# # Copyright (C) 2014 OpenWrt.org # linksys_get_target_firmware() { cur_boot_part=`/usr/sbin/fw_printenv -n boot_part` target_firmware="" if [ "$cur_boot_part" = "1" ] then # current primary boot - update alt boot target_firmware="kernel2" fw_setenv boot_part 2 fw_setenv bootcmd "run altnandboot" elif [ "$cur_boot_part" = "2" ] then # current alt boot - update primary boot target_firmware="kernel1" fw_setenv boot_part 1 fw_setenv bootcmd "run nandboot" fi echo "$target_firmware" } linksys_get_root_magic() { (get_image "$@" | dd skip=786432 bs=4 count=1 | hexdump -v -n 4 -e '1/1 "%02x"') 2>/dev/null } platform_do_upgrade_linksys() { local magic_long="$(get_magic_long "$1")" mkdir -p /var/lock local part_label="$(linksys_get_target_firmware)" touch /var/lock/fw_printenv.lock if [ ! -n "$part_label" ] then echo "cannot find target partition" exit 1 fi local target_mtd=$(find_mtd_part $part_label) [ "$magic_long" = "73797375" ] && { CI_KERNPART="$part_label" if [ "$part_label" = "kernel1" ] then CI_UBIPART="rootfs1" else CI_UBIPART="rootfs2" fi nand_upgrade_tar "$1" } [ "$magic_long" = "27051956" ] && { # check firmwares' rootfs types local target_mtd=$(find_mtd_part $part_label) local oldroot="$(linksys_get_root_magic $target_mtd)" local newroot="$(linksys_get_root_magic "$1")" if [ "$newroot" = "55424923" -a "$oldroot" = "55424923" ] # we're upgrading from a firmware with UBI to one with UBI then # erase everything to be safe mtd erase $part_label get_image "$1" | mtd -n write - $part_label else get_image "$1" | mtd write - $part_label fi } }