path: root/INF/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'INF/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/INF/ b/INF/
deleted file mode 100644
index 577d0c6..0000000
--- a/INF/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-package INF::ILO;
-use HTTP::Daemon::SSL;
-use HTTP::Server::Brick;
-use HTTP::Status;
-use IO::Socket::SSL qw();
-use HTML::TreeBuilder;
-use HTTP::Request::Common;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use URI::Escape;
-use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
-use XML::Simple;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use JSON::PP;
-#IO::Socket::SSL::set_ctx_defaults( SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE );
- SSL_verify_mode => Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE() );
-sub read_file($) {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $fh = new IO::File "<" . $name;
- local $/;
- my $guts = $fh->getline;
- $fh->close;
- undef $fh;
- return $guts;
-#sub setup_port_proxy($$$) {
-# my ( $local_port, $remote_host, $remote_port ) = @_;
-# my $child = fork();
-# print STDERR "balance ",
-# join(
-# ' ',
-# (
-# "balance", "-d", "-f", "", $local_port,
-# $remote_host . ":" . $remote_port
-# )
-# ),
-# "\n";
-# if ( $child == 0 ) {
-# exec( "balance", "-d", "-f", "-b", "", $local_port,
-# $remote_host . ":" . $remote_port );
-# print STDERR "failed to start port proxy";
-# sleep(10000);
-# }
-# print "Setup proxy $local_port -> $remote_host:$remote_port\n";
-# return $child;
-sub setup_port_proxy($$$$) {
- my ( $self, $local_port, $remote_host, $remote_port ) = @_;
- my $child = fork();
- my $cmd = [
- "balance", "-d", "-f", "-b", "", $local_port,
- $remote_host . ":" . $remote_port
- ];
- print STDERR "PROXY CMD: " . join( ' ', @$cmd ) . "\n";
- if ( $child == 0 ) {
- if ( defined $self->{proxy_host} ) {
- my $tmp = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.cnf' );
- select( ( select($tmp), $| = 1 )[0] );
- print $tmp "server =\n";
- print $tmp "server_port = " . $self->{proxy_port} . "\n";
- print $tmp "local =\n";
- $ENV{'LD_PRELOAD'} = '';
- $ENV{'TSOCKS_CONF_FILE'} = $tmp->filename;
- print "Filename is $tmp->filename\n";
- }
- exec(@$cmd);
- print STDERR "failed to start port proxy";
- sleep(10000);
- }
- sleep(4);
- print "Setup proxy $local_port -> $remote_host:$remote_port\n";
- return $child;
-sub proxy($$$) {
- my ( $self, $req, $res ) = @_;
- if ( $req->uri->as_string =~ /^\/html\/java_irc.html/ ) {
- $res->header( 'Content-type' => 'text/html' );
- $res->add_content( $self->{java_html} );
- $res->code(200);
- return;
- }
- if ( $req->uri->as_string =~ /^\/html\/intgapp_.*\.jar/ ) {
- $res->header( 'Content-type' => 'application/x-ms-application' );
- $res->add_content(
- read_file('/usr/local/share/inf/ilo/intgapp_221.jar') );
- $res->code(200);
- return;
- }
- my $proxy_req =
- HTTP::Request->new( $req->method, $self->{ilo_url} . $req->uri->as_string,
- [], $req->content );
- $proxy_req->header( 'cookie' => 'sessionKey=' . $self->{skey} );
- my $proxy_res = $self->{ua}->request($proxy_req);
- unless ( $proxy_res->is_success ) {
- print STDERR "request failed - did not get 200\n";
- }
- print "URI:", $req->uri->as_string, " code ", $proxy_res->code, " type ",
- $proxy_res->header('Content-type'), "\n";
- $res->code( $proxy_res->code );
- $res->header( 'Content-type' => $proxy_res->header('Content-type') );
- my $content = $proxy_res->content;
- if ( $req->uri->as_string =~ /^\/json\/rc_info/ ) {
- my $local_port = int( rand(30000) ) + 30000;
- $content =~ s/"rc_port":(\d+),/"rc_port":$local_port,/;
- push @{ $self->{to_kill} },
- $self->setup_port_proxy( $local_port, $self->{host}, $1 );
- $local_port = int( rand(30000) ) + 30000;
- $content =~ s/"vm_port":(\d+),/"vm_port":$local_port,/;
- push @{ $self->{to_kill} },
- $self->setup_port_proxy( $local_port, $self->{host}, $1 );
- }
- $res->add_content($content);
-sub login($) {
- my $self = shift;
- my $post = POST( $self->{ilo_url} . '/json/login_session' );
- my $json =
- '{"method":"login","user_login":"'
- . $self->{user}
- . '","password":"'
- . $self->{password} . '"}';
- $post->header( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' );
- $post->header( 'Content-Length' => length($json) );
- $post->content($json);
- my $res = $self->{ua}->request($post);
- unless ( $res->is_success ) {
- print STDERR "Login failed - did not get 200\n";
- print Dumper($res);
- $self->{skey} = undef;
- return -1;
- }
- my $json = decode_json( $res->content );
- $self->{skey} = $json->{session_key};
- # print "Session key ".$self->{skey}."\n";
- return 0;
-sub view($) {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->login() unless defined $self->{skey};
- my $get = GET(
- $self->{ilo_url} . '/html/java_irc.html?lang=en',
- 'Cookie' => 'sessionKey=' . $self->{skey}
- );
- my $res = $self->{ua}->request($get);
- unless ( $res->is_success ) {
- print STDERR "IRC frequest failed - did not get 200\n";
- return -1;
- }
- my $content = $res->content;
- unless ( $content =~ /Netscape'\) \{(.*)\}[\s\n]*else if/s ) {
- print STDERR "returned html doesn't look right\n";
