path: root/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/vendor/cmock/lib/cmock_generator_utils.rb
diff options
authorJoey Castillo <>2021-08-28 12:50:18 -0400
committerJoey Castillo <>2021-08-28 12:50:18 -0400
commit39a5c822a2a2e798e2e39ff8a98b7af84253026c (patch)
treefa157c98d3aea0d4f996e4415aa2a7ad1093ac05 /tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/vendor/cmock/lib/cmock_generator_utils.rb
parentc9e00b83bbdcb05058806d915ec4fff3cf4e596f (diff)
add tinyusb
Diffstat (limited to 'tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/vendor/cmock/lib/cmock_generator_utils.rb')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/vendor/cmock/lib/cmock_generator_utils.rb b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/vendor/cmock/lib/cmock_generator_utils.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..994e85c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tinyusb/test/vendor/ceedling/vendor/cmock/lib/cmock_generator_utils.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+# ==========================================
+# CMock Project - Automatic Mock Generation for C
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+# [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+class CMockGeneratorUtils
+ attr_accessor :config, :helpers, :ordered, :ptr_handling, :arrays, :cexception
+ def initialize(config, helpers={})
+ @config = config
+ @ptr_handling = @config.when_ptr
+ @ordered = @config.enforce_strict_ordering
+ @arrays = @config.plugins.include? :array
+ @cexception = @config.plugins.include? :cexception
+ @expect_any = @config.plugins.include? :expect_any_args
+ @return_thru_ptr = @config.plugins.include? :return_thru_ptr
+ @ignore_arg = @config.plugins.include? :ignore_arg
+ @ignore = @config.plugins.include? :ignore
+ @treat_as = @config.treat_as
+ @helpers = helpers
+ end
+ def self.arg_type_with_const(arg)
+ # Restore any "const" that was removed in header parsing
+ if arg[:type].include?('*')
+ arg[:const_ptr?] ? "#{arg[:type]} const" : arg[:type]
+ else
+ arg[:const?] ? "const #{arg[:type]}" : arg[:type]
+ end
+ end
+ def arg_type_with_const(arg)
+ self.class.arg_type_with_const(arg)
+ end
+ def code_verify_an_arg_expectation(function, arg)
+ if (@arrays)
+ case(@ptr_handling)
+ when :smart then code_verify_an_arg_expectation_with_smart_arrays(function, arg)
+ when :compare_data then code_verify_an_arg_expectation_with_normal_arrays(function, arg)
+ when :compare_ptr then raise "ERROR: the array plugin doesn't enjoy working with :compare_ptr only. Disable one option."
+ end
+ else
+ code_verify_an_arg_expectation_with_no_arrays(function, arg)
+ end
+ end
+ def code_add_base_expectation(func_name, global_ordering_supported=true)
+ lines = " CMOCK_MEM_INDEX_TYPE cmock_guts_index = CMock_Guts_MemNew(sizeof(CMOCK_#{func_name}_CALL_INSTANCE));\n"
+ lines << " CMOCK_#{func_name}_CALL_INSTANCE* cmock_call_instance = (CMOCK_#{func_name}_CALL_INSTANCE*)CMock_Guts_GetAddressFor(cmock_guts_index);\n"
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(cmock_call_instance, cmock_line, CMockStringOutOfMemory);\n"
+ lines << " memset(cmock_call_instance, 0, sizeof(*cmock_call_instance));\n"
+ lines << " Mock.#{func_name}_CallInstance = CMock_Guts_MemChain(Mock.#{func_name}_CallInstance, cmock_guts_index);\n"
+ lines << " Mock.#{func_name}_IgnoreBool = (int)0;\n" if (@ignore)
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->LineNumber = cmock_line;\n"
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->CallOrder = ++GlobalExpectCount;\n" if (@ordered and global_ordering_supported)
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->ExceptionToThrow = CEXCEPTION_NONE;\n" if (@cexception)
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->ExpectAnyArgsBool = (int)0;\n" if (@expect_any)
+ lines
+ end
+ def code_add_an_arg_expectation(arg, depth=1)
+ lines = code_assign_argument_quickly("cmock_call_instance->Expected_#{arg[:name]}", arg)
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->Expected_#{arg[:name]}_Depth = #{arg[:name]}_Depth;\n" if (@arrays and (depth.class == String))
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->IgnoreArg_#{arg[:name]} = 0;\n" if (@ignore_arg)
+ lines << " cmock_call_instance->ReturnThruPtr_#{arg[:name]}_Used = 0;\n" if (@return_thru_ptr and ptr_or_str?(arg[:type]) and not arg[:const?])
