path: root/include/stddef96.inc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/stddef96.inc')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/stddef96.inc b/include/stddef96.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6330e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/stddef96.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ save
+ listing off ; kein Listing über diesen File
+;* *
+;* AS 1.39 - Datei STDDEF96.INC *
+;* *
+;* Sinn : enthält Register- und Speicheradressen für TLCS-900-Prozessoren *
+;* Port- bzw. Registernamen nach Toshiba-Konvention *
+;* aus dem Handbuch zur Prozessorfamilie TLCS-900 *
+;* *
+;* Original von Ernst Ahlers, Oktober 1993 *
+;* für AS angepaßt von Alfred Arnold *
+;* *
+;* letzte Änderungen : 30.10.1993 *
+;* *
+ ifndef stddef96inc ; verhindert Mehrfacheinbindung
+stddef96inc equ 1
+ if (MOMCPU<>9879873)&&(MOMCPU<>9683265)
+ fatal "Falscher Prozessortyp eingestellt: nur 96C141 oder 93C141 erlaubt"
+ endif
+ if MOMPASS=1
+ message "TLCS-900(L)-Adreßdefinitionen"
+ message "(C) 1993 Ernst Ahlers, Alfred Arnold"
+ endif
+; hier geht's los...
+P0 equ 0000H ; Port 0 Register
+P0CR equ 0002H ; Port 0 Control
+P1 equ 0001H ; Port 1 Register
+P1CR equ 0004H ; Port 1 Control
+P1FC equ 0005H ; Port 1 Function
+P2 equ 0006H ; Port 2 Register
+P2CR equ 0008H ; Port 2 Control
+P2FC equ 0009H ; Port 2 Function
+P3 equ 0007H ; Port 3 Register
+P3CR equ 000AH ; Port 3 Control
+P3FC equ 000BH ; Port 3 Function
+P4 equ 000CH ; Port 4 Register
+P4CR equ 000EH ; Port 4 Control
+P4FC equ 0010H ; Port 4 Function
+P5 equ 000DH ; Port 5 Register
+P6 equ 0012H ; Port 6 Register
+P6CR equ 0014H ; Port 6 Control
+P6FC equ 0016H ; Port 6 Function
+P7 equ 0013H ; Port 7 Register
+P7CR equ 0015H ; Port 7 Control
+P7FC equ 0017H ; Port 7 Function
+P8 equ 0018H ; Port 8 Register
+P8CR equ 001AH ; Port 8 Control
+P8FC equ 001CH ; Port 8 Function
+P9 equ 0019H ; Port 9 Register
+P9CR equ 001BH ; Port 9 Control
+P9FC equ 001DH ; Port 9 Function
+TRUN equ 0020H ; Timer Operation Control
+TREG0 equ 0022H ; Timer Register 0
+TREG1 equ 0023H ; Timer Register 1
+TMOD equ 0024H ; Timer Mode Control
+TFFCF equ 0025H ; Timer Flip-Flop Control
+TREG2 equ 0026H ; Timer Register 2
+TREG3 equ 0027H ; Timer Register 3
+P0MOD equ 0028H ; 8-Bit PWM 0 Mode Control
+P1MOD equ 0029H ; 8-Bit PWM 1 Mode Control
+PFFCR equ 002AH ; 8-Bit PWM Flip-Flop Control
+TREG4L equ 0030H ; Timer 4 Low Byte
+TREG4H equ 0031H ; Timer 4 High Byte
+TREG5L equ 0032H ; Timer 5 Low Byte
+TREG5H equ 0033H ; Timer 5 High Byte
+CAP1L equ 0034H ; Capture 1 Low Byte
+CAP1H equ 0035H ; Capture 1 High Byte
+CAP2L equ 0036H ; Capture 2 Low Byte
+CAP2H equ 0037H ; Capture 2 High Byte
+T4MOD equ 0038H ; 16-Bit Timer 4 Mode Control
+T4FFCR equ 0039H ; 16-Bit Timer 4 Flip-Flop Control
