From b823088d8782e02cc39c7eb4d834396b83dabe49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Crispin <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:11:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 214/215] usb: add mt7621 xhci support

Signed-off-by: John Crispin <>
 drivers/usb/core/hub.c                |    2 +-
 drivers/usb/core/port.c               |    3 +-
 drivers/usb/host/Kconfig              |    6 +-
 drivers/usb/host/Makefile             |   10 +-
 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.c       |  445 +++++
 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.h       | 2871 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-ahb.c        |   58 +
 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.c            |  102 ++
 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.h            |  179 ++
 drivers/usb/host/pci-quirks.h         |    2 +-
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-dbg.c           |    3 +
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mem.c           |   11 +
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.c     |  115 ++
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.h     |   13 +
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.c |  608 +++++++
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.h |   77 +
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.c           |  265 +++
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.h           |  120 ++
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-plat.c          |   19 +
 drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c          |  109 +-
 drivers/usb/host/xhci.c               |  201 ++-
 drivers/usb/host/xhci.h               |   23 +-
 22 files changed, 5229 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-ahb.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.h

Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/core/hub.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/core/hub.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/core/hub.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.817675027 +0100
@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@
 	if (type != HUB_SUSPEND) {
 		/* Disconnect all the children */
 		for (i = 0; i < hdev->maxchild; ++i) {
-			if (hub->ports[i]->child)
+			if (hub->ports[i] && hub->ports[i]->child)
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/core/port.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/core/port.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/core/port.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.817675027 +0100
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
 void usb_hub_remove_port_device(struct usb_hub *hub,
 				       int port1)
-	device_unregister(&hub->ports[port1 - 1]->dev);
+	if (hub->ports[port1 - 1])
+		device_unregister(&hub->ports[port1 - 1]->dev);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/Kconfig	2014-07-02 11:27:17.469659353 +0100
@@ -28,7 +28,13 @@
-	tristate
+	bool "xHCI platform"
+	depends on SOC_MT7621
+	bool "MTK MT7621 xHCI"
+	depends on USB_XHCI_PLATFORM
+	depends on SOC_MT7621
 	bool "Debugging for the xHCI host controller"
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/Makefile
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/Makefile	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/Makefile	2014-07-02 11:20:15.817675027 +0100
@@ -13,15 +13,23 @@
 xhci-hcd-y := xhci.o xhci-mem.o
 xhci-hcd-y += xhci-ring.o xhci-hub.o xhci-dbg.o
 xhci-hcd-$(CONFIG_PCI)	+= xhci-pci.o
+xhci-hcd-y += mtk-phy.o xhci-mtk-scheduler.o xhci-mtk-power.o xhci-mtk.o mtk-phy-7621.o mtk-phy-ahb.o
-	xhci-hcd-y		+= xhci-plat.o
+xhci-hcd-y		+= xhci-plat.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_USB_WHCI_HCD)	+= whci/
 obj-$(CONFIG_PCI)		+= pci-quirks.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD)	+= ehci-hcd.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_USB_EHCI_PCI)	+= ehci-pci.o
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.817675027 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+#include "mtk-phy.h"
+#ifdef CONFIG_PROJECT_7621
+#include "mtk-phy-7621.h"
+//not used on SoC
+PHY_INT32 phy_init(struct u3phy_info *info){	
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+//not used on SoC
+PHY_INT32 phy_change_pipe_phase(struct u3phy_info *info, PHY_INT32 phy_drv, PHY_INT32 pipe_phase){
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+//    Function : fgEyeScanHelper_CheckPtInRegion()
+// Description : Check if the test point is in a rectangle region.
+//               If it is in the rectangle, also check if this point
+//               is on the multiple of deltaX and deltaY.
+//   Parameter : strucScanRegion * prEye - the region
+//               BYTE bX
+//               BYTE bY
+//      Return : BYTE - TRUE :  This point needs to be tested
+//                      FALSE:  This point will be omitted
+//        Note : First check within the rectangle.
+//               Secondly, use modulous to check if the point will be tested.
+static PHY_INT8 fgEyeScanHelper_CheckPtInRegion(struct strucScanRegion * prEye, PHY_INT8 bX, PHY_INT8 bY)
+  PHY_INT8 fgValid = true;
+  /// Be careful, the axis origin is on the TOP-LEFT corner.
+  /// Therefore the top-left point has the minimum X and Y
+  /// Botton-right point is the maximum X and Y
+  if ( (prEye->bX_tl <= bX) && (bX <= prEye->bX_br)
+    && (prEye->bY_tl <= bY) && (bY <= prEye->bX_br))
+  {
+    // With the region, now check whether or not the input test point is
+    // on the multiples of X and Y
+    // Do not have to worry about negative value, because we have already
+    // check the input bX, and bY is within the region.
+    if ( ((bX - prEye->bX_tl) % (prEye->bDeltaX))
+      || ((bY - prEye->bY_tl) % (prEye->bDeltaY)) )
+    {
+      // if the division will have remainder, that means
+      // the input test point is on the multiples of X and Y
+      fgValid = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    fgValid = false;
+  }
+  return fgValid;
+//    Function : EyeScanHelper_RunTest()
+// Description : Enable the test, and wait til it is completed
+//   Parameter : None
+//      Return : None
+//        Note : None
+static void EyeScanHelper_RunTest(struct u3phy_info *info)
+	DRV_UDELAY(100);
+	// Disable the test
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	DRV_UDELAY(100);
+	// Run the test
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	DRV_UDELAY(100);
+	// Wait til it's done
+	while(!U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->phya_rx_mon5)
+//    Function : fgEyeScanHelper_CalNextPoint()
+// Description : Calcualte the test point for the measurement
+//   Parameter : None
+//      Return : BOOL - TRUE :  the next point is within the
+//                              boundaryof HW limit
+//                      FALSE:  the next point is out of the HW limit
+//        Note : The next point is obtained by calculating
+//               from the bottom left of the region rectangle
+//               and then scanning up until it reaches the upper
+//               limit. At this time, the x will increment, and
+//               start scanning downwards until the y hits the
+//               zero.
+static PHY_INT8 fgEyeScanHelper_CalNextPoint(void)
+  if ( ((_bYcurr == MAX_Y) && (_eScanDir == SCAN_DN))
+    || ((_bYcurr == MIN_Y) && (_eScanDir == SCAN_UP))
+        )
+  {
+    /// Reaches the limit of Y axis
+    /// Increment X
+    _bXcurr++;
+    _fgXChged = true;
+    _eScanDir = (_eScanDir == SCAN_UP) ? SCAN_DN : SCAN_UP;
+    if (_bXcurr > MAX_X)
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    _bYcurr = (_eScanDir == SCAN_DN) ? _bYcurr + 1 : _bYcurr - 1;
+    _fgXChged = false;
+  }
+  return PHY_TRUE;
+PHY_INT32 eyescan_init(struct u3phy_info *info){
+	//initial PHY setting
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phya_regs->rega)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->phyd_mix3)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+PHY_INT32 phy_eyescan(struct u3phy_info *info, PHY_INT32 x_t1, PHY_INT32 y_t1, PHY_INT32 x_br, PHY_INT32 y_br, PHY_INT32 delta_x, PHY_INT32 delta_y
+		, PHY_INT32 eye_cnt, PHY_INT32 num_cnt, PHY_INT32 PI_cal_en, PHY_INT32 num_ignore_cnt){
+	PHY_INT32 cOfst = 0;
+	PHY_UINT8 bIdxX = 0;
+	PHY_UINT8 bIdxY = 0;
+	//PHY_INT8 bCnt = 0;
+	PHY_UINT8 bIdxCycCnt = 0;
+	PHY_INT8 fgValid;
+	PHY_INT8 cX;
+	PHY_INT8 cY;
+	PHY_UINT8 bExtendCnt;
+	PHY_INT8 isContinue;
+	//PHY_INT8 isBreak;
+	PHY_UINT32 wErr0 = 0, wErr1 = 0;
+	//PHY_UINT32 temp;
+	_rEye1.bX_tl = x_t1;
+	_rEye1.bY_tl = y_t1;
+	_rEye1.bX_br = x_br;
+	_rEye1.bY_br = y_br;
+	_rEye1.bDeltaX = delta_x;
+	_rEye1.bDeltaY = delta_y;
+	_rEye2.bX_tl = x_t1;
+	_rEye2.bY_tl = y_t1;
+	_rEye2.bX_br = x_br;
+	_rEye2.bY_br = y_br;
+	_rEye2.bDeltaX = delta_x;
+	_rEye2.bDeltaY = delta_y;
+	_rTestCycle.wEyeCnt = eye_cnt;
+	_rTestCycle.bNumOfEyeCnt = num_cnt;
+	_rTestCycle.bNumOfIgnoreCnt = num_ignore_cnt;
+	_rTestCycle.bPICalEn = PI_cal_en;	
+	_bXcurr = 0;
+	_bYcurr = 0;
+	_eScanDir = SCAN_DN;
+	_fgXChged = false;
+	printk("x_t1: %x, y_t1: %x, x_br: %x, y_br: %x, delta_x: %x, delta_y: %x, \
+		eye_cnt: %x, num_cnt: %x, PI_cal_en: %x, num_ignore_cnt: %x\n", \
+		x_t1, y_t1, x_br, y_br, delta_x, delta_y, eye_cnt, num_cnt, PI_cal_en, num_ignore_cnt);		
+	//force SIGDET to OFF
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye1)
+	// RX_TRI_DET_EN to Disable
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq3)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	if (PI_cal_en){
+		// PI Calibration
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+		DRV_UDELAY(20);
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_bank2_regs->b2_phyd_misc0)
+		_bPIResult = U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->phya_rx_mon5)
+		printk(KERN_ERR "PI result: %d\n", _bPIResult);
+	}
+	// Read Initial DAC
+	// Set CYCLE
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye3)
+	// Eye Monitor Feature
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye1)
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	// Move X,Y to the top-left corner
+	for (cOfst = 0; cOfst >= -64; cOfst--)
+	{
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	}
+	for (cOfst = 0; cOfst < 64; cOfst++)
+	{
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	}
+	//ClearErrorResult
+	for(bIdxCycCnt = 0; bIdxCycCnt < CYCLE_COUNT_MAX; bIdxCycCnt++){
+		for(bIdxX = 0; bIdxX < ERRCNT_MAX; bIdxX++)
+		{
+			for(bIdxY = 0; bIdxY < ERRCNT_MAX; bIdxY++){
+				pwErrCnt0[bIdxCycCnt][bIdxX][bIdxY] = 0;
+				pwErrCnt1[bIdxCycCnt][bIdxX][bIdxY] = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	isContinue = true;
+	while(isContinue){
+		//printk(KERN_ERR "_bXcurr: %d, _bYcurr: %d\n", _bXcurr, _bYcurr);
+		// The point is within the boundary, then let's check if it is within
+	    // the testing region.
+	    // The point is only test-able if one of the eye region
+	    // includes this point.
+	    fgValid = fgEyeScanHelper_CheckPtInRegion(&_rEye1, _bXcurr, _bYcurr)
+           || fgEyeScanHelper_CheckPtInRegion(&_rEye2, _bXcurr, _bYcurr);
+		// Translate bX and bY to 2's complement from where the origin was on the
+		// top left corner.
+		// 0x40 and 0x3F needs a bit of thinking!!!! >"<
+		cX = (_bXcurr ^ 0x40);
+		cY = (_bYcurr ^ 0x3F);
+		// Set X if necessary
+		if (_fgXChged == true)
+		{
+			U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+		}
+		// Set Y
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+		/// Test this point!
+		if (fgValid){
+			for (bExtendCnt = 0; bExtendCnt < num_ignore_cnt; bExtendCnt++)
+			{
+				//run test
+				EyeScanHelper_RunTest(info);
+			}
+			for (bExtendCnt = 0; bExtendCnt < num_cnt; bExtendCnt++)
+			{
+				EyeScanHelper_RunTest(info);
+				wErr0 = U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->phya_rx_mon3)
+				wErr1 = U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->phya_rx_mon4)
+				pwErrCnt0[bExtendCnt][_bXcurr][_bYcurr] = wErr0;
+				pwErrCnt1[bExtendCnt][_bXcurr][_bYcurr] = wErr1;
+				//EyeScanHelper_GetResult(&_rRes.pwErrCnt0[bCnt], &_rRes.pwErrCnt1[bCnt]);
+//				printk(KERN_ERR "cnt[%d] cur_x,y [0x%x][0x%x], cX,cY [0x%x][0x%x], ErrCnt[%d][%d]\n"
+//					, bExtendCnt, _bXcurr, _bYcurr, cX, cY, pwErrCnt0[bExtendCnt][_bXcurr][_bYcurr], pwErrCnt1[bExtendCnt][_bXcurr][_bYcurr]);
+			}
+			//printk(KERN_ERR "cur_x,y [0x%x][0x%x], cX,cY [0x%x][0x%x], ErrCnt[%d][%d]\n", _bXcurr, _bYcurr, cX, cY, pwErrCnt0[0][_bXcurr][_bYcurr], pwErrCnt1[0][_bXcurr][_bYcurr]);
+		}
+		else{
+		}
+		if (fgEyeScanHelper_CalNextPoint() == false){
+#if 0
+			printk(KERN_ERR "Xcurr [0x%x] Ycurr [0x%x]\n", _bXcurr, _bYcurr);
+		 	printk(KERN_ERR "XcurrREG [0x%x] YcurrREG [0x%x]\n", cX, cY);
+			printk(KERN_ERR "end of eye scan\n");
+		  	isContinue = false;
+		}
+	}
+	printk(KERN_ERR "CurX [0x%x] CurY [0x%x]\n"
+		, U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0), RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_XOFFSET_OFST, RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_XOFFSET)
+		, U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0), RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE0_Y_OFST, RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE0_Y));
+	// Move X,Y to the top-left corner
+	for (cOfst = 63; cOfst >= 0; cOfst--)
+	{
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	}
+	for (cOfst = 63; cOfst >= 0; cOfst--)
+	{
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0)
+	}
+	printk(KERN_ERR "CurX [0x%x] CurY [0x%x]\n"
+		, U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0), RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_XOFFSET_OFST, RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_XOFFSET)
+		, U3PhyReadField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u3phyd_regs->eq_eye0), RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE0_Y_OFST, RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE0_Y));
+	printk(KERN_ERR "PI result: %d\n", _bPIResult);
+	printk(KERN_ERR "pwErrCnt0 addr: 0x%x\n", (PHY_UINT32)pwErrCnt0);
+	printk(KERN_ERR "pwErrCnt1 addr: 0x%x\n", (PHY_UINT32)pwErrCnt1);
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+//not used on SoC
+PHY_INT32 u2_save_cur_en(struct u3phy_info *info){
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+//not used on SoC
+PHY_INT32 u2_save_cur_re(struct u3phy_info *info){
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+PHY_INT32 u2_slew_rate_calibration(struct u3phy_info *info){
+	PHY_INT32 i=0;
+	//PHY_INT32 j=0;
+	//PHY_INT8 u1SrCalVal = 0;
+	//PHY_INT8 u1Reg_addr_HSTX_SRCAL_EN;
+	PHY_INT32 fgRet = 0;	
+	PHY_INT32 u4FmOut = 0;	
+	PHY_INT32 u4Tmp = 0;
+	//PHY_INT32 temp;
+	// => RG_USB20_HSTX_SRCAL_EN = 1
+	// enable HS TX SR calibration
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u2phy_regs->u2phyacr0)
+	// => RG_FRCK_EN = 1    
+	// Enable free run clock
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->sifslv_fm_regs->fmmonr1)
+	// MT6290 HS signal quality patch
+	// => RG_CYCLECNT = 400
+	// Setting cyclecnt =400
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->sifslv_fm_regs->fmcr0)
+	// => RG_FREQDET_EN = 1
+	// Enable frequency meter
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->sifslv_fm_regs->fmcr0)
+	// wait for FM detection done, set 10ms timeout
+	for(i=0; i<10; i++){
+		// => u4FmOut = USB_FM_OUT
+		// read FM_OUT
+		u4FmOut = U3PhyReadReg32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->sifslv_fm_regs->fmmonr0));
+		printk("FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = %d(0x%08X)\n", u4FmOut, u4FmOut);
+		// check if FM detection done 
+		if (u4FmOut != 0)
+		{
+			fgRet = 0;
+			printk("FM detection done! loop = %d\n", i);
+			break;
+		}
+		fgRet = 1;
+	}
+	// => RG_FREQDET_EN = 0
+	// disable frequency meter
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->sifslv_fm_regs->fmcr0)
+	// => RG_FRCK_EN = 0
+	// disable free run clock
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->sifslv_fm_regs->fmmonr1)
+	// => RG_USB20_HSTX_SRCAL_EN = 0
+	// disable HS TX SR calibration
+	U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u2phy_regs->u2phyacr0)
+	if(u4FmOut == 0){
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u2phy_regs->u2phyacr0)
+		fgRet = 1;
+	}
+	else{
+		// set reg = (1024/FM_OUT) * 25 * 0.028 (round to the nearest digits)
+		u4Tmp = (((1024 * 25 * U2_SR_COEF_7621) / u4FmOut) + 500) / 1000;
+		printk("SR calibration value u1SrCalVal = %d\n", (PHY_UINT8)u4Tmp);
+		U3PhyWriteField32(((PHY_UINT32)&info->u2phy_regs->u2phyacr0)
+	}
+	return fgRet;
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.h
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-7621.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2871 @@
+#ifdef CONFIG_PROJECT_7621
+#ifndef __MTK_PHY_7621_H
+#define __MTK_PHY_7621_H
+#define U2_SR_COEF_7621 28
+struct u2phy_reg {
+	//0x0
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyac0;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyac1;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyac2;
+	PHY_LE32 reserve0;
+	//0x10
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyacr0;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyacr1;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyacr2;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyacr3;
+	//0x20
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyacr4;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phyamon0;
+	PHY_LE32 reserve1[2];
+	//0x30~0x50
+	PHY_LE32 reserve2[12];
+	//0x60
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydcr0;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydcr1;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydtm0;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydtm1;
+	//0x70
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydmon0;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydmon1;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydmon2;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phydmon3;
+	//0x80
+	PHY_LE32 u2phybc12c;
+	PHY_LE32 u2phybc12c1;
+	PHY_LE32 reserve3[2];
+	//0x90~0xe0
+	PHY_LE32 reserve4[24];
+	//0xf0
+	PHY_LE32 reserve6[3];
+	PHY_LE32 regfcom;
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_DIVEN                     (0x7<<28) //30:28
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_CKCTRL                    (0x3<<26) //27:26
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_PREDIV                    (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_FORCE_ON                  (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_FBDIV                     (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_USB20_REF_EN                           (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_USB20_INTR_EN                          (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_USB20_BG_TRIM                          (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_USB20_BG_RBSEL                         (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_USB20_BG_RASEL                         (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_USB20_BGR_DIV                          (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHP_EN                          (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SIFSLV_BGR_EN                          (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_USB20_VRT_VREF_SEL                     (0x7<<28) //30:28
+#define RG_USB20_TERM_VREF_SEL                    (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_USB20_MPX_SEL                          (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RG_USB20_MPX_OUT_SEL                      (0x3<<12) //13:12
+#define RG_USB20_TX_PH_ROT_SEL                    (0x7<<8) //10:8
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_ACCEN                     (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_LF                        (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_BR                        (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_BP                        (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SIFSLV_MAC_BANDGAP_EN                  (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_SIFSLV_MAC_CHOPPER_EN                  (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_USB20_CLKREF_REV                       (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_USB20_ICUSB_EN                         (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_SRCAL_EN                    (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_SRCTRL                      (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RG_USB20_LS_CR                            (0x7<<12) //14:12
+#define RG_USB20_FS_CR                            (0x7<<8) //10:8
+#define RG_USB20_LS_SR                            (0x7<<4) //6:4
+#define RG_USB20_FS_SR                            (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_USB20_INIT_SQ_EN_DG                    (0x3<<28) //29:28
+#define RG_USB20_SQD                              (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_TMODE_SEL                   (0x3<<20) //21:20
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_TMODE_EN                    (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define RG_USB20_PHYD_MONEN                       (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_USB20_INLPBK_EN                        (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_USB20_CHIRP_EN                         (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_USB20_DM_ABIST_SOURCE_EN               (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_USB20_DM_ABIST_SELE                    (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_USB20_DP_ABIST_SOURCE_EN               (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_USB20_DP_ABIST_SELE                    (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_ABIST_SELE                   (0x7<<29) //31:29
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_ABIST_EN                     (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_VBUSCMP_EN                   (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_VBUSTH                       (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_USB20_DISC_FIT_EN                      (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_USB20_DISCD                            (0x3<<20) //21:20
+#define RG_USB20_DISCTH                           (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_USB20_SQCAL_EN                         (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_USB20_SQCAL                            (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_USB20_SQTH                             (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_DBIST                       (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_BIST_EN                     (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_I_EN_MODE                   (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_USB20_HSRX_TMODE_EN                    (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_USB20_HSRX_BIAS_EN_SEL                 (0x3<<20) //21:20
+#define RG_USB20_USB11_TMODE_EN                   (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define RG_USB20_TMODE_FS_LS_TX_EN                (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_USB20_TMODE_FS_LS_RCV_EN               (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_USB20_TMODE_FS_LS_MODE                 (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_USB20_HS_TERM_EN_MODE                  (0x3<<13) //14:13
+#define RG_USB20_PUPD_BIST_EN                     (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PU_DM                         (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PD_DM                         (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PU_DP                         (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PD_DP                         (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_USB20_PHY_REV                          (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_USB20_DP_100K_MODE                     (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_USB20_DM_100K_EN                       (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define USB20_DP_100K_EN                          (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define USB20_GPIO_DM_I                           (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define USB20_GPIO_DP_I                           (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define USB20_GPIO_DM_OE                          (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define USB20_GPIO_DP_OE                          (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_USB20_GPIO_CTL                         (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define USB20_GPIO_MODE                           (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_USB20_TX_BIAS_EN                       (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_USB20_TX_VCMPDN_EN                     (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_USB20_HS_SQ_EN_MODE                    (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_USB20_HS_RCV_EN_MODE                   (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RGO_USB20_GPIO_DM_O                       (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RGO_USB20_GPIO_DP_O                       (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_USB20_CDR_TST                          (0x3<<30) //31:30
+#define RG_USB20_GATED_ENB                        (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_USB20_TESTMODE                         (0x3<<26) //27:26
+#define RG_USB20_PLL_STABLE                       (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_USB20_PLL_FORCE_ON                     (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_USB20_PHYD_RESERVE                     (0xffff<<8) //23:8
+#define RG_USB20_EBTHRLD                          (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_USB20_EARLY_HSTX_I                     (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_USB20_TX_TST                           (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_USB20_NEGEDGE_ENB                      (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_USB20_CDR_FILT                         (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_USB20_PROBE_SEL                        (0xff<<24) //31:24
+#define RG_USB20_DRVVBUS                          (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_DEBUG_EN                               (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_PROBE                        (0x3<<20) //21:20
+#define RG_USB20_SW_PLLMODE                       (0x3<<18) //19:18
+#define RG_USB20_BERTH                            (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_USB20_LBMODE                           (0x3<<13) //14:13
+#define RG_USB20_FORCE_TAP                        (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_USB20_TAPSEL                           (0xfff<<0) //11:0
+#define RG_UART_MODE                              (0x3<<30) //31:30
+#define FORCE_UART_I                              (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define FORCE_UART_BIAS_EN                        (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define FORCE_UART_TX_OE                          (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define FORCE_UART_EN                             (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define FORCE_USB_CLKEN                           (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define FORCE_DRVVBUS                             (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define FORCE_DATAIN                              (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define FORCE_TXVALID                             (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define FORCE_DM_PULLDOWN                         (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define FORCE_DP_PULLDOWN                         (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define FORCE_XCVRSEL                             (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define FORCE_SUSPENDM                            (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define FORCE_TERMSEL                             (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define FORCE_OPMODE                              (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define UTMI_MUXSEL                               (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_RESET                                  (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_DATAIN                                 (0xf<<10) //13:10
+#define RG_TXVALIDH                               (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_TXVALID                                (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_DMPULLDOWN                             (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_DPPULLDOWN                             (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_XCVRSEL                                (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SUSPENDM                               (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_TERMSEL                                (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_OPMODE                                 (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_USB20_PRBS7_EN                         (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_USB20_PRBS7_BITCNT                     (0x3f<<24) //29:24
+#define RG_USB20_CLK48M_EN                        (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_USB20_CLK60M_EN                        (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_UART_I                                 (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define RG_UART_BIAS_EN                           (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_UART_TX_OE                             (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_UART_EN                                (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define FORCE_VBUSVALID                           (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define FORCE_SESSEND                             (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define FORCE_BVALID                              (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define FORCE_AVALID                              (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define FORCE_IDDIG                               (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define FORCE_IDPULLUP                            (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_VBUSVALID                              (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SESSEND                                (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_BVALID                                 (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_AVALID                                 (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_IDDIG                                  (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_IDPULLUP                               (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_USB20_PRBS7_BERTH                      (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define USB20_UART_O                              (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RGO_USB20_LB_PASS                         (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RGO_USB20_LB_DONE                         (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define AD_USB20_BVALID                           (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define USB20_IDDIG                               (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define AD_USB20_VBUSVALID                        (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define AD_USB20_SESSEND                          (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define AD_USB20_AVALID                           (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define USB20_LINE_STATE                          (0x3<<22) //23:22
+#define USB20_HST_DISCON                          (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define USB20_TX_READY                            (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define USB20_RX_ERROR                            (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define USB20_RX_ACTIVE                           (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define USB20_RX_VALIDH                           (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define USB20_RX_VALID                            (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define USB20_DATA_OUT                            (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RGO_TXVALID_CNT                           (0xff<<24) //31:24
+#define RGO_RXACTIVE_CNT                          (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RGO_USB20_LB_BERCNT                       (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define USB20_PROBE_OUT                           (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_ERRCNT                    (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_DONE                      (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_LOCK                      (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_PASS                      (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_PASSTH                    (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_DEGLCH_CNT                (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_CTRL_CNT                  (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_FORCE_MODE                (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_CHGDT_ISRC_LEV                         (0x3<<14) //15:14
+#define RG_CHGDT_VDATSRC                          (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_CHGDT_BGVREF_SEL                       (0x7<<10) //12:10
+#define RG_CHGDT_RDVREF_SEL                       (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_CHGDT_ISRC_DP                          (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_OPOUT_DM                  (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_CHGDT_VDAT_DM                          (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_CHGDT_OPOUT_DP                         (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_VDAT_DP                   (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_COMP_EN                   (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_OPDRV_EN                  (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_CHGDT_EN                               (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_CHGDT_REV                              (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_PAGE                                   (0xff<<24) //31:24
+#define I2C_MODE                                  (0x1<<16) //16:16
+/* OFFSET  */
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_DIVEN_OFST                (28)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_CKCTRL_OFST               (26)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_PREDIV_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_FORCE_ON_OFST             (23)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_FBDIV_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_USB20_REF_EN_OFST                      (15)
+#define RG_USB20_INTR_EN_OFST                     (14)
+#define RG_USB20_BG_TRIM_OFST                     (8)
+#define RG_USB20_BG_RBSEL_OFST                    (6)
+#define RG_USB20_BG_RASEL_OFST                    (4)
+#define RG_USB20_BGR_DIV_OFST                     (2)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHP_EN_OFST                     (1)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_BGR_EN_OFST                     (0)
+#define RG_USB20_VRT_VREF_SEL_OFST                (28)
+#define RG_USB20_TERM_VREF_SEL_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_USB20_MPX_SEL_OFST                     (16)
+#define RG_USB20_MPX_OUT_SEL_OFST                 (12)
+#define RG_USB20_TX_PH_ROT_SEL_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_ACCEN_OFST                (3)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_LF_OFST                   (2)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_BR_OFST                   (1)
+#define RG_USB20_USBPLL_BP_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_MAC_BANDGAP_EN_OFST             (17)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_MAC_CHOPPER_EN_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_USB20_CLKREF_REV_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_USB20_ICUSB_EN_OFST                    (24)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_SRCAL_EN_OFST               (23)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_SRCTRL_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_USB20_LS_CR_OFST                       (12)
+#define RG_USB20_FS_CR_OFST                       (8)
+#define RG_USB20_LS_SR_OFST                       (4)
+#define RG_USB20_FS_SR_OFST                       (0)
+#define RG_USB20_INIT_SQ_EN_DG_OFST               (28)
+#define RG_USB20_SQD_OFST                         (24)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_TMODE_SEL_OFST              (20)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_TMODE_EN_OFST               (19)
+#define RG_USB20_PHYD_MONEN_OFST                  (18)
+#define RG_USB20_INLPBK_EN_OFST                   (17)
+#define RG_USB20_CHIRP_EN_OFST                    (16)
+#define RG_USB20_DM_ABIST_SOURCE_EN_OFST          (15)
+#define RG_USB20_DM_ABIST_SELE_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_USB20_DP_ABIST_SOURCE_EN_OFST          (7)
+#define RG_USB20_DP_ABIST_SELE_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_ABIST_SELE_OFST              (29)
