path: root/tools/python/scripts/xapi.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/python/scripts/xapi.py')
1 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/python/scripts/xapi.py b/tools/python/scripts/xapi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..387ad0a487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/python/scripts/xapi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Copyright (C) 2006 XenSource Ltd.
+import sys
+from xen.util.xmlrpclib2 import ServerProxy
+from optparse import *
+from pprint import pprint
+from types import DictType
+from getpass import getpass
+MB = 1024 * 1024
+HOST_INFO_FORMAT = '%-20s: %-50s'
+VM_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name_label)-18s %(memory_actual)-5s %(vcpus_number)-5s'\
+ ' %(power_state)-10s %(uuid)-36s'
+SR_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name_label)-18s %(uuid)-36s %(physical_size)-10s' \
+ '%(type)-10s'
+VDI_LIST_FORMAT = '%(name_label)-18s %(uuid)-36s %(virtual_size)-8s '\
+ '%(sector_size)-8s'
+ 'host-info': ('', 'Get Xen Host Info'),
+ 'host-set-name': ('', 'Set host name'),
+ 'sr-list': ('', 'List all SRs'),
+ 'vbd-create': ('<domname> <pycfg> [opts]',
+ 'Create VBD attached to domname'),
+ 'vdi-create': ('<pycfg> [opts]', 'Create a VDI'),
+ 'vdi-list' : ('', 'List all VDI'),
+ 'vdi-rename': ('<vdi_uuid> <new_name>', 'Rename VDI'),
+ 'vdi-delete': ('<vdi_uuid>', 'Delete VDI'),
+ 'vif-create': ('<domname> <pycfg>', 'Create VIF attached to domname'),
+ 'vtpm-create' : ('<domname> <pycfg>', 'Create VTPM attached to domname'),
+ 'vm-create': ('<pycfg>', 'Create VM with python config'),
+ 'vm-destroy': ('<domname>', 'Delete VM'),
+ 'vm-list': ('[--long]', 'List all domains.'),
+ 'vm-name': ('<uuid>', 'Name of UUID.'),
+ 'vm-shutdown': ('<name> [opts]', 'Shutdown VM with name'),
+ 'vm-start': ('<name>', 'Start VM with name'),
+ 'vm-uuid': ('<name>', 'UUID of a domain by name.'),
+ 'vm-list': [(('-l', '--long'),
+ {'action':'store_true',
+ 'help':'List all properties of VMs'})
+ ],
+ 'vm-shutdown': [(('-f', '--force'), {'help': 'Shutdown Forcefully',
+ 'action': 'store_true'})],
+ 'vdi-create': [(('--name-label',), {'help': 'Name for VDI'}),
+ (('--description',), {'help': 'Description for VDI'}),
+ (('--sector-size',), {'type': 'int',
+ 'help': 'Sector size'}),
+ (('--virtual-size',), {'type': 'int',
+ 'help': 'Size of VDI in sectors'}),
+ (('--type',), {'choices': ['system', 'user', 'ephemeral'],
+ 'help': 'VDI type'}),
+ (('--sharable',), {'action': 'store_true',
+ 'help': 'VDI sharable'}),
+ (('--read-only',), {'action': 'store_true',
+ 'help': 'Read only'})],
+ 'vbd-create': [(('--VDI',), {'help': 'UUID of VDI to attach to.'}),
+ (('--mode',), {'choices': ['RO', 'RW'],
+ 'help': 'device mount mode'}),
+ (('--driver',), {'choices':['paravirtualised', 'ioemu'],
+ 'help': 'Driver for VBD'}),
+ (('--device',), {'help': 'Device name on guest domain'}),
+ (('--image',), {'help': 'Location of drive image.'})]
+class OptionError(Exception):
+ pass
+class XenAPIError(Exception):
+ pass
+# Extra utility functions
+class IterableValues(Values):
+ """Better interface to the list of values from optparse."""
