diff -urN orig/heyu-2.0beta.2/Makefile heyu-2.0beta.2/Makefile
--- orig/heyu-2.0beta.2/Makefile	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ heyu-2.0beta.2/Makefile	2006-01-07 01:53:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Makefile for HEYU, a program to control an X10 CM11A computer interface.
+# This makefile is generated by the Configure program.
+BIN = /usr/bin
+MAN = /usr/man/man1
+MAN5 = /usr/man/man5
+GROUP = sys
+OWNER = root
+#       set DFLAGS equal to:
+#          -DSYSV       if using SYSTEM V
+#          -DVOID       if compiler doesn't understand 'void'
+#This makefile is built for linux
+LIBS = -lm -lc
+# # The rest of the makefile should need no changes
+## Makefile template for Heyu, a program to control an X10 CM11A computer
+## interface.  From this point on the Makefile is copied from Makefile.in
+## by the Configure program
+SRCS =	date.c erase.c info.c  message.c relay.c \
+	monitor.c reset.c setclock.c stop.c \
+	tty.c turn.c x10.c xread.c xwrite.c status.c cm11a.c \
+	eeprom.c preset.c process.c sun.c cmd.c config.c x10state.c \
+	poll.c modules.c cm17a.c xsync.c timing.c
+OBJS =	date.o erase.o info.o message.o relay.o \
+	monitor.o reset.o setclock.o stop.o \
+	tty.o turn.o x10.o xread.o xwrite.o status.o cm11a.o \
+	eeprom.o preset.o process.o sun.o cmd.o config.o x10state.o \
+	poll.o modules.o cm17a.o xsync.o timing.o
+OTHERSRC = README README2 Makefile x10config.sample protocol.txt eeprom.h \
+	x10.sched.sample  heyu.1 x10.h x10config.5 x10cm17a.5 \
+	history.txt version.h heyufaq.txt x10sched.5 process.h sun.h \
+	x10scripts.5 Configure Makefile.in install.sh INSTALL LICENSE
+all:	heyu 
+heyu:	$(OBJS) version.h
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o heyu $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+	@echo `id` >usergroup.tmp
+	@echo ${HOME}  >userhome.tmp
+	@echo "** Now become root and run 'make install' **"
+$(OBJS): x10.h process.h sun.h
+eeprom.o:	eeprom.h
+install: $(BIN)/heyu  $(MAN)/heyu.1 $(MAN5)/x10config.5 $(MAN5)/x10sched.5 \
+	$(MAN5)/x10scripts.5
+	rm -f $(BIN)/heyu
+	rm -f $(MAN)/heyu.1
+	rm -f $(MAN5)/x10config.5
+	rm -f $(MAN5)/x10sched.5
+	rm -f $(MAN5)/x10scripts.5
+$(BIN)/heyu:	heyu
+	mkdir -p -m 755 $(BIN)
+	cp heyu $(BIN)
+	chgrp $(GROUP) $(BIN)/heyu
+	chmod 755 $(BIN)/heyu
+	chown $(OWNER) $(BIN)/heyu
+	./install.sh
+$(MAN)/heyu.1: heyu.1
+	mkdir -p -m 755 $(MAN)
+	cp heyu.1 $(MAN)
+	chmod 644 $(MAN)/heyu.1
+$(MAN5)/x10config.5: x10config.5
+	mkdir -p -m 755 $(MAN5)
+	cp x10config.5 $(MAN5)
+	chmod 644 $(MAN5)/x10config.5
+$(MAN5)/x10sched.5: x10sched.5
+	mkdir -p -m 755 $(MAN5)
+	cp x10sched.5 $(MAN5)
+	chmod 644 $(MAN5)/x10sched.5
+$(MAN5)/x10scripts.5: x10scripts.5
+	mkdir -p -m 755 $(MAN5)
+	cp x10scripts.5 $(MAN5)
+	chmod 644 $(MAN5)/x10scripts.5
+	lint $(DFLAGS) $(SRCS)
+shar:	x10_heyu.shar.1 x10_heyu.shar.2
+x10.o:	x10.c version.h
+ci:	$(SRCS) index.html Makefile
+	@ for FL in $+ ; do \
+	if test -w $$FL ; then \
+        ci -l $$FL ;\
+	fi ;\
+	done
+	shar $(OTHERSRC) >x10_heyu.shar.1
+	shar $(SRCS) > x10_heyu.shar.2
+	shar $(EVERYTHING) > x10_heyu.shar
+tar:    x10_heyu.tgz
+x10_heyu.tgz:	$(EVERYTHING)
+	rm -fr heyu.dir
+	mkdir heyu.dir
+	cp -p $(EVERYTHING) heyu.dir
+	cp Makefile.dist heyu.dir/Makefile
+	tar -czvf x10_heyu.tgz heyu.dir
+heyudistro:	$(EVERYTHING)
+	rm -rf distro.dir
+	mkdir distro.dir
+	cp -p $(EVERYTHING) distro.dir
+	cp -p release_notes.txt distro.dir
+	rm distro.dir/Makefile
+beta:	x10_beta.tgz
+x10_beta.tgz: $(EVERYTHING)
+	rm -fr heyu.beta
+	mkdir heyu.beta
+	cp -p $(EVERYTHING) heyu.beta
+	cp Makefile.dist heyu.dir/Makefile
+	tar -czvf x10_beta.tgz heyu.beta
+zip:	x10_heyu.zip
+x10_heyu.zip:	$(EVERYTHING)
+	rm -f x10_heyu.zip
+	zip -kl x10_heyu.zip $(EVERYTHING)
+	touch $(OTHERSRC)
+	touch $(SRCS)
+	rm -f *.o
+clobber: clean
+	rm -f heyu
+upload:	heyu index.html x10_heyu.tgz x10_heyu.zip
+	/bin/sh -c ./upload.sh
+	@-for x in `$(MAKE) rw`	;\
+	do	\
+		echo 		;\
+		echo $$x	;\
+		echo =========	;\
+		rcsdiff $$x	;\
+	done 2>&1		;\
+	echo			;\
+	echo all done
+	@ls $(EVERYTHING) | more
+	@ls -l $(EVERYTHING) | \
+		egrep '^[^l].w' | \
+		sed 's;.* ;;'   # strip to last space
+populate: $(EVERYTHING)
+##	co -r$(revision) $@
diff -urN orig/heyu-2.0beta.2/local.h heyu-2.0beta.2/local.h
--- orig/heyu-2.0beta.2/local.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ heyu-2.0beta.2/local.h	2006-01-07 01:54:13.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#define USESIGINT 1'
+#define SPOOLDIR "/tmp"
+#define LOCKDIR "/tmp"