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_ABIST_EN_OFST                (28)
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_VBUSCMP_EN_OFST              (27)
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_VBUSTH_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_USB20_DISC_FIT_EN_OFST                 (22)
+#define RG_USB20_DISCD_OFST                       (20)
+#define RG_USB20_DISCTH_OFST                      (16)
+#define RG_USB20_SQCAL_EN_OFST                    (15)
+#define RG_USB20_SQCAL_OFST                       (8)
+#define RG_USB20_SQTH_OFST                        (0)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_DBIST_OFST                  (28)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_BIST_EN_OFST                (26)
+#define RG_USB20_HSTX_I_EN_MODE_OFST              (24)
+#define RG_USB20_HSRX_TMODE_EN_OFST               (23)
+#define RG_USB20_HSRX_BIAS_EN_SEL_OFST            (20)
+#define RG_USB20_USB11_TMODE_EN_OFST              (19)
+#define RG_USB20_TMODE_FS_LS_TX_EN_OFST           (18)
+#define RG_USB20_TMODE_FS_LS_RCV_EN_OFST          (17)
+#define RG_USB20_TMODE_FS_LS_MODE_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_USB20_HS_TERM_EN_MODE_OFST             (13)
+#define RG_USB20_PUPD_BIST_EN_OFST                (12)
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PU_DM_OFST                    (11)
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PD_DM_OFST                    (10)
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PU_DP_OFST                    (9)
+#define RG_USB20_EN_PD_DP_OFST                    (8)
+#define RG_USB20_PHY_REV_OFST                     (0)
+#define RG_USB20_DP_100K_MODE_OFST                (18)
+#define RG_USB20_DM_100K_EN_OFST                  (17)
+#define USB20_DP_100K_EN_OFST                     (16)
+#define USB20_GPIO_DM_I_OFST                      (15)
+#define USB20_GPIO_DP_I_OFST                      (14)
+#define USB20_GPIO_DM_OE_OFST                     (13)
+#define USB20_GPIO_DP_OE_OFST                     (12)
+#define RG_USB20_GPIO_CTL_OFST                    (9)
+#define USB20_GPIO_MODE_OFST                      (8)
+#define RG_USB20_TX_BIAS_EN_OFST                  (5)
+#define RG_USB20_TX_VCMPDN_EN_OFST                (4)
+#define RG_USB20_HS_SQ_EN_MODE_OFST               (2)
+#define RG_USB20_HS_RCV_EN_MODE_OFST              (0)
+#define RGO_USB20_GPIO_DM_O_OFST                  (1)
+#define RGO_USB20_GPIO_DP_O_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_USB20_CDR_TST_OFST                     (30)
+#define RG_USB20_GATED_ENB_OFST                   (29)
+#define RG_USB20_TESTMODE_OFST                    (26)
+#define RG_USB20_PLL_STABLE_OFST                  (25)
+#define RG_USB20_PLL_FORCE_ON_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_USB20_PHYD_RESERVE_OFST                (8)
+#define RG_USB20_EBTHRLD_OFST                     (7)
+#define RG_USB20_EARLY_HSTX_I_OFST                (6)
+#define RG_USB20_TX_TST_OFST                      (5)
+#define RG_USB20_NEGEDGE_ENB_OFST                 (4)
+#define RG_USB20_CDR_FILT_OFST                    (0)
+#define RG_USB20_PROBE_SEL_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_USB20_DRVVBUS_OFST                     (23)
+#define RG_DEBUG_EN_OFST                          (22)
+#define RG_USB20_OTG_PROBE_OFST                   (20)
+#define RG_USB20_SW_PLLMODE_OFST                  (18)
+#define RG_USB20_BERTH_OFST                       (16)
+#define RG_USB20_LBMODE_OFST                      (13)
+#define RG_USB20_FORCE_TAP_OFST                   (12)
+#define RG_USB20_TAPSEL_OFST                      (0)
+#define RG_UART_MODE_OFST                         (30)
+#define FORCE_UART_I_OFST                         (29)
+#define FORCE_UART_BIAS_EN_OFST                   (28)
+#define FORCE_UART_TX_OE_OFST                     (27)
+#define FORCE_UART_EN_OFST                        (26)
+#define FORCE_USB_CLKEN_OFST                      (25)
+#define FORCE_DRVVBUS_OFST                        (24)
+#define FORCE_DATAIN_OFST                         (23)
+#define FORCE_TXVALID_OFST                        (22)
+#define FORCE_DM_PULLDOWN_OFST                    (21)
+#define FORCE_DP_PULLDOWN_OFST                    (20)
+#define FORCE_XCVRSEL_OFST                        (19)
+#define FORCE_SUSPENDM_OFST                       (18)
+#define FORCE_TERMSEL_OFST                        (17)
+#define FORCE_OPMODE_OFST                         (16)
+#define UTMI_MUXSEL_OFST                          (15)
+#define RG_RESET_OFST                             (14)
+#define RG_DATAIN_OFST                            (10)
+#define RG_TXVALIDH_OFST                          (9)
+#define RG_TXVALID_OFST                           (8)
+#define RG_DMPULLDOWN_OFST                        (7)
+#define RG_DPPULLDOWN_OFST                        (6)
+#define RG_XCVRSEL_OFST                           (4)
+#define RG_SUSPENDM_OFST                          (3)
+#define RG_TERMSEL_OFST                           (2)
+#define RG_OPMODE_OFST                            (0)
+#define RG_USB20_PRBS7_EN_OFST                    (31)
+#define RG_USB20_PRBS7_BITCNT_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_USB20_CLK48M_EN_OFST                   (23)
+#define RG_USB20_CLK60M_EN_OFST                   (22)
+#define RG_UART_I_OFST                            (19)
+#define RG_UART_BIAS_EN_OFST                      (18)
+#define RG_UART_TX_OE_OFST                        (17)
+#define RG_UART_EN_OFST                           (16)
+#define FORCE_VBUSVALID_OFST                      (13)
+#define FORCE_SESSEND_OFST                        (12)
+#define FORCE_BVALID_OFST                         (11)
+#define FORCE_AVALID_OFST                         (10)
+#define FORCE_IDDIG_OFST                          (9)
+#define FORCE_IDPULLUP_OFST                       (8)
+#define RG_VBUSVALID_OFST                         (5)
+#define RG_SESSEND_OFST                           (4)
+#define RG_BVALID_OFST                            (3)
+#define RG_AVALID_OFST                            (2)
+#define RG_IDDIG_OFST                             (1)
+#define RG_IDPULLUP_OFST                          (0)
+#define RG_USB20_PRBS7_BERTH_OFST                 (0)
+#define USB20_UART_O_OFST                         (31)
+#define RGO_USB20_LB_PASS_OFST                    (30)
+#define RGO_USB20_LB_DONE_OFST                    (29)
+#define AD_USB20_BVALID_OFST                      (28)
+#define USB20_IDDIG_OFST                          (27)
+#define AD_USB20_VBUSVALID_OFST                   (26)
+#define AD_USB20_SESSEND_OFST                     (25)
+#define AD_USB20_AVALID_OFST                      (24)
+#define USB20_LINE_STATE_OFST                     (22)
+#define USB20_HST_DISCON_OFST                     (21)
+#define USB20_TX_READY_OFST                       (20)
+#define USB20_RX_ERROR_OFST                       (19)
+#define USB20_RX_ACTIVE_OFST                      (18)
+#define USB20_RX_VALIDH_OFST                      (17)
+#define USB20_RX_VALID_OFST                       (16)
+#define USB20_DATA_OUT_OFST                       (0)
+#define RGO_TXVALID_CNT_OFST                      (24)
+#define RGO_RXACTIVE_CNT_OFST                     (16)
+#define RGO_USB20_LB_BERCNT_OFST                  (8)
+#define USB20_PROBE_OUT_OFST                      (0)
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_ERRCNT_OFST               (16)
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_DONE_OFST                 (3)
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_LOCK_OFST                 (2)
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_PASS_OFST                 (1)
+#define RGO_USB20_PRBS7_PASSTH_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_DEGLCH_CNT_OFST           (28)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_CTRL_CNT_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_FORCE_MODE_OFST           (16)
+#define RG_CHGDT_ISRC_LEV_OFST                    (14)
+#define RG_CHGDT_VDATSRC_OFST                     (13)
+#define RG_CHGDT_BGVREF_SEL_OFST                  (10)
+#define RG_CHGDT_RDVREF_SEL_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_CHGDT_ISRC_DP_OFST                     (7)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_OPOUT_DM_OFST             (6)
+#define RG_CHGDT_VDAT_DM_OFST                     (5)
+#define RG_CHGDT_OPOUT_DP_OFST                    (4)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_VDAT_DP_OFST              (3)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_COMP_EN_OFST              (2)
+#define RG_SIFSLV_CHGDT_OPDRV_EN_OFST             (1)
+#define RG_CHGDT_EN_OFST                          (0)
+#define RG_CHGDT_REV_OFST                         (0)
+#define RG_PAGE_OFST                              (24)
+#define I2C_MODE_OFST                             (16)
+struct u3phya_reg {
+	//0x0
+	PHY_LE32 reg0;
+	PHY_LE32 reg1;
+	PHY_LE32 reg2;
+	PHY_LE32 reg3;
+	//0x10
+	PHY_LE32 reg4;
+	PHY_LE32 reg5;
+	PHY_LE32 reg6;
+	PHY_LE32 reg7;
+	//0x20
+	PHY_LE32 reg8;
+	PHY_LE32 reg9;
+	PHY_LE32 rega;
+	PHY_LE32 regb;
+	//0x30
+	PHY_LE32 regc;
+	PHY_LE32 regd;
+	PHY_LE32 rege;
+#define RG_SSUSB_BGR_EN                           (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_CHPEN                            (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_DIV                           (0x3<<28) //29:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_INTR_EN                          (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_MPX_OUT_SEL                      (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_MPX_SEL                          (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_REF_EN                           (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_VRT_VREF_SEL                     (0xf<<11) //14:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_RASEL                         (0x3<<9) //10:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_RBSEL                         (0x3<<7) //8:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_MONEN                         (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_PCIE_CLKDRV_OFFSET                     (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_PCIE_CLKDRV_SLEW                       (0x3<<30) //31:30
+#define RG_PCIE_CLKDRV_AMP                        (0x7<<27) //29:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_TST_A2DCK_EN                (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_MON_EN                      (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_HYS                         (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_TOP_RESERVE                 (0xffff<<8) //23:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_RESERVE                   (0xf<<4) //7:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_FBSEL                     (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_PREDIV                    (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_LF                        (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_FBDIV                     (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_POSDIV                    (0x3<<22) //23:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_VCO_DIV_SEL               (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BLP                       (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BP                        (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BR                        (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BC                        (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DIVEN                     (0x7<<14) //16:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_FPEN                      (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_MONCK_EN                  (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_MONVC_EN                  (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_MONREF_EN                 (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_VOD_EN                    (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_CK_SEL                    (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_TOP_RESERVE               (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_PCW_NCPO                  (0x7fffffff<<1) //31:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PI_C                  (0x7<<29) //31:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_HF_EN                 (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PREDIV2               (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_POSTDIV2              (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PI_PL_EN              (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PI_RST_SEL            (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_MONEN                 (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_LPF_EN                (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_CLK_PH_INV                (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_SEL_EXT               (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_DMY                   (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX250MCK_INVB                    (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_ITAILOP_EN                  (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_CALIB                       (0x3f<<24) //29:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_R50_FON                       (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_SR                            (0x7<<20) //22:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_CM                      (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_RSEL                       (0x3<<14) //15:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_VTHSEL                     (0x3<<12) //13:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_CKMON_EN                         (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_CKMON_SEL                        (0x7<<8) //10:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_VLMON_EN                      (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_VLMON_SEL                     (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLBTX_EN                        (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLBRX_EN                        (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_RESERVE                          (0xfffff<<12) //31:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_CKCTRL                       (0x3<<10) //11:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_POSDIV                       (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_AUTOK_LOAD                   (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_LOAD_RSTB                    (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_EP_EN                        (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_VOD_EN                       (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_V11_EN                       (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_MONREF_EN                    (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_MONCK_EN                     (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_MONVC_EN                     (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_RESERVE                      (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_DMY                      (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_PRD                      (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_PHASE_INI                (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_TRI_EN                   (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_CLK_PH_INV                   (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_LPF_EN                   (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_VADJ                     (0x7<<21) //23:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_MONEN                    (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_PS_VADJ                  (0x7<<17) //19:17
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_SEL_EXT                  (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PD_DIV_BYPASS                (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PD_DIV_SEL                   (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_CPBIAS_SEL                   (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_OSCDET_EN                    (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_MONMUX                       (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_CKCTRL                       (0x3<<9) //10:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_ACCEN                        (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BYPASS                       (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PI_SLEW                      (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_EPEN                         (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_AUTOK_LOAD                   (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_LOAD_RSTB                    (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_MONEN                        (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_MONEN_DIG                    (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REGOD                        (0x3<<29) //30:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DAC_EN                        (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DAC_PWD                       (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_CURSEL                        (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DAC_MUX                       (0x1f<<19) //23:19
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_R2T_EN                        (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_T2R_EN                        (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_50_LOWER                      (0x7<<14) //16:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_50_TAR                        (0x3<<12) //13:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SW_CTRL                       (0xf<<7) //10:7
+#define RG_PCIE_SIGDET_VTH                        (0x3<<5) //6:5
+#define RG_PCIE_SIGDET_LPF                        (0x3<<3) //4:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_MON_EN                      (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXAFE_DCMON_SEL                  (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_RESERVE                      (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXAFE_RESERVE                    (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RG_PCIE_RX_RESERVE                        (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_NO_OSC                      (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_DEBUG_RESERVE                (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_INT_BIAS_SEL                     (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_EXT_BIAS_SEL                     (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_P1_ENTRY_PASS                 (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PD_RST                        (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PD_RST_PASS                   (0x1<<0) //0:0
+/* OFFSET */
+#define RG_SSUSB_BGR_EN_OFST                      (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CHPEN_OFST                       (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_DIV_OFST                      (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_INTR_EN_OFST                     (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_MPX_OUT_SEL_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_MPX_SEL_OFST                     (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_REF_EN_OFST                      (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_VRT_VREF_SEL_OFST                (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_RASEL_OFST                    (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_RBSEL_OFST                    (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BG_MONEN_OFST                    (6)
+#define RG_PCIE_CLKDRV_OFFSET_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_PCIE_CLKDRV_SLEW_OFST                  (30)
+#define RG_PCIE_CLKDRV_AMP_OFST                   (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_TST_A2DCK_EN_OFST           (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_MON_EN_OFST                 (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_HYS_OFST                    (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_TOP_RESERVE_OFST            (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_RESERVE_OFST              (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_FBSEL_OFST                (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_PREDIV_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_LF_OFST                   (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_FBDIV_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_POSDIV_OFST               (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_VCO_DIV_SEL_OFST          (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BLP_OFST                  (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BP_OFST                   (19)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BR_OFST                   (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_BC_OFST                   (17)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DIVEN_OFST                (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_FPEN_OFST                 (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_MONCK_EN_OFST             (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_MONVC_EN_OFST             (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_MONREF_EN_OFST            (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_VOD_EN_OFST               (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_CK_SEL_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_TOP_RESERVE_OFST          (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_PCW_NCPO_OFST             (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PI_C_OFST             (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_HF_EN_OFST            (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PREDIV2_OFST          (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_POSTDIV2_OFST         (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_PI_PL_EN_OFST         (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_MONEN_OFST            (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_LPF_EN_OFST           (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_CLK_PH_INV_OFST           (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_SEL_EXT_OFST          (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SYSPLL_DDS_DMY_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX250MCK_INVB_OFST               (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_ITAILOP_EN_OFST             (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_CALIB_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_R50_FON_OFST                  (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_SR_OFST                       (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_CM_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_RSEL_OFST                  (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_VTHSEL_OFST                (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CKMON_EN_OFST                    (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CKMON_SEL_OFST                   (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_VLMON_EN_OFST                 (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_VLMON_SEL_OFST                (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLBTX_EN_OFST                   (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLBRX_EN_OFST                   (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RESERVE_OFST                     (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_CKCTRL_OFST                  (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_POSDIV_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_AUTOK_LOAD_OFST              (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_LOAD_RSTB_OFST               (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_EP_EN_OFST                   (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_VOD_EN_OFST                  (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_V11_EN_OFST                  (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_MONREF_EN_OFST               (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_MONCK_EN_OFST                (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_MONVC_EN_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_RESERVE_OFST                 (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_DMY_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_PRD_OFST                 (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_PHASE_INI_OFST           (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_TRI_EN_OFST              (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_CLK_PH_INV_OFST              (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_LPF_EN_OFST              (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_VADJ_OFST                (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_MONEN_OFST               (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_PS_VADJ_OFST             (17)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_SEL_EXT_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PD_DIV_BYPASS_OFST           (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PD_DIV_SEL_OFST              (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_CPBIAS_SEL_OFST              (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_OSCDET_EN_OFST               (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_MONMUX_OFST                  (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_CKCTRL_OFST                  (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_ACCEN_OFST                   (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BYPASS_OFST                  (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PI_SLEW_OFST                 (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_EPEN_OFST                    (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_AUTOK_LOAD_OFST              (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_LOAD_RSTB_OFST               (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_MONEN_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_MONEN_DIG_OFST               (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REGOD_OFST                   (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DAC_EN_OFST                   (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DAC_PWD_OFST                  (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_CURSEL_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DAC_MUX_OFST                  (19)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_R2T_EN_OFST                   (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_T2R_EN_OFST                   (17)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_50_LOWER_OFST                 (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_50_TAR_OFST                   (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SW_CTRL_OFST                  (7)
+#define RG_PCIE_SIGDET_VTH_OFST                   (5)
+#define RG_PCIE_SIGDET_LPF_OFST                   (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_MON_EN_OFST                 (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXAFE_DCMON_SEL_OFST             (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_RESERVE_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXAFE_RESERVE_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_PCIE_RX_RESERVE_OFST                   (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_NO_OSC_OFST                 (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_DEBUG_RESERVE_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_INT_BIAS_SEL_OFST                (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EXT_BIAS_SEL_OFST                (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_P1_ENTRY_PASS_OFST            (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PD_RST_OFST                   (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PD_RST_PASS_OFST              (0)
+struct u3phya_da_reg {
+	//0x0
+	PHY_LE32 reg0;
+	PHY_LE32 reg1;
+	PHY_LE32 reg4;
+	PHY_LE32 reg5;
+	//0x10
+	PHY_LE32 reg6;
+	PHY_LE32 reg7;
+	PHY_LE32 reg8;
+	PHY_LE32 reg9;
+	//0x20
+	PHY_LE32 reg10;
+	PHY_LE32 reg12;
+	PHY_LE32 reg13;
+	PHY_LE32 reg14;
+	//0x30
+	PHY_LE32 reg15;
+	PHY_LE32 reg16;
+	PHY_LE32 reg19;
+	PHY_LE32 reg20;
+	//0x40
+	PHY_LE32 reg21;
+	PHY_LE32 reg23;
+	PHY_LE32 reg25;
+	PHY_LE32 reg26;
+	//0x50
+	PHY_LE32 reg28;
+	PHY_LE32 reg29;
+	PHY_LE32 reg30;
+	PHY_LE32 reg31;
+	//0x60
+	PHY_LE32 reg32;
+	PHY_LE32 reg33;
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE2D                        (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE2H                        (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE1D                        (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE1H                        (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_U3                          (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE2D                 (0x3<<18) //19:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE2H                 (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE1D                 (0x3<<14) //15:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE1H                 (0x3<<12) //13:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_U3                   (0x3<<10) //11:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE2D               (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE2H               (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE1D               (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE1H               (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_U3                 (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE2D                   (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE2H                   (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE1D                   (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE1H                   (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_U3                     (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE2D                   (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE2H                   (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE1D                   (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE1H                   (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_U3                     (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE2D                         (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE2H                         (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE1D                         (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE1H                         (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_U3                           (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE2D                   (0x7<<22) //24:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE2H                   (0x7<<19) //21:19
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE1D                   (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE1H                   (0x7<<13) //15:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_U3                     (0x7<<10) //12:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE2D                      (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE2H                      (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE1D                      (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE1H                      (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_U3                        (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE2D                      (0x7<<27) //29:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE2H                      (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE1D                      (0x7<<21) //23:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE1H                      (0x7<<18) //20:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_U3                        (0x7<<15) //17:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE2D                      (0x7<<12) //14:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE2H                      (0x7<<9) //11:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE1D                      (0x7<<6) //8:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE1H                      (0x7<<3) //5:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_U3                        (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE2D                      (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE2H                      (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE1D                      (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE1H                      (0xf<<4) //7:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_U3                        (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE2D                      (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE2H                      (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE1D                      (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE1H                      (0xf<<4) //7:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_U3                        (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE2D                  (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE2H                  (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE1D                  (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE1H                  (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_U3                    (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE2H                  (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE1D                  (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE1H                  (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_U3                    (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE2D                  (0x3<<26) //27:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE2H                  (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE1D                  (0x3<<18) //19:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE1H                  (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_U3                    (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE2D                  (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_U3                  (0x7fffffff<<0) //30:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE1H                (0x7fffffff<<0) //30:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE1D                (0x7fffffff<<0) //30:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE2H                (0x7fffffff<<0) //30:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE2D                (0x7fffffff<<0) //30:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE1H              (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_U3                (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE2H              (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE1D              (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_U3                 (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE2D              (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE1D               (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE1H               (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE2D               (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE2H               (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE2D                (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE2H                (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE1D                (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE1H                (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_U3                  (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE2D                     (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE2H                     (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE1D                     (0x3<<10) //11:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE1H                     (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_U3                       (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE2D                     (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE2H                     (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE1D                     (0x7<<6) //8:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE1H                     (0x7<<3) //5:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_U3                       (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE2D                      (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE2H                      (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE1D                      (0x7<<6) //8:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE1H                      (0x7<<3) //5:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_U3                        (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE2H                   (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE1D                   (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE1H                   (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_U3                     (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE2D                   (0x3<<30) //31:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE2H                   (0x3<<28) //29:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE1D                   (0x3<<26) //27:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE1H                   (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_U3                     (0x3<<22) //23:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE2D               (0x3<<20) //21:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE2H               (0x3<<18) //19:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE1D               (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE1H               (0x3<<14) //15:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_U3                 (0x3<<12) //13:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE2D                   (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE2H                   (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE1D                   (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE1H                   (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_U3                     (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE2D                   (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE2D                    (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE2H                    (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE1D                    (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE1H                    (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_U3                      (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE2D                   (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE2H                   (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE1D                   (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE1H                   (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_U3                     (0x3<<0) //1:0