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for opt, val in self.__dict__.items():
+ if opt[0] == '_' or callable(val):
+ continue
+ yield opt, val
+def parse_args(cmd_name, args, set_defaults = False):
+ argstring, desc = COMMANDS[cmd_name]
+ parser = OptionParser(usage = 'xapi %s %s' % (cmd_name, argstring),
+ description = desc)
+ if cmd_name in OPTIONS:
+ for optargs, optkwds in OPTIONS[cmd_name]:
+ parser.add_option(*optargs, **optkwds)
+ if set_defaults:
+ default_values = parser.get_default_values()
+ defaults = IterableValues(default_values.__dict__)
+ else:
+ defaults = IterableValues()
+ (opts, extraargs) = parser.parse_args(args = list(args),
+ values = defaults)
+ return opts, extraargs
+def execute(fn, *args):
+ result = fn(*args)
+ if type(result) != DictType:
+ raise TypeError("Function returned object of type: %s" %
+ str(type(result)))
+ if 'Value' not in result:
+ raise XenAPIError(*result['ErrorDescription'])
+ return result['Value']
+_initialised = False
+_server = None
+_session = None
+def _connect(*args):
+ global _server, _session, _initialised
+ if not _initialised:
+ _server = ServerProxy('httpu:///var/run/xend/xmlrpc.sock')
+ login = raw_input("Login: ")
+ password = getpass()
+ creds = (login, password)
+ _session = execute(_server.session.login_with_password, *creds)
+ _initialised = True
+ return (_server, _session)
+def _stringify(adict):
+ return dict([(k, str(v)) for k, v in adict.items()])
+def _read_python_cfg(filename):
+ cfg = {}
+ execfile(filename, {}, cfg)
+ return cfg
+def resolve_vm(server, session, vm_name):
+ vm_uuid = execute(server.VM.get_by_name_label, session, vm_name)
+ if not vm_uuid:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return vm_uuid[0]
+# Actual commands
+def xapi_host_info(*args):
+ server, session = _connect()
+ hosts = execute(server.host.get_all, session)
+ for host in hosts: # there is only one, but ..
+ hostinfo = execute(server.host.get_record, session, host)
+ print HOST_INFO_FORMAT % ('Name', hostinfo['name_label'])
+ print HOST_INFO_FORMAT % ('Version', hostinfo['software_version'])
+ print HOST_INFO_FORMAT % ('CPUs', len(hostinfo['host_CPUs']))
+ print HOST_INFO_FORMAT % ('VMs', len(hostinfo['resident_VMs']))
+ print HOST_INFO_FORMAT % ('UUID', host)
+def xapi_host_set_name(*args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("No hostname specified")
+ server, session = _connect()
+ hosts = execute(server.host.get_all, session)
+ if len(hosts) > 0:
+ execute(server.host.set_name_label, session, hosts[0], args[0])
+ print 'Hostname: %s' % execute(server.host.get_name_label, session,
+ hosts[0])
+def xapi_vm_uuid(*args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("No domain name specified")
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, args[0])
+ print vm_uuid
+def xapi_vm_name(*args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("No UUID specified")
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_name = execute(server.VM.get_name_label, session, args[0])
+ print vm_name
+def xapi_vm_list(*args):
+ opts, args = parse_args('vm-list', args, set_defaults = True)
+ is_long = opts and opts.long
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuids = execute(server.VM.get_all, session)
+ if not is_long:
+ print VM_LIST_FORMAT % {'name_label':'Name',
+ 'memory_actual':'Mem',
+ 'vcpus_number': 'VCPUs',
+ 'power_state': 'State',
+ 'uuid': 'UUID'}
+ for uuid in vm_uuids:
+ vm_info = execute(server.VM.get_record, session, uuid)
+ if is_long:
+ vbds = vm_info['vbds']
+ vifs = vm_info['vifs']
+ vtpms = vm_info['vtpms']
+ vif_infos = []
+ vbd_infos = []
+ vtpm_infos = []
+ for vbd in vbds:
+ vbd_info = execute(server.VBD.get_record, session, vbd)
+ vbd_infos.append(vbd_info)
+ for vif in vifs:
+ vif_info = execute(server.VIF.get_record, session, vif)
+ vif_infos.append(vif_info)
+ for vtpm in vtpms:
+ vtpm_info = execute(server.VTPM.get_record, session, vtpm)
+ vtpm_infos.append(vtpm_info)
+ vm_info['vbds'] = vbd_infos
+ vm_info['vifs'] = vif_infos
+ vm_info['vtpms'] = vtpm_infos
+ pprint(vm_info)
+ else:
+ print VM_LIST_FORMAT % _stringify(vm_info)
+def xapi_vm_create(*args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("Configuration file not specified")
+ filename = args[0]
+ cfg = _read_python_cfg(filename)
+ print 'Creating VM from %s ..' % filename
+ server, session = _connect()
+ uuid = execute(server.VM.create, session, cfg)
+ print 'Done. (%s)' % uuid
+ print uuid
+def xapi_vm_destroy(*args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("No domain name specified.")
