path: root/tools/ioemu/iodev/keyboard.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/ioemu/iodev/keyboard.cc')
1 files changed, 1611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ioemu/iodev/keyboard.cc b/tools/ioemu/iodev/keyboard.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..693f4a4c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ioemu/iodev/keyboard.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1611 @@
+// $Id: keyboard.cc,v 1.82 2003/11/11 18:18:36 vruppert Exp $
+// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
+// MandrakeSoft S.A.
+// 43, rue d'Aboukir
+// 75002 Paris - France
+// http://www.linux-mandrake.com/
+// http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// Now features proper implementation of keyboard opcodes 0xF4 to 0xF6
+// Silently ignores PS/2 keyboard extensions (0xF7 to 0xFD)
+// Explicit panic on resend (0xFE)
+// Emmanuel Marty <core@ggi-project.org>
+// NB: now the PS/2 mouse support is in, outb changes meaning
+// in conjunction with auxb
+// auxb == 0 && outb == 0 => both buffers empty (nothing to read)
+// auxb == 0 && outb == 1 => keyboard controller output buffer full
+// auxb == 1 && outb == 0 => not used
+// auxb == 1 && outb == 1 => mouse output buffer full.
+// (das)
+// Notes from Christophe Bothamy <cbbochs@free.fr>
+// This file includes code from Ludovic Lange (http://ludovic.lange.free.fr)
+// Implementation of 3 scancodes sets mf1,mf2,mf3 with or without translation.
+// Default is mf2 with translation
+// Ability to switch between scancodes sets
+// Ability to turn translation on or off
+// Define BX_PLUGGABLE in files that can be compiled into plugins. For
+// platforms that require a special tag on exported symbols, BX_PLUGGABLE
+// is used to know when we are exporting symbols and when we are importing.
+#include "bochs.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "scancodes.h"
+#define LOG_THIS theKeyboard->
+bx_keyb_c *theKeyboard = NULL;
+ int
+libkeyboard_LTX_plugin_init(plugin_t *plugin, plugintype_t type, int argc, char *argv[])
+ // Create one instance of the keyboard device object.
+ theKeyboard = new bx_keyb_c ();
+ // Before this plugin was loaded, pluginKeyboard pointed to a stub.
+ // Now make it point to the real thing.
+ bx_devices.pluginKeyboard = theKeyboard;
+ // Register this device.
+ return(0); // Success
+ void
+ BX_INFO (("keyboard plugin_fini"));
+ // constructor
+ put("KBD");
+ settype(KBDLOG);
+ // destructor
+ BX_DEBUG(("Exit."));
+// flush internal buffer and reset keyboard settings to power-up condition
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::resetinternals(bx_bool powerup)
+ Bit32u i;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<BX_KBD_ELEMENTS; i++)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.buffer[i] = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.head = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_typematic = 0;
+ // Default scancode set is mf2 with translation
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_scancodes_set = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.current_scancodes_set = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.scancodes_translate = 1;
+ if (powerup) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_led_write = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.delay = 1; // 500 mS
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.repeat_rate = 0x0b; // 10.9 chars/sec
+ }
+ void
+ BX_DEBUG(("Init $Id: keyboard.cc,v 1.82 2003/11/11 18:18:36 vruppert Exp $"));
+ Bit32u i;
+ DEV_register_irq(1, "8042 Keyboard controller");
+ DEV_register_irq(12, "8042 Keyboard controller (PS/2 mouse)");
+ DEV_register_ioread_handler(this, read_handler,
+ 0x0060, "8042 Keyboard controller", 1);
+ DEV_register_ioread_handler(this, read_handler,
+ 0x0064, "8042 Keyboard controller", 1);
+ DEV_register_iowrite_handler(this, write_handler,
+ 0x0060, "8042 Keyboard controller", 1);
+ DEV_register_iowrite_handler(this, write_handler,
+ 0x0064, "8042 Keyboard controller", 1);
+ BX_KEY_THIS timer_handle = bx_pc_system.register_timer( this, timer_handler,
+ bx_options.Okeyboard_serial_delay->get(), 1, 1,
+ "8042 Keyboard controller");
+ resetinternals(1);
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.led_status = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.scanning_enabled = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<BX_MOUSE_BUFF_SIZE; i++)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.buffer[i] = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.head = 0;
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 0 auxb 0",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.pare = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.tim = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.keyl = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.c_d = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.inpb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1 = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12 = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_comm = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_mouse_parameter = 0;
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# Okeyboard_serial_delay is %u usec",
+// (unsigned) bx_options.Okeyboard_serial_delay->get ()));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending = 0;
+ // Mouse initialization stuff
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.sample_rate = 100; // reports per second
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 4; // 4 counts per millimeter
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.scaling = 1; /* 1:1 (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode = MOUSE_MODE_RESET;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<BX_KBD_CONTROLLER_QSIZE; i++)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[i] = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsource = 0;
+ // clear paste buffer
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf = NULL;
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_len = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS paste_delay_changed ();
+ BX_KEY_THIS stop_paste = 0;
+ // mouse port installed on system board
+ DEV_cmos_set_reg(0x14, DEV_cmos_get_reg(0x14) | 0x04);
+ static bx_bool first_time = 1;
+ if (first_time) {
+ first_time = 0;
+ // register shadow params (Experimental, not a complete list by far)
+ bx_list_c *list = new bx_list_c (BXP_KBD_PARAMETERS, "Keyboard State", "", 20);
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_IRQ1_REQ,
+ "Keyboard IRQ1 requested: ", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_IRQ12_REQ,
+ "Keyboard IRQ12 requested: ", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_num_c (BXP_KBD_TIMER_PENDING,
+ "Keyboard timer pending: ", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_PARE,
+ "Keyboard PARE", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.pare));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_TIM,
+ "Keyboard TIM", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.tim));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_AUXB,
+ "Keyboard AUXB", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_KEYL,
+ "Keyboard KEYL", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.keyl));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_C_D,
+ "Keyboard C_D", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.c_d));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_SYSF,
+ "Keyboard SYSF", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_INPB,
+ "Keyboard INPB", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.inpb));
+ list->add (new bx_shadow_bool_c (BXP_KBD_OUTB,
+ "Keyboard OUTB", "",
+ &BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb));
+ }
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::reset(unsigned type)
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf != NULL) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS stop_paste = 1;
+ }
+ void
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastedelay = bx_options.Okeyboard_paste_delay->get()/BX_IODEV_HANDLER_PERIOD;
+ BX_INFO(("will paste characters every %d keyboard ticks",BX_KEY_THIS pastedelay));
+ // static IO port read callback handler
+ // redirects to non-static class handler to avoid virtual functions
+// read function - the big picture:
+// if address == data port then
+// if byte for mouse then return it
+// else if byte for keyboard then return it
+// else address== status port
+// assemble the status bits and return them.
