package HTTP::Server::Brick; use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.1.0'); # $Id:,v 1.23 2007/07/24 09:54:46 aufflick Exp $ =head1 NAME HTTP::Server::Brick - Simple pure perl http server for prototyping "in the style of" Ruby's WEBrick =head1 VERSION This document describes HTTP::Server::Brick version 0.1.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTTP::Server::Brick; use HTTP::Status; my $server = HTTP::Server::Brick->new( port => 8888 ); $server->mount( '/foo/bar' => { path => '/some/directory/htdocs', }); $server->mount( '/test/proc' => { handler => sub { my ($req, $res) = @_; $res->add_content("

Path info: $req->{path_info}

"); 1; }, wildcard => 1, }); $server->mount( '/test/proc/texty' => { handler => sub { my ($req, $res) = @_; $res->add_content("flubber"); $res->header('Content-type', 'text/plain'); 1; }, wildcard => 1, }); # these next two are equivalent $server->mount( '/favicon.ico' => { handler => sub { RC_NOT_FOUND }, }); $server->mount( '/favicon.ico' => { handler => sub { my ($req, $res) = @_; $res->code(RC_NOT_FOUND); 1; }, }); # start accepting requests (won't return unless/until process # receives a HUP signal) $server->start; For an SSL (https) server, replace the C line above with: use HTTP::Daemon::SSL; my $server = HTTP::Server::Brick->new( port => 8889, daemon_class => 'HTTP::Daemon::SSL', daemon_args => [ SSL_key_file => 'my_ssl_key.pem', SSL_cert_file => 'my_ssl_cert.pem', ], ); See the docs of L for other options. =head1 DESCRIPTION HTTP::Server::Brick allows you to quickly wrap a prototype web server around some Perl code. The underlying server daemon is HTTP::Daemon and the performance should be fine for demo's, light internal systems, etc. =head1 METHODS =cut use warnings; use strict; use HTTP::Daemon; use HTTP::Status; use LWP::MediaTypes; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{DEBUG} || 0; my $__singleton; my $__server_should_run = 0; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $__singleton ? $__singleton->_log( error => '[warn] ' . shift ) : CORE::warn(@_) }; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { CORE::die (@_) if $^S; # don't interfere with eval $__singleton->_log( error => '[die] ' . $_[0] ) if $__singleton; CORE::die (@_) }; $SIG{HUP} = sub { $__server_should_run = 0; }; =head2 new C takes nine named arguments (all of which are optional): =over =item error_log, access_log Should be self-explanatory - can be anything that responds to C eg. file handle, IO::Handle, etc. Default to stderr and stdout respectively. =item port The port to listen on. Defaults to a random high port (you'll see it in the error log). =item host The server hostname. Defaults to something sensible. =item timeout Used for various timout values - see L for more information. =item directory_index_file The filename for directory indexing. Note that this only applies to static path mounts. Defaults to C. =item directory_indexing If no index file is available (for a static path mount), do you want a clickable list of files in the directory be rendered? Defaults to true. =item leave_sig_pipe_handler_alone HTTP::Daemon, the http server module this package is built on, chokes in certain multiple-request situations unless you ignore PIPE signals. By default PIPE signals are ignored as soon as you start the server (and restored if the server exits via HUP). If you want to handle PIPE signals your own way, pass in a true value for this. If this makes no sense to you, just ignore it - the "right thing" will happen by default. =item daemon_class The class which actually handles webserving. The default is C. If you want SSL, use C. Whatever class you use must inherit from HTTP::Daemon. =item daemon_args Sometimes you need to pass extra arguments to your C, e.g. SSL configuration. This arrayref will be dereferenced and passed to C. =back =cut sub new { my ($this, %args) = @_; my $class = ref($this) || $this; if ($args{daemon_class} and not eval { $args{daemon_class}->isa('HTTP::Daemon') }) { die "daemon_class argument '$args{daemon_class}'" . " must inherit from HTTP::Daemon"; } my $self = bless { _site_map => [], error_log => \*STDERR, access_log => \*STDOUT, directory_index_file => 'index.html', directory_indexing => 1, daemon_class => 'HTTP::Daemon', daemon_args => [], %args, }, $class; $__singleton = $self; return $self; } =head2 mount C takes two positional arguments. The first a full uri (as a string beginning with '/' - any trailing '/' will be stripped). The second is a hashref which serves as a spec for the mount. The allowable hash keys in this spec are: =over =item path A full path to a local filesystem directory or file for static serving. Mutually exclusive with C. =item handler A coderef. See L below. Mutually exclusive with C. =item wildcard If false, only exact matches will be served. If true, any requests based on the uri will be served. eg. if C is false, C<'/foo/bar'> will only match C and not, say, C. If C is true, on the other hand, it will match. A handler can access the path extension as described below in L. Static handlers that are directories default to wildcard true. =back The site map is always searched depth-first, in other words a more specific uri will trump a less-specific one. =cut sub mount { my ($self, $uri, $args) = @_; ref($args) eq 'HASH' or die 'third arg to mount must be a hashref'; my $depth; if ($uri eq '/') { $depth = 0; } else { $uri =~ s!/$!!; my @parts = split( m!/!, $uri ); $depth = scalar(@parts) - 1; # leading / adds one } $self->{_site_map}[$depth] ||= {}; $self->{_site_map}[$depth]{$uri} = $args; # we should default a static path to a wildcard mount if it's a directory if (!exists $args->{wildcard} && exists $args->{path} && -d $args->{path}) { $args->{wildcard} = 1; } my $mount_type = exists $args->{handler} ? 'handler' : exists $args->{path} ? 'directory' : '(unknown)'; $self->_log( error => 'Mounted' . ($args->{wildcard} ? ' wildcard' : '') . " $mount_type at $uri" ); 1; } =head2 start Actually starts the server - this will loop indefinately, or until the process recieves a C signal in which case it will return after servicing any current request, or waiting for the next timeout (which defaults to 5s - see L). =cut sub start { my $self = shift; $__server_should_run = 1; # HTTP::Daemon chokes on multiple simultaneous requests unless ($self->{leave_sig_pipe_handler_alone}) { $self->{_old_sig_pipe_handler} = $SIG{'PIPE'}; $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE'; } $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE' if $self->{fork}; $self->{daemon} = $self->{daemon_class}->new( ReuseAddr => 1, LocalPort => $self->{port}, LocalHost => $self->{host}, Timeout => 5, @{ $self->{daemon_args} }, ) or die "Can't start daemon: $!"; $self->_log(error => "Server started on " . $self->{daemon}->url); while ($__server_should_run) { my $conn = $self->{daemon}->accept or next; # if we're a forking server, fork. The parent will wait for the next request. # TODO: limit number of children next if $self->{fork} and fork; while (my $req = $conn->get_request) { my ($submap, $match) = $self->_map_request($req); if ($submap) { if (exists $submap->{path}) { $self->_handle_static_request( $conn, $req, $submap, $match); } elsif (exists $submap->{handler}) { $self->_handle_dynamic_request( $conn, $req, $submap, $match); } else { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Corrupt Site Map'); } } else { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_NOT_FOUND, ' Not Found in Site Map'); } } # should use a guard object here to protect against early exit leaving zombies exit if $self->{fork}; } unless ($self->{leave_sig_pipe_handler_alone}) { $SIG{'PIPE'} = $self->{_old_sig_pipe_handler}; } 1; } sub _handle_static_request { my ($self, $conn, $req, $submap, $match) = @_; my $path = $submap->{path} . '/' . $match->{path_info}; if (-d $path && $match->{full_path} !~ m!/$! ) { $conn->send_redirect( $match->{full_path} . '/', RC_SEE_OTHER ); DEBUG && $self->_log(error => 'redirecting to path with / appended: ' . $match->{full_path}); return; } my $serve_path = -d $path ? "$path/$self->{directory_index_file}" : $path; if (-r $serve_path) { my $code = $conn->send_file_response($serve_path); $self->_log_status($req, $code); } elsif (-d $path && $self->{directory_indexing}) { my $res = $self->_render_directory($path, $match->{full_path}); $conn->send_response( $res ); $self->_log( access => '[' . RC_OK . "] $match->{full_path}" ); } elsif (-d $path) { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_FORBIDDEN, 'Directory Indexing Not Allowed' ); } else { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_NOT_FOUND, 'File Not Found' ); } } sub _handle_dynamic_request { my ($self, $conn, $req, $submap, $match) = @_; my $res = HTTP::Response->new; $res->base($match->{full_path}); # stuff the match info into the request $req->{mount_path} = $match->{mount_path}; $req->{path_info} = $match->{path_info} ? '/' . $match->{path_info} : undef; # and some other useful bits TODO: document (and, actually, subclass HTTP::Request...) if ($req->header('Host') =~ /^(.*):(.