ParseError(self, "unexpected EOF")
+ elif c == self.state.delim:
+ self.end_string()
+ elif c == '\\':
+ self.push_state(self.state_escape)
+ else:
+ self.state.buf += c
+ def state_escape(self, c):
+ if self.at_eof():
+ raise ParseError(self, "unexpected EOF")
+ d = escapes.get(c)
+ if d:
+ self.state.parent.buf += d
+ self.pop_state()
+ elif c == 'x':
+ self.state.fn = self.state_hex
+ self.state.val = 0
+ else:
+ self.state.fn = self.state_octal
+ self.state.val = 0
+ self.input_char(c)
+ def state_octal(self, c):
+ def octaldigit(c):
+ self.state.val *= 8
+ self.state.val += ord(c) - ord('0')
+ self.state.buf += c
+ if self.state.val < 0 or self.state.val > 0xff:
+ raise ParseError(self, "invalid octal escape: out of range " + self.state.buf)
+ if len(self.state.buf) == 3:
+ octaldone()
+ def octaldone():
+ d = chr(self.state.val)
+ self.state.parent.buf += d
+ self.pop_state()
+ if self.at_eof():
+ raise ParseError(self, "unexpected EOF")
+ elif '0' <= c <= '7':
+ octaldigit(c)
+ elif len(self.buf):
+ octaldone()
+ self.input_char(c)
+ def state_hex(self, c):
+ def hexdone():
+ d = chr(self.state.val)
+ self.state.parent.buf += d
+ self.pop_state()
+ def hexdigit(c, d):
+ self.state.val *= 16
+ self.state.val += ord(c) - ord(d)
+ self.state.buf += c
+ if self.state.val < 0 or self.state.val > 0xff:
+ raise ParseError(self, "invalid hex escape: out of range " + self.state.buf)
+ if len(self.state.buf) == 2:
+ hexdone()
+ if self.at_eof():
+ raise ParseError(self, "unexpected EOF")
+ elif '0' <= c <= '9':
+ hexdigit(c, '0')
+ elif 'A' <= c <= 'F':
+ hexdigit(c, 'A')
+ elif 'a' <= c <= 'f':
+ hexdigit(c, 'a')
+ elif len(buf):
+ hexdone()
+ self.input_char(c)
+ def begin_atom(self, c):
+ self.push_state(self.state_atom)
+ self.state.buf = c
+ def end_atom(self):
+ val = self.state.buf
+ self.state.parent.val.append(val)
+ self.pop_state()
+ def state_atom(self, c):
+ if self.at_eof():
+ self.end_atom()
+ elif (self.is_separator(c) or
+ self.in_space_class(c) or
+ self.in_comment_class(c)):
+ self.end_atom()
+ self.input_char(c)
+ else:
+ self.state.buf += c
+ def begin_list(self, c):
+ self.push_state(self.state_list)
+ def end_list(self):
+ val = self.state.val
+ self.state.parent.val.append(val)
+ self.pop_state()
+ def state_list(self, c):
+ if self.at_eof():
+ raise ParseError(self, "unexpected EOF")
+ elif c == k_list_close:
+ self.end_list()
+ else:
+ self.state_start(c)
+def atomp(sxpr):
+ if sxpr.isalnum() or sxpr == '@':
+ return 1
+ for c in sxpr:
+ if c in string.whitespace: return 0
+ if c in '"\'\\(){}[]<>$#&%^': return 0
+ if c in string.ascii_letters: continue
+ if c in string.digits: continue
+ if c in '.-_:/~': continue
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def show(sxpr, out=sys.stdout):
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType):
+ out.write(k_list_open)
+ i = 0
+ for x in sxpr:
+ if i: out.write(' ')
+ show(x, out)
+ i += 1
+ out.write(k_list_close)
+ elif isinstance(sxpr, types.StringType) and atomp(sxpr):
+ out.write(sxpr)
+ else:
+ #out.write("'" + str(sxpr) + "'")
+ out.write(repr(str(sxpr)))
+def show_xml(sxpr, out=sys.stdout):
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType):
+ element = name(sxpr)
+ out.write('<%s' % element)
+ for attr in attributes(sxpr):
+ out.write(' %s=%s' % (attr[0], attr[1]))
+ out.write('>')
+ i = 0
+ for x in children(sxpr):
+ if i: out.write(' ')
+ show_xml(x, out)
+ i += 1
+ out.write('</%s>' % element)
+ elif isinstance(sxpr, types.StringType) and atomp(sxpr):
+ out.write(sxpr)
+ else:
+ out.write(str(sxpr))
+def elementp(sxpr, elt=None):
+ return (isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType)
+ and len(sxpr)
+ and (None == elt or sxpr[0] == elt))
+def name(sxpr):
+ val = None