+ Bit32u
+bx_keyb_c::read_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, unsigned io_len)
+ bx_keyb_c *class_ptr = (bx_keyb_c *) this_ptr;
+ return( class_ptr->read(address, io_len) );
+ Bit32u
+bx_keyb_c::read(Bit32u address, unsigned io_len)
+ UNUSED(this_ptr);
+#endif // !BX_USE_KEY_SMF
+//BX_DEBUG(( "read from port 0x%04x", (unsigned) address));
+ if (address == 0x60) { /* output buffer */
+ Bit8u val;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb) { /* mouse byte available */
+ val = BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer = 0;
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 0 auxb 0",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 0;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize) {
+ unsigned i;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer = BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[0];
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1 auxb 1",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 1;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 1;
+ for (i=0; i<BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize-1; i++) {
+ // move Q elements towards head of queue by one
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[i] = BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[i+1];
+ }
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize--;
+ }
+//BX_DEBUG(("mouse: ___io_read aux = 0x%02x", (unsigned) val));
+ DEV_pic_lower_irq(12);
+ activate_timer();
+ BX_DEBUG(("READ(%02x) (from mouse) = %02x", (unsigned) address,
+ (unsigned) val));
+ return val;
+ }
+ else if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) { /* kbd byte available */
+ val = BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer;
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 0 auxb 0",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 0;
+//BX_DEBUG(( "___io_read kbd"));
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize) {
+ unsigned i;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer = BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[0];
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1 auxb 1",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 1;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 1;
+ for (i=0; i<BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize-1; i++) {
+ // move Q elements towards head of queue by one
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[i] = BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[i+1];
+ }
+ BX_DEBUG(("s.controller_Qsize: %02X",BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize--;
+ }
+ DEV_pic_lower_irq(1);
+ activate_timer();
+ BX_DEBUG(("READ(%02x) = %02x", (unsigned) address,
+ (unsigned) val));
+ return val;
+ }
+ else {
+ BX_DEBUG(("num_elements = %d", BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements));
+ BX_DEBUG(("read from port 60h with outb empty"));
+// val = BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer;
+ return BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer;
+ }
+ }
+#if BX_CPU_LEVEL >= 2
+ else if (address == 0x64) { /* status register */
+ return (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.pare << 7) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.tim << 6) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb << 5) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.keyl << 4) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.c_d << 3) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf << 2) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.inpb << 1) |
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb;
+ }
+#else /* BX_CPU_LEVEL > 0 */
+ /* XT MODE, System 8255 Mode Register */
+ else if (address == 0x64) { /* status register */
+ BX_DEBUG(("IO read from port 64h, system 8255 mode register"));
+ return BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb;
+ }
+#endif /* BX_CPU_LEVEL > 0 */
+ BX_PANIC(("unknown address in io read to keyboard port %x",
+ (unsigned) address));
+ return 0; /* keep compiler happy */
+ // static IO port write callback handler
+ // redirects to non-static class handler to avoid virtual functions
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::write_handler(void *this_ptr, Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len)
+ bx_keyb_c *class_ptr = (bx_keyb_c *) this_ptr;
+ class_ptr->write(address, value, io_len);
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::write( Bit32u address, Bit32u value, unsigned io_len)
+ UNUSED(this_ptr);
+#endif // !BX_USE_KEY_SMF
+ Bit8u command_byte;
+ static int kbd_initialized=0;
+ BX_DEBUG(("keyboard: 8-bit write to %04x = %02x", (unsigned)address, (unsigned)value));
+ switch (address) {
+ case 0x60: // input buffer
+ // if expecting data byte from command last sent to port 64h
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 0;
+ // data byte written last to 0x60
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.c_d = 0;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.inpb) {
+ BX_PANIC(("write to port 60h, not ready for write"));
+ }
+ switch (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_comm) {
+ case 0x60: // write command byte
+ {
+ bx_bool scan_convert, disable_keyboard,
+ disable_aux;
+ scan_convert = (value >> 6) & 0x01;
+ disable_aux = (value >> 5) & 0x01;
+ disable_keyboard = (value >> 4) & 0x01;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf = (value >> 2) & 0x01;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1 = (value >> 0) & 0x01;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12 = (value >> 1) & 0x01;
+ set_kbd_clock_enable(!disable_keyboard);
+ set_aux_clock_enable(!disable_aux);
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12 && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 1;
+ else if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1 && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 1;
+ BX_DEBUG(( " allow_irq12 set to %u", (unsigned)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12));
+ if ( !scan_convert )
+ BX_ERROR(("keyboard: (mch) scan convert turned off"));
+ // (mch) NT needs this
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.scancodes_translate = scan_convert;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0xd1: // write output port
+ BX_DEBUG(("write output port with value %02xh",
+ (unsigned) value));
+ BX_SET_ENABLE_A20( (value & 0x02) != 0 );
+ if (!(value & 0x01))
+ BX_PANIC(("IO write: processor reset requested!"));
+ break;
+ case 0xd4: // Write to mouse
+ // I don't think this enables the AUX clock
+ //set_aux_clock_enable(1); // enable aux clock line
+ kbd_ctrl_to_mouse(value);
+ // ??? should I reset to previous value of aux enable?
