#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # 2 Factor Authentication Perl code which used the Time-based One-time Password # Algorithm (TOTP) algorithm. You can use this code with the Google Authenticator # mobile app or the Authy mobile or browser app. # See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm # # To get this to work you: # # 1) Properly seed the random number generator. # 2) Use generateBase32Secret(...) to generate a secret key for a user. # 3) Store the secret key in the database associated with the user account. # 4) Display the QR image URL returned by qrImageUrl(...) to the user. # 5) User uses the image to load the secret key into his authenticator application. # # Whenever the user logs in: # # 1) The user enters the number from the authenticator application into the login form. # 2) The server compares the user input with the output from generateCurrentNumber(...). # 3) If they are equal then the user is allowed to log in. # # Thanks to Vijay Boyapati @ stackoverflow # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25534193/google-authenticator-implementation-in-perl # ######################################################################################## # # Copyright 2015, Gray Watson # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby # granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE # IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, # OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF # THIS SOFTWARE. # # By Gray Watson http://256.com/gray/ # use strict; use warnings; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1); sub hash { my ($msg, $key) = @_; if ( length($key) > 64) { $key = sha1($key) } my $ipad =xor_string_max_64($key, 0x36); my $opad =xor_string_max_64($key, 0x5c); my $in1=$ipad . $msg; print "in1=",unpack('H*',$in1),"\n"; my $step1=sha1($in1); print "step1=",unpack('H*',$step1),"\n"; return sha1($opad . $step1); } sub hexhash { unpack("H*", hash(@_)); } sub xor_string_max_64 { my ($string, $xor_with) = @_; my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $string); my $i; for ($i=0; $i<=$#ASCII; $i++) { $ASCII[$i] = $ASCII[$i] ^ $xor_with } if ($#ASCII < 63) { for ($i=$#ASCII+1; $i<=63; $i++) { $ASCII[$i] = $xor_with } } pack("C*", @ASCII); } # this is a standard for most authenticator applications my $TIME_STEP = 30; # there are better ways to seed the random number srand(time() ^ $$); # once we generate a secret, it can be associated with a user account and persisted #my $base32Secret = generateBase32Secret(); # secret could have been retrieved from database associated with user my $base32Secret = "NY4A5CPJZ46LXZCP"; print "secret = $base32Secret\n"; # this is the name of the key which can be displayed by the authenticator program #my $keyId = "user\@foo.com"; #print "Image url = " . qrImageUrl($keyId, $base32Secret) . "\n"; # we can display this image to the user to let them load it into their auth program my $key = decodeBase32($base32Secret); my $time; $time=int(time() / $TIME_STEP); $time=int(42918); print "key=",unpack('H*',$key),"\n"; my $paddedTime = sprintf("%016x",$time); # this starts with \0's my $data = pack('H*', $paddedTime); print "time=",unpack('H*',$data),"\n"; # we can use the code here and compare it against user input # my $code = generateCurrentNumber($base32Secret,$time); print "code = $code\n"; exit 0; # # this little loop is here to show how the number changes over time # while (1) { my $diff = $TIME_STEP - (time() % $TIME_STEP); my $time=int(time() / $TIME_STEP); $code = generateCurrentNumber($base32Secret,$time); print "Secret code = $code, change in $diff seconds\n"; sleep(1); } ####################################################################################### # # Generate a secret key in base32 format (A-Z2-7) # sub generateBase32Secret { my @chars = ("A".."Z", "2".."7"); my $length = scalar(@chars); my $base32Secret = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $base32Secret .= $chars[rand($length)]; } return $base32Secret; } # # Return the current number associated with base32 secret to be compared with user input. # sub generateCurrentNumber { my ($base32Secret,$time) = @_; # For more details of this magic algorithm, see: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm # need a 16 character hex value my $paddedTime = sprintf("%016x",$time); # this starts with \0's my $data = pack('H*', $paddedTime); my $key = decodeBase32($base32Secret); # encrypt the data with the key and return the SHA1 of it in hex my $hmac = hexhash($data, $key); print "hmac=",$hmac,"\n"; # take the 4 least significant bits (1 hex char) from the encrypted string as an offset my $offset = hex(substr($hmac, -1)); print "offset=",$offset,"\n"; # take the 4 bytes (8 hex chars) at the offset (* 2 for hex), and drop the high bit my $encrypted = hex(substr($hmac, $offset * 2, 8)) & 0x7fffffff; # the token is then the last 6 digits in the number my $token = $encrypted % 1000000; # make sure it is 0 prefixed return sprintf("%06d", $token); } # # Return the QR image url thanks to Google. This can be shown to the user and scanned # by the authenticator program as an easy way to enter the secret. # sub qrImageUrl { my ($keyId, $base32Secret) = @_; my $otpUrl = "otpauth://totp/$keyId%3Fsecret%3D$base32Secret"; return "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&cht=qr&chl=200x200&chld=M|0&cht=qr&chl=$otpUrl"; } # # Decode a base32 number which is used to encode the secret. # sub decodeBase32 { my ($val) = @_; # turn into binary characters $val =~ tr|A-Z2-7|\0-\37|; # unpack into binary $val = unpack('B*', $val); # cut off the 000 prefix $val =~ s/000(.....)/$1/g; # trim off some characters if not 8 character aligned my $len = length($val); $val = substr($val, 0, $len & ~7) if $len & 7; # pack back up $val = pack('B*', $val); return $val; }