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, args[0])
+ print 'Destroying VM %s (%s)' % (args[0], vm_uuid)
+ success = execute(server.VM.destroy, session, vm_uuid)
+ print 'Done.'
+def xapi_vm_start(*args):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("No Domain name specified.")
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, args[0])
+ print 'Starting VM %s (%s)' % (args[0], vm_uuid)
+ success = execute(server.VM.start, session, vm_uuid)
+ print 'Done.'
+def xapi_vm_shutdown(*args):
+ opts, args = parse_args("vm-shutdown", args, set_defaults = True)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError("No Domain name specified.")
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, args[0])
+ if opts.force:
+ print 'Forcefully shutting down VM %s (%s)' % (args[0], vm_uuid)
+ success = execute(server.VM.hard_shutdown, session, vm_uuid)
+ else:
+ print 'Shutting down VM %s (%s)' % (args[0], vm_uuid)
+ success = execute(server.VM.clean_shutdown, session, vm_uuid)
+ print 'Done.'
+def xapi_vbd_create(*args):
+ opts, args = parse_args('vbd-create', args)
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise OptionError("Configuration file and domain not specified")
+ domname = args[0]
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ filename = args[1]
+ cfg = _read_python_cfg(filename)
+ else:
+ cfg = {}
+ for opt, val in opts:
+ cfg[opt] = val
+ print 'Creating VBD ...',
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, domname)
+ cfg['VM'] = vm_uuid
+ vbd_uuid = execute(server.VBD.create, session, cfg)
+ print 'Done. (%s)' % vbd_uuid
+def xapi_vif_create(*args):
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise OptionError("Configuration file not specified")
+ domname = args[0]
+ filename = args[1]
+ cfg = _read_python_cfg(filename)
+ print 'Creating VIF from %s ..' % filename
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, domname)
+ cfg['VM'] = vm_uuid
+ vif_uuid = execute(server.VIF.create, session, cfg)
+ print 'Done. (%s)' % vif_uuid
+def xapi_vdi_list(*args):
+ server, session = _connect()
+ vdis = execute(server.VDI.get_all, session)
+ print VDI_LIST_FORMAT % {'name_label': 'VDI Label',
+ 'uuid' : 'UUID',
+ 'virtual_size': 'Sectors',
+ 'sector_size': 'Sector Size'}
+ for vdi in vdis:
+ vdi_struct = execute(server.VDI.get_record, session, vdi)
+ print VDI_LIST_FORMAT % vdi_struct
+def xapi_sr_list(*args):
+ server, session = _connect()
+ srs = execute(server.SR.get_all, session)
+ print SR_LIST_FORMAT % {'name_label': 'SR Label',
+ 'uuid' : 'UUID',
+ 'physical_size': 'Size',
+ 'type': 'Type'}
+ for sr in srs:
+ sr_struct = execute(server.SR.get_record, session, sr)
+ sr_struct['physical_size'] = int(sr_struct['physical_size'])/MB
+ print SR_LIST_FORMAT % sr_struct
+def xapi_vdi_create(*args):
+ opts, args = parse_args('vdi-create', args)
+ if len(args) > 0:
+ cfg = _read_python_cfg(args[0])
+ else:
+ cfg = {}
+ for opt, val in opts:
+ cfg[opt] = val
+ server, session = _connect()
+ srs = execute(server.SR.get_all, session)
+ sr = srs[0]
+ cfg['SR'] = sr
+ size = (cfg['virtual_size'] * cfg['sector_size'])/MB
+ print 'Creating VDI of size: %dMB ..' % size,
+ uuid = execute(server.VDI.create, session, cfg)
+ print 'Done. (%s)' % uuid
+def xapi_vdi_delete(*args):
+ server, session = _connect()
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise OptionError('Not enough arguments')
+ vdi_uuid = args[0]
+ print 'Deleting VDI %s' % vdi_uuid
+ result = execute(server.VDI.destroy, session, vdi_uuid)
+ print 'Done.'