+ break;
+ case 0xd3: // write mouse output buffer
+ // Queue in mouse output buffer
+ controller_enQ(value, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0xd2:
+ // Queue in keyboard output buffer
+ controller_enQ(value, 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ BX_PANIC(("=== unsupported write to port 60h(lastcomm=%02x): %02x",
+ (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_comm, (unsigned) value));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // data byte written last to 0x60
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.c_d = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 0;
+ /* pass byte to keyboard */
+ /* ??? should conditionally pass to mouse device here ??? */
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled==0) {
+ BX_ERROR(("keyboard disabled & send of byte %02x to kbd",
+ (unsigned) value));
+ }
+ kbd_ctrl_to_kbd(value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x64: // control register
+ // command byte written last to 0x64
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.c_d = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_comm = value;
+ // most commands NOT expecting port60 write next
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 0;
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0x20: // get keyboard command byte
+ BX_DEBUG(("get keyboard command byte"));
+ // controller output buffer must be empty
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+ BX_ERROR(("kbd: OUTB set and command 0x%02x encountered", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ command_byte =
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.scancodes_translate << 6) |
+ ((!BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled) << 5) |
+ ((!BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled) << 4) |
+ (0 << 3) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf << 2) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12 << 1) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1 << 0);
+ controller_enQ(command_byte, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0x60: // write command byte
+ BX_DEBUG(("write command byte"));
+ // following byte written to port 60h is command byte
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xa0:
+ BX_DEBUG(("keyboard BIOS name not supported"));
+ break;
+ case 0xa1:
+ BX_DEBUG(("keyboard BIOS version not supported"));
+ break;
+ case 0xa7: // disable the aux device
+ set_aux_clock_enable(0);
+ BX_DEBUG(("aux device disabled"));
+ break;
+ case 0xa8: // enable the aux device
+ set_aux_clock_enable(1);
+ BX_DEBUG(("aux device enabled"));
+ break;
+ case 0xa9: // Test Mouse Port
+ // controller output buffer must be empty
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+ BX_PANIC(("kbd: OUTB set and command 0x%02x encountered", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ controller_enQ(0x00, 0); // no errors detected
+ break;
+ case 0xaa: // motherboard controller self test
+ BX_DEBUG(("Self Test"));
+ if( kbd_initialized == 0 )
+ {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 0;
+ kbd_initialized++;
+ }
+ // controller output buffer must be empty
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+ BX_ERROR(("kbd: OUTB set and command 0x%02x encountered", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ // (mch) Why is this commented out??? Enabling
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf = 1; // self test complete
+ controller_enQ(0x55, 0); // controller OK
+ break;
+ case 0xab: // Interface Test
+ // controller output buffer must be empty
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+BX_PANIC(("kbd: OUTB set and command 0x%02x encountered", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ controller_enQ(0x00, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0xad: // disable keyboard
+ set_kbd_clock_enable(0);
+ BX_DEBUG(("keyboard disabled"));
+ break;
+ case 0xae: // enable keyboard
+ set_kbd_clock_enable(1);
+ BX_DEBUG(("keyboard enabled"));
+ break;
+ case 0xc0: // read input port
+ // controller output buffer must be empty
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+BX_PANIC(("kbd: OUTB set and command 0x%02x encountered", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ // keyboard power normal
+ controller_enQ(0x00, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0xd0: // read output port: next byte read from port 60h
+ BX_DEBUG(("io write to port 64h, command d0h (partial)"));
+ // controller output buffer must be empty
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+BX_PANIC(("kbd: OUTB set and command 0x%02x encountered", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ controller_enQ(
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb << 5) |
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb << 4) |
+ (BX_GET_ENABLE_A20() << 1) |
+ 0x01, 0);
+ break;
+ case 0xd1: // write output port: next byte written to port 60h
+ BX_DEBUG(("write output port"));
+ // following byte to port 60h written to output port
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xd3: // write mouse output buffer
+ //FIXME: Why was this a panic?
+ BX_DEBUG(("io write 0x64: command = 0xD3(write mouse outb)"));
+ // following byte to port 60h written to output port as mouse write.
