--- a/compat/scripts/gen-compat-config.sh
+++ b/compat/scripts/gen-compat-config.sh
@@ -62,16 +62,3 @@ fi
 if [[ ${CONFIG_COMPAT_KERNEL_2_6_36} = "y" ]]; then
 	echo "export CONFIG_COMPAT_KFIFO=y"
-if [[ ${CONFIG_COMPAT_KERNEL_3_5} = "y" ]]; then
-	# We don't have 2.6.24 backport support yet for Codel / FQ CoDel
-	# For those who want to try this is what is required that I can tell
-	# so far:
-	#  * struct Qdisc_ops
-	#	- init and change callback ops use a different argument dataype
-	# 	- you need to parse data received from userspace differently
-	if [[ ${CONFIG_COMPAT_KERNEL_2_6_25} != "y" ]]; then
-		echo "export CONFIG_COMPAT_NET_SCH_CODEL=m"
-	fi