path: root/docs/pythfilter.py
diff options
authorewan@linford.intra <ewan@linford.intra>2005-09-11 21:40:15 +0100
committerewan@linford.intra <ewan@linford.intra>2005-09-11 21:40:15 +0100
commitb7d4a69f0ccb5b6035d5b567694bf2c2dc5983c4 (patch)
treebc7d10c4f91d1b8b67d414115d2e80bc808775cf /docs/pythfilter.py
parent700f66a7edfa837920a008886b7efec1be0a0883 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/pythfilter.py')
1 files changed, 639 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/pythfilter.py b/docs/pythfilter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81a13d9973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/pythfilter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# pythfilter.py v1.5.5, written by Matthias Baas (baas@ira.uka.de)
+# Doxygen filter which can be used to document Python source code.
+# Classes (incl. methods) and functions can be documented.
+# Every comment that begins with ## is literally turned into an
+# Doxygen comment. Consecutive comment lines are turned into
+# comment blocks (-> /** ... */).
+# All the stuff is put inside a namespace with the same name as
+# the source file.
+# Conversions:
+# ============
+# ##-blocks -> /** ... */
+# "class name(base): ..." -> "class name : public base {...}"
+# "def name(params): ..." -> "name(params) {...}"
+# Changelog:
+# 21.01.2003: Raw (r"") or unicode (u"") doc string will now be properly
+# handled. (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch)
+# 22.12.2003: Fixed a bug where no function names would be output for "def"
+# blocks that were not in a class.
+# (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch)
+# 12.12.2003: Implemented code to handle static and class methods with
+# this logic: Methods with "self" as the first argument are
+# non-static. Methods with "cls" are Python class methods,
+# which translate into static methods for Doxygen. Other
+# methods are assumed to be static methods. As should be
+# obvious, this logic doesn't take into account if the method
+# is actually setup as a classmethod() or a staticmethod(),
+# just if it follows the normal conventions.
+# (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch)
+# 11.12.2003: Corrected #includes to use os.path.sep instead of ".". Corrected
+# namespace code to use "::" instead of ".".
+# (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch)
+# 11.12.2003: Methods beginning with two underscores that end with
+# something other than two underscores are considered private
+# and are handled accordingly.
+# (thanks to Richard Laager for the patch)
+# 03.12.2003: The first parameter of class methods (self) is removed from
+# the documentation.
+# 03.11.2003: The module docstring will be used as namespace documentation
+# (thanks to Joe Bronkema for the patch)
+# 08.07.2003: Namespaces get a default documentation so that the namespace
+# and its contents will show up in the generated documentation.
+# 05.02.2003: Directories will be delted during synchronization.
+# 31.01.2003: -f option & filtering entire directory trees.
+# 10.08.2002: In base classes the '.' will be replaced by '::'
+# 18.07.2002: * and ** will be translated into arguments
+# 18.07.2002: Argument lists may contain default values using constructors.
+# 18.06.2002: Support for ## public:
+# 21.01.2002: from ... import will be translated to "using namespace ...;"
+# TODO: "from ... import *" vs "from ... import names"
+# TODO: Using normal imports: name.name -> name::name
+# 20.01.2002: #includes will be placed in front of the namespace
+# The program is written as a state machine with the following states:
+# - OUTSIDE The current position is outside any comment,
+# class definition or function.
+# - BUILD_COMMENT Begins with first "##".
+# Ends with the first token that is no "##"
+# at the same column as before.
+# - BUILD_CLASS_DECL Begins with "class".
+# Ends with ":"
+# The first following token (which is no comment)
+# determines indentation depth.
+# Ends with a token that has a smaller indendation.
+# - BUILD_DEF_DECL Begins with "def".
+# Ends with ":".
+# - BUILD_DEF_BODY Begins just after BUILD_DEF_DECL.
+# The first following token (which is no comment)
+# determines indentation depth.
+# Ends with a token that has a smaller indendation.
+import getopt
+import glob
+import os.path
+import re
+import shutil
+import string
+import sys
+import token
+import tokenize
+from stat import *
+# Output file stream
+outfile = sys.stdout
+# Output buffer
+outbuffer = []
+out_row = 1
+out_col = 0
+# Variables used by rec_name_n_param()
+name = ""
+param = ""
+doc_string = ""
+record_state = 0
+bracket_counter = 0
+# Tuple: (row,column)
+class_spos = (0,0)
+def_spos = (0,0)
+import_spos = (0,0)
+# Which import was used? ("import" or "from")
+import_token = ""
+# Comment block buffer
+comment_block = []
+comment_finished = 0
+# Imported modules
+modules = []
+# Program state
+stateStack = [OUTSIDE]
+# Keep track of whether module has a docstring
+module_has_docstring = False
+# Keep track of member protection
+protection_level = "public"
+private_member = False
+# Keep track of the module namespace
+namespace = ""
+# Output string s. '\n' may only be at the end of the string (not
+# somewhere in the middle).