+/* OFFSET  */
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE2D_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE2H_OFST                   (23)
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE1D_OFST                   (22)
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_PE1H_OFST                   (21)
+#define RG_PCIE_SPEED_U3_OFST                     (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE2D_OFST            (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE2H_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE1D_OFST            (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_PE1H_OFST            (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_EXT_EN_U3_OFST              (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE2D_OFST          (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE2H_OFST          (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE1D_OFST          (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_PE1H_OFST          (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_REFCK_SEL_U3_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE2D_OFST              (30)
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE2H_OFST              (29)
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE1D_OFST              (28)
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_PE1H_OFST              (27)
+#define RG_USB20_REFCK_SEL_U3_OFST                (26)
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE2D_OFST              (25)
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE2H_OFST              (24)
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE1D_OFST              (18)
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_PE1H_OFST              (17)
+#define RG_PCIE_REFCK_DIV4_U3_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE2D_OFST                    (8)
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE2H_OFST                    (3)
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE1D_OFST                    (2)
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_PE1H_OFST                    (1)
+#define RG_PCIE_MODE_U3_OFST                      (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE2D_OFST              (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE2H_OFST              (19)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE1D_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_PE1H_OFST              (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DIVEN_U3_OFST                (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE2D_OFST                 (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE2H_OFST                 (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE1D_OFST                 (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_PE1H_OFST                 (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BC_U3_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE2D_OFST                 (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE2H_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE1D_OFST                 (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_PE1H_OFST                 (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BR_U3_OFST                   (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE2D_OFST                 (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE2H_OFST                 (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE1D_OFST                 (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_PE1H_OFST                 (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IC_U3_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE2D_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE2H_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE1D_OFST                 (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_PE1H_OFST                 (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_IR_U3_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE2D_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE2H_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE1D_OFST                 (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_PE1H_OFST                 (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BP_U3_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE2D_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE2H_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE1D_OFST             (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_PE1H_OFST             (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKSEL_U3_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE2H_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE1D_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE1H_OFST             (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_U3_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE2D_OFST             (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE2H_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE1D_OFST             (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_PE1H_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PREDIV_U3_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FBKDIV_PE2D_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_U3_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE1H_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE1D_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE2H_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PCW_NCPO_PE2D_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE1H_OFST         (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_U3_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE2H_OFST         (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE1D_OFST         (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_U3_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA1_PE2D_OFST         (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE1D_OFST          (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE1H_OFST          (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE2D_OFST          (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSC_DELTA_PE2H_OFST          (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE2D_OFST           (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE2H_OFST           (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE1D_OFST           (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_PE1H_OFST           (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_REFCKDIV_U3_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE2D_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE2H_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE1D_OFST                (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_PE1H_OFST                (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPA_U3_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE2D_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE2H_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE1D_OFST                (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_PE1H_OFST                (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BPB_U3_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE2D_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE2H_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE1D_OFST                 (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_PE1H_OFST                 (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BR_U3_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE2H_OFST              (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE1D_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE1H_OFST              (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_U3_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE2D_OFST              (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE2H_OFST              (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE1D_OFST              (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_PE1H_OFST              (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP1_U3_OFST                (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE2D_OFST          (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE2H_OFST          (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE1D_OFST          (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_PE1H_OFST          (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_DEGLITCH_U3_OFST            (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE2D_OFST              (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE2H_OFST              (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE1D_OFST              (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_PE1H_OFST              (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_KVSEL_U3_OFST                (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_FBDIV_PE2D_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE2D_OFST               (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE2H_OFST               (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE1D_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_PE1H_OFST               (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_CMPWD_U3_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE2D_OFST              (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE2H_OFST              (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE1D_OFST              (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_PE1H_OFST              (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RSTEP2_U3_OFST                (0)
+struct u3phyd_reg {
+	//0x0
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mix0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mix1;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_lfps0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_lfps1;
+	//0x10
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_impcal0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_impcal1;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_txpll0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_txpll1;
+	//0x20
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_txpll2;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_fl0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mix2;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_rx0;
+	//0x30
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_t2rlb;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_cppat;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mix3;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_ebufctl;
+	//0x40
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_pipe0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_pipe1;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mix4;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_ckgen0;
+	//0x50
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mix5;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_reserved;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_cdr0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_cdr1;
+	//0x60
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_pll_0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_pll_1;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_bcn_det_1;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_bcn_det_2;
+	//0x70
+	PHY_LE32 eq0;
+	PHY_LE32 eq1;
+	PHY_LE32 eq2;
+	PHY_LE32 eq3;
+	//0x80
+	PHY_LE32 eq_eye0;
+	PHY_LE32 eq_eye1;
+	PHY_LE32 eq_eye2;
+	PHY_LE32 eq_dfe0;
+	//0x90
+	PHY_LE32 eq_dfe1;
+	PHY_LE32 eq_dfe2;
+	PHY_LE32 eq_dfe3;
+	PHY_LE32 reserve0;
+	//0xa0
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon0;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon1;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon2;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon3;
+	//0xb0
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon4;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon5;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon6;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_mon7;
+	//0xc0
+	PHY_LE32 phya_rx_mon0;
+	PHY_LE32 phya_rx_mon1;
+	PHY_LE32 phya_rx_mon2;
+	PHY_LE32 phya_rx_mon3;
+	//0xd0
+	PHY_LE32 phya_rx_mon4;
+	PHY_LE32 phya_rx_mon5;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_cppat2;
+	PHY_LE32 eq_eye3;
+	//0xe0
+	PHY_LE32 kband_out;
+	PHY_LE32 kband_out1;
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_P3_TX_NG                       (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_EN                          (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_POLEN                       (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_POL                         (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_P3_PCLK_NG                     (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_TH                          (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBS_BERTH                       (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_DISABLE_PHY_U2_ON                (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_DISABLE_PHY_U2_OFF               (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBS_EN                          (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_BPSLOCK                          (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_RTCOMCNT                         (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_COMCNT                           (0xf<<4) //7:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBSEL_CALIB                     (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_SLEEP_EN                         (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBSEL_PCS                       (0x7<<28) //30:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLFPS_PRD                       (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_RX_P0S_CK                      (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_TX_P0S_CK                      (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_PDNCTL                           (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_DRV_EN                        (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_DRV_SEL                       (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_DRV_DLY                       (0x3f<<8) //13:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_BERT_EN                          (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_SCP_TH                           (0x7<<4) //6:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_SCP_EN                           (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXANSIDEC_TEST                   (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_PWD                         (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_LFPS_PWD                   (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_OVF                       (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_P3_ENTRY_SEL                     (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_P3_ENTRY                         (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_CDRSEL                    (0x3<<20) //21:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_CDRTH                     (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_LOCK5G_BLOCK                     (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_TFIFO_EXT_D_SEL                  (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_TFIFO_NO_EXTEND                  (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_LOB                       (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLFPS_EN                        (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLFPS_SEL                       (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_CDRLOCK                   (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_UPB                       (0x1f<<0) //4:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMP_BIAS                      (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMP_BIAS                      (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_FWAKE_TH                         (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_UDF                       (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_P0IDLETH                  (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_IMPSEL                  (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_EN                     (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_IMPCAL_EN               (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPSEL                        (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_CALCYC                 (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_STBCYC                 (0x1f<<10) //14:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_CYCCNT                 (0x3ff<<0) //9:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RX_IMPSEL                  (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_EN                     (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RX_IMPCAL_EN               (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPSEL                        (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_CALCYC                 (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_STBCYC                 (0x1f<<10) //14:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_CYCCNT                 (0x3ff<<0) //9:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_DDSEN_CYC                  (0x1f<<27) //31:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_ON                         (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TXPLLON                    (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_STBCYC                     (0x1ff<<16) //24:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_NCPOCHG_CYC                (0xf<<12) //15:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_NCPOEN_CYC                 (0x3<<10) //11:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_DDSRSTB_CYC                (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_NCPO_EN                      (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FIFO_START_MAN               (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_NCPO_CHG                     (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_RSTB                     (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_PWDB                     (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDSEN                        (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_AUTOK_VCO                    (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PWD                          (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_AFE_PWD                       (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_TCADJ                        (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_TCADJ                  (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_AUTOK_VCO              (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_PWD                    (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_NCPO_EN                (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_FIFO_START_MAN         (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_NCPO_CHG               (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_RSTB               (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_PWDB               (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDSEN                  (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_TCADJ                  (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_AUTOK_VCO              (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_PWD                    (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_FLT_1_DISPERR_B                  (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_LFPS_EN                       (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_LFPS_EN                 (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_LFPS                          (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_LFPS                    (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_STB                        (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_STB                        (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RXPLL_STB                  (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TXPLL_STB                  (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_REFCKSEL                   (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_STBMODE                    (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_ON                         (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RXPLLON                    (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RX_AFE_PWD                 (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_AUTOK_VCO                    (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PWD                          (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_TCADJ                        (0x3f<<0) //5:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_TARGET                     (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_CYCLECNT                   (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_RST                        (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_RST_SEL                    (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXVAL_RST                        (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXVAL_CNT                        (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDROS_EN                         (0x1<<18) //18:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_LCKOP                        (0x3<<16) //17:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_LOCKTH                     (0xf<<8) //11:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_OFFSET                     (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BERTH                      (0xff<<24) //31:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_PAT                        (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_EN                         (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BPSCRAMB                   (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_SERIAL                     (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_MODE                       (0x3<<11) //12:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_EN                      (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_EN_SEL                  (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_OPTION                    (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_EN                        (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_EN_SEL                    (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_EN                         (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_EN_SEL                     (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_RST                     (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_RST_SEL                 (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_RST                       (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_RST_SEL                   (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQTRAIN_CH_MODE                  (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRB_OUT_CPPAT                    (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_BPANSIENC                        (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_VALID_EN                         (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_EBUF_SRST                        (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_K_EMP                            (0xf<<20) //23:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_K_FUL                            (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BDATRST                    (0xf<<12) //15:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_T2RLB_SKP_EN                   (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_PATMODE                    (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_TSEQCNT                    (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_PROGRAM_EN                 (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_TOZ                        (0x3<<21) //22:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_PRBS_EN                    (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_TMP2                   (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_TMP1                   (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_TMP0                   (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_TCADJ_MINUS                  (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_CDROS_EN                       (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_P2_TX_DRV_DIS                  (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_TCADJ_OFFSET                 (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_TCADJ_MINUS                  (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_BIAS_LPF_EN            (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BIAS_LPF_EN                  (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_TCADJ_OFFSET                 (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_SSCEN                  (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSCEN                        (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_PI_PWD                 (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PI_PWD                       (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PI_MODE                      (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_SSCEN_CYC                  (0x3ff<<0) //9:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EBUFCTL                          (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXTERMINATION                    (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXEQTRAINING                     (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPOLARITY                       (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDEEMPH                         (0x3<<26) //27:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_POWERDOWN                        (0x3<<24) //25:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXONESZEROS                      (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXELECIDLE                       (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDETECTRX                       (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_PIPE_SEL                         (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDATAK                          (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_STABLE_SEL                   (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_STABLE                       (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_RSTB_SEL                     (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_RSTB                         (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_ERROR_SEL                      (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXMARGIN                         (0x7<<1) //3:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXCOMPLIANCE                     (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDATA                           (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDROS_CNT                        (0x3f<<24) //29:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BER_EN                     (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BER_RATE                   (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RFIFO_IMPLAT                     (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_TFIFO_PSEL                       (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CKGEN_PSEL                       (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXCK_INV                         (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRB_SEL                          (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_STBCYC                     (0x7ff<<0) //10:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_RESERVE                     (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_SEL                    (0x1<<11)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_EN                     (0x1<<12)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_MANUAL_SEL             (0x1<<9)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_MANUAL_EN              (0x1<<10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIC_LTR                      (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIC_LTD0                     (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BC_LTD1                      (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BC_LTR                       (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BC_LTD0                      (0x1f<<0) //4:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIR_LTD1                     (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIR_LTR                      (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIR_LTD0                     (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BW_SEL                       (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIC_LTD1                     (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_BAND_5G                (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_BAND_2P5G              (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_BAND_5G                (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_BAND_2P5G              (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_EQ_T_SEL                       (0x3ff<<15) //24:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_ISO_EN_CYC                   (0x3ff<<5) //14:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLLBAND_RECAL                    (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_ISO_EN                   (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_ISO_EN             (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_PWR_ON                   (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_PWR_ON             (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_5G                      (0xff<<24) //31:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_2P5G                    (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_5G                      (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_2P5G                    (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_BCN_OBS_PRD                    (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_U_BCN_OBS_PRD                    (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_BCN_OBS_SEL                    (0xfff<<16) //27:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_BCN_DET_DIS                      (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_U_BCN_OBS_SEL                    (0xfff<<0) //11:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLHL_LFI                      (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DHHL_LFI                      (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD0HOS_LFI                    (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD0LOS_LFI                    (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD1HOS_LFI                    (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD1LOS_LFI                    (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DE0OS_LFI                     (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DE1OS_LFI                     (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLHLOS_LFI                    (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DHHLOS_LFI                    (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_STOPTIME                      (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DHHL_LF_SEL                   (0x7<<11) //13:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DSAOS_LF_SEL                  (0x7<<8) //10:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_STARTTIME                     (0x3<<6) //7:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQ_LF_SEL                   (0x7<<3) //5:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLHL_LF_SEL                   (0x7<<0) //2:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQ_LFI_GEN2                 (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQ_LFI_GEN1                 (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DEYE0OS_LFI                   (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DEYE1OS_LFI                   (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_TRI_DET_EN                    (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_TRI_DET_TH                    (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_XOFFSET                   (0x7f<<25) //31:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_MON_EN                    (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE0_Y                        (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE1_Y                        (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PILPO_ROUT                    (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI_KPGAIN                     (0x7<<4) //6:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_CNT_EN                    (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_SIGDET                        (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_MASK                      (0x3ff<<7) //16:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RX500M_CK_SEL                 (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_SD_CNT1                       (0x3f<<24) //29:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_ISIFLAG_SEL                   (0x3<<22) //23:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_SD_CNT0                       (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQMAX                        (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_EN                       (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_LF_SEL                   (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_CHK_EYE_H                     (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PIEYE_INI                     (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI90_INI                      (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI0_INI                       (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_REV                           (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEYEN_DUR                    (0x7<<12) //14:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEXEN_DUR                    (0x7<<8) //10:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_RST                      (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_GATED_RXD_B                   (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI90CK_SEL                    (0x3<<4) //5:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_DIS                      (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEYEN_STOP_DIS               (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEXEN_SEL                    (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_MON_SEL                       (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQOSC_DLYCNT                 (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQOS_LFI                    (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQ_STOP_TO                   (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RESERVED                      (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_BERT_BERC                       (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_LFPS                            (0xf<<12) //15:12
