path: root/tools/ocaml/xenstored/store.ml
diff options
authorKeir Fraser <keir.fraser@citrix.com>2010-05-06 11:04:39 +0100
committerKeir Fraser <keir.fraser@citrix.com>2010-05-06 11:04:39 +0100
commitf44af660412c358c2fd8c9fd15496b4b6e0018d7 (patch)
treed5bd373776217689d401d93d8d82d5c062d05fb8 /tools/ocaml/xenstored/store.ml
parentea8ddf27e5c825229946a8e8b3e0f7ee28903983 (diff)
ocaml: Add xenstored implementation.
Signed-off-by: Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/ocaml/xenstored/store.ml')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/store.ml b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/store.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34552bb9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/store.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Citrix Ltd.
+ * Author Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com>
+ * Author Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas.gazagnaire@eu.citrix.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+open Stdext
+module Node = struct
+type t = {
+ name: Symbol.t;
+ perms: Perms.Node.t;
+ value: string;
+ children: t list;
+let create _name _perms _value =
+ { name = Symbol.of_string _name; perms = _perms; value = _value; children = []; }
+let get_owner node = Perms.Node.get_owner node.perms
+let get_children node = node.children
+let get_value node = node.value
+let get_perms node = node.perms
+let get_name node = Symbol.to_string node.name
+let set_value node nvalue =
+ if node.value = nvalue
+ then node
+ else { node with value = nvalue }
+let set_perms node nperms = { node with perms = nperms }
+let add_child node child =
+ { node with children = child :: node.children }
+let exists node childname =
+ let childname = Symbol.of_string childname in
+ List.exists (fun n -> n.name = childname) node.children
+let find node childname =
+ let childname = Symbol.of_string childname in
+ List.find (fun n -> n.name = childname) node.children
+let replace_child node child nchild =
+ (* this is the on-steroid version of the filter one-replace one *)
+ let rec replace_one_in_list l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> []
+ | h :: tl when h.name = child.name -> nchild :: tl
+ | h :: tl -> h :: replace_one_in_list tl
+ in
+ { node with children = (replace_one_in_list node.children) }
+let del_childname node childname =
+ let sym = Symbol.of_string childname in
+ let rec delete_one_in_list l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | h :: tl when h.name = sym -> tl
+ | h :: tl -> h :: delete_one_in_list tl
+ in
+ { node with children = (delete_one_in_list node.children) }
+let del_all_children node =
+ { node with children = [] }
+(* check if the current node can be accessed by the current connection with rperm permissions *)
+let check_perm node connection request =
+ Perms.check connection request node.perms
+(* check if the current node is owned by the current connection *)
+let check_owner node connection =
+ if not (Perms.check_owner connection node.perms)
+ then begin
+ Logs.info "io" "Permission denied: Domain %d not owner" (get_owner node);
+ raise Define.Permission_denied;
+ end
+let rec recurse fct node = fct node; List.iter (recurse fct) node.children
+let unpack node = (Symbol.to_string node.name, node.perms, node.value)
+module Path = struct
+(* represent a path in a store.
+ * [] -> "/"
+ * [ "local"; "domain"; "1" ] -> "/local/domain/1"
+ *)
+type t = string list
+let char_is_valid c =
+ (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
+ (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
+ (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
+ c = '_' || c = '-' || c = '@'
+let name_is_valid name =
+ name <> "" && String.fold_left (fun accu c -> accu && char_is_valid c) true name
+let is_valid path =
+ List.for_all name_is_valid path
+let of_string s =
+ if s.[0] = '@'
+ then [s]
+ else if s = "/"
+ then []
+ else match String.split '/' s with
+ | "" :: path when is_valid path -> path
+ | _ -> raise Define.Invalid_path
+let create path connection_path =
+ of_string (Utils.path_validate path connection_path)
+let to_string t =
+ "/" ^ (String.concat "/" t)
+let to_string_list x = x
+let get_parent t =
+ if t = [] then [] else List.rev (List.tl (List.rev t))
+let get_hierarchy path =
+ Utils.get_hierarchy path
+let get_common_prefix p1 p2 =
+ let rec compare l1 l2 =
+ match l1, l2 with
+ | h1 :: tl1, h2 :: tl2 ->
+ if h1 = h2 then h1 :: (compare tl1 tl2) else []