+# In: s - String
+# spos - Startpos
+def output(s,spos, immediate=0):
+ global outbuffer, out_row, out_col, outfile
+ os = string.rjust(s,spos[1]-out_col+len(s))
+ if immediate:
+ outfile.write(os)
+ else:
+ outbuffer.append(os)
+ assert -1 == string.find(s[0:-2], "\n"), s
+ if (s[-1:]=="\n"):
+ out_row = out_row+1
+ out_col = 0
+ else:
+ out_col = spos[1]+len(s)
+# Records a name and parameters. The name is either a class name or
+# a function name. Then the parameter is either the base class or
+# the function parameters.
+# The name is stored in the global variable "name", the parameters
+# in "param".
+# The variable "record_state" holds the current state of this internal
+# state machine.
+# The recording is started by calling start_recording().
+# In: type, tok
+def rec_name_n_param(type, tok):
+ global record_state,name,param,doc_string,bracket_counter
+ s = record_state
+ # State 0: Do nothing.
+ if (s==0):
+ return
+ # State 1: Remember name.
+ elif (s==1):
+ name = tok
+ record_state = 2
+ # State 2: Wait for opening bracket or colon
+ elif (s==2):
+ if (tok=='('):
+ bracket_counter = 1
+ record_state=3
+ if (tok==':'): record_state=4
+ # State 3: Store parameter (or base class) and wait for an ending bracket
+ elif (s==3):
+ if (tok=='*' or tok=='**'):
+ tok=''
+ if (tok=='('):
+ bracket_counter = bracket_counter+1
+ if (tok==')'):
+ bracket_counter = bracket_counter-1
+ if bracket_counter==0:
+ record_state=4
+ else:
+ param=param+tok
+ # State 4: Look for doc string
+ elif (s==4):
+ if (type==token.NEWLINE or type==token.INDENT or type==token.SLASHEQUAL):
+ return
+ elif (tok==":"):
+ return
+ elif (type==token.STRING):
+ while tok[:1]=='r' or tok[:1]=='u':
+ tok=tok[1:]
+ while tok[:1]=='"':
+ tok=tok[1:]
+ while tok[-1:]=='"':
+ tok=tok[:-1]
+ doc_string=tok
+ record_state=0
+# Starts the recording of a name & param part.
+# The function rec_name_n_param() has to be fed with tokens. After
+# the necessary tokens are fed the name and parameters can be found
+# in the global variables "name" und "param".
+def start_recording():
+ global record_state,param,name, doc_string
+ record_state=1
+ name=""
+ param=""
+ doc_string=""
+# Test if recording is finished
+def is_recording_finished():
+ global record_state
+ return record_state==0
+## Gather comment block
+def gather_comment(type,tok,spos):
+ global comment_block,comment_finished
+ if (type!=tokenize.COMMENT):
+ comment_finished = 1
+ else:
+ # Output old comment block if a new one is started.
+ if (comment_finished):
+ print_comment(spos)
+ comment_finished=0
+ if (tok[0:2]=="##" and tok[0:3]!="###"):
+ append_comment_lines(tok[2:])
+## Output comment block and empty buffer.