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xd4: // write to mouse
+ BX_DEBUG(("io write 0x64: command = 0xD4 (write to mouse)"));
+ // following byte written to port 60h
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xd2: // write keyboard output buffer
+ BX_DEBUG(("io write 0x64: write keyboard output buffer"));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_port60h = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xdd: // Disable A20 Address Line
+ break;
+ case 0xdf: // Enable A20 Address Line
+ break;
+ case 0xc1: // Continuous Input Port Poll, Low
+ case 0xc2: // Continuous Input Port Poll, High
+ case 0xe0: // Read Test Inputs
+ BX_PANIC(("io write 0x64: command = %02xh", (unsigned) value));
+ break;
+ case 0xfe: // System Reset, transition to real mode
+ BX_INFO(("system reset"));
+ bx_pc_system.ResetSignal( PCS_SET ); /* XXX is this right? */
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<BX_SMP_PROCESSORS; i++)
+ }
+ // Use bx_pc_system if necessary bx_cpu.reset_cpu();
+ // bx_pc_system.ResetSignal( PCS_SET );
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (value==0xff || (value>=0xf0 && value<=0xfd)) {
+ /* useless pulse output bit commands ??? */
+ BX_DEBUG(("io write to port 64h, useless command %02x",
+ (unsigned) value));
+ return;
+ }
+ BX_PANIC(("unsupported io write to keyboard port %x, value = %x",
+ (unsigned) address, (unsigned) value));
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: BX_PANIC(("unknown address in bx_keyb_c::write()"));
+ }
+// service_paste_buf() transfers data from the paste buffer to the hardware
+// keyboard buffer. It tries to transfer as many chars as possible at a
+// time, but because different chars require different numbers of scancodes
+// we have to be conservative. Note that this process depends on the
+// keymap tables to know what chars correspond to what keys, and which
+// chars require a shift or other modifier.
+bx_keyb_c::service_paste_buf ()
+ if (!BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf) return;
+ BX_DEBUG (("service_paste_buf: ptr at %d out of %d", BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr, BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_len));
+ int fill_threshold = BX_KBD_ELEMENTS - 8;
+ while ( (BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr < BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_len) && ! BX_KEY_THIS stop_paste) {
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements >= fill_threshold)
+ return;
+ // there room in the buffer for a keypress and a key release.
+ // send one keypress and a key release.
+ Bit8u byte = BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf[BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr];
+ BXKeyEntry *entry = bx_keymap.findAsciiChar (byte);
+ if (!entry) {
+ BX_ERROR (("paste character 0x%02x ignored", byte));
+ } else {
+ BX_DEBUG (("pasting character 0x%02x. baseKey is %04x", byte, entry->baseKey));
+ if (entry->modKey != BX_KEYMAP_UNKNOWN)
+ BX_KEY_THIS gen_scancode (entry->modKey);
+ BX_KEY_THIS gen_scancode (entry->baseKey);
+ BX_KEY_THIS gen_scancode (entry->baseKey | BX_KEY_RELEASED);
+ if (entry->modKey != BX_KEYMAP_UNKNOWN)
+ BX_KEY_THIS gen_scancode (entry->modKey | BX_KEY_RELEASED);
+ }
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr++;
+ }
+ // reached end of pastebuf. free the memory it was using.
+ delete [] BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf;
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf = NULL;
+ BX_KEY_THIS stop_paste = 0;
+// paste_bytes schedules an arbitrary number of ASCII characters to be
+// inserted into the hardware queue as it become available. Any previous
+// paste which is still in progress will be thrown out. BYTES is a pointer
+// to a region of memory containing the chars to be pasted. When the paste
+// is complete, the keyboard code will call delete [] bytes;
+bx_keyb_c::paste_bytes (Bit8u *bytes, Bit32s length)
+ BX_DEBUG (("paste_bytes: %d bytes", length));
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf) {
+ BX_ERROR (("previous paste was not completed! %d chars lost",
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_len - BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr));
+ delete [] BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf; // free the old paste buffer
+ }
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf = bytes;
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_ptr = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS pastebuf_len = length;
+ BX_KEY_THIS service_paste_buf ();
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::gen_scancode(Bit32u key)
+ unsigned char *scancode;
+ Bit8u i;
+ BX_DEBUG(( "gen_scancode(): %s %s", bx_keymap.getBXKeyName(key), (key >> 31)?"released":"pressed"));
+ if (!BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.scancodes_translate)
+ BX_DEBUG(("keyboard: gen_scancode with scancode_translate cleared"));
+ // Ignore scancode if keyboard clock is driven low
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled==0)
+ return;
+ // Ignore scancode if scanning is disabled
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.scanning_enabled==0)
+ return;
+ // Switch between make and break code
+ if (key & BX_KEY_RELEASED)
+ scancode=(unsigned char *)scancodes[(key&0xFF)][BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.current_scancodes_set].brek;
+ else
+ scancode=(unsigned char *)scancodes[(key&0xFF)][BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.current_scancodes_set].make;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.scancodes_translate) {
+ // Translate before send
+ Bit8u escaped=0x00;
+ for (i=0; i<strlen( (const char *)scancode ); i++) {
+ if (scancode[i] == 0xF0)
+ escaped=0x80;
+ else {
+ BX_DEBUG(("gen_scancode(): writing translated %02x",translation8042[scancode[i] ] | escaped));
+ kbd_enQ(translation8042[scancode[i] ] | escaped );
+ escaped=0x00;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Send raw data
+ for (i=0; i<strlen( (const char *)scancode ); i++) {
+ BX_DEBUG(("gen_scancode(): writing raw %02x",scancode[i]));
+ kbd_enQ( scancode[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ void BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(1)
+bx_keyb_c::set_kbd_clock_enable(Bit8u value)
+ bx_bool prev_kbd_clock_enabled;
+ if (value==0) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* is another byte waiting to be sent from the keyboard ? */
+ prev_kbd_clock_enabled = BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled = 1;
+ if (prev_kbd_clock_enabled==0 && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb==0) {
+ activate_timer();
+ }
+ }
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::set_aux_clock_enable(Bit8u value)
+ bx_bool prev_aux_clock_enabled;
+ BX_DEBUG(("set_aux_clock_enable(%u)", (unsigned) value));
+ if (value==0) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* is another byte waiting to be sent from the keyboard ? */
+ prev_aux_clock_enabled = BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled = 1;
+ if (prev_aux_clock_enabled==0 && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb==0)
+ activate_timer();
+ }
+ Bit8u
+ BX_DEBUG(("get_kbd_enable(): getting kbd_clock_enabled of: %02x",
+ (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled));
+ return(BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled);
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::controller_enQ(Bit8u data, unsigned source)
+ // source is 0 for keyboard, 1 for mouse
+ BX_DEBUG(("controller_enQ(%02x) source=%02x", (unsigned) data,source));
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb)
+ BX_ERROR(("controller_enQ(): OUTB set!"));
+ // see if we need to Q this byte from the controller
+ // remember this includes mouse bytes.