+ | _, [] | [], _ ->
+ (* if l1 or l2 is empty, we found the equal part already *)
+ []
+ in
+ compare p1 p2
+let rec lookup_modify node path fct =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> raise (Define.Invalid_path)
+ | h :: [] -> fct node h
+ | h :: l ->
+ let (n, c) =
+ if not (Node.exists node h) then
+ raise (Define.Lookup_Doesnt_exist h)
+ else
+ (node, Node.find node h) in
+ let nc = lookup_modify c l fct in
+ Node.replace_child n c nc
+let apply_modify rnode path fct =
+ lookup_modify rnode path fct
+let rec lookup_get node path =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> raise (Define.Invalid_path)
+ | h :: [] ->
+ (try
+ Node.find node h
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise Define.Doesnt_exist)
+ | h :: l -> let cnode = Node.find node h in lookup_get cnode l
+let get_node rnode path =
+ if path = [] then
+ Some rnode
+ else (
+ try Some (lookup_get rnode path) with Define.Doesnt_exist -> None
+ )
+(* get the deepest existing node for this path *)
+let rec get_deepest_existing_node node = function
+ | [] -> node
+ | h :: t ->
+ try get_deepest_existing_node (Node.find node h) t
+ with Not_found -> node
+let set_node rnode path nnode =
+ let quota = Quota.create () in
+ if !Quota.activate then Node.recurse (fun node -> Quota.add_entry quota (Node.get_owner node)) nnode;
+ if path = [] then
+ nnode, quota
+ else
+ let set_node node name =
+ try
+ let ent = Node.find node name in
+ if !Quota.activate then Node.recurse (fun node -> Quota.del_entry quota (Node.get_owner node)) ent;
+ Node.replace_child node ent nnode
+ with Not_found ->
+ Node.add_child node nnode
+ in
+ apply_modify rnode path set_node, quota
+(* read | ls | getperms use this *)
+let rec lookup node path fct =
+ match path with
+ | [] -> raise (Define.Invalid_path)
+ | h :: [] -> fct node h
+ | h :: l -> let cnode = Node.find node h in lookup cnode l fct
+let apply rnode path fct =
+ lookup rnode path fct
+type t =
+ mutable stat_transaction_coalesce: int;
+ mutable stat_transaction_abort: int;
+ mutable root: Node.t;
+ mutable quota: Quota.t;
+let get_root store = store.root
+let set_root store root = store.root <- root
+let get_quota store = store.quota
+let set_quota store quota = store.quota <- quota
+(* modifying functions *)
+let path_mkdir store perm path =
+ let do_mkdir node name =
+ try
+ let ent = Node.find node name in
+ Node.check_perm ent perm Perms.WRITE;
+ raise Define.Already_exist
+ with Not_found ->
+ Node.check_perm node perm Perms.WRITE;
+ Node.add_child node (Node.create name node.Node.perms "") in
+ if path = [] then
+ store.root
+ else
+ Path.apply_modify store.root path do_mkdir
+let path_write store perm path value =
+ let node_created = ref false in
+ let do_write node name =
+ try
+ let ent = Node.find node name in
+ Node.check_perm ent perm Perms.WRITE;
+ let nent = Node.set_value ent value in
+ Node.replace_child node ent nent
+ with Not_found ->
+ node_created := true;
+ Node.check_perm node perm Perms.WRITE;
+ Node.add_child node (Node.create name node.Node.perms value) in
+ if path = [] then (
+ Node.check_perm store.root perm Perms.WRITE;
+ Node.set_value store.root value, false
+ ) else
+ Path.apply_modify store.root path do_write, !node_created
+let path_rm store perm path =
+ let do_rm node name =
+ try
+ let ent = Node.find node name in
+ Node.check_perm ent perm Perms.WRITE;
+ Node.del_childname node name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise Define.Doesnt_exist in
+ if path = [] then
+ Node.del_all_children store.root
+ else
+ Path.apply_modify store.root path do_rm
+let path_setperms store perm path perms =
+ if path = [] then
+ Node.set_perms store.root perms
+ else
+ let do_setperms node name =
+ let c = Node.find node name in
+ Node.check_owner c perm;
+ Node.check_perm c perm Perms.WRITE;
+ let nc = Node.set_perms c perms in
+ Node.replace_child node c nc
+ in
+ Path.apply_modify store.root path do_setperms
+(* accessing functions *)
+let get_node store path =
+ Path.get_node store.root path
+let get_deepest_existing_node store path =
+ Path.get_deepest_existing_node store.root path
+let read store perm path =
+ let do_read node name =
+ let ent = Node.find node name in
+ Node.check_perm ent perm Perms.READ;
+ ent.Node.value
+ in
+ Path.apply store.root path do_read
+let ls store perm path =
+ let children =
+ if path = [] then
+ (Node.get_children store.root)
+ else
+ let do_ls node name =
+ let cnode = Node.find node name in