- return -1;
- }
- $content = $1;
- #$content=~ s/document.writeln\("(.*)"\);$/\1/m;
- $content =~ s/^\s*document.writeln\("(.*)"\);\s*$/\1/mg;
- $content =~ s/\\//g;
- $content =~ s/RCINFO1=.*$/RCINFO1="$self->{skey}"/m;
- $content =~ s/RCINFO6=.*$/RCINFO6="17990"/m;
- $content =~ s/RCINFOLANG=.*$/RCINFOLANG="en"/m;
- $content =~ s%(archive=)(/.*)$%\1$self->{proxy_url}\2%m;
- $content = "<html><head></head><body>" . $content . "</body></html>";
- $self->{java_html} = $content;
- my $webserver_pid = fork();
- if ( $webserver_pid == 0 ) {
- $SIG{INT} = sub { kill 'KILL', ( @{ $self->{to_kill} } ); die; };
- $SIG{TERM} = sub { kill 'KILL', ( @{ $self->{to_kill} } ); die; };
- $self->{server}->start;
- print STDERR "failed to web server";
- sleep(100000);
- }
- push @{ $self->{to_kill} }, $webserver_pid;
- $SIG{INT} = sub { kill 'INT', ( @{ $self->{to_kill} } ); die; };
- $SIG{TERM} = sub { kill 'TERM', ( @{ $self->{to_kill} } ); die; };
- system(
- "echo",
- "appletviewer",
- "",
- # ",failure,policy",
- "",
- "",
- $self->{proxy_url} . "/html/java_irc.html"
- );
- system(
- "appletviewer",
- "",
- # ",failure,policy",
- "",
- "",
- $self->{proxy_url} . "/html/java_irc.html"
- );
- kill 'TERM', ( @{ $self->{to_kill} } );
-sub get_host_power($) {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->login() unless defined $self->{skey};
- my $get = GET( $self->{ilo_url} . '/json/host_power' );
- $get->header( 'cookie' => 'sessionKey=' . $self->{skey} );
- my $res = $self->{ua}->request($get);
- unless ( $res->is_success ) {
- print STDERR " get host power - did not get 200\n";
- return undef;
- }
- my $state = decode_json $res->content;
- return $state->{'hostpwr_state'};
-sub set_host_power($$) {
- my ( $self, $what ) = @_;
- $self->login() unless defined $self->{skey};
- my $post = POST( $self->{ilo_url} . '/json/host_power' );
- my $json =
- '{"method":"' . $what . '","session_key":"' . $self->{skey} . '"}';
- $post->header( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' );
- $post->header( 'Content-Length' => length($json) );
- $post->content($json);
- $post->header( 'cookie' => 'sessionKey=' . $self->{skey} );
- my $res = $self->{ua}->request($post);
- unless ( $res->is_success ) {
- print STDERR " $what - did not get 200\n";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub cold_boot($) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->set_host_power('system_coldboot');
-sub reset($) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->set_host_power('system_reset');
-sub off($) {
- my $self = shift;
- if ( $self->get_host_power =~ /ON/i ) {
- return $self->set_host_power('hold_power_button');
- }
- return 1;
-sub on($) {
- my $self = shift;
- if ( $self->get_host_power =~ /OFF/i ) {
- return $self->set_host_power('press_power_button');
- }
- return 1;
-sub port_on($$) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->on();
-sub port_off($$) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->off();
-sub port_cycle($$) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->cold_boot();
-sub port_state_get_no_cache($$) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->get_host_power();
-sub port_state_get($$) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->get_host_power();
-sub port_name_get($$) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{name};
-sub name_get($) {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{name};
-sub pdu_load_get($) {
- return "N/A";
-sub psu_status($) {
- return "N/A";
-sub port_count($) {
- return 1;
-sub port_id_get_by_number($$) {
- return "K0";
-sub logout($) {
- my $self = shift;
-sub new ($;$) {
- my ( $class, $parm ) = @_;
- my $self;
- $self->{ua} = my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- $self->{host} = $parm->{host} || "";
- $self->{user} = $parm->{user} || "Administrator";
- $self->{password} = $parm->{password} || "";
- $self->{name} = $parm->{name} || $self->{host};
- $self->{ilo_url} = $parm->{ilo_url}
- || 'https://' . $self->{host};
- $self->{userid} = undef;
- $self->{ua}->ssl_opts(
- # SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE,
- SSL_verify_mode => Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE(),
- verify_hostname => 0,
- );
- if ( defined $parm->{proxy_host} ) {
- $self->{ua}->proxy( [qw(http https)] => "socks://"
- . $parm->{proxy_host} . ":"
- . $parm->{proxy_port} );
- $self->{proxy_host} = $parm->{proxy_host};
- $self->{proxy_port} = $parm->{proxy_port};
- }
- my $local_port = int( rand(30000) ) + 30000;
- $self->{proxy_url} = '' . $local_port;
- $self->{server} = HTTP::Server::Brick->new(
- port => $local_port,
- daemon_class => 'HTTP::Daemon::SSL',
- daemon_args => [
- LocalAddr => '',
- SSL_key_file => '/usr/local/share/inf/ilo/server.key',
- SSL_cert_file => '/usr/local/share/inf/ilo/server.crt',
- SSL_verify_mode => Net::SSLeay::VERIFY_NONE(),
- ],
- );
- $self->{server}->mount(
- '/' => {
- handler => sub {
- my ( $req, $res ) = @_;
- $self->proxy( $req, $res );
- 1;
- },
- wildcard => 1,
- }
- );
- $self->{skey} = undef;
- $self->{to_kill} = [];
- return bless $self, $class;