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize >= BX_KBD_CONTROLLER_QSIZE)
+ BX_PANIC(("controller_enq(): controller_Q full!"));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Q[BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsize++] = data;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.controller_Qsource = source;
+ return;
+ }
+ // the Q is empty
+ if (source == 0) { // keyboard
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer = data;
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1 auxb 0",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.inpb = 0;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 1;
+ }
+ else { // mouse
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer = data;
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1 auxb 1",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.inpb = 0;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 1;
+ }
+bx_keyb_c::kbd_enQ_imm(Bit8u val)
+ int tail;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements >= BX_KBD_ELEMENTS) {
+ BX_PANIC(("internal keyboard buffer full (imm)"));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* enqueue scancode in multibyte internal keyboard buffer */
+ tail = (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.head + BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements) %
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer = val;
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 1;
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::kbd_enQ(Bit8u scancode)
+ int tail;
+ BX_DEBUG(("kbd_enQ(0x%02x)", (unsigned) scancode));
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements >= BX_KBD_ELEMENTS) {
+ BX_INFO(("internal keyboard buffer full, ignoring scancode.(%02x)",
+ (unsigned) scancode));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* enqueue scancode in multibyte internal keyboard buffer */
+ BX_DEBUG(("kbd_enQ: putting scancode 0x%02x in internal buffer",
+ (unsigned) scancode));
+ tail = (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.head + BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements) %
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.buffer[tail] = scancode;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements++;
+ if (!BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled) {
+ activate_timer();
+ BX_DEBUG(("activating timer..."));
+ return;
+ }
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# not activating timer...");
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# allow_irq1 = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1);
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# outb = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb);
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# clock_enab = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled);
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# out_buffer = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer);
+ bx_bool BX_CPP_AttrRegparmN(3)
+bx_keyb_c::mouse_enQ_packet(Bit8u b1, Bit8u b2, Bit8u b3)
+ if ((BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements + 3) >= BX_MOUSE_BUFF_SIZE) {
+ return(0); /* buffer doesn't have the space */
+ }
+//BX_DEBUG(("mouse: enQ_packet(%02x, %02x, %02x)",
+// (unsigned) b1, (unsigned) b2, (unsigned) b3));
+ mouse_enQ(b1);
+ mouse_enQ(b2);
+ mouse_enQ(b3);
+ return(1);
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::mouse_enQ(Bit8u mouse_data)
+ int tail;
+ BX_DEBUG(("mouse_enQ(%02x)", (unsigned) mouse_data));
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements >= BX_MOUSE_BUFF_SIZE) {
+ BX_ERROR(("mouse: internal mouse buffer full, ignoring mouse data.(%02x)",
+ (unsigned) mouse_data));
+ return;
+ }
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# mouse_enq() aux_clock_enabled = %u",
+// (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled);
+ /* enqueue mouse data in multibyte internal mouse buffer */
+ tail = (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.head + BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements) %
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.buffer[tail] = mouse_data;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements++;
+ if (!BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled) {
+ activate_timer();
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# activating timer...");
+ return;
+ }
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# not activating timer...");
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# allow_irq12= %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12);
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# outb = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb);
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# clock_enab = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled);
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# out_buffer = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer);
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::kbd_ctrl_to_kbd(Bit8u value)
+ BX_DEBUG(("controller passed byte %02xh to keyboard", value));
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_typematic) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_typematic = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.delay = (value >> 5) & 0x03;
+ switch (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.delay) {
+ case 0: BX_INFO(("setting delay to 250 mS (unused)")); break;
+ case 1: BX_INFO(("setting delay to 500 mS (unused)")); break;
+ case 2: BX_INFO(("setting delay to 750 mS (unused)")); break;
+ case 3: BX_INFO(("setting delay to 1000 mS (unused)")); break;
+ }
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.repeat_rate = value & 0x1f;
+ double cps = 1 /((double)(8 + (value & 0x07)) * (double)exp(log((double)2) * (double)((value >> 3) & 0x03)) * 0.00417);
+ BX_INFO(("setting repeat rate to %.1f cps (unused)", cps));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ return;
+ }
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_led_write) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_led_write = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.led_status = value;
+ BX_DEBUG(("LED status set to %02x",
+ (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.led_status));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK %%%
+ return;
+ }
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_scancodes_set) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_scancodes_set = 0;
+ if( value != 0 ) {
+ if( value<4 ) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.current_scancodes_set = (value-1);
+ BX_INFO(("Switched to scancode set %d\n",
+ (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.current_scancodes_set + 1));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA);
+ }
+ else {
+ BX_ERROR(("Received scancodes set out of range: %d\n", value ));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFF); // send ERROR
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Send current scancodes set to port 0x60
+ kbd_enQ( 1 + (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.current_scancodes_set) );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0x00: // ??? ignore and let OS timeout with no response
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK %%%
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0x05: // ???
