path: root/tools
diff options
authorKeir Fraser <keir.fraser@citrix.com>2009-07-24 12:08:54 +0100
committerKeir Fraser <keir.fraser@citrix.com>2009-07-24 12:08:54 +0100
commitc391d9bd062a0e5c6cd0d3376ad5c669fc4da733 (patch)
tree0a3acf36512880e701b3385a4366cde59c4926e0 /tools
parentd714f7b5af71982b5297ac14a98ea23b29f87fd9 (diff)
Revert 19961: breaks xend start on some systems.
Signed-off-by: Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@citrix.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 5 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/util/fileuri.py b/tools/python/xen/util/fileuri.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6282414a48..0000000000
--- a/tools/python/xen/util/fileuri.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# Copyright (C) 2009 flonatel GmbH & Co. KG
-import logging
-import os
-import base64
-import tempfile
-import stat
-from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
-from xen.util import mkdir
-# The following are needed for unit-testing only
-import unittest
-# This functions and classes can be used where a filename is expected -
-# especially in the xenapi.VM.create() for PV_kernel and PV_ramdisk.
-# The functions have a backward compatibility mode, i.e. when there is
-# no appropriate scheme detected, the data is seens as a path to a
-# (local) file.
-class scheme_error(Exception):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.value)
-# Data scheme (as defined in RFC 2397):
-# data:application/octet-stream;base64,<base64 encoded data>
-# It looks that there is currently no general purpose implementation
-# available (in python) for this URL scheme - so the very basic is
-# done here.
-# Limitations
-# o Only base64 is currently supported
-class scheme_data:
- def encode(data, mediatype = 'application/octet-stream',
- encoding = 'base64'):
- # XXX Limit this to base64 for current implementation
- if encoding!='base64':
- raise scheme_error("invalid encoding")
- return 'data:' + mediatype + ";" + encoding \
- + "," + base64.b64encode(data)
- encode = staticmethod(encode)
- # Private method: parse encoded data
- def parse(encoded_data):
- if not isinstance(encoded_data, str):
- raise scheme_error("encoded data has wrong type")
- if not encoded_data.startswith('data:'):
- raise scheme_error("'data:' scheme declaration missing")
- comma = encoded_data.find(',', 5)
- if comma == -1:
- raise scheme_error("data separator (comma) is missing")
- # Cut off the media type and encoding
- mtenc = encoded_data[5:comma]
- if len(mtenc)==0:
- raise scheme_error("encoding is empty")
- # XXX Limit to base64 encoding
- if not mtenc.endswith(';base64'):
- raise scheme_error("encoding is not base64")
- mediatype = mtenc[:-7]
- return (mediatype, 'base64', comma+1)
- parse = staticmethod(parse)
- # Stores the data in a local file and returns the filename
- # and a flag if this file in temporary only and must be deleted
- # after starting the VM.
- def decode(encoded_data):
- mkdir.parents("/var/run/xend/boot/", stat.S_IRWXU)
- mediatype, encoding, data_start = scheme_data.parse(encoded_data)
- fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(
- prefix="data_uri_file.", dir="/var/run/xend/boot")
- os.write(fd, base64.b64decode(encoded_data[data_start:]))
- os.close(fd)
- return filename, True
- decode = staticmethod(decode)
- # Utility function which reads in the given (local) file and
- # creates a data scheme from this.
- def create_from_file(filename):
- try:
- f = open(filename, "r")
- d = f.read()
- f.close()
- return scheme_data.encode(d)
- except IOError:
- raise scheme_error("file does not exists")
- create_from_file = staticmethod(create_from_file)
-class scheme_data_unit_tests(unittest.TestCase):
- def check_basic_encoding(self):
- "scheme_data - basic encoding"
- sd = scheme_data.encode('Hello!')