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TRAINDEC                        (0x7<<8) //10:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SCP_PAT                         (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_FL_OUT                       (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_ERRCNT                    (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RETRACK                         (0xf<<12) //15:12
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RXPLL_LOCK                      (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_VCOCAL_CPLT_D               (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_VCOCAL_CPLT_D               (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PDNCTL                          (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TSEQ_ERRCNT                     (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_ERRCNT                     (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_LSLOCK_CNT                   (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SCP_DETCNT                      (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TSEQ_DETCNT                     (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EBUFMSG                         (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_BERT_LOCK                       (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SCP_DET                         (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TSEQ_DET                        (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EBUF_UDF                        (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EBUF_OVF                        (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_PASSTH                     (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_PASS                       (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_LOCK                       (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_ERR                       (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_PASSTH                    (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_PASS                      (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_LOCK                      (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_DONE                  (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_DONE                  (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RXDETECTED                      (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SIGCAL_DONE                     (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SIGCAL_CAL_OUT                  (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SIGCAL_OFFSET                   (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_IMP_SEL                      (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TX_IMP_SEL                      (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TFIFO_MSG                       (0xf<<4) //7:4
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RFIFO_MSG                       (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_FT_OUT                          (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRB_OUT                         (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCLEQ                        (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD0H                        (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD0L                        (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD1H                        (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD1L                        (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCE0                         (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCE1                         (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCHHL                        (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_LEQ_STOP                     (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCLHL                        (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_STATUS                       (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCEYE0                       (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCEYE1                       (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_MONITOR_ERRCNT_0         (0xfffff<<0) //19:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_MONITOR_ERRCNT_1         (0xfffff<<0) //19:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCLEQOS                      (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_CNT_RDY                  (0x1<<7) //7:7
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_PILPO                        (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_H_TMP2                 (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_H_TMP1                 (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_H_TMP0                 (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQ_SHIFT                     (0x7<<24) //26:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_CNT                       (0xfffff<<0) //19:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_5G                     (0xff<<24) //31:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_2P5G                   (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_5G                     (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_2P5G                   (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_VCOCAL_FAIL                 (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_VCOCAL_STATE                (0xff<<16) //23:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_VCOCAL_FAIL                 (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_VCOCAL_STATE                (0xff<<0) //7:0
+/* OFFSET */
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_P3_TX_NG_OFST                  (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_EN_OFST                     (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_POLEN_OFST                  (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_POL_OFST                    (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_P3_PCLK_NG_OFST                (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TSEQ_TH_OFST                     (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBS_BERTH_OFST                  (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_DISABLE_PHY_U2_ON_OFST           (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_DISABLE_PHY_U2_OFF_OFST          (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBS_EN_OFST                     (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BPSLOCK_OFST                     (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RTCOMCNT_OFST                    (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_COMCNT_OFST                      (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBSEL_CALIB_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SLEEP_EN_OFST                    (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRBSEL_PCS_OFST                  (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLFPS_PRD_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_RX_P0S_CK_OFST                 (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_TX_P0S_CK_OFST                 (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PDNCTL_OFST                      (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_DRV_EN_OFST                   (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_DRV_SEL_OFST                  (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_DRV_DLY_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BERT_EN_OFST                     (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SCP_TH_OFST                      (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SCP_EN_OFST                      (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXANSIDEC_TEST_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_PWD_OFST                    (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_LFPS_PWD_OFST              (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_OVF_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P3_ENTRY_SEL_OFST                (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P3_ENTRY_OFST                    (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_CDRSEL_OFST               (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_CDRTH_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LOCK5G_BLOCK_OFST                (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TFIFO_EXT_D_SEL_OFST             (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TFIFO_NO_EXTEND_OFST             (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_LOB_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLFPS_EN_OFST                   (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXLFPS_SEL_OFST                  (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_CDRLOCK_OFST              (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_UPB_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMP_BIAS_OFST                 (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMP_BIAS_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FWAKE_TH_OFST                    (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_UDF_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_P0IDLETH_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_IMPSEL_OFST             (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_EN_OFST                (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_IMPCAL_EN_OFST          (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPSEL_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_CALCYC_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_STBCYC_OFST            (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_CYCCNT_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RX_IMPSEL_OFST             (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_EN_OFST                (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RX_IMPCAL_EN_OFST          (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPSEL_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_CALCYC_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_STBCYC_OFST            (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_CYCCNT_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_DDSEN_CYC_OFST             (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_ON_OFST                    (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TXPLLON_OFST               (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_STBCYC_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_NCPOCHG_CYC_OFST           (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_NCPOEN_CYC_OFST            (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_DDSRSTB_CYC_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_NCPO_EN_OFST                 (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_FIFO_START_MAN_OFST          (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_NCPO_CHG_OFST                (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_RSTB_OFST                (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_PWDB_OFST                (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDSEN_OFST                   (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_AUTOK_VCO_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_PWD_OFST                     (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_AFE_PWD_OFST                  (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_TCADJ_OFST                   (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_TCADJ_OFST             (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_AUTOK_VCO_OFST         (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_PWD_OFST               (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_NCPO_EN_OFST           (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_NCPO_CHG_OFST          (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_RSTB_OFST          (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_PWDB_OFST          (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDSEN_OFST             (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_TCADJ_OFST             (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_AUTOK_VCO_OFST         (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_PWD_OFST               (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FLT_1_DISPERR_B_OFST             (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_LFPS_EN_OFST                  (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_LFPS_EN_OFST            (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_LFPS_OFST                     (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_LFPS_OFST               (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_STB_OFST                   (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_STB_OFST                   (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RXPLL_STB_OFST             (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TXPLL_STB_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_REFCKSEL_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_STBMODE_OFST               (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_ON_OFST                    (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RXPLLON_OFST               (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RX_AFE_PWD_OFST            (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_AUTOK_VCO_OFST               (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PWD_OFST                     (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_TCADJ_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_TARGET_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_CYCLECNT_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_RST_OFST                   (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_RST_SEL_OFST               (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXVAL_RST_OFST                   (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXVAL_CNT_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDROS_EN_OFST                    (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_LCKOP_OFST                   (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_LOCKTH_OFST                (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_OFFSET_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BERTH_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_PAT_OFST                   (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_EN_OFST                    (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BPSCRAMB_OFST              (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_SERIAL_OFST                (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_MODE_OFST                  (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_EN_OFST                 (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_EN_SEL_OFST             (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_OPTION_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_EN_OFST                   (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_EN_SEL_OFST               (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_EN_OFST                    (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_EQ_EN_SEL_OFST                (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_RST_OFST                (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SAOSC_RST_SEL_OFST            (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_RST_OFST                  (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_DFE_RST_SEL_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQTRAIN_CH_MODE_OFST             (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRB_OUT_CPPAT_OFST               (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BPANSIENC_OFST                   (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_VALID_EN_OFST                    (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EBUF_SRST_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_K_EMP_OFST                       (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_K_FUL_OFST                       (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BDATRST_OFST               (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_T2RLB_SKP_EN_OFST              (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_PATMODE_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_TSEQCNT_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_PROGRAM_EN_OFST            (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_TOZ_OFST                   (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_PRBS_EN_OFST               (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_TMP2_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_TMP1_OFST              (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_TMP0_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_TCADJ_MINUS_OFST             (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_CDROS_EN_OFST                  (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_P2_TX_DRV_DIS_OFST             (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_TCADJ_OFFSET_OFST            (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_TCADJ_MINUS_OFST             (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BIAS_LPF_EN_OFST             (19)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_TCADJ_OFFSET_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_SSCEN_OFST             (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_SSCEN_OFST                   (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_PI_PWD_OFST            (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PI_PWD_OFST                  (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_PI_MODE_OFST                 (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXPLL_SSCEN_CYC_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EBUFCTL_OFST                     (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXTERMINATION_OFST               (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXEQTRAINING_OFST                (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPOLARITY_OFST                  (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDEEMPH_OFST                    (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_POWERDOWN_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXONESZEROS_OFST                 (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXELECIDLE_OFST                  (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDETECTRX_OFST                  (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PIPE_SEL_OFST                    (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDATAK_OFST                     (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_STABLE_SEL_OFST              (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_STABLE_OFST                  (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_RSTB_SEL_OFST                (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_RSTB_OFST                    (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_ERROR_SEL_OFST                 (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXMARGIN_OFST                    (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXCOMPLIANCE_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TXDATA_OFST                      (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDROS_CNT_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BER_EN_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_BER_RATE_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RFIFO_IMPLAT_OFST                (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TFIFO_PSEL_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CKGEN_PSEL_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXCK_INV_OFST                    (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PRB_SEL_OFST                     (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXPLL_STBCYC_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_RESERVE_OFST                (0)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_SEL_OFST               (11)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_EN_OFST                (12)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_MANUAL_SEL_OFST        (9)
+//#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_MANUAL_EN_OFST         (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIC_LTR_OFST                 (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIC_LTD0_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BC_LTD1_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BC_LTR_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BC_LTD0_OFST                 (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIR_LTD1_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIR_LTR_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIR_LTD0_OFST                (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BW_SEL_OFST                  (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BIC_LTD1_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_BAND_5G_OFST           (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CDR_BAND_2P5G_OFST         (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_BAND_5G_OFST           (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_BAND_2P5G_OFST         (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_EQ_T_SEL_OFST                  (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_ISO_EN_CYC_OFST              (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLLBAND_RECAL_OFST               (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_ISO_EN_OFST              (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_ISO_EN_OFST        (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_PWR_ON_OFST              (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_PWR_ON_OFST        (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_5G_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_2P5G_OFST               (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_5G_OFST                 (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_2P5G_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_BCN_OBS_PRD_OFST               (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_U_BCN_OBS_PRD_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_BCN_OBS_SEL_OFST               (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BCN_DET_DIS_OFST                 (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_U_BCN_OBS_SEL_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLHL_LFI_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DHHL_LFI_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD0HOS_LFI_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD0LOS_LFI_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD1HOS_LFI_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DD1LOS_LFI_OFST               (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DE0OS_LFI_OFST                (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DE1OS_LFI_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLHLOS_LFI_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DHHLOS_LFI_OFST               (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_STOPTIME_OFST                 (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DHHL_LF_SEL_OFST              (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DSAOS_LF_SEL_OFST             (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_STARTTIME_OFST                (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQ_LF_SEL_OFST              (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLHL_LF_SEL_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQ_LFI_GEN2_OFST            (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQ_LFI_GEN1_OFST            (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DEYE0OS_LFI_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DEYE1OS_LFI_OFST              (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_TRI_DET_EN_OFST               (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_TRI_DET_TH_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_XOFFSET_OFST              (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_MON_EN_OFST               (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE0_Y_OFST                   (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE1_Y_OFST                   (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PILPO_ROUT_OFST               (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI_KPGAIN_OFST                (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_CNT_EN_OFST               (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_SIGDET_OFST                   (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_MASK_OFST                 (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RX500M_CK_SEL_OFST            (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_SD_CNT1_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_ISIFLAG_SEL_OFST              (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_SD_CNT0_OFST                  (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQMAX_OFST                   (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_EN_OFST                  (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_LF_SEL_OFST              (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_CHK_EYE_H_OFST                (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PIEYE_INI_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI90_INI_OFST                 (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI0_INI_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_REV_OFST                      (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEYEN_DUR_OFST               (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEXEN_DUR_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_RST_OFST                 (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_GATED_RXD_B_OFST              (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_PI90CK_SEL_OFST               (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEX_DIS_OFST                 (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEYEN_STOP_DIS_OFST          (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DFEXEN_SEL_OFST               (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_MON_SEL_OFST                  (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQOSC_DLYCNT_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_DLEQOS_LFI_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQ_STOP_TO_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_RESERVED_OFST                 (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_BERT_BERC_OFST                  (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_LFPS_OFST                       (12)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TRAINDEC_OFST                   (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SCP_PAT_OFST                    (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_FL_OUT_OFST                  (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_ERRCNT_OFST               (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RETRACK_OFST                    (12)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RXPLL_LOCK_OFST                 (10)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_VCOCAL_CPLT_D_OFST          (9)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_VCOCAL_CPLT_D_OFST          (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PDNCTL_OFST                     (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TSEQ_ERRCNT_OFST                (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_ERRCNT_OFST                (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_LSLOCK_CNT_OFST              (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SCP_DETCNT_OFST                 (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TSEQ_DETCNT_OFST                (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EBUFMSG_OFST                    (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_BERT_LOCK_OFST                  (15)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SCP_DET_OFST                    (14)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TSEQ_DET_OFST                   (13)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EBUF_UDF_OFST                   (12)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EBUF_OVF_OFST                   (11)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_PASSTH_OFST                (10)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_PASS_OFST                  (9)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRBS_LOCK_OFST                  (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_ERR_OFST                  (6)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_PASSTH_OFST               (5)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_PASS_OFST                 (4)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_T2RLB_LOCK_OFST                 (3)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_IMPCAL_DONE_OFST             (2)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TX_IMPCAL_DONE_OFST             (1)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RXDETECTED_OFST                 (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SIGCAL_DONE_OFST                (30)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SIGCAL_CAL_OUT_OFST             (29)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_SIGCAL_OFFSET_OFST              (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RX_IMP_SEL_OFST                 (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TX_IMP_SEL_OFST                 (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_TFIFO_MSG_OFST                  (4)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RFIFO_MSG_OFST                  (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_FT_OUT_OFST                     (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PRB_OUT_OFST                    (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCLEQ_OFST                   (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD0H_OFST                   (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD0L_OFST                   (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD1H_OFST                   (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCD1L_OFST                   (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCE0_OFST                    (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCE1_OFST                    (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCHHL_OFST                   (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_LEQ_STOP_OFST                (31)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCLHL_OFST                   (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_STATUS_OFST                  (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCEYE0_OFST                  (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCEYE1_OFST                  (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_DCLEQOS_OFST                 (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_CNT_RDY_OFST             (7)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_EQ_PILPO_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_H_TMP2_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_H_TMP1_OFST            (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CPPAT_OUT_H_TMP0_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_LEQ_SHIFT_OFST                (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EQ_EYE_CNT_OFST                  (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_5G_OFST                (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_BAND_2P5G_OFST              (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_5G_OFST                (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_BAND_2P5G_OFST              (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_VCOCAL_FAIL_OFST            (24)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_CDR_VCOCAL_STATE_OFST           (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_VCOCAL_FAIL_OFST            (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PLL_VCOCAL_STATE_OFST           (0)
+struct u3phyd_bank2_reg {
+	//0x0
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top1;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top2;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top3;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top4;
+	//0x10
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top5;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top6;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_top7;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_p_sigdet1;
+	//0x20
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_p_sigdet2;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_p_sigdet_cal1;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_rxdet1;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_rxdet2;
+	//0x30
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_misc0;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_misc2;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_phyd_misc3;
+	PHY_LE32 reserve0;
+	//0x40
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_0;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_1;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_2;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_3;
+	//0x50
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_4;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_5;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_6;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_7;
+	//0x60
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_8;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_9;
+	PHY_LE32 b2_rosc_a;
+	PHY_LE32 reserve1;
+	//0x70~0xd0
+	PHY_LE32 reserve2[28];
+	//0xe0
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_version;
+	PHY_LE32 phyd_model;
+#define RG_SSUSB_PCIE2_K_EMP                      (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_PCIE2_K_FUL                      (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_EN                   (0x1<<17) //17:17