+def print_comment(spos):
+ global comment_block,comment_finished
+ if (comment_block!=[]):
+ output("/** ",spos)
+ for c in comment_block:
+ output(c,spos)
+ output("*/\n",spos)
+ comment_block = []
+ comment_finished = 0
+def set_state(s):
+ global stateStack
+ stateStack[len(stateStack)-1]=s
+def get_state():
+ global stateStack
+ return stateStack[len(stateStack)-1]
+def push_state(s):
+ global stateStack
+ stateStack.append(s)
+def pop_state():
+ global stateStack
+ stateStack.pop()
+def tok_eater(type, tok, spos, epos, line):
+ global stateStack,name,param,class_spos,def_spos,import_spos
+ global doc_string, modules, import_token, module_has_docstring
+ global protection_level, private_member
+ global out_row
+ while out_row + 1 < spos[0]:
+ output("\n", (0, 0))
+ rec_name_n_param(type,tok)
+ if (string.replace(string.strip(tok)," ","")=="##private:"):
+ protection_level = "private"
+ output("private:\n",spos)
+ elif (string.replace(string.strip(tok)," ","")=="##protected:"):
+ protection_level = "protected"
+ output("protected:\n",spos)
+ elif (string.replace(string.strip(tok)," ","")=="##public:"):
+ protection_level = "public"
+ output("public:\n",spos)
+ else:
+ gather_comment(type,tok,spos)
+ state = get_state()
+# sys.stderr.write("%d: %s\n"%(state, tok))
+ if (state==OUTSIDE):
+ if (tok=="class"):
+ start_recording()
+ class_spos = spos
+ push_state(BUILD_CLASS_DECL)
+ elif (tok=="def"):
+ start_recording()
+ def_spos = spos
+ push_state(BUILD_DEF_DECL)
+ elif (tok=="import") or (tok=="from"):
+ import_token = tok
+ import_spos = spos
+ modules = []
+ push_state(IMPORT)
+ elif (spos[1] == 0 and tok[:3] == '"""'):
+ # Capture module docstring as namespace documentation
+ module_has_docstring = True
+ append_comment_lines("\\namespace %s\n" % namespace)
+ append_comment_lines(tok[3:-3])
+ print_comment(spos)
+ elif (state==IMPORT):
+ if (type==token.NAME):
+ modules.append(tok)
+ set_state(IMPORT_OP)
+ elif (state==IMPORT_OP):
+ if (tok=="."):
+ set_state(IMPORT_APPEND)
+ elif (tok==","):
+ set_state(IMPORT)
+ else:
+ for m in modules:
+ output('#include "'+m.replace('.',os.path.sep)+'.py"\n', import_spos, immediate=1)
+ if import_token=="from":
+ output('using namespace '+m.replace('.', '::')+';\n', import_spos)
+ pop_state()
+ elif (state==IMPORT_APPEND):
+ if (type==token.NAME):
+ modules[len(modules)-1]+="."+tok
+ set_state(IMPORT_OP)
+ elif (state==BUILD_CLASS_DECL):
+ if (is_recording_finished()):
+ s = "class "+name
+ if (param!=""): s = s+" : public "+param.replace('.','::')
+ if (doc_string!=""):
+ append_comment_lines(doc_string)
+ print_comment(class_spos)
+ output(s+"\n",class_spos)
+ output("{\n",(class_spos[0]+1,class_spos[1]))
+ protection_level = "public"
+ output(" public:\n",(class_spos[0]+2,class_spos[1]))
+ set_state(BUILD_CLASS_BODY)
+ elif (state==BUILD_CLASS_BODY):
+ if (type!=token.INDENT and type!=token.NEWLINE and type!=40 and
+ type!=tokenize.NL and type!=tokenize.COMMENT and
+ (spos[1]<=class_spos[1])):
+ output("}; // end of class\n",(out_row+1,class_spos[1]))
+ pop_state()
+ elif (tok=="def"):
+ start_recording()
+ def_spos = spos
+ push_state(BUILD_DEF_DECL)
+ elif (state==BUILD_DEF_DECL):
+ if (is_recording_finished()):
+ param = param.replace("\n", " ")
+ param = param.replace("=", " = ")
+ params = param.split(",")
+ if BUILD_CLASS_BODY in stateStack:
+ if len(name) > 1 \
+ and name[0:2] == '__' \
+ and name[len(name)-2:len(name)] != '__' \
+ and protection_level != 'private':
+ private_member = True
+ output(" private:\n",(def_spos[0]+2,def_spos[1]))
+ if (doc_string != ""):
+ append_comment_lines(doc_string)
+ print_comment(def_spos)
+ output_function_decl(name, params)
+# output("{\n",(def_spos[0]+1,def_spos[1]))
+ set_state(BUILD_DEF_BODY)
+ elif (state==BUILD_DEF_BODY):
+ if (type!=token.INDENT and type!=token.NEWLINE \
+ and type!=40 and type!=tokenize.NL \
+ and (spos[1]<=def_spos[1])):
+# output("} // end of method/function\n",(out_row+1,def_spos[1]))
+ if private_member and protection_level != 'private':
+ private_member = False
+ output(" " + protection_level + ":\n",(def_spos[0]+2,def_spos[1]))
+ pop_state()
+# else:
+# output(tok,spos)
+def output_function_decl(name, params):
+ global def_spos
+ # Do we document a class method? then remove the 'self' parameter
+ if params[0] == 'self':
+ preamble = ''
+ params = params[1:]
+ else:
+ preamble = 'static '
+ if params[0] == 'cls':
+ params = params[1:]
+ param_string = string.join(params, ", Type ")
+ if param_string == '':
+ param_string = '(' + param_string + ');\n'
+ else:
+ param_string = '(Type ' + param_string + ');\n'
+ output(preamble, def_spos)
+ output(name, def_spos)
+ output(param_string, def_spos)
+def append_comment_lines(lines):
+ map(append_comment_line, doc_string.split('\n'))
+paramRE = re.compile(r'(@param \w+):')
+def append_comment_line(line):
+ global paramRE
+ comment_block.append(paramRE.sub(r'\1', line) + '\n')
+def dump(filename):
+ f = open(filename)
+ r = f.readlines()
+ for s in r:
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+def filter(filename):
+ global name, module_has_docstring
+ path,name = os.path.split(filename)
+ root,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
+ output("namespace "+root+" {\n",(0,0))
+ # set module name for tok_eater to use if there's a module doc string
+ name = root
+# sys.stderr.write('Filtering "'+filename+'"...')