- self.assertEqual(sd, 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8h')
- def check_encoding_with_given_mediatype(self):
- "scheme_data - encoding with given media name"
- sd = scheme_data.encode('Hello!', 'application/x-my-linux-kernel')
- self.assertEqual(sd,
- 'data:application/x-my-linux-kernel;base64,SGVsbG8h')
- def check_parse_01(self):
- "scheme_data - parsing of None"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse, None)
- def check_parse_02(self):
- "scheme_data - parsing of empty string"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse, "")
- def check_parse_03(self):
- "scheme_data - parsing of unstructured data"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse, "akskdjdfhezezu")
- def check_parse_04(self):
- "scheme_data - data: is not at the first place"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse, 'ggdata:sossm')
- def check_parse_05(self):
- "scheme_data - no comma in data"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse, 'data:sossm')
- def check_parse_06(self):
- "scheme_data - encoding is empty"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse, 'data:,')
- def check_parse_07(self):
- "scheme_data - unknown encoding"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.parse,
- 'data:somemediatype;unknown,')
- def check_parse_08(self):
- "scheme_data - parse ok - empty data"
- mediatype, encoding, data_start = scheme_data.parse(
- 'data:somemedia;base64,')
- self.assertEqual(mediatype, 'somemedia')
- self.assertEqual(encoding, 'base64')
- self.assertEqual(data_start, 22)
- def check_parse_09(self):
- "scheme_data - parse ok - some data"
- mediatype, encoding, data_start = scheme_data.parse(
- 'data:somemedia;base64,HereComesTheSun')
- self.assertEqual(mediatype, 'somemedia')
- self.assertEqual(encoding, 'base64')
- self.assertEqual(data_start, 22)
- def check_cff_file_does_not_exist(self):
- "scheme_data - create from file - non existent file"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_data.create_from_file,
- "/there/is/hopefully/no/file/like/this")
- def check_cff_ok(self):
- "scheme_data - create from file - ok"
- tmppath = "/tmp/scheme_data_check_cff_ok"
- f = open(tmppath, "w")
- f.write("huhuhu")
- f.close()
- d = scheme_data.create_from_file(tmppath)
- os.unlink(tmppath)
- self.assertEqual(d, "data:application/octet-stream;base64,aHVodWh1")
-# File Scheme
-# This class supports absolut paths only.
-class scheme_file:
- def encode(filename):
- if len(filename) == 0:
- raise scheme_error("filename is empty")
- if filename[0] != '/':
- raise scheme_error("filename is not absolut")
- return 'file://' + filename
- encode = staticmethod(encode)
- def decode(encoded_data):
- if not encoded_data.startswith("file://"):
- raise scheme_error("no file:// scheme found")
- path = encoded_data[7:]
- if len(path)==0:
- raise scheme_error("path is empty")
- if path[0]!='/':
- raise scheme_error("path is not absolute")
- return path, False
- decode = staticmethod(decode)
-class scheme_file_unit_tests(unittest.TestCase):
- def check_encode_empty_filename(self):
- "scheme_file - encode empty filename"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.encode, "")
- def check_encode_relative_filename(self):
- "scheme_file - encode relative filename"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.encode, "../there")
- def check_encode_absolut_filename(self):
- "scheme_file - encode absolut filename"
- self.assertEqual(
- scheme_file.encode("/here/and/there/again"),
- 'file:///here/and/there/again')
- def check_decode_01(self):
- "scheme_file - decode empty data"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.decode, "")
- def check_decode_02(self):
- "scheme_file - decode data with no file:// at the beginning (1)"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.decode,
- "phonehome://bbbb")
- def check_decode_03(self):
- "scheme_file - decode data with no file:// at the beginning (2)"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.decode,
- "file:/bbbb")
- def check_decode_04(self):
- "scheme_file - decode empty path"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.decode,
- "file://")
- def check_decode_05(self):
- "scheme_file - decode empty relative path"
- self.assertRaises(scheme_error, scheme_file.decode,