+def xapi_vdi_rename(*args):
+ server, session = _connect()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise OptionError('Not enough arguments')
+ vdi_uuid = args[0]
+ vdi_name = args[1]
+ print 'Renaming VDI %s to %s' % (vdi_uuid, vdi_name)
+ result = execute(server.VDI.set_name_label, session, vdi_uuid, vdi_name)
+ print 'Done.'
+def xapi_vtpm_create(*args):
+ server, session = _connect()
+ domname = args[0]
+ cfg = _read_python_cfg(args[1])
+ vm_uuid = resolve_vm(server, session, domname)
+ cfg['VM'] = vm_uuid
+ print "Creating vTPM with cfg = %s" % cfg
+ vtpm_uuid = execute(server.VTPM.create, session, cfg)
+ print "Done. (%s)" % vtpm_uuid
+ vtpm_id = execute(server.VTPM.get_instance, session, vtpm_uuid)
+ print "Has instance number '%s'" % vtpm_id
+ vtpm_be = execute(server.VTPM.get_backend, session, vtpm_uuid)
+ print "Has backend in '%s'" % vtpm_be
+ driver = execute(server.VTPM.get_driver, session, vtpm_uuid)
+ print "Has driver type '%s'" % driver
+ vtpm_rec = execute(server.VTPM.get_record, session, vtpm_uuid)
+ print "Has vtpm record '%s'" % vtpm_rec
+ vm = execute(server.VTPM.get_VM, session, vtpm_uuid)
+ print "Has VM '%s'" % vm
+# Command Line Utils
+import cmd
+import shlex
+class XenAPICmd(cmd.Cmd):
+ def __init__(self, server, session):
+ cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+ self.server = server
+ self.session = session
+ self.prompt = ">>> "
+ def default(self, line):
+ words = shlex.split(line)
+ if len(words) > 0:
+ cmd_name = words[0].replace('-', '_')
+ func_name = 'xapi_%s' % cmd_name
+ func = globals().get(func_name)
+ if func:
+ try:
+ args = tuple(words[1:])
+ func(*args)
+ return True
+ except SystemExit:
+ return False
+ except OptionError, e:
+ print 'Error:', str(e)
+ return False
+ except Exception, e:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+ print '*** Unknown command: %s' % words[0]
+ return False
+ def do_EOF(self, line):
+ print
+ sys.exit(0)
+ def do_help(self, line):
+ usage(print_usage = False)
+ def emptyline(self):
+ pass
+ def postcmd(self, stop, line):
+ return False
+ def precmd(self, line):
+ words = shlex.split(line)
+ if len(words) > 0:
+ words0 = words[0].replace('-', '_')
+ return ' '.join([words0] + words[1:])
+ else:
+ return line
+def shell():
+ server, session = _connect()
+ x = XenAPICmd(server, session)
+ x.cmdloop('Xen API Prompt. Type "help" for a list of functions')
+def usage(command = None, print_usage = True):
+ if not command:
+ if print_usage:
+ print 'Usage: xapi <subcommand> [options] [args]'
+ print
+ print 'Subcommands:'
+ print
+ sorted_commands = sorted(COMMANDS.keys())
+ for command in sorted_commands:
+ args, description = COMMANDS[command]
+ print '%-16s %-40s' % (command, description)
+ print
+ else:
+ parse_args(command, ['-h'])
+def main(args):
+ if len(args) < 1 or args[0] in ('-h', '--help', 'help'):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ subcmd = args[0]
+ subcmd_func_name = 'xapi_' + subcmd.replace('-', '_')
+ subcmd_func = globals().get(subcmd_func_name, None)
+ if subcmd == 'shell':
+ shell()
+ elif not subcmd_func or not callable(subcmd_func):
+ print 'Error: Unable to find subcommand \'%s\'' % subcmd
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if '-h' in args[1:] or '--help' in args[1:]:
+ usage(subcmd)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ subcmd_func(*args[1:])
+ except XenAPIError, e:
+ print 'Error: %s' % str(e.args[1])
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except OptionError, e:
+ print 'Error: %s' % e
+ sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ main(sys.argv[1:])