#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin '$Bin'; use File::Temp 'tempfile'; @ARGV == 2 || do { die "Usage: $0 <host:port> <executable>\n"; exit 1; }; if( opendir SD, "$Bin/../staging_dir" ) { my ( $tid, $arch, $libc, @arches ); if( $ARGV[1] =~ m!\btarget-([^_/]+)_([^_/]+)\b! ) { print("Using target $1 ($2)\n"); ($arch, $libc) = ($1, $2); } else { # Find arches print("Choose target:\n"); while( defined( my $e = readdir SD ) ) { if( -d "$Bin/../staging_dir/$e" && $e =~ /^target-([^_]+)_([^_]+)/ ) { push @arches, [ $1, $2 ]; printf(" %2d) %s (%s)\n", @arches + 0, $1, $2); } } # Query arch do { print("Target? > "); chomp($tid = <STDIN>); } while( !defined($tid) || $tid !~ /^\d+$/ || $tid < 1 || $tid > @arches ); ($arch, $libc) = @{$arches[$tid-1]}; } closedir SD; # Find gdb my ($gdb) = glob("$Bin/../build_dir/toolchain-${arch}_*_${libc}/gdb-*/gdb/gdb"); if( -x $gdb ) { my ( $fh, $fp ) = tempfile(); # Find library paths my $libdirs = join ':', ( glob("$Bin/../build_dir/target-${arch}_${libc}/debug-*/{usr/,}lib/"), glob("$Bin/../staging_dir/target-${arch}_${libc}/{usr/,}lib"), glob("$Bin/../staging_dir/toolchain-${arch}_*_${libc}/lib") ); print $fh "set solib-search-path $libdirs\n"; print $fh "target remote $ARGV[0]\n"; system($gdb, '-x', $fp, $ARGV[1]); close($fh); unlink($fp); } else { print("No gdb found! Make sure that CONFIG_GDB is set!\n"); exit(1); } } else { print("No staging_dir found! You need to compile at least once!\n"); exit(1); }