+ // (mch) trying to get this to work...
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.sysf = 1;
+ kbd_enQ_imm(0xfe);
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xed: // LED Write
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_led_write = 1;
+ kbd_enQ_imm(0xFA); // send ACK %%%
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xee: // echo
+ kbd_enQ(0xEE); // return same byte (EEh) as echo diagnostic
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf0: // Select alternate scan code set
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_scancodes_set = 1;
+ BX_DEBUG(("Expecting scancode set info...\n"));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf2: // identify keyboard
+ BX_INFO(("identify keyboard command received"));
+ // XT sends nothing, AT sends ACK
+ // MFII with translation sends ACK+ABh+41h
+ // MFII without translation sends ACK+ABh+83h
+ if (bx_options.Okeyboard_type->get() != BX_KBD_XT_TYPE) {
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA);
+ if (bx_options.Okeyboard_type->get() == BX_KBD_MF_TYPE) {
+ kbd_enQ(0xAB);
+ if(BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.scancodes_translate)
+ kbd_enQ(0x41);
+ else
+ kbd_enQ(0x83);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf3: // typematic info
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.expecting_typematic = 1;
+ BX_INFO(("setting typematic info"));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf4: // enable keyboard
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.scanning_enabled = 1;
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf5: // reset keyboard to power-up settings and disable scanning
+ resetinternals(1);
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.scanning_enabled = 0;
+ BX_INFO(("reset-disable command received"));
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf6: // reset keyboard to power-up settings and enable scanning
+ resetinternals(1);
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.scanning_enabled = 1;
+ BX_INFO(("reset-enable command received"));
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xf7: // PS/2 Set All Keys To Typematic
+ case 0xf8: // PS/2 Set All Keys to Make/Break
+ case 0xf9: // PS/2 PS/2 Set All Keys to Make
+ case 0xfa: // PS/2 Set All Keys to Typematic Make/Break
+ case 0xfb: // PS/2 Set Key Type to Typematic
+ case 0xfc: // PS/2 Set Key Type to Make/Break
+ case 0xfd: // PS/2 Set Key Type to Make
+ // Silently ignore and let the OS timeout, for now.
+ // If anyone has code around that makes use of that, I can
+ // provide documentation on their behavior (ask core@ggi-project.org)
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xfe: // resend. aiiee.
+ BX_PANIC( ("got 0xFE (resend)"));
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xff: // reset: internal keyboard reset and afterwards the BAT
+ BX_DEBUG(("reset command received"));
+ resetinternals(1);
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); // send ACK
+ kbd_enQ(0xAA); // BAT test passed
+ return;
+ break;
+ case 0xd3:
+ kbd_enQ(0xfa);
+ return;
+ default:
+ /* XXX fix this properly:
+ http://panda.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu/~achapwes/PICmicro/mouse/mouse.html
+ http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=422457&group_id=12580&atid=112580
+ */
+ BX_ERROR(("kbd_ctrl_to_kbd(): got value of %02x",
+ (unsigned) value));
+ kbd_enQ(0xFA); /* send ACK ??? */
+ return;
+ break;
+ }
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::timer_handler(void *this_ptr)
+ bx_keyb_c *class_ptr = (bx_keyb_c *) this_ptr;
+ unsigned retval;
+ // retval=class_ptr->periodic( bx_options.Okeyboard_serial_delay->get());
+ retval=class_ptr->periodic(1);
+ if(retval&0x01)
+ DEV_pic_raise_irq(1);
+ if(retval&0x02)
+ DEV_pic_raise_irq(12);
+ unsigned
+bx_keyb_c::periodic( Bit32u usec_delta )
+/* static int multiple=0; */
+ static unsigned count_before_paste=0;
+ Bit8u retval;
+ UNUSED( usec_delta );
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled ) {
+ if(++count_before_paste>=BX_KEY_THIS pastedelay) {
+ // after the paste delay, consider adding moving more chars
+ // from the paste buffer to the keyboard buffer.