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_EIDLE_LP_EN             (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_SIGDET_EN                        (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_SIGDET_EN                  (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_CLKRX_EN                         (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CLKRX_EN                   (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_CLKTX_EN                         (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CLKTX_EN                   (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_CLK_REQ_N_I                      (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CLK_REQ_N_I                (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_RATE                             (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RATE                       (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_PCIE_MODE_SEL                    (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PCIE_MODE_SEL              (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHY_MODE                         (0x3<<1) //2:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PHY_MODE                   (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDRV_6DB                   (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_6DB                         (0x3f<<24) //29:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDEM_3P5DB                 (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDEM_3P5DB                       (0x3f<<16) //21:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDRV_3P5DB                 (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_3P5DB                       (0x3f<<8) //13:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDRV_0DB                   (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_0DB                         (0x3f<<0) //5:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_BIASI                         (0x7<<25) //27:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_BIASI_EN                (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_BIASI_EN                      (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_BIASI                   (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDEM_6DB                   (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDEM_6DB                         (0x3f<<0) //5:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIC_LTR                   (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIC_LTD0                  (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BC_LTD1                   (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BC_LTR                    (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BC_LTD0                   (0x1f<<0) //4:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIR_LTD1                  (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIR_LTR                   (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIR_LTD0                  (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIC_LTD1                  (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIC_LTR                   (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIC_LTD0                  (0xf<<24) //27:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BC_LTD1                   (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BC_LTR                    (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BC_LTD0                   (0x1f<<0) //4:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIR_LTD1                  (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIR_LTR                   (0x1f<<16) //20:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIR_LTD0                  (0x1f<<8) //12:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIC_LTD1                  (0xf<<0) //3:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_DIS                 (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_G2_DEAST_SEL        (0x7f<<24) //30:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_G1_DEAST_SEL        (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_P2_AST_SEL          (0x7f<<8) //14:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_PX_AST_SEL          (0x7f<<0) //6:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_RX_VAL_S                (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_DEAS_SEL            (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0_EXIT_S               (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_EXIT_T_S            (0x3<<25) //26:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_EXIT_S              (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_ENTRY_S             (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_PRB_SEL                 (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_BK_SIG_T                (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_P2_RXLFPS               (0x1<<6) //6:6
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_NON_BK_AD               (0x1<<5) //5:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_BK_B_RXEQ               (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_G2_KO_SEL               (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_G1_KO_SEL               (0x3<<0) //1:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_CAL_OFFSET              (0x1f<<24) //28:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_FORCE_SIGDET_CAL_OFFSET        (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_CAL_EN                  (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_FORCE_SIGDET_CAL_EN            (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_EN                  (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_SAMPLE_PRD              (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_REK                     (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_PRB_SEL                    (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CMDET                      (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_EN                         (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RXDET_EN                   (0x1<<28) //28:28
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_K_TWICE                    (0x1<<27) //27:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB3_SET                   (0x1ff<<18) //26:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB2_SET                   (0x1ff<<9) //17:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB1_SET                   (0x1ff<<0) //8:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_TRAINDEC_FORCE_CGEN         (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_BERTLB_FORCE_CGEN           (0x1<<30) //30:30
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_T2RLB_FORCE_CGEN            (0x1<<29) //29:29
+#define RG_SSUSB_PDN_T_SEL                        (0x3<<18) //19:18
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB3_SET_P3                (0x1ff<<9) //17:9
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB2_SET_P3                (0x1ff<<0) //8:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_HF_EN              (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_HF_EN_MAN                (0x1<<21) //21:21
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_ENTXDRV                   (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_UNLOCKTH                   (0xf<<16) //19:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_PSEL                        (0x1<<15) //15:15
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_EN                     (0x1<<14) //14:14
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_EN_SEL                 (0x1<<13) //13:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_EN                     (0x1<<12) //12:12
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_EN_SEL                 (0x1<<11) //11:11
+#define RG_SSUSB_P3_CLS_CK_SEL                    (0x1<<10) //10:10
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_PSEL                       (0x3<<8) //9:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_PPCTL_PSEL                       (0x7<<5) //7:5
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_TX_DATA_INV                 (0x1<<4) //4:4
+#define RG_SSUSB_BERTLB_PSEL                      (0x3<<2) //3:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_RETRACK_DIS                      (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_PPERRCNT_CLR                     (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_FRC_PLL_DDS_PREDIV2              (0x1<<31) //31:31
+#define RG_SSUSB_FRC_PLL_DDS_IADJ                 (0xf<<27) //30:27
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_125FILTER               (0x1<<26) //26:26
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_RST_FILTER              (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_EID_USE_RAW             (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_LTD_USE_RAW             (0x1<<23) //23:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_EIDLE_BF_RXDET                   (0x1<<22) //22:22
+#define RG_SSUSB_EIDLE_LP_STBCYC                  (0x1ff<<13) //21:13
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_POSTDLY              (0x3f<<7) //12:7
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_PREDLY               (0x3f<<1) //6:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_EN_ADV               (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_DDS_CALIB_C_STATE               (0x7<<16) //18:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PPERRCNT                        (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_CNTEND                  (0x1ff<<23) //31:23
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_OSC_CNTEND                  (0x7f<<16) //22:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_EN                      (0x1<<3) //3:3
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FORCE_EN                (0x1<<2) //2:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_FRC_RING_BYPASS_DET              (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_BYPASS_DET                  (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FRC_P3                  (0x1<<20) //20:20
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_P3                      (0x1<<19) //19:19
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FRC_RECAL               (0x3<<17) //18:17
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_RECAL                   (0x1<<16) //16:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_SEL                     (0xff<<8) //15:8
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FRC_SEL                 (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_STRCYC2                 (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_STRCYC1                 (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_DETWIN1                 (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_STRCYC3                 (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_DETWIN3                 (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_DETWIN2                 (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_LBOND1                  (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_UBOND1                  (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_LBOND2                  (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_UBOND2                  (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_LBOND3                  (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_UBOND3                  (0xffff<<0) //15:0
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_RESERVE                     (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RG_SSUSB_ROSC_PROB_SEL                    (0xf<<2) //5:2
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_FREQMETER_EN                (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_BPS_UBOND               (0x1<<0) //0:0
+#define RGS_FM_RING_CNT                           (0xffff<<16) //31:16
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_STATE                  (0x3<<10) //11:10
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_STABLE                 (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_CAL_FAIL               (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_CAL                    (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_ROSC_PROB_OUT                   (0xff<<0) //7:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PHYD_VERSION                    (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PHYD_MODEL                      (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+/* OFFSET */
+#define RG_SSUSB_PCIE2_K_EMP_OFST                 (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PCIE2_K_FUL_OFST                 (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_EN_OFST              (17)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_EIDLE_LP_EN_OFST        (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_SIGDET_EN_OFST                   (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_SIGDET_EN_OFST             (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CLKRX_EN_OFST                    (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CLKRX_EN_OFST              (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CLKTX_EN_OFST                    (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CLKTX_EN_OFST              (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_CLK_REQ_N_I_OFST                 (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CLK_REQ_N_I_OFST           (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RATE_OFST                        (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RATE_OFST                  (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PCIE_MODE_SEL_OFST               (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PCIE_MODE_SEL_OFST         (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHY_MODE_OFST                    (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PHY_MODE_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDRV_6DB_OFST              (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_6DB_OFST                    (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDEM_3P5DB_OFST            (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDEM_3P5DB_OFST                  (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDRV_3P5DB_OFST            (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_3P5DB_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDRV_0DB_OFST              (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDRV_0DB_OFST                    (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_BIASI_OFST                    (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_BIASI_EN_OFST           (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_BIASI_EN_OFST                 (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_TX_BIASI_OFST              (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_IDEM_6DB_OFST              (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_IDEM_6DB_OFST                    (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIC_LTR_OFST              (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIC_LTD0_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BC_LTD1_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BC_LTR_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BC_LTD0_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIR_LTD1_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIR_LTR_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIR_LTD0_OFST             (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G1_CDR_BIC_LTD1_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIC_LTR_OFST              (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIC_LTD0_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BC_LTD1_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BC_LTR_OFST               (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BC_LTD0_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIR_LTD1_OFST             (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIR_LTR_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIR_LTD0_OFST             (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_G2_CDR_BIC_LTD1_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_DIS_OFST            (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_RX_VAL_S_OFST           (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_DEAS_SEL_OFST       (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0_EXIT_S_OFST          (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_EXIT_T_S_OFST       (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_EXIT_S_OFST         (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_L0S_ENTRY_S_OFST        (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_PRB_SEL_OFST            (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_BK_SIG_T_OFST           (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_P2_RXLFPS_OFST          (6)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_NON_BK_AD_OFST          (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_BK_B_RXEQ_OFST          (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_G2_KO_SEL_OFST          (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_G1_KO_SEL_OFST          (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_CAL_OFFSET_OFST         (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_CAL_EN_OFST             (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_FLT_EN_OFST             (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_SAMPLE_PRD_OFST         (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_REK_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_PRB_SEL_OFST               (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_CMDET_OFST                 (30)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_EN_OFST                    (29)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_RXDET_EN_OFST              (28)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_K_TWICE_OFST               (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB3_SET_OFST              (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB2_SET_OFST              (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB1_SET_OFST              (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PDN_T_SEL_OFST                   (18)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB3_SET_P3_OFST           (9)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXDET_STB2_SET_P3_OFST           (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FORCE_PLL_DDS_HF_EN_OFST         (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PLL_DDS_HF_EN_MAN_OFST           (21)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RXLFPS_ENTXDRV_OFST              (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_FL_UNLOCKTH_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_LFPS_PSEL_OFST                   (15)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_EN_OFST                (14)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_SIGDET_EN_SEL_OFST            (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_EN_OFST                (12)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RX_PI_CAL_EN_SEL_OFST            (11)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P3_CLS_CK_SEL_OFST               (10)
+#define RG_SSUSB_T2RLB_PSEL_OFST                  (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PPCTL_PSEL_OFST                  (5)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PHYD_TX_DATA_INV_OFST            (4)
+#define RG_SSUSB_BERTLB_PSEL_OFST                 (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RETRACK_DIS_OFST                 (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_PPERRCNT_CLR_OFST                (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FRC_PLL_DDS_PREDIV2_OFST         (31)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FRC_PLL_DDS_IADJ_OFST            (27)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_125FILTER_OFST          (26)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_RST_FILTER_OFST         (25)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_EID_USE_RAW_OFST        (24)
+#define RG_SSUSB_P_SIGDET_LTD_USE_RAW_OFST        (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EIDLE_BF_RXDET_OFST              (22)
+#define RG_SSUSB_EIDLE_LP_STBCYC_OFST             (13)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_POSTDLY_OFST         (7)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_PREDLY_OFST          (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_TX_EIDLE_LP_EN_ADV_OFST          (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_DDS_CALIB_C_STATE_OFST          (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PPERRCNT_OFST                   (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_CNTEND_OFST             (23)
+#define RG_SSUSB_XTAL_OSC_CNTEND_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_EN_OFST                 (3)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FORCE_EN_OFST           (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_FRC_RING_BYPASS_DET_OFST         (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_BYPASS_DET_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FRC_P3_OFST             (20)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_P3_OFST                 (19)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FRC_RECAL_OFST          (17)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_RECAL_OFST              (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_SEL_OFST                (8)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_OSC_FRC_SEL_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_STRCYC2_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_STRCYC1_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_DETWIN1_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_STRCYC3_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_DETWIN3_OFST            (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_DETWIN2_OFST            (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_LBOND1_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_UBOND1_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_LBOND2_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_UBOND2_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_LBOND3_OFST             (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_UBOND3_OFST             (0)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_RESERVE_OFST                (16)
+#define RG_SSUSB_ROSC_PROB_SEL_OFST               (2)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_FREQMETER_EN_OFST           (1)
+#define RG_SSUSB_RING_DET_BPS_UBOND_OFST          (0)
+#define RGS_FM_RING_CNT_OFST                      (16)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_STATE_OFST             (10)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_STABLE_OFST            (9)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_CAL_FAIL_OFST          (8)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_RING_OSC_CAL_OFST               (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_ROSC_PROB_OUT_OFST              (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PHYD_VERSION_OFST               (0)
+#define RGS_SSUSB_PHYD_MODEL_OFST                 (0)
+struct sifslv_chip_reg {
+	PHY_LE32 xtalbias;
+	PHY_LE32 syspll1;
+	PHY_LE32 gpio_ctla;
+	PHY_LE32 gpio_ctlb;
+	PHY_LE32 gpio_ctlc;
+#define RG_C60802_GPIO_CTLA                       (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RG_C60802_GPIO_CTLB                       (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RG_C60802_GPIO_CTLC                       (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+/* OFFSET */
+#define RG_C60802_GPIO_CTLA_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_C60802_GPIO_CTLB_OFST                  (0)
+#define RG_C60802_GPIO_CTLC_OFST                  (0)
+struct sifslv_fm_feg {
+	//0x0
+	PHY_LE32 fmcr0;
+	PHY_LE32 fmcr1;
+	PHY_LE32 fmcr2;
+	PHY_LE32 fmmonr0;
+	//0x10
+	PHY_LE32 fmmonr1;
+#define RG_LOCKTH                                 (0xf<<28) //31:28
+#define RG_MONCLK_SEL                             (0x3<<26) //27:26
+#define RG_FM_MODE                                (0x1<<25) //25:25
+#define RG_FREQDET_EN                             (0x1<<24) //24:24
+#define RG_CYCLECNT                               (0xffffff<<0) //23:0
+#define RG_TARGET                                 (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RG_OFFSET                                 (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define USB_FM_OUT                                (0xffffffff<<0) //31:0
+#define RG_MONCLK_SEL_3                           (0x1<<9) //9:9
+#define RG_FRCK_EN                                (0x1<<8) //8:8
+#define USBPLL_LOCK                               (0x1<<1) //1:1
+#define USB_FM_VLD                                (0x1<<0) //0:0
+/* OFFSET */
+#define RG_LOCKTH_OFST                            (28)
+#define RG_MONCLK_SEL_OFST                        (26)
+#define RG_FM_MODE_OFST                           (25)
+#define RG_FREQDET_EN_OFST                        (24)
+#define RG_CYCLECNT_OFST                          (0)
+#define RG_TARGET_OFST                            (0)
+#define RG_OFFSET_OFST                            (0)
+#define USB_FM_OUT_OFST                           (0)
+#define RG_MONCLK_SEL_3_OFST                      (9)
+#define RG_FRCK_EN_OFST                           (8)
+#define USBPLL_LOCK_OFST                          (1)
+#define USB_FM_VLD_OFST                           (0)
+PHY_INT32 phy_init(struct u3phy_info *info);
+PHY_INT32 phy_change_pipe_phase(struct u3phy_info *info, PHY_INT32 phy_drv, PHY_INT32 pipe_phase);
+PHY_INT32 eyescan_init(struct u3phy_info *info);
+PHY_INT32 phy_eyescan(struct u3phy_info *info, PHY_INT32 x_t1, PHY_INT32 y_t1, PHY_INT32 x_br, PHY_INT32 y_br, PHY_INT32 delta_x, PHY_INT32 delta_y
+		, PHY_INT32 eye_cnt, PHY_INT32 num_cnt, PHY_INT32 PI_cal_en, PHY_INT32 num_ignore_cnt);
+PHY_INT32 u2_save_cur_en(struct u3phy_info *info);
+PHY_INT32 u2_save_cur_re(struct u3phy_info *info);
+PHY_INT32 u2_slew_rate_calibration(struct u3phy_info *info);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-ahb.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy-ahb.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "mtk-phy.h"
+#include "mu3d_hal_osal.h"
+#include <linux/gfp.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#define os_writel(addr,data) {\
+		(*((volatile PHY_UINT32*)(addr)) = data);\
+	}
+#define os_readl(addr)  *((volatile PHY_UINT32*)(addr))
+#define os_writelmsk(addr, data, msk) \
+		{ os_writel(addr, ((os_readl(addr) & ~(msk)) | ((data) & (msk)))); \
+	}
+#define os_setmsk(addr, msk) \
+	{ os_writel(addr, os_readl(addr) | msk); \
+	}
+#define os_clrmsk(addr, msk) \
+   { os_writel(addr, os_readl(addr) &~ msk); \
+   }
+/*msk the data first, then umsk with the umsk.*/
+#define os_writelmskumsk(addr, data, msk, umsk) \
+   os_writel(addr, ((os_readl(addr) & ~(msk)) | ((data) & (msk))) & (umsk));\
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteReg32(PHY_UINT32 addr, PHY_UINT32 data)
+	os_writel(addr, data);
+	return 0;
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyReadReg32(PHY_UINT32 addr)
+	return os_readl(addr);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteReg8(PHY_UINT32 addr, PHY_UINT8 data)
+	os_writelmsk(addr&0xfffffffc, data<<((addr%4)*8), 0xff<<((addr%4)*8));
+	return 0;
+PHY_INT8 U3PhyReadReg8(PHY_UINT32 addr)
+	return ((os_readl(addr)>>((addr%4)*8))&0xff);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include <linux/gfp.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#define U3_PHY_LIB
+#include "mtk-phy.h"
+#ifdef CONFIG_PROJECT_7621
+#include "mtk-phy-7621.h"
+static struct u3phy_operator project_operators = {
+	.init = phy_init,
+	.change_pipe_phase = phy_change_pipe_phase,
+	.eyescan_init = eyescan_init,
+	.eyescan = phy_eyescan,
+	.u2_slew_rate_calibration = u2_slew_rate_calibration,
+PHY_INT32 u3phy_init(){
+	PHY_INT32 u3phy_version;
+	if(u3phy != NULL){
+		return PHY_TRUE;
+	}
+	u3phy = kmalloc(sizeof(struct u3phy_info), GFP_NOIO);
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	u3phy_p1 = kmalloc(sizeof(struct u3phy_info), GFP_NOIO);
+	u3phy->phyd_version_addr = 0x2000e4;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	u3phy_p1->phyd_version_addr = 0x2000e4;
+	u3phy->phyd_version_addr = U3_PHYD_B2_BASE + 0xe4;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	u3phy_p1->phyd_version_addr = U3_PHYD_B2_BASE_P1 + 0xe4;
+	u3phy->u2phy_regs = (struct u2phy_reg *)U2_PHY_BASE;
+	u3phy->u3phyd_regs = (struct u3phyd_reg *)U3_PHYD_BASE;
+	u3phy->u3phyd_bank2_regs = (struct u3phyd_bank2_reg *)U3_PHYD_B2_BASE;
+	u3phy->u3phya_regs = (struct u3phya_reg *)U3_PHYA_BASE;
+	u3phy->u3phya_da_regs = (struct u3phya_da_reg *)U3_PHYA_DA_BASE;
+	u3phy->sifslv_chip_regs = (struct sifslv_chip_reg *)SIFSLV_CHIP_BASE;		
+	u3phy->sifslv_fm_regs = (struct sifslv_fm_feg *)SIFSLV_FM_FEG_BASE;	
+	u3phy_ops = &project_operators;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	u3phy_p1->u2phy_regs = (struct u2phy_reg *)U2_PHY_BASE_P1;
+	u3phy_p1->u3phyd_regs = (struct u3phyd_reg *)U3_PHYD_BASE_P1;
+	u3phy_p1->u3phyd_bank2_regs = (struct u3phyd_bank2_reg *)U3_PHYD_B2_BASE_P1;
+	u3phy_p1->u3phya_regs = (struct u3phya_reg *)U3_PHYA_BASE_P1;
+	u3phy_p1->u3phya_da_regs = (struct u3phya_da_reg *)U3_PHYA_DA_BASE_P1;
+	u3phy_p1->sifslv_chip_regs = (struct sifslv_chip_reg *)SIFSLV_CHIP_BASE;
+	u3phy_p1->sifslv_fm_regs = (struct sifslv_fm_feg *)SIFSLV_FM_FEG_BASE;
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteField8(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask, PHY_INT32 value){
+	PHY_INT8 cur_value;
+	PHY_INT8 new_value;
+	cur_value = U3PhyReadReg8(addr);
+	new_value = (cur_value & (~mask)) | (value << offset);
+	//udelay(i2cdelayus);
+	U3PhyWriteReg8(addr, new_value);
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteField32(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask, PHY_INT32 value){
+	PHY_INT32 cur_value;
+	PHY_INT32 new_value;
+	cur_value = U3PhyReadReg32(addr);
+	new_value = (cur_value & (~mask)) | ((value << offset) & mask);
+	U3PhyWriteReg32(addr, new_value);
+	//DRV_MDELAY(100);
+	return PHY_TRUE;
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyReadField8(PHY_INT32 addr,PHY_INT32 offset,PHY_INT32 mask){
+	return ((U3PhyReadReg8(addr) & mask) >> offset);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyReadField32(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask){
+	return ((U3PhyReadReg32(addr) & mask) >> offset);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.h
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/mtk-phy.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#ifndef __MTK_PHY_NEW_H
+#define __MTK_PHY_NEW_H
+/* include system library */
+#include <linux/gfp.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+/* Choose PHY R/W implementation */
+//#define CONFIG_U3_PHY_GPIO_SUPPORT	//SW I2C implemented by GPIO
+#define CONFIG_U3_PHY_AHB_SUPPORT	//AHB, only on SoC
+/* Choose PHY version */
+//Select your project by defining one of the followings
+#define CONFIG_PROJECT_7621 //7621
+/* BASE ADDRESS DEFINE, should define this on ASIC */
+#define PHY_BASE		0xBE1D0000
+#define SIFSLV_FM_FEG_BASE	(PHY_BASE+0x100)
+#define SIFSLV_CHIP_BASE	(PHY_BASE+0x700)
+#define U2_PHY_BASE		(PHY_BASE+0x800)
+#define U3_PHYD_BASE		(PHY_BASE+0x900)
+#define U3_PHYD_B2_BASE		(PHY_BASE+0xa00)
+#define U3_PHYA_BASE		(PHY_BASE+0xb00)
+#define U3_PHYA_DA_BASE		(PHY_BASE+0xc00)
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+#define SIFSLV_FM_FEG_BASE_P1	(PHY_BASE+0x100)
+#define SIFSLV_CHIP_BASE_P1	(PHY_BASE+0x700)
+#define U2_PHY_BASE_P1		(PHY_BASE+0x1000)
+#define U3_PHYD_BASE_P1		(PHY_BASE+0x1100)
+#define U3_PHYD_B2_BASE_P1	(PHY_BASE+0x1200)
+#define U3_PHYA_BASE_P1		(PHY_BASE+0x1300)
+#define U3_PHYA_DA_BASE_P1	(PHY_BASE+0x1400)
+0x00000100	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_fmreg	ssusb_sifslv_fmreg
+0x00000700	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_ippc	ssusb_sifslv_ippc
+0x00000800	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_u2phy_com	ssusb_sifslv_u2_phy_com_T28
+0x00000900	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_u3phyd	ssusb_sifslv_u3phyd_T28
+0x00000a00	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_u3phyd_bank2	ssusb_sifslv_u3phyd_bank2_T28
+0x00000b00	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_u3phya	ssusb_sifslv_u3phya_T28
+0x00000c00	MODULE	ssusb_sifslv_u3phya_da	ssusb_sifslv_u3phya_da_T28
+typedef unsigned int	PHY_UINT32;
+typedef int				PHY_INT32;
+typedef	unsigned short	PHY_UINT16;
+typedef short			PHY_INT16;
+typedef unsigned char	PHY_UINT8;
+typedef char			PHY_INT8;
+typedef PHY_UINT32 __bitwise	PHY_LE32;
+#define PHY_FALSE	0
+#define PHY_TRUE	1
+#define DRV_WriteReg32(addr,data)       ((*(volatile PHY_UINT32 *)(addr)) = (unsigned long)(data))
+#define DRV_Reg32(addr)                 (*(volatile PHY_UINT32 *)(addr))
+#define DRV_MDELAY	mdelay
+#define DRV_MSLEEP	msleep
+#define DRV_UDELAY	udelay
+#define DRV_USLEEP	usleep
+/* PHY FUNCTION DEFINE, implemented in platform files, ex. ahb, gpio */
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteReg32(PHY_UINT32 addr, PHY_UINT32 data);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyReadReg32(PHY_UINT32 addr);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteReg8(PHY_UINT32 addr, PHY_UINT8 data);
+PHY_INT8 U3PhyReadReg8(PHY_UINT32 addr);
+/* PHY GENERAL USAGE FUNC, implemented in mtk-phy.c */
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteField8(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask, PHY_INT32 value);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyWriteField32(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask, PHY_INT32 value);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyReadField8(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask);
+PHY_INT32 U3PhyReadField32(PHY_INT32 addr, PHY_INT32 offset, PHY_INT32 mask);
+struct u3phy_info {
+	PHY_INT32 phy_version;
+	PHY_INT32 phyd_version_addr;
+	struct u2phy_reg *u2phy_regs;
+	struct u3phya_reg *u3phya_regs;
+	struct u3phya_da_reg *u3phya_da_regs;
+	struct u3phyd_reg *u3phyd_regs;
+	struct u3phyd_bank2_reg *u3phyd_bank2_regs;
+	struct sifslv_chip_reg *sifslv_chip_regs;	
+	struct sifslv_fm_feg *sifslv_fm_regs;	
+struct u3phy_operator {
+	PHY_INT32 (*init) (struct u3phy_info *info);
+	PHY_INT32 (*change_pipe_phase) (struct u3phy_info *info, PHY_INT32 phy_drv, PHY_INT32 pipe_phase);
+	PHY_INT32 (*eyescan_init) (struct u3phy_info *info);
+	PHY_INT32 (*eyescan) (struct u3phy_info *info, PHY_INT32 x_t1, PHY_INT32 y_t1, PHY_INT32 x_br, PHY_INT32 y_br, PHY_INT32 delta_x, PHY_INT32 delta_y, PHY_INT32 eye_cnt, PHY_INT32 num_cnt, PHY_INT32 PI_cal_en, PHY_INT32 num_ignore_cnt);
+	PHY_INT32 (*u2_save_current_entry) (struct u3phy_info *info);
+	PHY_INT32 (*u2_save_current_recovery) (struct u3phy_info *info);
+	PHY_INT32 (*u2_slew_rate_calibration) (struct u3phy_info *info);
+#ifdef U3_PHY_LIB
+#define AUTOEXT
+#define AUTOEXT extern
+AUTOEXT struct u3phy_info *u3phy;
+AUTOEXT struct u3phy_info *u3phy_p1;
+AUTOEXT struct u3phy_operator *u3phy_ops;
+/*********eye scan required*********/
+#define LO_BYTE(x)                   ((PHY_UINT8)((x) & 0xFF))
+#define HI_BYTE(x)                   ((PHY_UINT8)(((x) & 0xFF00) >> 8))
+typedef enum
+} enumScanDir;
+struct strucScanRegion
+  PHY_INT8 bX_tl;
+  PHY_INT8 bY_tl;
+  PHY_INT8 bX_br;
+  PHY_INT8 bY_br;
+  PHY_INT8 bDeltaX;
+  PHY_INT8 bDeltaY;
+struct strucTestCycle
+  PHY_UINT16 wEyeCnt;
+  PHY_INT8 bNumOfEyeCnt;
+  PHY_INT8 bPICalEn;
+  PHY_INT8 bNumOfIgnoreCnt;
+#define ERRCNT_MAX		128
+#define CYCLE_COUNT_MAX	15
+/// the map resolution is 128 x 128 pts
+#define MAX_X                 127
+#define MAX_Y                 127
+#define MIN_X                 0
+#define MIN_Y                 0
+PHY_INT32 u3phy_init(void);
+AUTOEXT struct strucScanRegion           _rEye1;
+AUTOEXT struct strucScanRegion           _rEye2;
+AUTOEXT struct strucTestCycle            _rTestCycle;
+AUTOEXT PHY_UINT8                      _bXcurr;
+AUTOEXT PHY_UINT8                      _bYcurr;
+AUTOEXT enumScanDir               _eScanDir;
+AUTOEXT PHY_INT8                      _fgXChged;
+AUTOEXT PHY_INT8                      _bPIResult;
+/* use local variable instead to save memory use */
+#if 0
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/pci-quirks.h
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/pci-quirks.h	2014-07-02 11:20:14.589675072 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/pci-quirks.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+#if defined (CONFIG_PCI) && !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 void uhci_reset_hc(struct pci_dev *pdev, unsigned long base);
 int uhci_check_and_reset_hc(struct pci_dev *pdev, unsigned long base);
 #endif  /* CONFIG_PCI */
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-dbg.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/xhci-dbg.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-dbg.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
 #include "xhci.h"
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+#include "xhci-mtk.h"
 #define XHCI_INIT_VALUE 0x0
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mem.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mem.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mem.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@
 static void xhci_segment_free(struct xhci_hcd *xhci, struct xhci_segment *seg)
+	if (!seg)
+		return;
 	if (seg->trbs) {
 		dma_pool_free(xhci->segment_pool, seg->trbs, seg->dma);
 		seg->trbs = NULL;
@@ -1446,9 +1449,17 @@
 			max_burst = (usb_endpoint_maxp(&ep->desc)
 				     & 0x1800) >> 11;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+		if ((max_packet % 4 == 2) && (max_packet % 16 != 14) && (max_burst == 0) && usb_endpoint_dir_in(&ep->desc))
+		max_packet += 2;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+		if ((max_packet % 4 == 2) && (max_packet % 16 != 14) && (max_burst == 0) && usb_endpoint_dir_in(&ep->desc))
+		max_packet += 2;
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "xhci-mtk.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk-power.h"
+#include "xhci.h"
+#include <linux/kernel.h>       /* printk() */
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+static int g_num_u3_port;
+static int g_num_u2_port;
+void enableXhciAllPortPower(struct xhci_hcd *xhci){
+	int i;
+	u32 port_id, temp;
+	u32 __iomem *addr;
+	g_num_u3_port = SSUSB_U3_PORT_NUM(readl(SSUSB_IP_CAP));
+	g_num_u2_port = SSUSB_U2_PORT_NUM(readl(SSUSB_IP_CAP));
+	for(i=1; i<=g_num_u3_port; i++){
+		port_id=i;
+		addr = &xhci->op_regs->port_status_base + NUM_PORT_REGS*(port_id-1 & 0xff);
+		temp = xhci_readl(xhci, addr);
+		temp = xhci_port_state_to_neutral(temp);
+		temp |= PORT_POWER;
+		xhci_writel(xhci, temp, addr);
+	}
+	for(i=1; i<=g_num_u2_port; i++){
+		port_id=i+g_num_u3_port;
+		addr = &xhci->op_regs->port_status_base + NUM_PORT_REGS*(port_id-1 & 0xff);
+		temp = xhci_readl(xhci, addr);
+		temp = xhci_port_state_to_neutral(temp);
+		temp |= PORT_POWER;
+		xhci_writel(xhci, temp, addr);
+	}
+void enableAllClockPower(){
+	int i;
+	u32 temp;
+	g_num_u3_port = SSUSB_U3_PORT_NUM(readl(SSUSB_IP_CAP));
+	g_num_u2_port = SSUSB_U2_PORT_NUM(readl(SSUSB_IP_CAP));
+	//2.	Enable xHC
+	writel(readl(SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1) & (~SSUSB_IP_PDN), SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1);
+	//1.	Enable target ports 
+	for(i=0; i<g_num_u3_port; i++){
+		temp = readl(SSUSB_U3_CTRL(i));
+		temp = temp & (~SSUSB_U3_PORT_PDN) & (~SSUSB_U3_PORT_DIS);
+		writel(temp, SSUSB_U3_CTRL(i));
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<g_num_u2_port; i++){
+		temp = readl(SSUSB_U2_CTRL(i));
+		temp = temp & (~SSUSB_U2_PORT_PDN) & (~SSUSB_U2_PORT_DIS);
+		writel(temp, SSUSB_U2_CTRL(i));
+	}
+	msleep(100);
+//(X)disable clock/power of a port 
+//(X)if all ports are disabled, disable IP ctrl power
+//disable all ports and IP clock/power, this is just mention HW that the power/clock of port 
+//and IP could be disable if suspended.
