/* * RouterBoot helper routines * * Copyright (C) 2012 Gabor Juhos <juhosg@openwrt.org> * Copyright (C) 2018 Chris Schimp <silverchris@gmail.com> * Copyright (C) 2019 Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <endian.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <lzo/lzo1x.h> #include "rle.h" #include "routerboot.h" inline uint32_t get_u32(const void *buf) { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN return *(uint32_t *)buf; #elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN const uint8_t *p = buf; return ((uint32_t) p[3] + ((uint32_t) p[2] << 8) + ((uint32_t) p[1] << 16) + ((uint32_t) p[0] << 24)); #else #error "Unknown byte order!" #endif } int routerboot_find_tag(uint8_t *buf, unsigned int buflen, uint16_t tag_id, uint8_t **tag_data, uint16_t *tag_len) { uint16_t id; uint16_t len; uint32_t magic; bool align = false; int ret; if (buflen < 4) return 1; magic = get_u32(buf); switch (magic) { case RB_MAGIC_LZOR: buf += 4; buflen -= 4; break; case RB_MAGIC_ERD: align = true; /* fall trough */ case RB_MAGIC_HARD: /* skip magic value */ buf += 4; buflen -= 4; break; case RB_MAGIC_SOFT: if (buflen < 8) return 1; /* skip magic and CRC value */ buf += 8; buflen -= 8; break; default: return 1; } ret = 1; while (buflen > 4){ uint32_t id_and_len = get_u32(buf); buf += 4; buflen -= 4; id = id_and_len & 0xFFFF; len = id_and_len >> 16; if (align) len += (4 - len % 4) % 4; if (id == RB_ID_TERMINATOR) { break; } if (buflen < len) break; if (id == tag_id) { *tag_len = len; *tag_data = buf; ret = 0; break; } buf += len; buflen -= len; } return ret; } inline int rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(uint16_t tag_id, uint8_t **tag_data, uint16_t *tag_len) { if (!rb_hardconfig || !rb_hardconfig_len) return 1; return routerboot_find_tag(rb_hardconfig, rb_hardconfig_len, tag_id, tag_data, tag_len); } const uint8_t * rb_get_board_product_code(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_BOARD_PRODUCT_CODE, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return NULL; return tag; } uint32_t rb_get_board_mac(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_MAC_ADDRESS_PACK, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return 0; return htonl(get_u32(tag)); } const uint8_t * rb_get_board_serial(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_SERIAL_NUMBER, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return NULL; return tag; } const uint8_t * rb_get_board_identifier(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_BOARD_IDENTIFIER, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return NULL; return tag; } const uint8_t * rb_get_board_name(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_BOARD_NAME, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return NULL; return tag; } const uint8_t * rb_get_factory_booter_version(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_BIOS_VERSION, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return NULL; return tag; } uint32_t rb_get_flash_info(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_FLASH_INFO, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return 0; return htonl(get_u32(tag)); } uint32_t rb_get_hw_options(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; int err; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_HW_OPTIONS, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) return 0; return htonl(get_u32(tag)); } uint8_t * __rb_get_wlan_data(void) { uint16_t tag_len; uint8_t *tag; uint16_t erd_tag_len; uint8_t *erd_tag; uint8_t *buf_lzo_in; uint8_t *buf_lzo_out; uint8_t *buf_rle_out; int err; uint32_t magic; uint32_t erd_magic; uint32_t erd_offset; size_t lzo_out_len; err = rb_find_hard_cfg_tag(RB_ID_WLAN_DATA, &tag, &tag_len); if (err) { printf("no calibration data found\n"); goto err; } buf_lzo_in = malloc(RB_ART_SIZE); if (buf_lzo_in == NULL) { printf("no memory for calibration data\n"); goto err; } buf_rle_out = malloc(RB_ART_SIZE); if (buf_rle_out == NULL) { printf("no memory for calibration data\n"); goto err_free_lzo_out; } buf_lzo_out = malloc(RB_ART_SIZE); if (buf_lzo_out == NULL) { printf("no memory for calibration data\n"); goto err_free_lzo_in; } magic = get_u32(tag); if (magic == RB_MAGIC_LZOR) { tag += 4; tag_len -= 4; if (tag_len + sizeof(lzo_prefix) > RB_ART_SIZE) { printf("Calibration data too large\n"); goto err_free_lzo_in; } printf("Copying fixed LZO prefix (size: %d)\n", sizeof(lzo_prefix)); memcpy(buf_lzo_in, lzo_prefix, sizeof(lzo_prefix)); printf("Copying input data (size: %d)\n", tag_len); memcpy(buf_lzo_in + sizeof(lzo_prefix), tag, tag_len); printf("Decompressing with LZO\n"); lzo_out_len = RB_ART_SIZE; err = lzo1x_decompress_safe(buf_lzo_in, tag_len + sizeof(lzo_prefix), buf_lzo_out, &lzo_out_len, NULL); /* For some reason, I get this "input not consumed" error * even though the output is correct, so ignore it. */ if (err && err != LZO_E_INPUT_NOT_CONSUMED) { printf("unable to decompress calibration data: %d\n", err); goto err_free_lzo_out; } printf("Looking for ERD data in decompressed output\n"); erd_magic = 0; for (erd_offset = 0; erd_offset < lzo_out_len; erd_offset++) { erd_magic = get_u32(buf_lzo_out + erd_offset); if (erd_magic == RB_MAGIC_ERD) break; } if (erd_magic != RB_MAGIC_ERD) { printf("no ERD data found\n"); goto err_free_lzo_out; } printf("Found ERD magic at offset %d\n", erd_offset); err = routerboot_find_tag(buf_lzo_out + erd_offset, lzo_out_len - erd_offset, 0x1, &erd_tag, &erd_tag_len); if (err) { printf("No ERD chunk found\n"); goto err_free_lzo_out; } printf("Decompress ERD data with RLE\n"); err = rle_decode(erd_tag, erd_tag_len, buf_rle_out, RB_ART_SIZE, NULL, NULL); if (err) { printf("unable to decode ERD data\n"); goto err_free_rle_out; } } /* Older ath79-based boards directly show the RB_MAGIC_ERD bytes followed by the LZO-compressed calibration data with no RLE */ else if (magic == RB_MAGIC_ERD) { if (tag_len > RB_ART_SIZE) { printf("Calibration data too large\n"); goto err_free_lzo_in; } err = routerboot_find_tag(tag, tag_len, 0x1, &buf_lzo_in, &erd_tag_len); if (err) { printf("No ERD chunk found\n"); goto err_free_lzo_out; } printf("Decompressing with LZO\n"); lzo_out_len = RB_ART_SIZE; err = lzo1x_decompress_safe(buf_lzo_in, tag_len, buf_lzo_out, &lzo_out_len, NULL); /* For some reason, I get this "input not consumed" error * even though the output is correct, so ignore it. */ if (err && err != LZO_E_INPUT_NOT_CONSUMED) { printf("unable to decompress calibration data: %d\n", err); goto err_free_lzo_out; } buf_rle_out = buf_lzo_out; } /* Even older ath79-base boards directly have RLE-encoded calibration data, without any LZO compresion nor showing RB_MAGIC_ERD bytes */ else { printf("Decode calibration data with RLE\n"); err = rle_decode(tag, tag_len, buf_rle_out, RB_ART_SIZE, NULL, NULL); if (err) { printf("unable to decode ERD data\n"); goto err_free_rle_out; } } return buf_rle_out; err_free_rle_out: free(buf_rle_out); err_free_lzo_out: free(buf_lzo_out); err_free_lzo_in: free(buf_lzo_in); err: return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *infile; FILE *outfile; uint8_t *buf; uint32_t magic; uint32_t i; if(argc < 2){ printf("Not enough arguments\n"); printf("Use -h for help\n"); exit(1); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0){ printf("This program can extract various data from MikroTik devices hard_config partition\n"); printf("Usage: rbextract <options> <hard_config_location> <output_file> (Optional)\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("-a Prints all possible info\n"); printf("-n Prints board name\n"); printf("-p Prints board product code\n"); printf("-i Prints board identifier\n"); printf("-s Prints board serial number\n"); printf("-m Prints board MAC\n"); printf("-o Prints board HW options\n"); printf("-r Prints board RouterBoot factory version\n"); printf("-f Prints board flash identifier\n"); printf("-e Extract board radio calibration\n"); printf("hard_config_location: Path to hard_config partiton\n"); printf("output_file: Path to where caldata will be output\n"); } else { infile = fopen(argv[2], "r"); if(infile == NULL){ printf("Cant open given path\n"); return 1; } fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_END); rb_hardconfig_len = ftell(infile); fseek(infile, 0L, SEEK_SET); rb_hardconfig = (uint8_t*)calloc(rb_hardconfig_len, sizeof(uint8_t)); if(rb_hardconfig == NULL) return 1; fread(rb_hardconfig, sizeof(uint8_t), rb_hardconfig_len, infile); fclose(infile); magic = get_u32(rb_hardconfig); if(magic != RB_MAGIC_HARD){ printf("Routerboot Hard Config not found\n"); exit(1); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "-a") == 0){ printf("Board name: %s\n", rb_get_board_name()); printf("Board product code: %s\n", rb_get_board_product_code()); printf("Board identifier: %s\n", rb_get_board_identifier()); printf("Board serial: %s\n", rb_get_board_serial()); printf("Board MAC: %X\n", rb_get_board_mac()); printf("HW Options %x\n", rb_get_hw_options()); printf("Factory RouterBoot version: %s\n", rb_get_factory_booter_version()); printf("Flash identifier: %x\n", rb_get_flash_info()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-n") == 0){ printf("%s\n", rb_get_board_name()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-p") == 0){ printf("%s\n", rb_get_board_product_code()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-i") == 0){ printf("%s\n", rb_get_board_identifier()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0){ printf("%s\n", rb_get_board_serial()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-m") == 0){ printf("%x\n", rb_get_board_mac()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-o") == 0){ printf("%x\n", rb_get_hw_options()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0){ printf("%s\n", rb_get_factory_booter_version()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0){ printf("%x\n", rb_get_flash_info()); } else if(strcmp(argv[1], "-e") == 0){ buf = __rb_get_wlan_data(); if (buf == NULL) { printf("Could not extract calibration data\n"); return 1; } if(argv[3] == NULL){ printf("Missing output file argument\n"); return 1; } outfile = fopen(argv[3], "wb"); if(outfile == NULL){ printf("Cant open given path\n"); return 1; } /* Write 65536 bytes of caldata */ for(i = 0; i<RB_ART_SIZE; i++){ fwrite(&buf[i], sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(uint8_t), outfile); } fclose(outfile); } } exit(0); }