+ BX_KEY_THIS service_paste_buf ();
+ count_before_paste=0;
+ }
+ }
+ retval = BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested | (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested << 1);
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 0;
+ if ( BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending == 0 ) {
+ return(retval);
+ }
+ if ( usec_delta >= BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending ) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending -= usec_delta;
+ return(retval);
+ }
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb) {
+ return(retval);
+ }
+ /* nothing in outb, look for possible data xfer from keyboard or mouse */
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_clock_enabled && BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements) {
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# servicing keyboard code");
+ BX_DEBUG(("service_keyboard: key in internal buffer waiting"));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.kbd_output_buffer =
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.buffer[BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.head];
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1",__LINE__)); // das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ // commented out since this would override the current state of the
+ // mouse buffer flag - no bug seen - just seems wrong (das)
+ // BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 0;
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# ___kbd::periodic kbd");
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.head = (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.head + 1) %
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_internal_buffer.num_elements--;
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq1)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq1_requested = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ create_mouse_packet(0);
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled && BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements) {
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# servicing mouse code");
+ BX_DEBUG(("service_keyboard: key(from mouse) in internal buffer waiting"));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_output_buffer =
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.buffer[BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.head];
+ // BX_INFO(("kbd: %04d outb 1 auxb 1",__LINE__)); //das
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.outb = 1;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.auxb = 1;
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# ___kbd:periodic aux");
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.head = (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.head + 1) %
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements--;
+//BX_DEBUG(( "# allow12 = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12);
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.irq12_requested = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ BX_DEBUG(("service_keyboard(): no keys waiting"));
+ }
+ }
+ return(retval);
+ void
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending == 0) {
+ // BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending = bx_options.Okeyboard_serial_delay->get ();
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.timer_pending = 1;
+ }
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::kbd_ctrl_to_mouse(Bit8u value)
+BX_DEBUG(("MOUSE: kbd_ctrl_to_mouse(%02xh)", (unsigned) value));
+BX_DEBUG((" enable = %u", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable));
+BX_DEBUG((" allow_irq12 = %u",
+ (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.allow_irq12));
+BX_DEBUG((" aux_clock_enabled = %u",
+ (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.aux_clock_enabled));
+//BX_DEBUG(( "MOUSE: kbd_ctrl_to_mouse(%02xh)", (unsigned) value));
+ // an ACK (0xFA) is always the first response to any valid input
+ // received from the system other than Set-Wrap-Mode & Resend-Command
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_mouse_parameter) {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_mouse_parameter = 0;
+ switch (BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_mouse_command) {
+ case 0xf3: // Set Mouse Sample Rate
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.sample_rate = value;
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Sampling rate set: %d Hz", value));
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ack
+ break;
+ case 0xe8: // Set Mouse Resolution
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0:
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 4;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BX_PANIC(("[mouse] Unknown resolution %d", value));
+ break;
+ }
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Resolution set to %d counts per mm",
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm));
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ack
+ break;
+ default:
+ BX_PANIC(("MOUSE: unknown last command (%02xh)", (unsigned) BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_mouse_command));
+ }
+ } else {
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_mouse_parameter = 0;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.last_mouse_command = value;
+ // test for wrap mode first
+ if (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode == MOUSE_MODE_WRAP) {
+ // if not a reset command or reset wrap mode
+ // then just echo the byte.
+ if ((value != 0xff) && (value != 0xec)) {
+ if (bx_dbg.mouse)
+ BX_INFO(("[mouse] wrap mode: Ignoring command %0X02.",value));
+ controller_enQ(value,1);
+ // bail out
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ switch ( value ) {
+ case 0xe6: // Set Mouse Scaling to 1:1
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.scaling = 2;
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Scaling set to 1:1"));
+ break;
+ case 0xe7: // Set Mouse Scaling to 2:1
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.scaling = 2;
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Scaling set to 2:1"));
+ break;
+ case 0xe8: // Set Mouse Resolution
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_mouse_parameter = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xea: // Set Stream Mode
+ if (bx_dbg.mouse)
+ BX_INFO(("[mouse] Mouse stream mode on."));
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ break;
+ case 0xec: // Reset Wrap Mode
+ // unless we are in wrap mode ignore the command
+ if ( BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode == MOUSE_MODE_WRAP) {
+ if (bx_dbg.mouse)
+ BX_INFO(("[mouse] Mouse wrap mode off."));
+ // restore previous mode except disable stream mode reporting.
+ // ### TODO disabling reporting in stream mode
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode = BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.saved_mode;
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0xee: // Set Wrap Mode
+ // ### TODO flush output queue.
+ // ### TODO disable interrupts if in stream mode.
+ if (bx_dbg.mouse)
+ BX_INFO(("[mouse] Mouse wrap mode on."));
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.saved_mode = BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode = MOUSE_MODE_WRAP;
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ break;
+ case 0xf0: // Set Remote Mode (polling mode, i.e. not stream mode.)
+ if (bx_dbg.mouse)
+ BX_INFO(("[mouse] Mouse remote mode on."));
+ // ### TODO should we flush/discard/ignore any already queued packets?
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ break;
+ case 0xf2: // Read Device Type
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ controller_enQ(0x00, 1); // Device ID
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Read mouse ID"));
+ break;
+ case 0xf3: // Set Mouse Sample Rate (sample rate written to port 60h)
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.kbd_controller.expecting_mouse_parameter = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0xf4: // Enable (in stream mode)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable = 1;
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Mouse enabled (stream mode)"));
+ break;
+ case 0xf5: // Disable (in stream mode)
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable = 0;
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Mouse disabled (stream mode)"));
+ break;
+ case 0xf6: // Set Defaults
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.sample_rate = 100; /* reports per second (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 4; /* 4 counts per millimeter (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.scaling = 1; /* 1:1 (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable = 0;
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Set Defaults"));
+ break;
+ case 0xff: // Reset
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.sample_rate = 100; /* reports per second (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.resolution_cpmm = 4; /* 4 counts per millimeter (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.scaling = 1; /* 1:1 (default) */
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode = MOUSE_MODE_RESET;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable = 0;
+ /* (mch) NT expects an ack here */
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ controller_enQ(0xAA, 1); // completion code
+ controller_enQ(0x00, 1); // ID code (normal mouse, wheelmouse has id 0x3)
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Mouse reset"));
+ break;
+ case 0xe9: // Get mouse information
+ // should we ack here? (mch): Yes
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ controller_enQ(BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.get_status_byte(), 1); // status
+ controller_enQ(BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.get_resolution_byte(), 1); // resolution
+ controller_enQ(BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.sample_rate, 1); // sample rate
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Get mouse information"));
+ break;
+ case 0xeb: // Read Data (send a packet when in Remote Mode)
+ controller_enQ(0xFA, 1); // ACK
+ // perhaps we should be adding some movement here.