*)$/) { $req->{hostname} = $1; $req->{port} = $2; } elsif ($req->header('Host')) { $req->{hostname} = $req->header('Host'); $req->{port} = $self->{daemon}->url->port; } else { $req->{hostname} = $self->{daemon}->url->host; $req->{port} = $self->{daemon}->url->port; } # actually call the handler if ( my $return_code = eval { $submap->{handler}->($req, $res) } ) { # choose the status in this order: # 1. if the handler died or returned false => RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR # 2. if the handler set a code on the response object, use that # 3. if the handler returned something that looks like a return code # 4. RC_OK my $code = !$return_code ? RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR : $res->code ? $res->code : $return_code >= 100 ? $return_code : RC_OK; $res->code($code); # default mime type to text/html $res->header( 'Content-Type' ) || $res->header( 'Content-Type', 'text/html' ); if ($res->is_success) { $conn->send_response( $res ); $self->_log( access => "[$code] $match->{full_path}" ); } elsif ($res->is_error) { # should send user content and use $@ if provided $self->_send_error( $conn, $req, $res->code, $res->message ); } elsif ($res->is_redirect) { if (UNIVERSAL::can($res->{target_uri}, 'path')) { my $target = $res->{target_uri}->path; if ($target !~ m!^/!) { # prepend dirname of original request $match->{full_path} =~ m!^(.*/)! and $target = $1 . $target; } $conn->send_redirect($target, $code); $self->_log( access => "[$code] Redirecting to " . $target ); } else { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Handler Tried to Redirect Without Setting Target URI'); } } else { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 'Handler Returned an Unimplemented Response Code: ' . $code); } } else { $self->_send_error($conn, $req, RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Handler Failed'); } 1; } sub _render_directory { my ($self, $path, $uri ) = @_; my $res = HTTP::Response->new( RC_OK ); $res->header( 'Content-type', 'text/html' ); $res->add_content(< Directory for $uri

Directory for $uri

.. (Parent directory)

        $res->add_content("$_\n") for map {s!.*/!!; $_} sort glob "$path/*";

END_FOOTER return $res; } sub _send_error { my ($self, $conn, $req, $code, $text) = @_; $conn->send_error($code, $text); $self->_log_status($req, $code, $text); } sub _log_status { my ($self, $req, $code, $text) = @_; if ($code == RC_OK || $code == RC_UNAUTHORIZED || $code == RC_NOT_FOUND) { $self->_log( access => "[$code] " . $req->uri->path ); } $self->_log( error => "[$code] [" . $req->uri->path . '] ' . ($text || status_message($code)) ) unless $code == RC_OK; } # this is not the best data structure for a complex site map, but it's # easy to insert and query (although very hard to move things around). # basically for every path depth (ie. number of /) there is a hash of # full paths and their associated handler and meta-data. # this would be an obvious performance point if you wanted to use this # for actual serving. sub _map_request { my ($self, $request) = @_; my $map = $self->{_site_map}; my $uri = $request->uri->path; my @parts = split( m!/!, $uri ); my $depth = scalar(@parts) - 1; # the test is reall for $uri eq '/', but an integer comparison is faster $depth = 0 if $depth == -1; my $match_depth = $depth; while ($match_depth >= 0) { my $mount_path = '/' . join('/', @parts[1..$match_depth]); if ($map->[$match_depth] && exists $map->[$match_depth]{$mount_path}) { # if we find a depth-first match, but it's not flagged as a wildcard # mount, then don't match if ($match_depth != $depth && !$map->[$match_depth]{$mount_path}{wildcard}) { return; } return( $map->[$match_depth]{$mount_path}, { full_path => $uri, mount_path => $mount_path, path_info => join('/', @parts[$match_depth+1..$depth]), }, ); } $match_depth--; } } =head2 add_type The mime-type of static files is automatically determined by L. You can add any types it doesn't know about via this method. The first argument is the mime type, all subsequent arguments form a list of possible file extensions for that mime type. See L for more info. =cut # Improve LWP::MediaTypes' mime-type knowledge. LWP::MediaTypes::add_type('image/png' => qw(png)); LWP::MediaTypes::add_type('text/css' => qw(css)); LWP::MediaTypes::add_type('text/javascript' => qw(js)); sub add_type { my ($self, @args) = @_; LWP::MediaTypes::add_type(@args); } sub _log { my ($self, $log_key, $text) = @_; $self->{"${log_key}_log"}->print( '[' . localtime() . "] [$$] ", $text, "\n" ); } 1; # Magic true value required at end of module __END__ =head1 Handlers When a mounted handler codred matches a requested url, the sub is called with two