/* * This file is part of the flashrom project. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * Header file for flash chip drivers. Included from flash.h. * As a general rule, every function listed here should take a pointer to * struct flashchip as first parameter. */ #ifndef __CHIPDRIVERS_H__ #define __CHIPDRIVERS_H__ 1 /* spi.c, should probably be in spi_chip.c */ int probe_spi_rdid(struct flashchip *flash); int probe_spi_rdid4(struct flashchip *flash); int probe_spi_rems(struct flashchip *flash); int probe_spi_res(struct flashchip *flash); int spi_write_enable(void); int spi_write_disable(void); int spi_chip_erase_60(struct flashchip *flash); int spi_chip_erase_c7(struct flashchip *flash); int spi_chip_erase_60_c7(struct flashchip *flash); int spi_chip_erase_d8(struct flashchip *flash); int spi_block_erase_20(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int spi_block_erase_52(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int spi_block_erase_d7(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int spi_block_erase_d8(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int spi_block_erase_60(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int spi_block_erase_c7(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int spi_chip_write_1(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); int spi_chip_write_256(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); int spi_chip_read(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf, int start, int len); uint8_t spi_read_status_register(void); int spi_disable_blockprotect(void); int spi_byte_program(int addr, uint8_t databyte); int spi_nbyte_program(int addr, uint8_t *bytes, int len); int spi_nbyte_read(int addr, uint8_t *bytes, int len); int spi_read_chunked(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf, int start, int len, int chunksize); int spi_aai_write(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); /* 82802ab.c */ uint8_t wait_82802ab(chipaddr bios); int probe_82802ab(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_82802ab(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_82802ab_block(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int page, unsigned int pagesize); int write_82802ab(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); /* jedec.c */ uint8_t oddparity(uint8_t val); void toggle_ready_jedec(chipaddr dst); void data_polling_jedec(chipaddr dst, uint8_t data); int write_byte_program_jedec(chipaddr bios, uint8_t *src, chipaddr dst); int probe_jedec(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_chip_jedec(struct flashchip *flash); int write_jedec(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); int write_jedec_1(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); int erase_sector_jedec(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int page, unsigned int pagesize); int erase_block_jedec(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int page, unsigned int blocksize); int erase_chip_block_jedec(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int page, unsigned int blocksize); int write_sector_jedec_common(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *src, chipaddr dst, unsigned int page_size, unsigned int mask); /* m29f400bt.c */ int probe_m29f400bt(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_m29f400bt(struct flashchip *flash); int block_erase_m29f400bt(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int start, unsigned int len); int block_erase_chip_m29f400bt(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int start, unsigned int len); int write_m29f400bt(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); int write_coreboot_m29f400bt(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); void protect_m29f400bt(chipaddr bios); void write_page_m29f400bt(chipaddr bios, uint8_t *src, chipaddr dst, int page_size); /* pm49fl00x.c */ int unlock_49fl00x(struct flashchip *flash); int lock_49fl00x(struct flashchip *flash); /* sharplhf00l04.c */ int probe_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_lhf00l04_block(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int blockaddr, unsigned int blocklen); int write_lhf00l04(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); void protect_lhf00l04(chipaddr bios); /* sst28sf040.c */ int probe_28sf040(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_chip_28sf040(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocklen); int erase_sector_28sf040(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int address, unsigned int sector_size); int write_28sf040(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); /* sst49lfxxxc.c */ int probe_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_sector_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int address, unsigned int sector_size); int erase_block_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int address, unsigned int sector_size); int erase_chip_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int addr, unsigned int blocksize); int write_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash, uint8_t *buf); int unlock_49lfxxxc(struct flashchip *flash); /* sst_fwhub.c */ int probe_sst_fwhub(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_sst_fwhub(struct flashchip *flash); int erase_sst_fwhub_block(struct flashchip *flash, unsigned int offset, unsigned int page_size); i
# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
define KernelPackage/rotary-gpio-custom
SUBMENU:=Other modules
TITLE:=Custom GPIO-based rotary encoder device
DEPENDS:=@GPIO_SUPPORT +kmod-input-gpio-encoder
define KernelPackage/rotary-gpio-custom/description
Kernel module for register a custom rotary-gpio-encoder platform device.
$(patsubst CONFIG_%, -DCONFIG_%=1, $(patsubst %=m,%,$(filter %=m,$(EXTRA_KCONFIG)))) \
$(patsubst CONFIG_%, -DCONFIG_%=1, $(patsubst %=y,%,$(filter %=y,$(EXTRA_KCONFIG)))) \
define Build/Prepare
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
$(CP) ./src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
define Build/Compile
$(MAKE) -C "$(LINUX_DIR)" \
$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rotary-gpio-custom))