+ lines
+ end
+ def code_assign_argument_quickly(dest, arg)
+ if (arg[:ptr?] or @treat_as.include?(arg[:type]))
+ " #{dest} = #{arg[:name]};\n"
+ else
+ assert_expr = "sizeof(#{arg[:name]}) == sizeof(#{arg[:type]}) ? 1 : -1"
+ comment = "/* add #{arg[:type]} to :treat_as_array if this causes an error */"
+ " memcpy((void*)(&#{dest}), (void*)(&#{arg[:name]}),\n" +
+ " sizeof(#{arg[:type]}[#{assert_expr}])); #{comment}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def code_add_argument_loader(function)
+ if (function[:args_string] != "void")
+ if (@arrays)
+ args_string = function[:args].map do |m|
+ type = arg_type_with_const(m)
+ m[:ptr?] ? "#{type} #{m[:name]}, int #{m[:name]}_Depth" : "#{type} #{m[:name]}"
+ end.join(', ')
+ "void CMockExpectParameters_#{function[:name]}(CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE* cmock_call_instance, #{args_string});\n" +
+ "void CMockExpectParameters_#{function[:name]}(CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE* cmock_call_instance, #{args_string})\n{\n" +
+ function[:args].inject("") { |all, arg| all + code_add_an_arg_expectation(arg, (arg[:ptr?] ? "#{arg[:name]}_Depth" : 1) ) } +
+ "}\n\n"
+ else
+ "void CMockExpectParameters_#{function[:name]}(CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE* cmock_call_instance, #{function[:args_string]});\n" +
+ "void CMockExpectParameters_#{function[:name]}(CMOCK_#{function[:name]}_CALL_INSTANCE* cmock_call_instance, #{function[:args_string]})\n{\n" +
+ function[:args].inject("") { |all, arg| all + code_add_an_arg_expectation(arg) } +
+ "}\n\n"
+ end
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def code_call_argument_loader(function)
+ if (function[:args_string] != "void")
+ args = function[:args].map do |m|
+ if (@arrays and m[:ptr?] and not m[:array_data?])
+ "#{m[:name]}, 1"
+ elsif (@arrays and m[:array_size?])
+ "#{m[:name]}, #{m[:name]}"
+ else
+ m[:name]
+ end
+ end
+ " CMockExpectParameters_#{function[:name]}(cmock_call_instance, #{args.join(', ')});\n"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def ptr_or_str?(arg_type)
+ return (arg_type.include? '*' or
+ @treat_as.fetch(arg_type, "").include? '*')
+ end
+ #private ######################
+ def lookup_expect_type(function, arg)
+ c_type = arg[:type]
+ arg_name = arg[:name]
+ expected = "cmock_call_instance->Expected_#{arg_name}"
+ ignore = "cmock_call_instance->IgnoreArg_#{arg_name}"
+ unity_func = if ((arg[:ptr?]) and ((c_type =~ /\*\*/) or (@ptr_handling == :compare_ptr)))
+ else
+ (@helpers.nil? or @helpers[:unity_helper].nil?) ? ["UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL",''] : @helpers[:unity_helper].get_helper(c_type)
+ end
+ return c_type, arg_name, expected, ignore, unity_func[0], unity_func[1]
+ end
+ def code_verify_an_arg_expectation_with_no_arrays(function, arg)
+ c_type, arg_name, expected, ignore, unity_func, pre = lookup_expect_type(function, arg)
+ lines = ""
+ lines << " if (!#{ignore})\n" if @ignore_arg
+ lines << " {\n"
+ lines << " UNITY_SET_DETAILS(CMockString_#{function[:name]},CMockString_#{arg_name});\n"
+ case(unity_func)
+ c_type_local = c_type.gsub(/\*$/,'')
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type_local}), cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ if (pre == '&')
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type.sub('*','')}), cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ else
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} == NULL)\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(#{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringExpNULL); }\n"
+ lines << " else\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type.sub('*','')}), cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n"
+ end
+ when /_ARRAY/
+ if (pre == '&')
+ lines << " #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, 1, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ else
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} == NULL)\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(#{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringExpNULL); }\n"
