 * swlib.h: Switch configuration API (user space part)
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Felix Fietkau <nbd@openwrt.org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

Usage of the library functions:

  The main datastructure for a switch is the struct switch_device
  To get started, you first need to use switch_connect() to probe
  for switches and allocate an instance of this struct.

  There are two possible usage modes:
    dev = switch_connect("eth0");
      - this call will look for a switch registered for the linux device
  	  "eth0" and only allocate a switch_device for this particular switch.

    dev = switch_connect(NULL)
      - this will return one switch_device struct for each available
  	  switch. The switch_device structs are chained with by ->next pointer

  Then to query a switch for all available attributes, use:

  All allocated datastructures for the switch_device struct can be freed with

  The latter traverses a whole chain of switch_device structs and frees them all

  Switch attributes (struct switch_attr) are divided into three groups:
      - global settings
      - per-port settings
      - per-vlan settings

  switch_lookup_attr() is a small helper function to locate attributes
  by name.

  switch_set_attr() and switch_get_attr() can alter or request the values
  of attributes.

Usage of the switch_attr struct:

  ->atype: attribute group, one of:

  ->id: identifier for the attribute

  ->type: data type, one of:

  ->name: short name of the attribute
  ->description: longer description
  ->next: pointer to the next attribute of the current group

Usage of the switch_val struct:

  When setting attributes, following members of the struct switch_val need
  to be set up:

    ->len (for attr->type == SWITCH_TYPE_PORT)
      - port number (for attr->atype == SWLIB_ATTR_GROUP_PORT), or:
      - vlan number (for attr->atype == SWLIB_ATTR_GROUP_VLAN)
    ->value.i (for attr->type == SWITCH_TYPE_INT)
    ->value.s (for attr->type == SWITCH_TYPE_STRING)
      - owned by the caller, not stored in the library internally
    ->value.ports (for attr->type == SWITCH_TYPE_PORT)
      - must point to an array of at lest val->len * sizeof(struct switch_port)

  When getting string attributes, val->value.s must be freed by the caller
  When getting port list attributes, an internal static buffer is used,
  which changes from call to call.


#ifndef __SWLIB_H
#define __SWLIB_H

enum swlib_attr_group {

enum swlib_port_flags {

struct switch_dev;
struct switch_attr;
struct switch_port;
struct switch_val;

struct switch_dev {
	int id;
	const char *name;
	const char *dev_name;
	int ports;
	int vlans;
	struct switch_attr *ops;
	struct switch_attr *port_ops;
	struct switch_attr *vlan_ops;
	struct switch_dev *next;
	void *priv;

struct switch_val {
	struct switch_attr *attr;
	int len;
	int err;
	int port_vlan;
	union {
		const char *s;
		int i;
		struct switch_port *ports;
	} value;

struct switch_attr {
	struct switch_dev *dev;
	int atype;
	int id;
	int type;
	const char *name;
	const char *description;
	struct switch_attr *next;

struct switch_port {
	unsigned int id;
	unsigned int flags;

 * swlib_connect: connect to the switch through netlink
 * @name: name of the ethernet interface,
 * if name is NULL, it connect and builds a chain of all switches
struct switch_dev *swlib_connect(const char *name);

 * swlib_free: free all dynamically allocated data for the switch connection
 * @dev: switch device struct
 * all members of a switch device chain (generated by swlib_connect(NULL))
 * must be freed individually
void swlib_free(struct switch_dev *dev);

 * swlib_free_all: run swlib_free on all devices in the chain
 * @dev: switch device struct
void swlib_free_all(struct switch_dev *dev);

 * swlib_scan: probe the switch driver for available commands/attributes
 * @dev: switch device struct
int swlib_scan(struct switch_dev *dev);

 * swlib_lookup_attr: look up a switch attribute
 * @dev: switch device struct
 * @type: global, port or vlan
 * @name: name of the attribute
struct switch_attr *swlib_lookup_attr(struct switch_dev *dev,
		enum swlib_attr_group atype, const char *name);

 * swlib_set_attr: set the value for an attribute
 * @dev: switch device struct
 * @attr: switch attribute struct
 * @val: attribute value pointer
 * returns 0 on success
int swlib_set_attr(struct switch_dev *dev, struct switch_attr *attr,
		struct switch_val *val);

 * swlib_get_attr: get the value for an attribute
 * @dev: switch device struct
 * @attr: switch attribute struct
 * @val: attribute value pointer
 * returns 0 on success
 * for string attributes, the result string must be freed by the caller
int swlib_get_attr(struct switch_dev *dev, struct switch_attr *attr,
		struct switch_val *val);