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.StringType):
+ val = sxpr
+ elif isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType) and len(sxpr):
+ val = sxpr[0]
+ return val
+def attributes(sxpr):
+ val = []
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType) and len(sxpr) > 1:
+ attr = sxpr[1]
+ if elementp(attr, k_attr_open):
+ val = attr[1:]
+ return val
+def attribute(sxpr, key, val=None):
+ for x in attributes(sxpr):
+ if x[0] == key:
+ val = x[1]
+ break
+ return val
+def children(sxpr, elt=None):
+ val = []
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType) and len(sxpr) > 1:
+ i = 1
+ x = sxpr[i]
+ if elementp(x, k_attr_open):
+ i += 1
+ val = sxpr[i : ]
+ if elt:
+ def iselt(x):
+ return elementp(x, elt)
+ val = filter(iselt, val)
+ return val
+def child(sxpr, elt, val=None):
+ for x in children(sxpr):
+ if elementp(x, elt):
+ val = x
+ break
+ return val
+def child_at(sxpr, index, val=None):
+ kids = children(sxpr)
+ if len(kids) > index:
+ val = kids[index]
+ return val
+def child0(sxpr, val=None):
+ return child_at(sxpr, 0, val)
+def child1(sxpr, val=None):
+ return child_at(sxpr, 1, val)
+def child2(sxpr, val=None):
+ return child_at(sxpr, 2, val)
+def child3(sxpr, val=None):
+ return child_at(sxpr, 3, val)
+def child4(sxpr, val=None):
+ return child_at(sxpr, 4, val)
+def child_value(sxpr, elt, val=None):
+ kid = child(sxpr, elt)
+ if kid:
+ val = child_at(kid, 0, val)
+ return val
+def has_id(sxpr, id):
+ """Test if an s-expression has a given id.
+ """
+ return attribute(sxpr, 'id') == id
+def with_id(sxpr, id, val=None):
+ """Find the first s-expression with a given id, at any depth.
+ sxpr s-exp or list
+ id id
+ val value if not found (default None)
+ return s-exp or val
+ """
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType):
+ for n in sxpr:
+ if has_id(n, id):
+ val = n
+ break
+ v = with_id(n, id)
+ if v is None: continue
+ val = v
+ break
+ return val
+def child_with_id(sxpr, id, val=None):
+ """Find the first child with a given id.
+ sxpr s-exp or list
+ id id
+ val value if not found (default None)
+ return s-exp or val
+ """
+ if isinstance(sxpr, types.ListType):
+ for n in sxpr:
+ if has_id(n, id):
+ val = n
+ break
+ return val
+def elements(sxpr, ctxt=None):
+ """Generate elements (at any depth).
+ Visit elements in pre-order.
+ Values generated are (node, context)
+ The context is None if there is no parent, otherwise
+ (index, parent, context) where index is the node's index w.r.t its parent,
+ and context is the parent's context.
+ sxpr s-exp
+ returns generator
+ """
+ yield (sxpr, ctxt)
+ i = 0
+ for n in children(sxpr):
+ if isinstance(n, types.ListType):
+ # Calling elements() recursively does not generate recursively,
+ # it just returns a generator object. So we must iterate over it.
+ for v in elements(n, (i, sxpr, ctxt)):
+ yield v
+ i += 1
+def to_string(sxpr):
+ """Convert an sxpr to a string.
+ sxpr sxpr
+ returns string
+ """
+ io = StringIO()
+ show(sxpr, io)
+ io.seek(0)
+ val = io.getvalue()
+ io.close()
+ return val
+def from_string(str):
+ """Create an sxpr by parsing a string.
+ str string
+ returns sxpr
+ """
+ io = StringIO(str)
+ return parse(io)
+def parse(io):
+ """Completely parse all input from 'io'.
+ io input file object
+ returns list of values, None if incomplete
+ raises ParseError on parse error
+ """
+ pin = Parser()
+ while 1:
+ buf = io.readline()
+ pin.input(buf)
+ if len(buf) == 0:
+ break
+ if pin.ready():
+ val = pin.get_all()
+ else:
+ val = None
+ return val
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print ">main"
+ pin = Parser()
+ while 1:
+ buf = sys.stdin.read(1024)
+ #buf = sys.stdin.readline()
+ pin.input(buf)
+ while pin.ready():
+ val = pin.get_val()
+ print
+ print '****** val=', val
+ if len(buf) == 0:
+ break