/* * ansi.c: * * Copyright (c) 2008 James McKenzie , * All rights reserved. * */ static char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; /* * $Log$ * Revision 1.4 2008/02/04 20:23:55 james * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.3 2008/02/04 05:45:55 james * :: * * Revision 1.2 2008/02/04 02:05:06 james * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.1 2008/02/03 23:31:25 james * *** empty log message *** * */ #include "project.h" void ansi_write (ANSI * a, char *buf, int n) { write (a->fd, buf, n); } void ansi_getsize (ANSI * a) { struct winsize sz = { 0 }; if (ioctl (a->fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &sz)) { a->size.x = CRT_COLS; a->size.y = CRT_ROWS; } else { a->size.x = sz.ws_col; a->size.y = sz.ws_row; } } void ansi_move (ANSI * a, CRT_Pos p) { char buf[16]; int n; int dx = p.x - a->pos.x; int dy = p.y - a->pos.y; // a->pos.x = ANSI_INVAL; if (a->pos.x != ANSI_INVAL) { if ((!dx) && (!dy)) return; if (!dy) { if (dx == 1) { ansi_write (a, "\033[C", 3); } else if (dx == -1) { ansi_write (a, "\033[D", 3); } else { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%dG", p.x + 1); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } } else if (!dx) { if (dy == -1) { ansi_write (a, "\033[A", 3); } else if (dy == 1) { ansi_write (a, "\033[B", 3); } else if (dy < 0) { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%dA", -dy); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } else { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%dB", dy); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } } else if (!p.x) { if (dy == 1) { ansi_write (a, "\033[E", 3); } else if (dy == -1) { ansi_write (a, "\033[F", 3); } else if (dy > 0) { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%dE", dy); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } else { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%dF", -dy); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } } else { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%d;%dH", p.y + 1, p.x + 1); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } } else { n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "\033[%d;%dH", p.y + 1, p.x + 1); ansi_write (a, buf, n); } a->pos = p; } void ansi_showhide_cursor (ANSI * a, int hide) { if (a->hide_cursor == hide) return; if (hide) { ansi_write (a, "\033[?25l", 6); } else { ansi_write (a, "\033[?25h", 6); } a->hide_cursor = hide; } void ansi_force_attr_normal (ANSI * a) { ansi_write (a, "\033[0m", 4); a->attr = CRT_ATTR_NORMAL; } void ansi_set_attr (ANSI * a, int attr) { int dif; dif = attr ^ a->attr; if (!dif) return; a->attr = attr; if (attr == CRT_ATTR_NORMAL) { ansi_force_attr_normal (a); return; } if (dif & CRT_ATTR_UNDERLINE) { if (attr & CRT_ATTR_UNDERLINE) { ansi_write (a, "\033[4m", 4); } else { ansi_write (a, "\033[24m", 5); } } if (dif & CRT_ATTR_REVERSE) { if (attr & CRT_ATTR_REVERSE) { ansi_write (a, "\033[7m", 4); } else { ansi_write (a, "\033[27m", 5); } } if (dif & CRT_ATTR_BOLD) { if (attr & CRT_ATTR_REVERSE) { ansi_write (a, "\033[1m", 4); } else { ansi_write (a, "\033[22m", 5); } } } void ansi_render (ANSI * a, CRT_CA ca) { int dif; if (ca.chr < 32) ca.chr = ' '; if (ca.chr > 126) ca.chr = ' '; ansi_set_attr (a, ca.attr); ansi_write (a, &ca.chr, 1); a->pos.x++; /*Can't easily wrap round here as don't know size of destination screen*/ /*so invalidate the cached cursor position*/ if (a->pos.x >= CRT_COLS) a->pos.x = ANSI_INVAL; } void ansi_cls (ANSI * a) { CRT_Pos p = { 0 }; crt_cls (&a->crt); ansi_force_attr_normal (a); ansi_move (a, p); ansi_write (a, "\033[2J", 4); /*different emulators leave cursor in different places after cls differently*/ a->pos.x = ANSI_INVAL; } void ansi_draw (ANSI * a, CRT * c) { CRT_Pos p; int o; ansi_showhide_cursor (a, 1); for (p.y = 0; p.y < CRT_ROWS; ++p.y) { if (p.y >= a->size.y) continue; o = CRT_ADDR (p.y, 0); for (p.x = 0; p.x < CRT_COLS; ++p.x, ++o) { if (p.x >= a->size.x) continue; if (crt_ca_cmp (a->crt.screen[o], c->screen[o])) { a->crt.screen[o] = c->screen[o]; ansi_move (a, p); ansi_render (a, a->crt.screen[o]); } } } a->crt.pos = c->pos; ansi_move (a, a->crt.pos); a->crt.hide_cursor = c->hide_cursor; ansi_showhide_cursor (a, a->crt.hide_cursor); } void ansi_reset (ANSI * a) { // FIXME: -- echos back crap? // ansi_write (a, "\033[c", 3); ansi_getsize (a); a->pos.x = ANSI_INVAL; a->hide_cursor = ANSI_INVAL; crt_reset (&a->crt); ansi_cls (a); ansi_draw (a, &a->crt); }