+ mouse_enQ_packet( ((BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.button_status & 0x0f) | 0x08),
+ 0x00, 0x00 ); // bit3 of first byte always set
+ //assumed we really aren't in polling mode, a rather odd assumption.
+ BX_ERROR(("[mouse] Warning: Read Data command partially supported."));
+ break;
+ default:
+ //FEh Resend
+ BX_PANIC(("MOUSE: kbd_ctrl_to_mouse(%02xh)", (unsigned) value));
+ }
+ }
+bx_keyb_c::create_mouse_packet(bool force_enq) {
+ Bit8u b1, b2, b3;
+ // BX_DEBUG("Calling create_mouse_packet: force_enq=%d\n",force_enq);
+ if(BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse_internal_buffer.num_elements && !force_enq)
+ return;
+ // BX_DEBUG("Got to first milestone: force_enq=%d\n",force_enq);
+ Bit16s delta_x = BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx;
+ Bit16s delta_y = BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy;
+ Bit8u button_state=BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.button_status | 0x08;
+ if(!force_enq && !delta_x && !delta_y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // BX_DEBUG("Got to second milestone: delta_x=%d, delta_y=%d\n",delta_x,delta_y);
+ if(delta_x>254) delta_x=254;
+ if(delta_x<-254) delta_x=-254;
+ if(delta_y>254) delta_y=254;
+ if(delta_y<-254) delta_y=-254;
+ b1 = (button_state & 0x0f) | 0x08; // bit3 always set
+ if ( (delta_x>=0) && (delta_x<=255) ) {
+ b2 = (Bit8u) delta_x;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx-=delta_x;
+ }
+ else if ( delta_x > 255 ) {
+ b2 = (Bit8u) 0xff;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx-=255;
+ }
+ else if ( delta_x >= -256 ) {
+ b2 = (Bit8u) delta_x;
+ b1 |= 0x10;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx-=delta_x;
+ }
+ else {
+ b2 = (Bit8u) 0x00;
+ b1 |= 0x10;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx+=256;
+ }
+ if ( (delta_y>=0) && (delta_y<=255) ) {
+ b3 = (Bit8u) delta_y;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy-=delta_y;
+ }
+ else if ( delta_y > 255 ) {
+ b3 = (Bit8u) 0xff;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy-=255;
+ }
+ else if ( delta_y >= -256 ) {
+ b3 = (Bit8u) delta_y;
+ b1 |= 0x20;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy-=delta_y;
+ }
+ else {
+ b3 = (Bit8u) 0x00;
+ b1 |= 0x20;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy+=256;
+ }
+ mouse_enQ_packet(b1, b2, b3);
+bx_keyb_c::mouse_enabled_changed(bool enabled) {
+ if(s.mouse.delayed_dx || BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy) {
+ create_mouse_packet(1);
+ }
+ s.mouse.delayed_dx=0;
+ s.mouse.delayed_dy=0;
+ BX_DEBUG(("Keyboard mouse disable called."));
+ void
+bx_keyb_c::mouse_motion(int delta_x, int delta_y, unsigned button_state)
+ bool force_enq=0;
+ // If mouse events are disabled on the GUI headerbar, don't
+ // generate any mouse data
+ if (bx_options.Omouse_enabled->get () == 0)
+ return;
+ // don't generate interrupts if we are in remote mode.
+ if ( BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.mode == MOUSE_MODE_REMOTE)
+ // is there any point in doing any work if we don't act on the result
+ // so go home.
+ return;
+ // Note: enable only applies in STREAM MODE.
+ if ( BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.enable==0 )
+ return;
+ // scale down the motion
+ if ( (delta_x < -1) || (delta_x > 1) )
+ delta_x /= 2;
+ if ( (delta_y < -1) || (delta_y > 1) )
+ delta_y /= 2;
+ if (delta_x != 0 || delta_y != 0)
+ BX_DEBUG(("[mouse] Dx=%d Dy=%d", delta_x, delta_y));
+#endif /* ifdef VERBOSE_KBD_DEBUG */
+ if( (delta_x==0) && (delta_y==0) && (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.button_status == (button_state & 0x3) ) ) {
+ BX_DEBUG(("Ignoring useless mouse_motion call:\n"));
+ BX_DEBUG(("This should be fixed in the gui code.\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.button_status != (button_state & 0x3)) {
+ force_enq=1;
+ }
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.button_status = button_state & 0x3;
+ if(delta_x>255) delta_x=255;
+ if(delta_y>255) delta_y=255;
+ if(delta_x<-256) delta_x=-256;
+ if(delta_y<-256) delta_y=-256;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx+=delta_x;
+ BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy+=delta_y;
+ if((BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx>255)||
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dx<-256)||
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy>255)||
+ (BX_KEY_THIS s.mouse.delayed_dy<-256)) {
+ force_enq=1;
+ }
+ create_mouse_packet(force_enq);
+ int
+bx_keyb_c::SaveState( class state_file *fd )
+ fd->write_check ("keyboard start");
+ fd->write (&BX_KEY_THIS s, sizeof (BX_KEY_THIS s));
+ fd->write_check ("keyboard end");
+ return(0);
+ int
+bx_keyb_c::LoadState( class state_file *fd )
+ fd->read_check ("keyboard start");
+ fd->read (&BX_KEY_THIS s, sizeof (BX_KEY_THIS s));
+ fd->read_check ("keyboard end");
+ return(0);