arguments in C<@_>, first a request object then a response object. =head2 Request The request object is an instance of L with two extra properties: =over =item C<$req-E{mount_path}> The mounted path that was matched. This will always be identical to C<$req->uri->path> for non-wildcard mounts. =item C<$req-E{path_info}> Using nomenclature from L, any extra path (or rather, uri) info after the matched C. This will always be empty for non-wildcard mounts. =back The documentation for L will be of use for extracting all the other useful information. =head2 Response The response object is an instance of L. The useful operations (which you can learn how to do from the L docs) are setting headers, adding content and setting the http status code. =head2 Response Headers The C header defaults to C unless your handler sets it to something else. The C header is set for you. =head2 Redirection If you set the response code to a redirect code, you need to set a C<{target_uri}> property on the request object to an instance of a C object reflecting the uri you want to redirect to (either fully qualified or relative to the directory of the requested url). There are examples in the test file C in this module's distribution. This is weak because we're breaking encapsulation by assuming it's ok to stuff an extra variable into the response object (just as we are to propogate the C property). It does in fact work fine and is unlikely to ever break, but a future version (prior to 1.0.0) of this module will replace this behavior with a subclassed L and appropriate setter/getter methods. =head2 Handler Return The handler sub must return true for a normal response. The actual http response is determined as follows: 1. if the handler died or returned false => RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (ie. 500) 2. if the handler set a code on the response object, use that 3. if the handler returned something that looks like a return code 4. RC_OK (ie. 200) =head1 DEBUGGING If an envronment variable DEBUG is set (to something Perl considers true) there will be extra logging to C. =head1 DEPENDENCIES L L L =head1 HISTORY Over the past few years I've spent quite a bit of time noodling about with Ruby based web code - whether Rails or super cool continuation stuff - and it's always easy to get a prototype up and serving thanks to WEBrick (the pure-Ruby server that's part of the standard Ruby distribution). I've never found it quite as easy to throw together such a prototype in Perl, hence YASHDM (yet another simple http daemon module). HTTP::Server::Brick is not a clone of WEBrick - it's "in the style of" WEBrick like those movies in the discount VHS bin are "in the style of Lassie": The good guys get saved, the bad guys get rounded up, but the dog's never quite as well trained... To be more fair, I have just taken the ideas I have used (and liked) when building prototypes with WEBrick and implemented them in (what I hope is) a Perlish way. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS =over =item It's version 0.1.0 - there's bound to be some bugs! =item The tests fail on windows due to forking limitations. I don't see any reason why the server itself won't work but I haven't tried it personally, and I have to figure out a way to test it from a test script that will work on Windows. =item In forking mode there is no attempt to limit the number of forked children - beware of forking yourself ;) =item No attention has been given to propagating any exception text into the http error (although the exception/die message will appear in the error_log). =item Versions 1.02 and earlier of HTTP::Daemon::SSL has a feature/documentation conflict where it will never timeout. This means your server won't respond to a HUP signal until the next request is served. Version 1.03_01 (developer release) and later do not have this issue. =back If you want to check out the latest development version of HTTP::Server::Brick you can do so from my L. Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, through the web interface at L or via email to the author. =head1 SEE ALSO CPAN has various other modules that may suit you better. Search for HTTP::Server or HTTP::Daemon. L, L and L spring to mind. =head1 AUTHOR =over =item Original version by: Mark Aufflick C<< >> L =item SSL and original forking support by: Mark Aufflick C<< >>. =item Maintained by: Mark Aufflick =back =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007, Mark Aufflick C<< >>. Portions Copyright (c) 2007, Hans Dieter Pearcey C<< >> All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.