+//If doesn't not disable all ports at first, the IP clock/power will never be disabled
+//(some U2 and U3 ports are binded to the same connection, that is, they will never enter suspend at the same time
+//port_index: port number
+//port_rev: 0x2 - USB2.0, 0x3 - USB3.0 (SuperSpeed)
+void disablePortClockPower(void){
+	int i;
+	u32 temp;
+	g_num_u3_port = SSUSB_U3_PORT_NUM(readl(SSUSB_IP_CAP));
+	g_num_u2_port = SSUSB_U2_PORT_NUM(readl(SSUSB_IP_CAP));
+	for(i=0; i<g_num_u3_port; i++){
+		temp = readl(SSUSB_U3_CTRL(i));
+		temp = temp | (SSUSB_U3_PORT_PDN);
+		writel(temp, SSUSB_U3_CTRL(i));
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<g_num_u2_port; i++){
+		temp = readl(SSUSB_U2_CTRL(i));
+		temp = temp | (SSUSB_U2_PORT_PDN);
+		writel(temp, SSUSB_U2_CTRL(i));
+	}
+	writel(readl(SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1) | (SSUSB_IP_PDN), SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1);
+//if IP ctrl power is disabled, enable it
+//enable clock/power of a port
+//port_index: port number
+//port_rev: 0x2 - USB2.0, 0x3 - USB3.0 (SuperSpeed)
+void enablePortClockPower(int port_index, int port_rev){
+	int i;
+	u32 temp;
+	writel(readl(SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1) & (~SSUSB_IP_PDN), SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1);
+	if(port_rev == 0x3){
+		temp = readl(SSUSB_U3_CTRL(port_index));
+		temp = temp & (~SSUSB_U3_PORT_PDN);
+		writel(temp, SSUSB_U3_CTRL(port_index));
+	}
+	else if(port_rev == 0x2){
+		temp = readl(SSUSB_U2_CTRL(port_index));
+		temp = temp & (~SSUSB_U2_PORT_PDN);
+		writel(temp, SSUSB_U2_CTRL(port_index));
+	}
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.h
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-power.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef _XHCI_MTK_POWER_H
+#define _XHCI_MTK_POWER_H
+#include <linux/usb.h>
+#include "xhci.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk.h"
+void enableXhciAllPortPower(struct xhci_hcd *xhci);
+void enableAllClockPower(void);
+void disablePortClockPower(void);
+void enablePortClockPower(int port_index, int port_rev);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+#include "xhci-mtk-scheduler.h"
+#include <linux/kernel.h>       /* printk() */
+static struct sch_ep **ss_out_eps[MAX_EP_NUM];
+static struct sch_ep **ss_in_eps[MAX_EP_NUM];
+static struct sch_ep **hs_eps[MAX_EP_NUM];	//including tt isoc
+static struct sch_ep **tt_intr_eps[MAX_EP_NUM];
+int mtk_xhci_scheduler_init(void){
+	int i;
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		ss_out_eps[i] = NULL;
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		ss_in_eps[i] = NULL;
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		hs_eps[i] = NULL;
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		tt_intr_eps[i] = NULL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int add_sch_ep(int dev_speed, int is_in, int isTT, int ep_type, int maxp, int interval, int burst
+	, int mult, int offset, int repeat, int pkts, int cs_count, int burst_mode
+	, int bw_cost, mtk_u32 *ep, struct sch_ep *tmp_ep){
+	struct sch_ep **ep_array;
+	int i;
+	if(is_in && dev_speed == USB_SPEED_SUPER ){
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)ss_in_eps;
+	}
+	else if(dev_speed == USB_SPEED_SUPER){
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)ss_out_eps;
+	}
+	else if(dev_speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH || (isTT && ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC)){
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)hs_eps;
+	}
+	else{
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)tt_intr_eps;
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		if(ep_array[i] == NULL){
+			tmp_ep->dev_speed = dev_speed;
+			tmp_ep->isTT = isTT;
+			tmp_ep->is_in = is_in;
+			tmp_ep->ep_type = ep_type;
+			tmp_ep->maxp = maxp;
+			tmp_ep->interval = interval;
+			tmp_ep->burst = burst;
+			tmp_ep->mult = mult;
+			tmp_ep->offset = offset;
+			tmp_ep->repeat = repeat;
+			tmp_ep->pkts = pkts;
+			tmp_ep->cs_count = cs_count;
+			tmp_ep->burst_mode = burst_mode;
+			tmp_ep->bw_cost = bw_cost;
+			tmp_ep->ep = ep;
+			ep_array[i] = tmp_ep;
+			return SCH_SUCCESS;
+		}
+	}
+	return SCH_FAIL;
+int count_ss_bw(int is_in, int ep_type, int maxp, int interval, int burst, int mult, int offset, int repeat
+	, int td_size){
+	int i, j, k;
+	int bw_required[3];
+	int final_bw_required;
+	int bw_required_per_repeat;
+	int tmp_bw_required;
+	struct sch_ep *cur_sch_ep;
+	struct sch_ep **ep_array;
+	int cur_offset;
+	int cur_ep_offset;
+	int tmp_offset;
+	int tmp_interval;
+	int ep_offset;
+	int ep_interval;
+	int ep_repeat;
+	int ep_mult;
+	if(is_in){
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)ss_in_eps;
+	}
+	else{
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)ss_out_eps;
+	}
+	bw_required[0] = 0;
+	bw_required[1] = 0;
+	bw_required[2] = 0;
+	if(repeat == 0){
+		final_bw_required = 0;
+		for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+			cur_sch_ep = ep_array[i];
+			if(cur_sch_ep == NULL){
+				continue;
+			}
+			ep_interval = cur_sch_ep->interval;
+			ep_offset = cur_sch_ep->offset;
+			if(cur_sch_ep->repeat == 0){
+				if(ep_interval >= interval){
+					tmp_offset = ep_offset + ep_interval - offset;
+					tmp_interval = interval;
+				}
+				else{
+					tmp_offset = offset + interval - ep_offset;
+					tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+				}
+				if(tmp_offset % tmp_interval == 0){
+					final_bw_required += cur_sch_ep->bw_cost;
+				}
+			}
+			else{
+				ep_repeat = cur_sch_ep->repeat;
+				ep_mult = cur_sch_ep->mult;
+				for(k=0; k<=ep_mult; k++){
+					cur_ep_offset = ep_offset+(k*ep_mult);
+					if(ep_interval >= interval){
+						tmp_offset = cur_ep_offset + ep_interval - offset;
+						tmp_interval = interval;
+					}
+					else{
+						tmp_offset = offset + interval - cur_ep_offset;
+						tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+					}
+					if(tmp_offset % tmp_interval == 0){
+						final_bw_required += cur_sch_ep->bw_cost;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		final_bw_required += td_size;
+	}
+	else{
+		bw_required_per_repeat = maxp * (burst+1);
+		for(j=0; j<=mult; j++){
+			tmp_bw_required = 0;
+			cur_offset = offset+(j*repeat);
+			for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+				cur_sch_ep = ep_array[i];
+				if(cur_sch_ep == NULL){
+					continue;
+				}
+				ep_interval = cur_sch_ep->interval;
+				ep_offset = cur_sch_ep->offset;
+				if(cur_sch_ep->repeat == 0){
+					if(ep_interval >= interval){
+						tmp_offset = ep_offset + ep_interval - cur_offset;
+						tmp_interval = interval;
+					}
+					else{
+						tmp_offset = cur_offset + interval - ep_offset;
+						tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+					}
+					if(tmp_offset % tmp_interval == 0){
+						tmp_bw_required += cur_sch_ep->bw_cost;
+					}
+				}
+				else{
+					ep_repeat = cur_sch_ep->repeat;
+					ep_mult = cur_sch_ep->mult;
+					for(k=0; k<=ep_mult; k++){
+						cur_ep_offset = ep_offset+(k*ep_repeat);
+						if(ep_interval >= interval){
+							tmp_offset = cur_ep_offset + ep_interval - cur_offset;
+							tmp_interval = interval;
+						}
+						else{
+							tmp_offset = cur_offset + interval - cur_ep_offset;
+							tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+						}
+						if(tmp_offset % tmp_interval == 0){
+							tmp_bw_required += cur_sch_ep->bw_cost;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			bw_required[j] = tmp_bw_required;
+		}
+		final_bw_required = SS_BW_BOUND;
+		for(j=0; j<=mult; j++){
+			if(bw_required[j] < final_bw_required){
+				final_bw_required = bw_required[j];
+			}
+		}
+		final_bw_required += bw_required_per_repeat;
+	}
+	return final_bw_required;
+int count_hs_bw(int ep_type, int maxp, int interval, int offset, int td_size){
+	int i;
+	int bw_required;
+	struct sch_ep *cur_sch_ep;
+	int tmp_offset;
+	int tmp_interval;
+	int ep_offset;
+	int ep_interval;
+	int cur_tt_isoc_interval;	//for isoc tt check
+	bw_required = 0;
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		cur_sch_ep = (struct sch_ep *)hs_eps[i];
+		if(cur_sch_ep == NULL){
+				continue;
+		}
+		ep_offset = cur_sch_ep->offset;
+		ep_interval = cur_sch_ep->interval;
+		if(cur_sch_ep->isTT && cur_sch_ep->ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC){
+			cur_tt_isoc_interval = ep_interval<<3;
+			if(ep_interval >= interval){
+				tmp_offset = ep_offset + cur_tt_isoc_interval - offset;
+				tmp_interval = interval;
+			}
+			else{
+				tmp_offset = offset + interval - ep_offset;
+				tmp_interval = cur_tt_isoc_interval;
+			}
+			if(cur_sch_ep->is_in){
+				if((tmp_offset%tmp_interval >=2) && (tmp_offset%tmp_interval <= cur_sch_ep->cs_count)){
+					bw_required += 188;
+				}
+			}
+			else{
+				if(tmp_offset%tmp_interval <= cur_sch_ep->cs_count){
+					bw_required += 188;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else{
+			if(ep_interval >= interval){
+				tmp_offset = ep_offset + ep_interval - offset;
+				tmp_interval = interval;
+			}
+			else{
+				tmp_offset = offset + interval - ep_offset;
+				tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+			}
+			if(tmp_offset%tmp_interval == 0){
+				bw_required += cur_sch_ep->bw_cost;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	bw_required += td_size;
+	return bw_required;
+int count_tt_isoc_bw(int is_in, int maxp, int interval, int offset, int td_size){
+	char is_cs;
+	int mframe_idx, frame_idx, s_frame, s_mframe, cur_mframe;
+	int bw_required, max_bw;
+	int ss_cs_count;
+	int cs_mframe;
+	int max_frame;
+	int i,j;
+	struct sch_ep *cur_sch_ep;
+	int ep_offset;
+	int ep_interval;
+	int ep_cs_count;
+	int tt_isoc_interval;	//for isoc tt check
+	int cur_tt_isoc_interval;	//for isoc tt check
+	int tmp_offset;
+	int tmp_interval;
+	is_cs = 0;
+	tt_isoc_interval = interval<<3;	//frame to mframe
+	if(is_in){
+		is_cs = 1;
+	}
+	s_frame = offset/8;
+	s_mframe = offset%8;
+	ss_cs_count = (maxp + (188 - 1))/188;
+	if(is_cs){
+		cs_mframe = offset%8 + 2 + ss_cs_count;
+		if (cs_mframe <= 6)
+			ss_cs_count += 2;
+		else if (cs_mframe == 7)
+			ss_cs_count++;
+		else if (cs_mframe > 8)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	max_bw = 0;
+	if(is_in){
+		i=2;
+	}
+	for(cur_mframe = offset+i; i<ss_cs_count; cur_mframe++, i++){
+		bw_required = 0;
+		for(j=0; j<MAX_EP_NUM; j++){
+			cur_sch_ep = (struct sch_ep *)hs_eps[j];
+			if(cur_sch_ep == NULL){
+				continue;
+			}
+			ep_offset = cur_sch_ep->offset;
+			ep_interval = cur_sch_ep->interval;
+			if(cur_sch_ep->isTT && cur_sch_ep->ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC){
+				//isoc tt
+				//check if mframe offset overlap
+				//if overlap, add 188 to the bw
+				cur_tt_isoc_interval = ep_interval<<3;
+				if(cur_tt_isoc_interval >= tt_isoc_interval){
+					tmp_offset = (ep_offset+cur_tt_isoc_interval)  - cur_mframe;
+					tmp_interval = tt_isoc_interval;
+				}
+				else{
+					tmp_offset = (cur_mframe+tt_isoc_interval) - ep_offset;
+					tmp_interval = cur_tt_isoc_interval;
+				}
+				if(cur_sch_ep->is_in){
+					if((tmp_offset%tmp_interval >=2) && (tmp_offset%tmp_interval <= cur_sch_ep->cs_count)){
+						bw_required += 188;
+					}
+				}
+				else{
+					if(tmp_offset%tmp_interval <= cur_sch_ep->cs_count){
+						bw_required += 188;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else if(cur_sch_ep->ep_type == USB_EP_INT || cur_sch_ep->ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC){
+				//check if mframe
+				if(ep_interval >= tt_isoc_interval){
+					tmp_offset = (ep_offset+ep_interval) - cur_mframe;
+					tmp_interval = tt_isoc_interval;
+				}
+				else{
+					tmp_offset = (cur_mframe+tt_isoc_interval) - ep_offset;
+					tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+				}
+				if(tmp_offset%tmp_interval == 0){
+					bw_required += cur_sch_ep->bw_cost;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		bw_required += 188;
+		if(bw_required > max_bw){
+			max_bw = bw_required;
+		}
+	}
+	return max_bw;
+int count_tt_intr_bw(int interval, int frame_offset){
+	//check all eps in tt_intr_eps
+	int ret;
+	int i,j;
+	int ep_offset;
+	int ep_interval;
+	int tmp_offset;
+	int tmp_interval;
+	ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+	struct sch_ep *cur_sch_ep;
+	for(i=0; i<MAX_EP_NUM; i++){
+		cur_sch_ep = (struct sch_ep *)tt_intr_eps[i];
+		if(cur_sch_ep == NULL){
+			continue;
+		}
+		ep_offset = cur_sch_ep->offset;
+		ep_interval = cur_sch_ep->interval;
+		if(ep_interval  >= interval){
+			tmp_offset = ep_offset + ep_interval - frame_offset;
+			tmp_interval = interval;
+		}
+		else{
+			tmp_offset = frame_offset + interval - ep_offset;
+			tmp_interval = ep_interval;
+		}
+		if(tmp_offset%tmp_interval==0){
+			return SCH_FAIL;
+		}
+	}
+	return SCH_SUCCESS;
+struct sch_ep * mtk_xhci_scheduler_remove_ep(int dev_speed, int is_in, int isTT, int ep_type, mtk_u32 *ep){
+	int i;
+	struct sch_ep **ep_array;
+	struct sch_ep *cur_ep;
+	if (is_in && dev_speed == USB_SPEED_SUPER) {
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)ss_in_eps;
+	}
+	else if (dev_speed == USB_SPEED_SUPER) {
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)ss_out_eps;
+	}
+	else if (dev_speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH || (isTT && ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC)) {
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)hs_eps;
+	}
+	else {
+		ep_array = (struct sch_ep **)tt_intr_eps;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EP_NUM; i++) {
+		cur_ep = (struct sch_ep *)ep_array[i];
+		if(cur_ep != NULL && cur_ep->ep == ep){
+			ep_array[i] = NULL;
+			return cur_ep;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+int mtk_xhci_scheduler_add_ep(int dev_speed, int is_in, int isTT, int ep_type, int maxp, int interval, int burst
+	, int mult, mtk_u32 *ep, mtk_u32 *ep_ctx, struct sch_ep *sch_ep){
+	mtk_u32 bPkts = 0;
+	mtk_u32 bCsCount = 0;
+	mtk_u32 bBm = 1;
+	mtk_u32 bOffset = 0;
+	mtk_u32 bRepeat = 0;
+	int ret;
+	struct mtk_xhci_ep_ctx *temp_ep_ctx;
+	int td_size;
+	int mframe_idx, frame_idx;
+	int bw_cost;
+	int cur_bw, best_bw, best_bw_idx,repeat, max_repeat, best_bw_repeat;
+	int cur_offset, cs_mframe;
+	int break_out;
+	int frame_interval;
+	printk(KERN_ERR "add_ep parameters, dev_speed %d, is_in %d, isTT %d, ep_type %d, maxp %d, interval %d, burst %d, mult %d, ep 0x%x, ep_ctx 0x%x, sch_ep 0x%x\n", dev_speed, is_in, isTT, ep_type, maxp
+		, interval, burst, mult, ep, ep_ctx, sch_ep);
+	if(isTT && ep_type == USB_EP_INT && ((dev_speed == USB_SPEED_LOW) || (dev_speed == USB_SPEED_FULL))){
+		frame_interval = interval >> 3;
+		for(frame_idx=0; frame_idx<frame_interval; frame_idx++){
+			printk(KERN_ERR "check tt_intr_bw interval %d, frame_idx %d\n", frame_interval, frame_idx);
+			if(count_tt_intr_bw(frame_interval, frame_idx) == SCH_SUCCESS){
+				printk(KERN_ERR "check OK............\n");
+				bOffset = frame_idx<<3;
+				bPkts = 1;
+				bCsCount = 3;
+				bw_cost = maxp;
+				bRepeat = 0;
+				if(add_sch_ep(dev_speed, is_in, isTT, ep_type, maxp, frame_interval, burst, mult
+					, bOffset, bRepeat, bPkts, bCsCount, bBm, maxp, ep, sch_ep) == SCH_FAIL){
+					return SCH_FAIL;
+				}
+				ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if(isTT && ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC){
+		best_bw = HS_BW_BOUND;
+		best_bw_idx = -1;
+		cur_bw = 0;
+		td_size = maxp;
+		break_out = 0;
+		frame_interval = interval>>3;
+		for(frame_idx=0; frame_idx<frame_interval && !break_out; frame_idx++){
+			for(mframe_idx=0; mframe_idx<8; mframe_idx++){
+				cur_offset = (frame_idx*8) + mframe_idx;
+				cur_bw = count_tt_isoc_bw(is_in, maxp, frame_interval, cur_offset, td_size);
+				if(cur_bw > 0 && cur_bw < best_bw){
+					best_bw_idx = cur_offset;
+					best_bw = cur_bw;
+					if(cur_bw == td_size || cur_bw < (HS_BW_BOUND>>1)){