+T45CR equ 003AH ; 16-Bit Timer 4/5 Control
+TREG6L equ 0040H ; Timer 6 Low Byte
+TREG6H equ 0041H ; Timer 6 High Byte
+TREG7L equ 0042H ; Timer 7 Low Byte
+TREG7H equ 0043H ; Timer 7 High Byte
+CAP3L equ 0044H ; Capture 3 Low Byte
+CAP3H equ 0045H ; Capture 3 High Byte
+CAP4L equ 0046H ; Capture 4 Low Byte
+CAP4H equ 0047H ; Capture 4 High Byte
+T5MOD equ 0048H ; 16-Bit Timer 4 Mode Control
+T5FFCR equ 0049H ; 16-Bit Timer 4 Flip-Flop Control
+PG0REG equ 004CH ; Pattern Generator 0
+PG1REG equ 004DH ; Pattern Generator 1
+PG01CR equ 004EH ; Pattern Generator 0/1 Control
+SC0BUF equ 0050H ; Serial Channel 0 Buffer Data
+SC0CR equ 0051H ; Serial Channel 0 Control
+SC0MOD equ 0052H ; Serial Channel 0 Mode Control
+BR0CR equ 0053H ; Bit Rate Ser. Channel 0 Control
+SC1BUF equ 0054H ; Serial Channel 1 Buffer Data
+SC1CR equ 0055H ; Serial Channel 1 Control
+SC1MOD equ 0056H ; Serial Channel 1 Mode Control
+BR1CR equ 0057H ; Bit Rate Ser. Channel 1 Control
+ODE equ 0058H ; Port 9 Open Drain Enable
+WDMOD equ 005CH ; Watchdog Timer Mode
+WDCR equ 005DH ; Watchdog Timer Control
+ADMOD equ 005EH ; A/D Control
+ADREG0L equ 0060H ; A/D Result Channel 0 Bit 7..6 = AD1..0
+ADREG0H equ 0061H ; A/D Result Channel 0 Bit 7..0 = AD9..2
+ADREG1L equ 0062H ; A/D Result Channel 1 Bit 7..6 = AD1..0
+ADREG1H equ 0063H ; A/D Result Channel 1 Bit 7..0 = AD9..2
+ADREG2L equ 0064H ; A/D Result Channel 2 Bit 7..6 = AD1..0
+ADREG2H equ 0065H ; A/D Result Channel 2 Bit 7..0 = AD9..2
+ADREG3L equ 0066H ; A/D Result Channel 3 Bit 7..6 = AD1..0
+ADREG3H equ 0067H ; A/D Result Channel 3 Bit 7..0 = AD9..2
+B0CS equ 0068H ; Block 0 CS/WAIT Control
+B1CS equ 0069H ; Block 1 CS/WAIT Control
+B2CS equ 006AH ; Block 2 CS/WAIT Control
+INTE0AD equ 0070H ; Interrupt Enable/Level AD/Timer 0
+INTE45 equ 0071H ; Interrupt Enable/Level IRQ 5/4
+INTE67 equ 0072H ; Interrupt Enable/Level IRQ 7/6
+INTET10 equ 0073H ; Interrupt Enable/Level Timer 1/0
+INTEPW10 equ 0074H ; Interrupt Enable/Level Timer 3/2 (PWM 1/0)
+INTET54 equ 0075H ; Interrupt Enable/Level TREG 5/4
+INTET76 equ 0076H ; Interrupt Enable/Level TREG 7/6
+INTES0 equ 0077H ; Interrupt Enable/Level Serial Channel 0
+INTES1 equ 0078H ; Interrupt Enable/Level Serial Channel 1
+IIMC equ 007BH ; Interrupt Input Mode Control
+DMA0V equ 007CH ; fDMA 0 Start Vector
+DMA1V equ 007DH ; fDMA 1 Start Vector
+DMA2V equ 007EH ; fDMA 2 Start Vector
+DMA3V equ 007FH ; fDMA 3 Start Vector
+; feste Speicherbereiche
+IRAM equ 000080H ; Internal RAM 1K...
+IRAMEND equ 00047FH ; ...up to 00047FH
+IEAREA equ 008000H ; Interrupt Entry Area...
+IEAREAEND equ 0081FFH ; ...up to 0081FFH
+IROM equ 008200H ; Internal (P)ROM 31.5K...
+IROMEND equ 00FFFFH ; ...up to 00FFFFH
+EXTMEM equ 010000H ; External Memory
+; das war's...
+ endif
+ restore