+ lines << " else\n"
+ lines << " { #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, 1, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n"
+ end
+ else
+ lines << " #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ end
+ lines << " }\n"
+ lines
+ end
+ def code_verify_an_arg_expectation_with_normal_arrays(function, arg)
+ c_type, arg_name, expected, ignore, unity_func, pre = lookup_expect_type(function, arg)
+ depth_name = (arg[:ptr?]) ? "cmock_call_instance->Expected_#{arg_name}_Depth" : 1
+ lines = ""
+ lines << " if (!#{ignore})\n" if @ignore_arg
+ lines << " {\n"
+ lines << " UNITY_SET_DETAILS(CMockString_#{function[:name]},CMockString_#{arg_name});\n"
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} != #{pre}#{arg_name}) {\n"
+ case(unity_func)
+ c_type_local = c_type.gsub(/\*$/,'')
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type_local}), cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ if (pre == '&')
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type.sub('*','')}), cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ else
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} == NULL)\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(#{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringExpNULL); }\n"
+ lines << " else\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type.sub('*','')}), #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n"
+ end
+ when /_ARRAY/
+ if (pre == '&')
+ lines << " #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ else
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} == NULL)\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(#{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringExpNULL); }\n"
+ lines << " else\n"
+ lines << " { #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n"
+ end
+ else
+ lines << " #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ end
+ lines << " }\n }\n"
+ lines
+ end
+ def code_verify_an_arg_expectation_with_smart_arrays(function, arg)
+ c_type, arg_name, expected, ignore, unity_func, pre = lookup_expect_type(function, arg)
+ depth_name = (arg[:ptr?]) ? "cmock_call_instance->Expected_#{arg_name}_Depth" : 1
+ lines = ""
+ lines << " if (!#{ignore})\n" if @ignore_arg
+ lines << " {\n"
+ lines << " UNITY_SET_DETAILS(CMockString_#{function[:name]},CMockString_#{arg_name});\n"
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} != #{pre}#{arg_name}) {\n"
+ case(unity_func)
+ c_type_local = c_type.gsub(/\*$/,'')
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type_local}), cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ if (pre == '&')
+ lines << " UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type.sub('*','')}), #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ else
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} == NULL)\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringExpNULL); }\n"
+ lines << ((depth_name != 1) ? " else if (#{depth_name} == 0)\n { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n" : "")
+ lines << " else\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MEMORY_ARRAY((void*)(#{pre}#{expected}), (void*)(#{pre}#{arg_name}), sizeof(#{c_type.sub('*','')}), #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n"
+ end
+ when /_ARRAY/
+ if (pre == '&')
+ lines << " #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ else
+ lines << " if (#{pre}#{expected} == NULL)\n"
+ lines << " { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_NULL(#{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringExpNULL); }\n"
+ lines << ((depth_name != 1) ? " else if (#{depth_name} == 0)\n { UNITY_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n" : "")
+ lines << " else\n"
+ lines << " { #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, #{depth_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch); }\n"
+ end
+ else
+ lines << " #{unity_func}(#{pre}#{expected}, #{pre}#{arg_name}, cmock_line, CMockStringMismatch);\n"
+ end
+ lines << " }\n }\n"
+ lines
+ end