+						break_out = 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(best_bw_idx == -1){
+			return SCH_FAIL;
+		}
+		else{
+			bOffset = best_bw_idx;
+			bPkts = 1;
+			bCsCount = (maxp + (188 - 1)) / 188;
+			if(is_in){
+				cs_mframe = bOffset%8 + 2 + bCsCount;
+				if (cs_mframe <= 6)
+					bCsCount += 2;
+				else if (cs_mframe == 7)
+					bCsCount++;
+			}
+			bw_cost = 188;
+			bRepeat = 0;
+			if(add_sch_ep( dev_speed, is_in, isTT, ep_type, maxp, interval, burst, mult
+				, bOffset, bRepeat, bPkts, bCsCount, bBm, bw_cost, ep, sch_ep) == SCH_FAIL){
+				return SCH_FAIL;
+			}
+			ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+		}
+	}
+	else if((dev_speed == USB_SPEED_FULL || dev_speed == USB_SPEED_LOW) && ep_type == USB_EP_INT){
+		bPkts = 1;
+		ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	else if(dev_speed == USB_SPEED_FULL && ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC){
+		bPkts = 1;
+		ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	else if(dev_speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH && (ep_type == USB_EP_INT || ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC)){
+		best_bw = HS_BW_BOUND;
+		best_bw_idx = -1;
+		cur_bw = 0;
+		td_size = maxp*(burst+1);
+		for(cur_offset = 0; cur_offset<interval; cur_offset++){
+			cur_bw = count_hs_bw(ep_type, maxp, interval, cur_offset, td_size);
+			if(cur_bw > 0 && cur_bw < best_bw){
+				best_bw_idx = cur_offset;
+				best_bw = cur_bw;
+				if(cur_bw == td_size || cur_bw < (HS_BW_BOUND>>1)){
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(best_bw_idx == -1){
+			return SCH_FAIL;
+		}
+		else{
+			bOffset = best_bw_idx;
+			bPkts = burst + 1;
+			bCsCount = 0;
+			bw_cost = td_size;
+			bRepeat = 0;
+			if(add_sch_ep(dev_speed, is_in, isTT, ep_type, maxp, interval, burst, mult
+				, bOffset, bRepeat, bPkts, bCsCount, bBm, bw_cost, ep, sch_ep) == SCH_FAIL){
+				return SCH_FAIL;
+			}
+			ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+		}
+	}
+	else if(dev_speed == USB_SPEED_SUPER && (ep_type == USB_EP_INT || ep_type == USB_EP_ISOC)){
+		best_bw = SS_BW_BOUND;
+		best_bw_idx = -1;
+		cur_bw = 0;
+		td_size = maxp * (mult+1) * (burst+1);
+		if(mult == 0){
+			max_repeat = 0;
+		}
+		else{
+			max_repeat = (interval-1)/(mult+1);
+		}
+		break_out = 0;
+		for(frame_idx = 0; (frame_idx < interval) && !break_out; frame_idx++){
+			for(repeat = max_repeat; repeat >= 0; repeat--){
+				cur_bw = count_ss_bw(is_in, ep_type, maxp, interval, burst, mult, frame_idx
+					, repeat, td_size);
+				printk(KERN_ERR "count_ss_bw, frame_idx %d, repeat %d, td_size %d, result bw %d\n"
+					, frame_idx, repeat, td_size, cur_bw);
+				if(cur_bw > 0 && cur_bw < best_bw){
+					best_bw_idx = frame_idx;
+					best_bw_repeat = repeat;
+					best_bw = cur_bw;
+					if(cur_bw <= td_size || cur_bw < (HS_BW_BOUND>>1)){
+						break_out = 1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		printk(KERN_ERR "final best idx %d, best repeat %d\n", best_bw_idx, best_bw_repeat);
+		if(best_bw_idx == -1){
+			return SCH_FAIL;
+		}
+		else{
+			bOffset = best_bw_idx;
+			bCsCount = 0;
+			bRepeat = best_bw_repeat;
+			if(bRepeat == 0){
+				bw_cost = (burst+1)*(mult+1)*maxp;
+				bPkts = (burst+1)*(mult+1);
+			}
+			else{
+				bw_cost = (burst+1)*maxp;
+				bPkts = (burst+1);
+			}
+			if(add_sch_ep(dev_speed, is_in, isTT, ep_type, maxp, interval, burst, mult
+				, bOffset, bRepeat, bPkts, bCsCount, bBm, bw_cost, ep, sch_ep) == SCH_FAIL){
+				return SCH_FAIL;
+			}
+			ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+		}
+	}
+	else{
+		bPkts = 1;
+		ret = SCH_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	if(ret == SCH_SUCCESS){
+		temp_ep_ctx = (struct mtk_xhci_ep_ctx *)ep_ctx;
+		temp_ep_ctx->reserved[0] |= (BPKTS(bPkts) | BCSCOUNT(bCsCount) | BBM(bBm));
+		temp_ep_ctx->reserved[1] |= (BOFFSET(bOffset) | BREPEAT(bRepeat));
+		printk(KERN_DEBUG "[DBG] BPKTS: %x, BCSCOUNT: %x, BBM: %x\n", bPkts, bCsCount, bBm);
+		printk(KERN_DEBUG "[DBG] BOFFSET: %x, BREPEAT: %x\n", bOffset, bRepeat);
+		return SCH_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	else{
+		return SCH_FAIL;
+	}
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.h
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk-scheduler.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#define MTK_SCH_NEW		1
+#define SCH_SUCCESS		1
+#define SCH_FAIL		0
+#define MAX_EP_NUM		64
+#define SS_BW_BOUND		51000
+#define HS_BW_BOUND		6144
+#define USB_EP_CONTROL		0
+#define USB_EP_ISOC		1
+#define USB_EP_BULK		2
+#define USB_EP_INT		3
+#define USB_SPEED_LOW		1
+#define USB_SPEED_FULL		2
+#define USB_SPEED_HIGH		3
+#define USB_SPEED_SUPER		5
+/* mtk scheduler bitmasks */
+#define BPKTS(p)		((p) & 0x3f)
+#define BCSCOUNT(p)		(((p) & 0x7) << 8)
+#define BBM(p)			((p) << 11)
+#define BOFFSET(p)		((p) & 0x3fff)
+#define BREPEAT(p)		(((p) & 0x7fff) << 16)
+#if 1
+typedef unsigned int mtk_u32;
+typedef unsigned long long mtk_u64;
+#define NULL ((void *)0)
+struct mtk_xhci_ep_ctx {
+	mtk_u32	ep_info;
+	mtk_u32	ep_info2;
+	mtk_u64	deq;
+	mtk_u32	tx_info;
+	/* offset 0x14 - 0x1f reserved for HC internal use */
+	mtk_u32	reserved[3];
+struct sch_ep
+	//device info
+	int dev_speed;
+	int isTT;
+	//ep info
+	int is_in;
+	int ep_type;
+	int maxp;
+	int interval;
+	int burst;
+	int mult;
+	//scheduling info
+	int offset;
+	int repeat;
+	int pkts;
+	int cs_count;
+	int burst_mode;
+	//other
+	int bw_cost;	//bandwidth cost in each repeat; including overhead
+	mtk_u32 *ep;		//address of usb_endpoint pointer
+int mtk_xhci_scheduler_init(void);
+int mtk_xhci_scheduler_add_ep(int dev_speed, int is_in, int isTT, int ep_type, int maxp, int interval, int burst
+	, int mult, mtk_u32 *ep, mtk_u32 *ep_ctx, struct sch_ep *sch_ep);
+struct sch_ep * mtk_xhci_scheduler_remove_ep(int dev_speed, int is_in, int isTT, int ep_type, mtk_u32 *ep);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.c
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#include "xhci-mtk.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk-power.h"
+#include "xhci.h"
+#include "mtk-phy.h"
+#ifdef CONFIG_C60802_SUPPORT
+#include "mtk-phy-c60802.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk-scheduler.h"
+#include <linux/kernel.h>       /* printk() */
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+void setInitialReg(void )
+	__u32 __iomem *addr;
+	u32 temp;
+	/* set SSUSB DMA burst size to 128B */
+	writel(temp, addr);
+	/* extend U3 LTSSM Polling.LFPS timeout value */
+	writel(temp, addr);
+	/* EOF */
+	writel(temp, addr);
+#if defined (CONFIG_PERIODIC_ENP)
+	temp = readl(addr);
+	temp &= ~(0x3 << SCH2_FIFO_DEPTH_OFFSET);
+	writel(temp, addr);
+	/* Doorbell handling */
+	temp = 0x1;
+	writel(temp, addr);
+	/* Set SW PLL Stable mode to 1 for U2 LPM device remote wakeup */
+	/* Port 0 */
+	addr = U2_PHY_BASE + U2_PHYD_CR1;
+	temp = readl(addr);
+	temp &= ~(0x3 << 18);
+	temp |= (1 << 18);
+	writel(temp, addr);
+	/* Port 1 */
+	addr = U2_PHY_BASE_P1 + U2_PHYD_CR1;
+	temp = readl(addr);
+	temp &= ~(0x3 << 18);
+	temp |= (1 << 18);
+	writel(temp, addr);
+void setLatchSel(void){
+	__u32 __iomem *latch_sel_addr;
+	u32 latch_sel_value;
+	latch_sel_addr = U3_PIPE_LATCH_SEL_ADD;
+	latch_sel_value = ((U3_PIPE_LATCH_TX)<<2) | (U3_PIPE_LATCH_RX);
+	writel(latch_sel_value, latch_sel_addr);
+void reinitIP(void){
+	__u32 __iomem *ip_reset_addr;
+	u32 ip_reset_value;
+	enableAllClockPower();
+	mtk_xhci_scheduler_init();
+void dbg_prb_out(void){
+	mtk_probe_init(0x0f0f0f0f);
+	mtk_probe_out(0xffffffff);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x01010101);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x02020202);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x04040404);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x08080808);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x10101010);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x20202020);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x40404040);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x80808080);
+	mtk_probe_out(0x55555555);
+	mtk_probe_out(0xaaaaaaaa);
+#define RET_SUCCESS 0
+#define RET_FAIL 1
+static int dbg_u3w(int argc, char**argv)
+	int u4TimingValue;
+	char u1TimingValue;
+	int u4TimingAddress;
+	if (argc<3)
+    {
+        printk(KERN_ERR "Arg: address value\n");
+        return RET_FAIL;
+    }
+	u3phy_init();
+	u4TimingAddress = (int)simple_strtol(argv[1], &argv[1], 16);
+	u4TimingValue = (int)simple_strtol(argv[2], &argv[2], 16);
+	u1TimingValue = u4TimingValue & 0xff;
+	/* access MMIO directly */
+	writel(u1TimingValue, u4TimingAddress);
+	printk(KERN_ERR "Write done\n");
+	return RET_SUCCESS;
+static int dbg_u3r(int argc, char**argv)
+	char u1ReadTimingValue;
+	int u4TimingAddress;
+	if (argc<2)
+    {
+        printk(KERN_ERR "Arg: address\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+	u3phy_init();
+	mdelay(500);
+	u4TimingAddress = (int)simple_strtol(argv[1], &argv[1], 16);
+	/* access MMIO directly */
+	u1ReadTimingValue = readl(u4TimingAddress);
+	printk(KERN_ERR "Value = 0x%x\n", u1ReadTimingValue);
+	return 0;
+static int dbg_u3init(int argc, char**argv)
+	int ret;
+	ret = u3phy_init();
+	printk(KERN_ERR "phy registers and operations initial done\n");
+	if(u3phy_ops->u2_slew_rate_calibration){
+		u3phy_ops->u2_slew_rate_calibration(u3phy);
+	}
+	else{
+		printk(KERN_ERR "WARN: PHY doesn't implement u2 slew rate calibration function\n");
+	}
+	if(u3phy_ops->init(u3phy) == PHY_TRUE)
+		return RET_SUCCESS;
+	return RET_FAIL;
+void dbg_setU1U2(int argc, char**argv){
+	struct xhci_hcd *xhci;
+	int u1_value;
+	int u2_value;
+	u32 port_id, temp;
+	u32 __iomem *addr;
+	if (argc<3)
+    {
+        printk(KERN_ERR "Arg: u1value u2value\n");
+        return RET_FAIL;
+    }
+	u1_value = (int)simple_strtol(argv[1], &argv[1], 10);
+	u2_value = (int)simple_strtol(argv[2], &argv[2], 10);
+	addr = (SSUSB_U3_XHCI_BASE + 0x424);
+	temp = readl(addr);
+	temp = temp & (~(0x0000ffff));
+	temp = temp | u1_value | (u2_value<<8);
+	writel(temp, addr);
+int call_function(char *buf)
+	int i;
+	int argc;
+	char *argv[80];
+	argc = 0;
+	do
+	{
+		argv[argc] = strsep(&buf, " ");
+		printk(KERN_DEBUG "[%d] %s\r\n", argc, argv[argc]);
+		argc++;
+	} while (buf);
+	if (!strcmp("dbg.r", argv[0]))
+		dbg_prb_out();
+	else if (!strcmp("dbg.u3w", argv[0]))
+		dbg_u3w(argc, argv);
+	else if (!strcmp("dbg.u3r", argv[0]))
+		dbg_u3r(argc, argv);
+	else if (!strcmp("dbg.u3i", argv[0]))
+		dbg_u3init(argc, argv);
+	else if (!strcmp("pw.u1u2", argv[0]))
+		dbg_setU1U2(argc, argv);
+	return 0;
+long xhci_mtk_test_unlock_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+	char w_buf[200];
+	char r_buf[200] = "this is a test";
+	int len = 200;
+	switch (cmd) {
+		case IOCTL_READ:
+			copy_to_user((char *) arg, r_buf, len);
+			printk(KERN_DEBUG "IOCTL_READ: %s\r\n", r_buf);
+			break;
+		case IOCTL_WRITE:
+			copy_from_user(w_buf, (char *) arg, len);
+			printk(KERN_DEBUG "IOCTL_WRITE: %s\r\n", w_buf);
+			//invoke function
+			return call_function(w_buf);
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -ENOTTY;
+	}
+	return len;
+int xhci_mtk_test_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+    printk(KERN_DEBUG "xhci_mtk_test open: successful\n");
+    return 0;
+int xhci_mtk_test_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+    printk(KERN_DEBUG "xhci_mtk_test release: successful\n");
+    return 0;
+ssize_t xhci_mtk_test_read(struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ptr)
+    printk(KERN_DEBUG "xhci_mtk_test read: returning zero bytes\n");
+    return 0;
+ssize_t xhci_mtk_test_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t * ppos)
+    printk(KERN_DEBUG "xhci_mtk_test write: accepting zero bytes\n");
+    return 0;
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.h
--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-mtk.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#ifndef _XHCI_MTK_H
+#define _XHCI_MTK_H
+#include <linux/usb.h>
+#include "xhci.h"
+#define SSUSB_U3_XHCI_BASE		0xBE1C0000
+#define SSUSB_U3_MAC_BASE		0xBE1C2400
+#define SSUSB_U3_SYS_BASE		0xBE1C2600
+#define SSUSB_U2_SYS_BASE		0xBE1C3400
+#define SSUB_SIF_SLV_TOP		0xBE1D0000
+#define SIFSLV_IPPC			(SSUB_SIF_SLV_TOP + 0x700)
+#define U3_PIPE_LATCH_SEL_ADD 		SSUSB_U3_MAC_BASE + 0x130
+#define U3_PIPE_LATCH_TX		0
+#define U3_PIPE_LATCH_RX		0
+#define U3_UX_EXIT_LFPS_TIMING_PAR	0xa0
+#define U3_REF_CK_PAR			0xb0
+#define U3_RX_UX_EXIT_LFPS_REF		3
+#define	U3_REF_CK_VAL			10
+#define U3_TIMING_PULSE_CTRL		0xb4
+#define CNT_1US_VALUE			63 //62.5MHz:63, 70MHz:70, 80MHz:80, 100MHz:100, 125MHz:125
+#define USB20_TIMING_PARAMETER		0x40
+#define TIME_VALUE_1US			63 //62.5MHz:63, 80MHz:80, 100MHz:100, 125MHz:125
+#define LINK_PM_TIMER			0x8
+#define XHCI_IMOD			0x624
+#define XHCI_IMOD_MT7621_VALUE		0x10
+#define SSUSB_HDMA_CFG			0x950
+#define SSUSB_HDMA_CFG_MT7621_VALUE	0x10E0E0C
+#define U3_LTSSM_TIMING_PARAMETER3		0x2514
+#define U2_PHYD_CR1			0x64
+#define SSUSB_IP_SPAR0			0xC8
+#define SYNC_HS_EOF			0x938
+#define SYNC_HS_EOF_VALUE		0x201F3
+#define HSCH_CFG1			0x960
+#define SSUSB_IP_SW_RST			(1<<0)
+#define SSUSB_IP_PW_CTRL_1		(SIFSLV_IPPC+0x4)
+#define SSUSB_IP_PDN			(1<<0)
+#define SSUSB_U3_CTRL(p)		(SIFSLV_IPPC+0x30+(p*0x08))
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_DIS		(1<<0)
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_PDN		(1<<1)
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_HOST_SEL		(1<<2)
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_CKBG_EN		(1<<3)
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_MAC_RST		(1<<4)
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_PHYD_RST		(1<<5)
+#define SSUSB_U2_CTRL(p)		(SIFSLV_IPPC+(0x50)+(p*0x08))
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_DIS		(1<<0)
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_PDN		(1<<1)
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_HOST_SEL		(1<<2)
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_CKBG_EN		(1<<3)
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_MAC_RST		(1<<4)
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_PHYD_RST		(1<<5)
+#define SSUSB_IP_CAP			(SIFSLV_IPPC+0x024)
+#define SSUSB_U3_PORT_NUM(p)		(p & 0xff)
+#define SSUSB_U2_PORT_NUM(p)		((p>>8) & 0xff)
+#define XHCI_MTK_TEST_MAJOR		234
+#define DEVICE_NAME			"xhci_mtk_test"
+#define CLI_MAGIC			'CLI'
+#define IOCTL_READ			_IOR(CLI_MAGIC, 0, int)
+#define IOCTL_WRITE			_IOW(CLI_MAGIC, 1, int)
+void reinitIP(void);
+void setInitialReg(void);
+void dbg_prb_out(void);
+int call_function(char *buf);
+long xhci_mtk_test_unlock_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+int xhci_mtk_test_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+int xhci_mtk_test_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+ssize_t xhci_mtk_test_read(struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ptr);
+ssize_t xhci_mtk_test_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t * ppos);
+  mediatek probe out
+#define SW_PRB_OUT_ADDR		(SIFSLV_IPPC+0xc0)
+static inline void mtk_probe_init(const u32 byte){
+	__u32 __iomem *ptr = (__u32 __iomem *) PRB_MODULE_SEL_ADDR;
+	writel(byte, ptr);
+static inline void mtk_probe_out(const u32 value){
+	__u32 __iomem *ptr = (__u32 __iomem *) SW_PRB_OUT_ADDR;
+	writel(value, ptr);
+static inline u32 mtk_probe_value(void){
+	__u32 __iomem *ptr = (__u32 __iomem *) SW_PRB_OUT_ADDR;
+	return readl(ptr);
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-plat.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/xhci-plat.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-plat.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@
 	 * dev struct in order to setup MSI
 	xhci->quirks |= XHCI_PLAT;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	/* MTK host controller gives a spurious successful event after a 
+	 * short transfer. Ignore it.