+ Node.check_perm cnode perm Perms.READ;
+ cnode.Node.children in
+ Path.apply store.root path do_ls in
+ List.rev (List.map (fun n -> Symbol.to_string n.Node.name) children)
+let getperms store perm path =
+ if path = [] then
+ (Node.get_perms store.root)
+ else
+ let fct n name =
+ let c = Node.find n name in
+ Node.check_perm c perm Perms.READ;
+ c.Node.perms in
+ Path.apply store.root path fct
+let path_exists store path =
+ if path = [] then
+ true
+ else
+ try
+ let check_exist node name =
+ ignore(Node.find node name);
+ true in
+ Path.apply store.root path check_exist
+ with Not_found -> false
+(* others utils *)
+let traversal root_node f =
+ let rec _traversal path node =
+ f path node;
+ List.iter (_traversal (path @ [ Symbol.to_string node.Node.name ])) node.Node.children
+ in
+ _traversal [] root_node
+let dump_store_buf root_node =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 8192 in
+ let dump_node path node =
+ let pathstr = String.concat "/" path in
+ Printf.bprintf buf "%s/%s{%s}" pathstr (Symbol.to_string node.Node.name)
+ (String.escaped (Perms.Node.to_string (Node.get_perms node)));
+ if String.length node.Node.value > 0 then
+ Printf.bprintf buf " = %s\n" (String.escaped node.Node.value)
+ else
+ Printf.bprintf buf "\n";
+ in
+ traversal root_node dump_node;
+ buf
+let dump_store chan root_node =
+ let buf = dump_store_buf root_node in
+ output_string chan (Buffer.contents buf);
+ Buffer.reset buf
+let dump_fct store f = traversal store.root f
+let dump store out_chan = dump_store out_chan store.root
+let dump_stdout store = dump_store stdout store.root
+let dump_buffer store = dump_store_buf store.root
+(* modifying functions with quota udpate *)
+let set_node store path node =
+ let root, quota_diff = Path.set_node store.root path node in
+ store.root <- root;
+ Quota.add store.quota quota_diff
+let write store perm path value =
+ let owner = Node.get_owner (get_deepest_existing_node store path) in
+ Quota.check store.quota owner (String.length value);
+ let root, node_created = path_write store perm path value in
+ store.root <- root;
+ if node_created
+ then Quota.add_entry store.quota owner
+let mkdir store perm path =
+ let owner = Node.get_owner (get_deepest_existing_node store path) in
+ Quota.check store.quota owner 0;
+ store.root <- path_mkdir store perm path;
+ Quota.add_entry store.quota owner
+let rm store perm path =
+ let rmed_node = Path.get_node store.root path in
+ match rmed_node with
+ | None -> raise Define.Doesnt_exist
+ | Some rmed_node ->
+ store.root <- path_rm store perm path;
+ Node.recurse (fun node -> Quota.del_entry store.quota (Node.get_owner node)) rmed_node
+let setperms store perm path nperms =
+ match Path.get_node store.root path with
+ | None -> raise Define.Doesnt_exist
+ | Some node ->
+ let old_owner = Node.get_owner node in
+ let new_owner = Perms.Node.get_owner nperms in
+ Quota.check store.quota new_owner 0;
+ store.root <- path_setperms store perm path nperms;
+ Quota.del_entry store.quota old_owner;
+ Quota.add_entry store.quota new_owner
+type ops = {
+ store: t;
+ write: Path.t -> string -> unit;
+ mkdir: Path.t -> unit;
+ rm: Path.t -> unit;
+ setperms: Path.t -> Perms.Node.t -> unit;
+ ls: Path.t -> string list;
+ read: Path.t -> string;
+ getperms: Path.t -> Perms.Node.t;
+ path_exists: Path.t -> bool;
+let get_ops store perms = {
+ store = store;
+ write = write store perms;
+ mkdir = mkdir store perms;
+ rm = rm store perms;
+ setperms = setperms store perms;
+ ls = ls store perms;
+ read = read store perms;
+ getperms = getperms store perms;
+ path_exists = path_exists store;
+let create () = {
+ stat_transaction_coalesce = 0;
+ stat_transaction_abort = 0;
+ root = Node.create "" Perms.Node.default0 "";
+ quota = Quota.create ();
+let copy store = {
+ stat_transaction_coalesce = store.stat_transaction_coalesce;
+ stat_transaction_abort = store.stat_transaction_abort;
+ root = store.root;
+ quota = Quota.copy store.quota;
+let mark_symbols store =
+ Node.recurse (fun node -> Symbol.mark_as_used node.Node.name) store.root
+let incr_transaction_coalesce store =
+ store.stat_transaction_coalesce <- store.stat_transaction_coalesce + 1
+let incr_transaction_abort store =
+ store.stat_transaction_abort <- store.stat_transaction_abort + 1
+let stats store =
+ let nb_nodes = ref 0 in
+ traversal store.root (fun path node ->
+ incr nb_nodes
+ );
+ !nb_nodes, store.stat_transaction_abort, store.stat_transaction_coalesce