# group `send_functions` {#group__send__functions} These are the functions you use to send midi data through a device. ## Summary Members | Descriptions --------------------------------|--------------------------------------------- `public void `[`midi_send_cc`](#group__send__functions_1gaaf884811c92df405ca8fe1a00082f960)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t val)` | Send a control change message (cc) via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_noteon`](#group__send__functions_1ga467bcf46dbf03ec269ce565b46bc2775)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` | Send a note on message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_noteoff`](#group__send__functions_1gaedb7d8805425eef5d47d57ddcb4c7a49)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` | Send a note off message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_aftertouch`](#group__send__functions_1ga0014847571317a0e34b2ef46a6bc584f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t note_num,uint8_t amt)` | Send an after touch message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_pitchbend`](#group__send__functions_1gae5a4a1e71611e7534be80af9ce3d3491)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,int16_t amt)` | Send a pitch bend message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_programchange`](#group__send__functions_1ga7b15588ef25e5e1ff09c2afc3151ce86)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num)` | Send a program change message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_channelpressure`](#group__send__functions_1gaf23e69fdf812e89c0036f51f88ab2e1b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t amt)` | Send a channel pressure message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_clock`](#group__send__functions_1ga4e1b11a7cdb0875f6e03ce7c79c581aa)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a clock message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_tick`](#group__send__functions_1ga2b43c7d433d940c5b907595aac947972)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a tick message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_start`](#group__send__functions_1ga1569749a8d58ccc56789289d7c7245cc)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a start message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_continue`](#group__send__functions_1gaed5dc29d754a27372e89ab8bc20ee120)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a continue message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_stop`](#group__send__functions_1ga026e1a620276cb653ac501aa0d12a988)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a stop message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_activesense`](#group__send__functions_1ga9b6e4c6ce4719d2604187b325620db37)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send an active sense message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_reset`](#group__send__functions_1ga3671e39a6d93ca9568fc493001af1b1b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a reset message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_tcquarterframe`](#group__send__functions_1ga5b85639910eec280bb744c934d0fd45a)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t time)` | Send a tc quarter frame message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_songposition`](#group__send__functions_1gab1c9eeef3b57a8cd2e6128d18e85eb7f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t pos)` | Send a song position message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_songselect`](#group__send__functions_1ga42de7838ba70d949af9a50f9facc3c50)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t song)` | Send a song select message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_tunerequest`](#group__send__functions_1ga8db6c7e04d48e4d2266dd59118ca0656)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device)` | Send a tune request message via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_byte`](#group__send__functions_1ga857e85eb90b288385642d4d991e09881)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t b)` | Send a byte via the given device. `public void `[`midi_send_data`](#group__send__functions_1ga36e2f2e45369d911b76969361679054b)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t count,uint8_t byte0,uint8_t byte1,uint8_t byte2)` | Send up to 3 bytes of data. `public void `[`midi_send_array`](#group__send__functions_1ga245243cb1da18d2cea18d4b18d846ead)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint16_t count,uint8_t * array)` | Send an array of formatted midi data. ## Members #### `public void `[`midi_send_cc`](#group__send__functions_1gaaf884811c92df405ca8fe1a00082f960)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t val)` {#group__send__functions_1gaaf884811c92df405ca8fe1a00082f960} Send a control change message (cc) via the given device. #### Parameters * `device` the device to use for sending * `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15 * `num` the cc num * `val` the value of that cc num #### `public void `[`midi_send_noteon`](#group__send__functions_1ga467bcf46dbf03ec269ce565b46bc2775)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` {#group__send__functions_1ga467bcf46dbf03ec269ce565b46bc2775} Send a note on message via the given device. #### Parameters * `device` the device to use for sending * `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15 * `num` the note number * `vel` the note velocity #### `public void `[`midi_send_noteoff`](#group__send__functions_1gaedb7d8805425eef5d47d57ddcb4c7a49)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num,uint8_t vel)` {#group__send__functions_1gaedb7d8805425eef5d47d57ddcb4c7a49} Send a note off message via the given device. #### Parameters * `device` the device to use for sending * `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15 * `num` the note number * `vel` the note velocity #### `public void `[`midi_send_aftertouch`](#group__send__functions_1ga0014847571317a0e34b2ef46a6bc584f)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t note_num,uint8_t amt)` {#group__send__functions_1ga0014847571317a0e34b2ef46a6bc584f} Send an after touch message via the given device. #### Parameters * `device` the device to use for sending * `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15 * `note_num` the note number * `amt` the after touch amount #### `public void `[`midi_send_pitchbend`](#group__send__functions_1gae5a4a1e71611e7534be80af9ce3d3491)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,int16_t amt)` {#group__send__functions_1gae5a4a1e71611e7534be80af9ce3d3491} Send a pitch bend message via the given device. #### Parameters * `device` the device to use for sending * `chan` the channel to send on, 0-15 * `amt` the bend amount range: -8192..8191, 0 means no bend #### `public void `[`midi_send_programchange`](#group__send__functions_1ga7b15588ef25e5e1ff09c2afc3151ce86)`(`[`MidiDevice`](#struct__midi__device)` * device,uint8_t chan,uint8_t num)` {#group__send__functions_1ga7b15
# udev package config
menu "Configuration"
depends on PACKAGE_udev
bool "Disable udev logging to syslog"
default n
Disable logging of udev messages to the syslog. If
unsure, choose the default N.
bool "Enable debug build of the udev package"
default n
Compile in udev debug messages. If unsure, choose
the default N.
config UDEV_EXTRA_accelerometer
bool "Install udev acceleroometer callout"
default y
accelerometer - udev callout to export device orientation
through property
config UDEV_EXTRA_ata_id
bool "Install udev ata_id callout"
default y
ata_id - udev callout to read product/serial number
from ATA drives
config UDEV_EXTRA_cdrom_id
bool "Install udev cdrom_id callout"
default y
cdrom_id - udev callout to determine the capabilities
of optical drives and media
config UDEV_EXTRA_collect
bool "Install udev collect"
default n
Adds ID to the list governed by <checkpoint>
config UDEV_EXTRA_edd_id
bool "Install udev edd_id callout"
default n
edd_id - udev callout to identify BIOS disk drives
via EDD
config UDEV_EXTRA_firmware
bool "Install firmware support"
default n
udev firmware loader
via EDD
config UDEV_EXTRA_floppy
bool "Install create_floppy_devices callout"
default n
create_floppy_devices - udev callout to create all
possible floppy device based on the CMOS type
config UDEV_EXTRA_input_id
bool "Install input_id callout"
default y
input_id - udev callout to classify input devices
config UDEV_EXTRA_mtd_probe
bool "Install mtd_probe callout"
default y
mtd_probe - udev callout to probe mtd devices
config UDEV_EXTRA_path_id
bool "Install udev path_id callout"
default y
path_id - udev callout to create a device path based
unique name for a device to implement the Linux
Persistent Device Naming scheme
config UDEV_EXTRA_qemu
bool "Install qemu specific rules"
default y
Install rules for autosuspension of QEMU emulated
USB HID devices
config UDEV_EXTRA_rule_generator
bool "Install udev rule_generator"
default y
config UDEV_EXTRA_scsi_id
bool "Install udev scsi_id callout"
default y
scsi_id - retrieve and generate a unique SCSI identifier
config UDEV_EXTRA_usb_id
bool "Install udev usb_id callout"
default y
usb_id - can find the unique id of USB devices
config UDEV_EXTRA_v4l_id
bool "Install udev v4l_id callout"
default y
v4l_id - udev callout to identify Video4Linux devices