- "file://somewhere")
- def check_decode_06(self):
- "scheme_file - decode ok"
- path, tmp_file = scheme_file.decode("file:///boot/vmlinuz")
- self.assertEqual(path, "/boot/vmlinuz")
- self.assertEqual(tmp_file, False)
-class scheme_set:
- def __init__(self):
- self.schemes = [scheme_data, scheme_file]
- def decode(self, uri):
- for scheme in self.schemes:
- try:
- # If this passes, it is the correct scheme
- return scheme.decode(uri)
- except scheme_error, se:
- log.debug("Decode throws an error: '%s'" % se)
- return uri, False
-schemes = scheme_set()
-def suite():
- return unittest.TestSuite(
- [unittest.makeSuite(scheme_data_unit_tests, 'check_'),
- unittest.makeSuite(scheme_file_unit_tests, 'check_'),])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- testresult = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(suite())
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py
index 8ba43cd1ac..2cca3d5131 100644
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendConfig.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ from xen.util.pci import pci_opts_list_from_sxp, pci_convert_sxp_to_dict
from xen.xend.XendSXPDev import dev_dict_to_sxp
from xen.util import xsconstants
from xen.util import auxbin
-import xen.util.fileuri
log = logging.getLogger("xend.XendConfig")
@@ -339,8 +338,6 @@ class XendConfig(dict):
# output from xc.domain_getinfo
self._dominfo_to_xapi(dominfo, update_mem = True)
- self.handle_fileuris()
log.debug('XendConfig.init: %s' % scrub_password(self))
# validators go here
@@ -2002,14 +1999,10 @@ class XendConfig(dict):
self['_temp_kernel'] = sxp.child_value(image_sxp, 'kernel','')
self['_temp_ramdisk'] = sxp.child_value(image_sxp, 'ramdisk','')
self['_temp_args'] = kernel_args
- self['use_tmp_kernel'] = True
- self['use_tmp_ramdisk'] = True
self['PV_kernel'] = sxp.child_value(image_sxp, 'kernel','')
self['PV_ramdisk'] = sxp.child_value(image_sxp, 'ramdisk','')
self['PV_args'] = kernel_args
- self['use_tmp_kernel'] = False
- self['use_tmp_ramdisk'] = False
self['superpages'] = sxp.child_value(image_sxp, 'superpages',0)
@@ -2083,11 +2076,3 @@ class XendConfig(dict):
pci.append([domain, bus, slot, func, vdevfn, opts])
self['platform']['pci'] = pci
- def handle_fileuris(self):
- for arg in [('PV_kernel', 'use_tmp_kernel'),
- ('PV_ramdisk', 'use_tmp_ramdisk')]:
- if self[arg[0]]:
- self[arg[0]], self[arg[1]] \
- = xen.util.fileuri.schemes.decode(self[arg[0]])
- log.debug("fileuri '%s' = '%s'" % (arg[0], self[arg[0]][:100]))
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py
index 3e879c6dd9..3f2683d6cb 100644
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py
@@ -2634,7 +2634,7 @@ class XendDomainInfo:
- self.image.cleanupTmpImages()
+ self.image.cleanupBootloading()
self.info['start_time'] = time.time()
@@ -2642,12 +2642,12 @@ class XendDomainInfo:
except VmError, exn:
log.exception("XendDomainInfo.initDomain: exception occurred")
if self.image:
- self.image.cleanupTmpImages()
+ self.image.cleanupBootloading()
raise exn
except RuntimeError, exn:
log.exception("XendDomainInfo.initDomain: exception occurred")
if self.image:
- self.image.cleanupTmpImages()
+ self.image.cleanupBootloading()
raise VmError(str(exn))
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py b/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
index a30b803997..ef6db122b9 100644
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
@@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ class ImageHandler:
self.vm = vm
self.bootloader = False
- self.use_tmp_kernel = False
- self.use_tmp_ramdisk = False
self.kernel = None
self.ramdisk = None
self.cmdline = None
@@ -108,10 +106,6 @@ class ImageHandler:
self.kernel = vmConfig['PV_kernel']
self.cmdline = vmConfig['PV_args']
self.ramdisk = vmConfig['PV_ramdisk']
- if vmConfig['use_tmp_kernel']:
- self.use_tmp_ramdisk = True
- if vmConfig['use_tmp_ramdisk']:
- self.use_tmp_kernel = True
self.vm.storeVm(("image/ostype", self.ostype),
("image/kernel", self.kernel),
("image/cmdline", self.cmdline),
@@ -141,10 +135,9 @@ class ImageHandler:
if 'cpuid_check' in vmConfig:
self.cpuid_check = vmConfig['cpuid_check']
- def cleanupTmpImages(self):
- if self.use_tmp_kernel:
+ def cleanupBootloading(self):
+ if self.bootloader:
- if self.use_tmp_ramdisk: