From 1da5479d59b39d7931a2b0efabdfa314f6788b6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luka Perkov <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 23:34:00 +0100
Subject: tools: add some helper tools for Lantiq SoCs

Signed-off-by: Luka Perkov Luka Perkov <>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Schwierzeck <>

--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#use strict;
+#use Cwd;
+#use Env;
+my $aline;
+my $lineid;
+my $length;
+my $address;
+my @bytes;
+my $addstr;
+my $chsum=0;
+my $count=0;
+my $firstime=1;
+my $i;
+my $currentaddr;
+my $tmp;
+my $holder="";
+my $loadaddr;
+if(@ARGV < 2){
+	die("\n Syntax: perl uart_ddr_settings.conf u-boot.srec u-boot.asc\n");
+open(IN_UART_DDR_SETTINGS, "<$ARGV[0]") || die("failed to open uart_ddr_settings.conf\n");
+open(IN_UART_SREC, "<$ARGV[1]") || die("failed to open u-boot.srec\n");
+open(OUT_UBOOT_ASC, ">$ARGV[2]") || die("failed to open u-boot.asc\n");
+while ($line = <IN_UART_DDR_SETTINGS>){
+	if($line=~/\w/){
+		if($line!~/[;#\*]/){
+			if($i eq 0){
+				printf OUT_UBOOT_ASC ("33333333");
+			}
+			chomp($line);
+			$line=~s/\t//;
+			@array=split(/ +/,$line);
+			$j=0;
+			while(@array[$j]!~/\w/){
+				$j=$j+1;
+			}
+			$addr=@array[$j];
+			$regval=@array[$j+1];
+			$addr=~s/0x//;
+			$regval=~s/0x//;
+			printf OUT_UBOOT_ASC ("%08x%08x",hex($addr),hex($regval));
+			$i=$i+1;
+			if($i eq 8){
+				$i=0;
+				printf OUT_UBOOT_ASC ("\n");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+while($i lt 8 && $i gt 0){
+	printf OUT_UBOOT_ASC "00"x8;
+	$i=$i+1;
+if($i eq 8){
+	printf OUT_UBOOT_ASC ("\n");
+	$aline=uc($aline);
+	chomp($aline);
+	next if(($aline=~/^S0/) || ($aline=~/^S7/));
+	($lineid, $length, $address, @bytes) = unpack"A2A2A8"."A2"x300, $aline;
+	$length = hex($length);
+	$address = hex($address);
+	$length -=5;
+	$i=0;
+	while($length>0){
+		if($firstime==1){
+			$addstr = sprintf("%x", $address);
+			$addstr = "0"x(8-length($addstr)).$addstr;
+			print OUT_UBOOT_ASC $addstr;
+			addchsum($addstr);
+			$firstime=0;
+			$currentaddr=$address;
+			$loadaddr = $addstr;
+		}
+		else{
+			if($count==64){
+				$addstr = sprintf("%x", $currentaddr);
+				$addstr = "0"x(8-length($addstr)).$addstr;
+				print OUT_UBOOT_ASC $addstr;
+				addchsum($addstr);
+				$count=0;
+			}
+#printf("*** %x != %x\n", $address, $currentaddr) if $address != $currentaddr;
+		}
+		if($currentaddr < $address) {
+			print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "00";
+			addchsum("00");
+			$count++;
+			$currentaddr++;
+		}
+		else {
+			while($count<64){
+				$bytes[$i]=~tr/ABCDEF/abcdef/;
+				print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "$bytes[$i]";
+				addchsum($bytes[$i]);
+				$i++;
+				$count++;
+				$currentaddr++;
+				$length--;
+				last if($length==0);
+			}
+		}
+		if($count==64){
+			print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "\n";
+		}
+	}
+if($count != 64){
+	$tmp = "00";
+	for($i=0;$i<(64-$count);$i++){
+		print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "00";
+		addchsum($tmp);
+	}
+	print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "\n";
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "11"x4;
+use integer;
+$chsum=$chsum & 0xffffffff;
+$chsum = sprintf("%X", $chsum);
+$chsum = "0"x(8-length($chsum)).$chsum;
+$chsum =~tr/ABCDEF/abcdef/;
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC $chsum;
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "00"x60;
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "\n";
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "99"x4;
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC $loadaddr;
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "00"x60;
+print OUT_UBOOT_ASC "\n";
+sub addchsum{
+	my $cc=$_[0];
+	$holder=$holder.$cc;
+	if(length($holder)==8){