+	 */
+	xhci->quirks |= XHCI_SPURIOUS_SUCCESS;
+	xhci->quirks |= XHCI_LPM_SUPPORT;
 /* called during probe() after chip reset completes */
@@ -96,20 +103,32 @@
 	driver = &xhci_plat_xhci_driver;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	irq = XHC_IRQ;
 	irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
 	if (irq < 0)
 		return -ENODEV;
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 	res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
 	if (!res)
 		return -ENODEV;
 	hcd = usb_create_hcd(driver, &pdev->dev, dev_name(&pdev->dev));
 	if (!hcd)
 		return -ENOMEM;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	hcd->rsrc_start = (uint32_t)XHC_IO_START;
+	hcd->rsrc_len = XHC_IO_LENGTH;
 	hcd->rsrc_start = res->start;
 	hcd->rsrc_len = resource_size(res);
 	if (!request_mem_region(hcd->rsrc_start, hcd->rsrc_len,
 				driver->description)) {
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.821675026 +0100
@@ -236,7 +236,6 @@
 			if (!chain && !more_trbs_coming)
 			/* If we're not dealing with 0.95 hardware or
 			 * isoc rings on AMD 0.96 host,
 			 * carry over the chain bit of the previous TRB
@@ -273,16 +272,20 @@
 static inline int room_on_ring(struct xhci_hcd *xhci, struct xhci_ring *ring,
 		unsigned int num_trbs)
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 	int num_trbs_in_deq_seg;
 	if (ring->num_trbs_free < num_trbs)
 		return 0;
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 	if (ring->type != TYPE_COMMAND && ring->type != TYPE_EVENT) {
 		num_trbs_in_deq_seg = ring->dequeue - ring->deq_seg->trbs;
 		if (ring->num_trbs_free < num_trbs + num_trbs_in_deq_seg)
 			return 0;
 	return 1;
@@ -2910,6 +2913,7 @@
 		next = ring->enqueue;
 		while (last_trb(xhci, ring, ring->enq_seg, next)) {
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 			/* If we're not dealing with 0.95 hardware or isoc rings
 			 * on AMD 0.96 host, clear the chain bit.
@@ -2919,7 +2923,9 @@
 				next->link.control &= cpu_to_le32(~TRB_CHAIN);
 				next->link.control |= cpu_to_le32(TRB_CHAIN);
+			next->link.control &= cpu_to_le32(~TRB_CHAIN);
 			next->link.control ^= cpu_to_le32(TRB_CYCLE);
@@ -3049,6 +3055,9 @@
 		start_trb->field[3] |= cpu_to_le32(start_cycle);
 		start_trb->field[3] &= cpu_to_le32(~TRB_CYCLE);
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	wmb();
 	xhci_ring_ep_doorbell(xhci, slot_id, ep_index, stream_id);
@@ -3108,6 +3117,29 @@
 		return (remainder >> 10) << 17;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+static u32 mtk_xhci_td_remainder(unsigned int td_transfer_size, unsigned int td_running_total, unsigned int maxp, unsigned trb_buffer_length)
+	u32 max = 31;
+	int remainder, td_packet_count, packet_transferred;
+	//0 for the last TRB
+	//FIXME: need to workaround if there is ZLP in this TD
+	if (td_running_total + trb_buffer_length == td_transfer_size)
+		return 0;
+	//FIXME: need to take care of high-bandwidth (MAX_ESIT)
+	packet_transferred = (td_running_total /*+ trb_buffer_length*/) / maxp;
+	td_packet_count = DIV_ROUND_UP(td_transfer_size, maxp);
+	remainder = td_packet_count - packet_transferred;
+	if (remainder > max)
+		return max << 17;
+	else
+		return remainder << 17;
  * For xHCI 1.0 host controllers, TD size is the number of max packet sized
  * packets remaining in the TD (*not* including this TRB).
@@ -3245,6 +3277,7 @@
 		/* Set the TRB length, TD size, and interrupter fields. */
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 		if (xhci->hci_version < 0x100) {
 			remainder = xhci_td_remainder(
 					urb->transfer_buffer_length -
@@ -3254,6 +3287,13 @@
 					trb_buff_len, total_packet_count, urb,
 					num_trbs - 1);
+		if (num_trbs > 1)
+			remainder = mtk_xhci_td_remainder(urb->transfer_buffer_length, 
+				running_total, urb->ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize, trb_buff_len);
 		length_field = TRB_LEN(trb_buff_len) |
 			remainder |
@@ -3316,6 +3356,9 @@
 	int running_total, trb_buff_len, ret;
 	unsigned int total_packet_count;
 	u64 addr;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	int max_packet;
 	if (urb->num_sgs)
 		return queue_bulk_sg_tx(xhci, mem_flags, urb, slot_id, ep_index);
@@ -3341,6 +3384,25 @@
 		running_total += TRB_MAX_BUFF_SIZE;
 	/* FIXME: this doesn't deal with URB_ZERO_PACKET - need one more */
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	switch(urb->dev->speed){
+			max_packet = urb->ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize;
+			break;
+		case USB_SPEED_LOW:
+		default:
+			max_packet = urb->ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize & 0x7ff;
+			break;
+	}
+	if((urb->transfer_flags & URB_ZERO_PACKET) 
+		&& ((urb->transfer_buffer_length % max_packet) == 0)){
+		num_trbs++;
+	}
 	ret = prepare_transfer(xhci, xhci->devs[slot_id],
 			ep_index, urb->stream_id,
@@ -3400,6 +3462,7 @@
 			field |= TRB_ISP;
 		/* Set the TRB length, TD size, and interrupter fields. */
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 		if (xhci->hci_version < 0x100) {
 			remainder = xhci_td_remainder(
 					urb->transfer_buffer_length -
@@ -3409,6 +3472,10 @@
 					trb_buff_len, total_packet_count, urb,
 					num_trbs - 1);
+		remainder = mtk_xhci_td_remainder(urb->transfer_buffer_length, running_total, max_packet, trb_buff_len);
 		length_field = TRB_LEN(trb_buff_len) |
 			remainder |
@@ -3498,7 +3565,11 @@
 		field |= 0x1;
 	/* xHCI 1.0 Transfer Type field */
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	if (1) {
 	if (xhci->hci_version == 0x100) {
 		if (urb->transfer_buffer_length > 0) {
 			if (setup->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN)
 				field |= TRB_TX_TYPE(TRB_DATA_IN);
@@ -3522,7 +3593,12 @@
 		field = TRB_TYPE(TRB_DATA);
 	length_field = TRB_LEN(urb->transfer_buffer_length) |
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 		xhci_td_remainder(urb->transfer_buffer_length) |
+		//CC: MTK style, no scatter-gather for control transfer
+		0 |
 	if (urb->transfer_buffer_length > 0) {
 		if (setup->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN)
@@ -3533,7 +3609,7 @@
 				field | ep_ring->cycle_state);
 	/* Save the DMA address of the last TRB in the TD */
 	td->last_trb = ep_ring->enqueue;
@@ -3645,6 +3721,9 @@
 	u64 start_addr, addr;
 	int i, j;
 	bool more_trbs_coming;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	int max_packet;
 	ep_ring = xhci->devs[slot_id]->eps[ep_index].ring;
@@ -3658,6 +3737,21 @@
 	start_trb = &ep_ring->enqueue->generic;
 	start_cycle = ep_ring->cycle_state;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	switch(urb->dev->speed){
+			max_packet = urb->ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize;
+			break;
+		case USB_SPEED_LOW:
+			max_packet = urb->ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize & 0x7ff;
+			break;
+	}
 	urb_priv = urb->hcpriv;
 	/* Queue the first TRB, even if it's zero-length */
 	for (i = 0; i < num_tds; i++) {
@@ -3729,9 +3823,13 @@
 			} else {
 				td->last_trb = ep_ring->enqueue;
 				field |= TRB_IOC;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+				if (!(xhci->quirks & XHCI_AVOID_BEI)) {
 				if (xhci->hci_version == 0x100 &&
 						!(xhci->quirks &
 							XHCI_AVOID_BEI)) {
 					/* Set BEI bit except for the last td */
 					if (i < num_tds - 1)
 						field |= TRB_BEI;
@@ -3746,6 +3844,7 @@
 				trb_buff_len = td_remain_len;
 			/* Set the TRB length, TD size, & interrupter fields. */
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 			if (xhci->hci_version < 0x100) {
 				remainder = xhci_td_remainder(
 						td_len - running_total);
@@ -3755,6 +3854,10 @@
 						total_packet_count, urb,
 						(trbs_per_td - j - 1));
+			remainder = mtk_xhci_td_remainder(urb->transfer_buffer_length, running_total, max_packet, trb_buff_len);
 			length_field = TRB_LEN(trb_buff_len) |
 				remainder |
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci.c
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/xhci.c	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci.c	2014-07-02 11:20:15.825675026 +0100
@@ -30,6 +30,16 @@
 #include "xhci.h"
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include "mtk-phy.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk-scheduler.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk-power.h"
+#include "xhci-mtk.h"
 #define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Sarah Sharp"
 #define DRIVER_DESC "'eXtensible' Host Controller (xHC) Driver"
@@ -38,6 +48,18 @@
 module_param(link_quirk, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(link_quirk, "Don't clear the chain bit on a link TRB");
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+long xhci_mtk_test_unlock_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+static struct file_operations xhci_mtk_test_fops = {
+    .owner =		THIS_MODULE,
+    .read =		xhci_mtk_test_read,
+    .write =		xhci_mtk_test_write,
+    .unlocked_ioctl =	xhci_mtk_test_unlock_ioctl,
+    .open =		xhci_mtk_test_open,
+    .release =		xhci_mtk_test_release,
 /* TODO: copied from ehci-hcd.c - can this be refactored? */
  * xhci_handshake - spin reading hc until handshake completes or fails
@@ -189,7 +211,7 @@
 	return ret;
-#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+#if defined (CONFIG_PCI) && !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 static int xhci_free_msi(struct xhci_hcd *xhci)
 	int i;
@@ -389,6 +411,7 @@
 		return ret;
 	hcd->irq = pdev->irq;
 	return 0;
@@ -430,6 +453,11 @@
 			xhci_dbg(xhci, "Attempting compliance mode recovery\n");
 			hcd = xhci->shared_hcd;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+			temp |= (1 << 31);
+			xhci_writel(xhci, temp, xhci->usb3_ports[i]);
 			if (hcd->state == HC_STATE_SUSPENDED)
@@ -478,6 +506,9 @@
 	const char *dmi_product_name, *dmi_sys_vendor;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	return true;
 	dmi_product_name = dmi_get_system_info(DMI_PRODUCT_NAME);
 	dmi_sys_vendor = dmi_get_system_info(DMI_SYS_VENDOR);
 	if (!dmi_product_name || !dmi_sys_vendor)
@@ -521,6 +552,10 @@
 	} else {
 		xhci_dbg(xhci, "xHCI doesn't need link TRB QUIRK\n");
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	mtk_xhci_scheduler_init();
 	retval = xhci_mem_init(xhci, GFP_KERNEL);
 	xhci_dbg(xhci, "Finished xhci_init\n");
@@ -664,7 +699,11 @@
 	xhci_dbg(xhci, "// Set the interrupt modulation register\n");
 	temp = xhci_readl(xhci, &xhci->ir_set->irq_control);
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	temp |= (u32) 16;
 	temp |= (u32) 160;
 	xhci_writel(xhci, temp, &xhci->ir_set->irq_control);
 	/* Set the HCD state before we enable the irqs */
@@ -685,6 +724,9 @@
 		xhci_queue_vendor_command(xhci, 0, 0, 0,
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	enableXhciAllPortPower(xhci);
 	xhci_dbg(xhci, "Finished xhci_run for USB2 roothub\n");
 	return 0;
@@ -1002,7 +1044,6 @@
 	/* If restore operation fails, re-initialize the HC during resume */
 	if ((temp & STS_SRE) || hibernated) {
 		if ((xhci->quirks & XHCI_COMP_MODE_QUIRK) &&
 				!(xhci_all_ports_seen_u0(xhci))) {
@@ -1586,6 +1627,13 @@
 	u32 drop_flag;
 	u32 new_add_flags, new_drop_flags, new_slot_info;
 	int ret;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	struct sch_ep *sch_ep = NULL;
+	int isTT;
+	int ep_type;
 	ret = xhci_check_args(hcd, udev, ep, 1, true, __func__);
 	if (ret <= 0)
@@ -1637,6 +1685,40 @@
 	xhci_endpoint_zero(xhci, xhci->devs[udev->slot_id], ep);
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	slot_ctx = xhci_get_slot_ctx(xhci, xhci->devs[udev->slot_id]->out_ctx);
+	if ((slot_ctx->tt_info & 0xff) > 0) {
+		isTT = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		isTT = 0;
+	}
+	if (usb_endpoint_xfer_int(&ep->desc)) {
+		ep_type = USB_EP_INT;
+	}
+	else if (usb_endpoint_xfer_isoc(&ep->desc)) {
+		ep_type = USB_EP_ISOC;
+	}
+	else if (usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk(&ep->desc)) {
+		ep_type = USB_EP_BULK;
+	}
+	else
+		ep_type = USB_EP_CONTROL;
+	sch_ep = mtk_xhci_scheduler_remove_ep(udev->speed, usb_endpoint_dir_in(&ep->desc)
+		, isTT, ep_type, (mtk_u32 *)ep);
+	if (sch_ep != NULL) {
+		kfree(sch_ep);
+	}
+	else {
+		xhci_dbg(xhci, "[MTK]Doesn't find ep_sch instance when removing endpoint\n");
+	}
+	mtk_xhci_scheduler_remove_ep(xhci, udev, ep);
 	xhci_dbg(xhci, "drop ep 0x%x, slot id %d, new drop flags = %#x, new add flags = %#x, new slot info = %#x\n",
 			(unsigned int) ep->desc.bEndpointAddress,
@@ -1672,6 +1754,18 @@
 	u32 new_add_flags, new_drop_flags, new_slot_info;
 	struct xhci_virt_device *virt_dev;
 	int ret = 0;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	struct xhci_ep_ctx *in_ep_ctx;
+	struct sch_ep *sch_ep;
+	int isTT;
+	int ep_type;
+	int maxp = 0;
+	int burst = 0;
+	int mult = 0;
+	int interval;
 	ret = xhci_check_args(hcd, udev, ep, 1, true, __func__);
 	if (ret <= 0) {
@@ -1734,6 +1828,56 @@
 		return -ENOMEM;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	in_ep_ctx = xhci_get_ep_ctx(xhci, in_ctx, ep_index);
+	slot_ctx = xhci_get_slot_ctx(xhci, virt_dev->out_ctx);
+	if ((slot_ctx->tt_info & 0xff) > 0) {
+		isTT = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		isTT = 0;
+	}
+	if (usb_endpoint_xfer_int(&ep->desc)) {
+		ep_type = USB_EP_INT;
+	}
+	else if (usb_endpoint_xfer_isoc(&ep->desc)) {
+		ep_type = USB_EP_ISOC;
+	}
+	else if (usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk(&ep->desc)) {
+		ep_type = USB_EP_BULK;
+	}
+	else
+		ep_type = USB_EP_CONTROL;
+	if (udev->speed == USB_SPEED_FULL || udev->speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH 
+		|| udev->speed == USB_SPEED_LOW) {
+		maxp = ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize & 0x7FF;
+		burst = ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize >> 11;
+		mult = 0;
+	}
+	else if (udev->speed == USB_SPEED_SUPER) {
+		maxp = ep->desc.wMaxPacketSize & 0x7FF;
+		burst = ep->ss_ep_comp.bMaxBurst;
+		mult = ep->ss_ep_comp.bmAttributes & 0x3;
+	}
+	interval = (1 << ((in_ep_ctx->ep_info >> 16) & 0xff));
+	sch_ep = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sch_ep), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (mtk_xhci_scheduler_add_ep(udev->speed, usb_endpoint_dir_in(&ep->desc),
+		isTT, ep_type, maxp, interval, burst, mult, (mtk_u32 *)ep
+		, (mtk_u32 *)in_ep_ctx, sch_ep) != SCH_SUCCESS) {
+		xhci_err(xhci, "[MTK] not enough bandwidth\n");
+		return -ENOSPC;
+	}
+	if (mtk_xhci_scheduler_add_ep(xhci, udev, ep, in_ep_ctx) != SCH_SUCCESS) {
+		xhci_err(xhci, "[MTK] not enough bandwidth\n");
+		return -ENOSPC;
+	}
 	ctrl_ctx->add_flags |= cpu_to_le32(added_ctxs);
 	new_add_flags = le32_to_cpu(ctrl_ctx->add_flags);
@@ -2697,7 +2841,7 @@
 	if (ctrl_ctx->add_flags == cpu_to_le32(SLOT_FLAG) &&
 			ctrl_ctx->drop_flags == 0)
 		return 0;
 	xhci_dbg(xhci, "New Input Control Context:\n");
 	slot_ctx = xhci_get_slot_ctx(xhci, virt_dev->in_ctx);
 	xhci_dbg_ctx(xhci, virt_dev->in_ctx,
@@ -4233,10 +4377,14 @@
 		u16 *timeout)
 	if (state == USB3_LPM_U1) {
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 		if (xhci->quirks & XHCI_INTEL_HOST)
 			return xhci_calculate_intel_u1_timeout(udev, desc);
 	} else {
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 		if (xhci->quirks & XHCI_INTEL_HOST)
 			return xhci_calculate_intel_u2_timeout(udev, desc);
@@ -4662,7 +4810,9 @@
 	/* Accept arbitrarily long scatter-gather lists */
 	hcd->self.sg_tablesize = ~0;
 	/* XHCI controllers don't stop the ep queue on short packets :| */
+#if !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 	hcd->self.no_stop_on_short = 1;
 	if (usb_hcd_is_primary_hcd(hcd)) {
 		xhci = kzalloc(sizeof(struct xhci_hcd), GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -4731,6 +4881,10 @@
 		goto error;
 	xhci_dbg(xhci, "Reset complete\n");
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	setInitialReg();
 	temp = xhci_readl(xhci, &xhci->cap_regs->hcc_params);
 	if (HCC_64BIT_ADDR(temp)) {
 		xhci_dbg(xhci, "Enabling 64-bit DMA addresses.\n");
@@ -4755,8 +4909,21 @@
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+static struct platform_device xhci_platform_dev = {
+	.name = "xhci-hcd",
+	.id   = -1,
+	.dev  = { 
+		.coherent_dma_mask = 0xffffffff,
+        },
 static int __init xhci_hcd_init(void)
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	struct platform_device *pPlatformDev;
 	int retval;
 	retval = xhci_register_pci();
@@ -4769,6 +4936,33 @@
 		printk(KERN_DEBUG "Problem registering platform driver.");
 		goto unreg_pci;
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+	retval = register_chrdev(XHCI_MTK_TEST_MAJOR, DEVICE_NAME, &xhci_mtk_test_fops);
+	u3phy_init();
+	if (u3phy_ops->u2_slew_rate_calibration) {
+                u3phy_ops->u2_slew_rate_calibration(u3phy);
+                u3phy_ops->u2_slew_rate_calibration(u3phy_p1);
+        }
+        else{
+                printk(KERN_ERR "WARN: PHY doesn't implement u2 slew rate calibration function\n");
+        }
+        u3phy_ops->init(u3phy);
+	reinitIP();
+	pPlatformDev = &xhci_platform_dev;
+	memset(pPlatformDev, 0, sizeof(struct platform_device));
+	pPlatformDev->name = "xhci-hcd";
+	pPlatformDev->id = -1;
+	pPlatformDev->dev.coherent_dma_mask = 0xffffffff;
+	pPlatformDev->dev.dma_mask = &pPlatformDev->dev.coherent_dma_mask;
+	retval = platform_device_register(&xhci_platform_dev);
+	if (retval < 0)
+		xhci_unregister_plat();
 	 * Check the compiler generated sizes of structures that must be laid
 	 * out in specific ways for hardware access.
@@ -4786,6 +4980,7 @@
 	BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct xhci_intr_reg) != 8*32/8);
 	/* xhci_run_regs has eight fields and embeds 128 xhci_intr_regs */
 	BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct xhci_run_regs) != (8+8*128)*32/8);
 	return 0;
Index: linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci.h
--- linux-3.10.44.orig/drivers/usb/host/xhci.h	2014-06-16 21:43:06.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-3.10.44/drivers/usb/host/xhci.h	2014-07-02 11:20:15.825675026 +0100
@@ -29,9 +29,24 @@
 #include <linux/usb/hcd.h>
 /* Code sharing between pci-quirks and xhci hcd */
-#include	"xhci-ext-caps.h"
+#include "xhci-ext-caps.h"
 #include "pci-quirks.h"
+#if defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
+#define XHC_IRQ (22 + 8)
+#define XHC_IO_START 0x1E1C0000
+#define XHC_IO_LENGTH 0x10000
+/* mtk scheduler bitmasks */
+#define BPKTS(p)	((p) & 0x3f)
+#define BCSCOUNT(p)	(((p) & 0x7) << 8)
+#define BBM(p)		((p) << 11)
+#define BOFFSET(p)	((p) & 0x3fff)
+#define BREPEAT(p)	(((p) & 0x7fff) << 16)
 /* xHCI PCI Configuration Registers */
 #define XHCI_SBRN_OFFSET	(0x60)
@@ -1536,8 +1551,12 @@
 	/* Compliance Mode Recovery Data */
 	struct timer_list	comp_mode_recovery_timer;
 	u32			port_status_u0;
 /* Compliance Mode Timer Triggered every 2 seconds */
 /* convert between an HCD pointer and the corresponding EHCI_HCD */
@@ -1703,7 +1722,7 @@
 void xhci_free_command(struct xhci_hcd *xhci,
 		struct xhci_command *command);
-#ifdef CONFIG_PCI
+#if defined (CONFIG_PCI) && !defined (CONFIG_USB_MT7621_XHCI_PLATFORM)
 /* xHCI PCI glue */
 int xhci_register_pci(void);
 void xhci_unregister_pci(void);