+ f = open(filename)
+ tokenize.tokenize(f.readline, tok_eater)
+ f.close()
+ print_comment((0,0))
+ output("\n",(0,0))
+ output("} // end of namespace\n",(0,0))
+ if not module_has_docstring:
+ # Put in default namespace documentation
+ output('/** \\namespace '+root+' \n',(0,0))
+ output(' \\brief Module "%s" */\n'%(root),(0,0))
+ for s in outbuffer:
+ outfile.write(s)
+def filterFile(filename, out=sys.stdout):
+ global outfile
+ outfile = out
+ try:
+ root,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if ext==".py":
+ filter(filename)
+ else:
+ dump(filename)
+# sys.stderr.write("OK\n")
+ except IOError,e:
+ sys.stderr.write(e[1]+"\n")
+# preparePath
+def preparePath(path):
+ """Prepare a path.
+ Checks if the path exists and creates it if it does not exist.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ parent = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if parent!="":
+ preparePath(parent)
+ os.mkdir(path)
+# isNewer
+def isNewer(file1,file2):
+ """Check if file1 is newer than file2.
+ file1 must be an existing file.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(file2):
+ return True
+ return os.stat(file1)[ST_MTIME]>os.stat(file2)[ST_MTIME]
+# convert
+def convert(srcpath, destpath):
+ """Convert a Python source tree into a C+ stub tree.
+ All *.py files in srcpath (including sub-directories) are filtered
+ and written to destpath. If destpath exists, only the files
+ that have been modified are filtered again. Files that were deleted
+ from srcpath are also deleted in destpath if they are still present.
+ The function returns the number of processed *.py files.
+ """
+ count=0
+ sp = os.path.join(srcpath,"*")
+ sfiles = glob.glob(sp)
+ dp = os.path.join(destpath,"*")
+ dfiles = glob.glob(dp)
+ leftovers={}
+ for df in dfiles:
+ leftovers[os.path.basename(df)]=1
+ for srcfile in sfiles:
+ basename = os.path.basename(srcfile)
+ if basename in leftovers:
+ del leftovers[basename]
+ # Is it a subdirectory?
+ if os.path.isdir(srcfile):
+ sdir = os.path.join(srcpath,basename)
+ ddir = os.path.join(destpath,basename)
+ count+=convert(sdir, ddir)
+ continue
+ # Check the extension (only *.py will be converted)
+ root, ext = os.path.splitext(srcfile)
+ if ext.lower()!=".py":
+ continue
+ destfile = os.path.join(destpath,basename)
+ if destfile==srcfile:
+ print "WARNING: Input and output names are identical!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ count+=1
+# sys.stdout.write("%s\015"%(srcfile))
+ if isNewer(srcfile, destfile):
+ preparePath(os.path.dirname(destfile))
+# out=open(destfile,"w")
+# filterFile(srcfile, out)
+# out.close()
+ os.system("python %s -f %s>%s"%(sys.argv[0],srcfile,destfile))
+ # Delete obsolete files in destpath
+ for df in leftovers:
+ dname=os.path.join(destpath,df)
+ if os.path.isdir(dname):
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(dname)
+ except:
+ print "Can't remove obsolete directory '%s'"%dname
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.remove(dname)
+ except:
+ print "Can't remove obsolete file '%s'"%dname
+ return count
+filter_file = False
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hf", ["help"])
+except getopt.GetoptError,e:
+ print e
+ sys.exit(1)
+for o,a in opts:
+ if o=="-f":
+ filter_file = True
+if filter_file:
+ # Filter the specified file and print the result to stdout
+ filename = string.join(args)
+ filterFile(filename)
+ if len(args)!=2:
+ sys.stderr.write("%s options input output\n"%(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Filter an entire Python source tree
+ print '"%s" -> "%s"\n'%(args[0],args[1])
+ c=convert(args[0],args[1])
+ print "%d files"%(c)