+		$holder = hex($holder);
+		$chsum+=$holder;
+		$holder="";
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lantiq_bdi_conf.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Luka Perkov <>
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Schwierzeck <>
+# Usage:
+#  awk -f lantiq_bdi_conf.awk -v soc=ar9 board=<name> PATH_TO_BOARD/ddr_settings.h
+# Additional information:
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+function print_header()
+	print ";                                                                         "
+	print "; Copyright (C) 2013 Luka Perkov <>                       "
+	print "; Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Schwierzeck <>    "
+	print ";                                                                         "
+	print "; This file has been generated with lantiq_bdi_conf.awk script.           "
+	print ";                                                                         "
+	print "; SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+                                 "
+	print ";                                                                         "
+	print ""
+function init_ar9_prologue()
+	print "WM32 0xBF103010 0x80		; CGU for CPU 333Mhz, DDR 167Mhz"
+	print "WM32 0xBF103014 0x01		; CGU update"
+	print "WM32 0xBF800010 0x0		; Clear error access log register"
+	print "WM32 0xBF800020 0x0		; Clear error access log register"
+	print "WM32 0xBF800060 0xD		; Enable FPI, DDR and SRAM module in memory controller"
+	print "WM32 0xBF801030 0x0		; Clear start bit of DDR memory controller"
+function init_ar9_epilogue()
+	print "WM32 0xBE105360 0x4001D7FF	; EBU setup"
+function init_ddr1_epilogue()
+	print "WM32 0xBF801030 0x100		; Set start bit of DDR memory controller"
+function ar9_target()
+	print "CPUTYPE		M34K"
+	print "ENDIAN		BIG"
+	print "JTAGCLOCK	1"
+	print "RESET		JTAG		; [ NONE, JTAG, HARD ]"
+	print "POWERUP		100"
+	print "WAKEUP		100"
+	print "BREAKMODE	HARD		; [ SOFT, HARD ]"
+	print  "STEPMODE	SWBP		; [ JTAG, HWBP, SWBP ]"
+	print "VECTOR		CATCH"
+	print  "SCANSUCC	1 5"
+function flash_p2601hnfx()
+	print "CHIPSIZE	0x1000000"
+	print "BUSWIDTH	16"
+	switch (soc) {
+	case "ar9":
+		reg_base = 0xbf801000
+		print_header()
+		print "[INIT]"
+		init_ar9_prologue()
+		break
+	default:
+		print "Invalid or no value for SoC specified!"
+		exit 1
+	}
+/^#define/ {
+	/* DC03 contains MC enable bit and must not be set here */
+	if (tolower($2) != "mc_dc03_value")
+		printf("WM32 0x%x %s\n", reg_base, tolower($3))
+	reg_base += 0x10
+END {
+	switch (soc) {
+	case "ar9":
+		init_ddr1_epilogue()
+		init_ar9_epilogue()
+		print ""
+		print "[TARGET]"
+		ar9_target()
+		print ""
+		print "[HOST]"
+		print "PROMPT		\"ar9> \""
+		print ""
+		break
+	default:
+	}
+	switch (board) {
+	case "p2601hnfx":
+		print "[FLASH]"
+		flash_p2601hnfx()
+		print ""
+		break
+	default:
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lantiq_ram_extract_magic.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Luka Perkov <>
+# Usage:
+# mips-openwrt-linux-objdump -EB -b binary -m mips:isa32r2 -D YOUR_IMAGE_DUMP | awk -f lantiq_ram_extract_magic.awk
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+	print "/*                                                                            "
+	print " * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Luka Perkov <>                     "
+	print " *                                                                            "
+	print " * This file has been generated with lantiq_ram_extract_magic.awk script.     "
+	print " *                                                                            "
+	print " * SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+                                     "
+	print " */                                                                           "
+	print ""
+	mc_dc_value=0
+	mc_dc_number=0
+	right_section=0
+	mc_dc_value_print=0
+	mc_dc_number_print=0
+/t2,[0-9]+$/ {
+	if (right_section) {
+		split($4, tmp, ",")
+		mc_dc_value=sprintf("%X", tmp[2])
+		mc_dc_value_print=1
+	}
+/t2,0x[0-9a-f]+$/ {
+	if (right_section) {
+		split($4, tmp, ",0x")
+		mc_dc_value=sprintf("%s", tmp[2])
+		mc_dc_value=toupper(mc_dc_value)
+		mc_dc_value_print=1
+	}
+/t2,[0-9]+\(t1\)$/ {
+	if (right_section) {
+		split($4, tmp, ",")
+		split(tmp[2], tmp, "(")
+		mc_dc_number=tmp[1]/16
+		mc_dc_number_print=1
+	}
+	if (right_section && mc_dc_number_print && mc_dc_value_print) {
+		if (mc_dc_number < 10)
+			print "#define MC_DC0" mc_dc_number "_VALUE\t0x" mc_dc_value
+		else
+			print "#define MC_DC" mc_dc_number "_VALUE\t0x" mc_dc_value
+		mc_dc_value_print=0
+		mc_dc_number_print=0
+	}
+	if ($4 == "t1,t1,0x1000")
+		right_section=1
+	if ($4 == "t2,736(t1)")
+		right_section=0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lantiq_ram_init_uart.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Luka Perkov <>
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Schwierzeck <>
+# Usage:
+# awk -f lantiq_ram_init_uart.awk -v soc=<danube|ar9|vr9> PATH_TO_BOARD/ddr_settings.h
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+function print_header()
+	print ";                                                                            "
+	print "; Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Luka Perkov <>                     "
+	print "; Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Daniel Schwierzeck <>  "
+	print ";                                                                            "
+	print "; This file has been generated with lantiq_ram_init_uart.awk script.         "
+	print ";                                                                            "
+	print "; SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+                                    "
+	print ""
+function mc_danube_prologue()
+	/* Clear access error log registers */
+	print "0xbf800010", "0x0"
+	print "0xbf800020", "0x0"
+	/* Enable DDR and SRAM module in memory controller */
+	print "0xbf800060", "0x5"
+	/* Clear start bit of DDR memory controller */
+	print "0xbf801030", "0x0"
+function mc_ar9_prologue()
+	/* Clear access error log registers */
+	print "0xbf800010", "0x0"
+	print "0xbf800020", "0x0"
+	/* Enable FPI, DDR and SRAM module in memory controller */
+	print "0xbf800060", "0xD"
+	/* Clear start bit of DDR memory controller */
+	print "0xbf801030", "0x0"
+function mc_ddr1_epilogue()
+	/* Set start bit of DDR memory controller */
+	print "0xbf801030", "0x100"
+function mc_ddr2_prologue()
+	/* Put memory controller in inactive mode */
+	print "0xbf401070", "0x0"
+function mc_ddr2_epilogue(mc_ccr07_value)
+	/* Put memory controller in active mode */
+	mc_ccr07_value = or(mc_ccr07_value, 0x100)
+	printf("0xbf401070 0x%x\n", mc_ccr07_value)
+	switch (soc) {
+	case "danube":
+		reg_base = 0xbf801000
+		print_header()
+		mc_danube_prologue()
+		break
+	case "ar9":
+		reg_base = 0xbf801000
+		print_header()
+		mc_ar9_prologue()
+		break
+	case "vr9":
+		reg_base = 0xbf401000
+		print_header()
+		mc_ddr2_prologue()
+		break
+	default:
+		print "Invalid or no value for soc specified!"
+		exit 1
+	}
+	mc_ccr07_value = 0
+/^#define/ {
+	/* CCR07 contains MC enable bit and must not be set here */
+	if (tolower($2) == "mc_ccr07_value")
+		mc_ccr07_value = strtonum($3)
+	if (tolower($2) == "mc_dc03_value")
+		/* CCR07 contains MC enable bit and must not be set here */
+	else
+		printf("0x%x %s\n", reg_base, tolower($3))
+	reg_base += 0x10
+END {
+	switch (soc) {
+	case "danube":
+	case "ar9":
+		mc_ddr1_epilogue()
+		break
+	case "vr9":
+		mc_ddr2_epilogue(mc_ccr07_value)
+		break
+	default:
+	}