. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh __network_set_cache() { if [ -n "$3" ]; then eval "export -- __NETWORK_CV_$1='$3'" __NETWORK_CACHE="${__NETWORK_CACHE:+$__NETWORK_CACHE }__NETWORK_CV_$1" elif json_get_var "__NETWORK_CV_$1" "$2"; then __NETWORK_CACHE="${__NETWORK_CACHE:+$__NETWORK_CACHE }__NETWORK_CV_$1" fi } __network_export() { local __v="__NETWORK_CV_$2" eval "export -- \"$1=\${$__v:+\${$__v$4}$3}\"; [ -n \"\${$__v+x}\" ]" } __network_parse_ifstatus() { local __iface="$1" local __key="${__iface}" local __tmp local __idx local __list local __old_ns case "$__iface" in *[^a-zA-Z0-9_]*) return 1 ;; esac __network_export __tmp "${__key}__parsed" && return 0 __tmp="$(ubus call network.interface."$__iface" status 2>/dev/null)" [ -n "$__tmp" ] || return 1 json_set_namespace "network" __old_ns json_load "$__tmp" __network_set_cache "${__key}__parsed" "" "1" for __tmp in "" "_inactive"; do __key="${__key}${__tmp}" # parse addresses local __family for __family in 4 6; do __list="" if json_is_a "ipv${__family}_address" array; then json_select "ipv${__family}_address" __idx=1 while json_is_a "$__idx" object; do json_select "$((__idx++))" json_get_var __tmp "address" && __list="${__list:+$__list }$__tmp" json_get_var __tmp "mask" && __list="${__list:+$__list/}$__tmp" json_select ".." done json_select ".." fi if json_is_a "ipv${__family}_prefix_assignment" array; then json_select "ipv${__family}_prefix_assignment" __idx=1 while json_is_a "$__idx" object; do json_select "$((__idx++))" json_get_var __tmp "address" && __list="${__list:+$__list }${__tmp}1" json_get_var __tmp "mask" && __list="${__list:+$__list/}$__tmp" json_select ".." done json_select ".." fi if [ -n "$__list" ]; then __network_set_cache "${__key}_address${__family}" "" "$__list" fi done # parse prefixes if json_is_a "ipv6_prefix" array; then json_select "ipv6_prefix" __idx=1 __list="" while json_is_a "$__idx" object; do json_select "$((__idx++))" json_get_var __tmp "address" && __list="${__list:+$__list }$__tmp" json_get_var __tmp "mask" && __list="${__list:+$__list/}$__tmp" json_select ".." done json_select ".." if [ -n "$__list" ]; then __network_set_cache "${__key}_prefix6" "" "$__list" fi fi # parse routes if json_is_a route array; then json_select "route" local __idx=1 while json_is_a "$__idx" object; do json_select "$((__idx++))" json_get_var __tmp table if [ -z "$__tmp" ]; then json_get_var __tmp target case "${__tmp}" in __network_set_cache "${__key}_gateway4" nexthop ;; ::) __network_set_cache "${__key}_gateway6" nexthop ;; esac fi json_select ".." done json_select ".." fi # parse dns info local __field for __field in "dns_server" "dns_search"; do if json_is_a "$__field" array; then json_select "$__field" __idx=1 __list="" while json_is_a "$__idx" string; do json_get_var __tmp "$((__idx++))" __list="${__list:+$__list }$__tmp" done json_select ".." if [ -n "$__list" ]; then __network_set_cache "${__key}_${__field}" "" "$__list" fi fi done # parse up state, proto, device and physdev for __field in "up" "proto" "l3_device" "device"; do if json_get_type __tmp "$__field"; then __network_set_cache "${__key}_${__field}" "$__field" fi done # descend into inactive table json_is_a "inactive" object && json_select "inactive" done json_cleanup json_set_namespace "$__old_ns" return 0 } __network_ipaddr() { local __var="$1" local __iface="$2" local __field="$3" local __subst="$4" local __list="$5" local __tmp="" __network_parse_ifstatus "$__iface" || return 1 if [ $__list = 1 ] && [ -n "$__subst" ]; then __network_export "__list" "${__iface}_${__field}" for __list in $__list; do eval "__tmp=\"${__tmp:+$__tmp }\${__list$__subst}\"" done export -- "$__var=$__tmp"; [ -n "$__tmp" ] return $? fi __network_export "$__var" "${__iface}_${__field}" "" "$__subst" return $? } # determine first IPv4 address of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_ipaddr() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address4" "%%/*" 0; } # determine first IPv6 address of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_ipaddr6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address6" "%%/*" 0; } # determine first IPv4 subnet of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_subnet() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address4" "%% *" 0; } # determine first IPv6 subnet of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_subnet6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address6" "%% *" 0; } # determine first IPv6 prefix of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_prefix6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "prefix6" "%% *" 0; } # determine all IPv4 addresses of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_ipaddrs() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address4" "%%/*" 1; } # determine all IPv6 addresses of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_ipaddrs6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address6" "%%/*" 1; } # determine all IPv4 subnets of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_subnets() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address4" "" 1; } # determine all IPv6 subnets of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_subnets6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "address6" "" 1; } # determine all IPv6 prefixes of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_prefixes6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" "prefix6" "" 1; } __network_gateway() { local __var="$1" local __iface="$2" local __family="$3" local __inactive="$4" __network_parse_ifstatus "$__iface" || return 1 if [ "$__inactive" = 1 -o "$__inactive" = "true" ]; then __network_export "$__var" "${__iface}_inactive_gateway${__family}" && \ return 0 fi __network_export "$__var" "${__iface}_gateway${__family}" return $? } # determine IPv4 gateway of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface # 3: consider inactive gateway if "true" (optional) network_get_gateway() { __network_gateway "$1" "$2" 4 "${3:-0}"; } # determine IPv6 gateway of given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface # 3: consider inactive gateway if "true" (optional) network_get_gateway6() { __network_gateway "$1" "$2" 6 "${3:-0}"; } __network_dns() { local __var="$1" local __iface="$2" local __field="$3" local __inactive="$4" __network_parse_ifstatus "$__iface" || return 1 if [ "$__inactive" = 1 -o "$__inactive" = "true" ]; then __network_export "$__var" "${__iface}_inactive_${__field}" && \ return 0 fi __network_export "$__var" "${__iface}_${__field}" return $? } # determine the DNS servers of the given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface # 3: consider inactive servers if "true" (optional) network_get_dnsserver() { __network_dns "$1" "$2" dns_server "${3:-0}"; } # determine the domains of the given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface # 3: consider inactive domains if "true" (optional) network_get_dnssearch() { __network_dns "$1" "$2" dns_search "${3:-0}"; } __network_wan() { local __var="$1" local __family="$2" local __inactive="$3" local __iface for __iface in $(ubus list | sed -ne 's/^network\.interface\.//p'); do if [ "$__iface" != loopback ]; then if __network_gateway "$__var" "$__iface" "$__family" "$__inactive"; then eval "export -- \"$__var=$__iface\"" return 0 fi fi done eval "export -- \"$__var=\"" return 1 } # find the logical interface which holds the current IPv4 default route # 1: destination variable # 2: consider inactive default routes if "true" (optional) network_find_wan() { __network_wan "$1" 4 "${2:-0}"; } # find the logical interface which holds the current IPv6 default route # 1: destination variable # 2: consider inactive dafault routes if "true" (optional) network_find_wan6() { __network_wan "$1" 6 "${2:-0}"; } __network_device() { local __var="$1" local __iface="$2" local __field="$3" __network_parse_ifstatus "$__iface" || return 1 __network_export "$__var" "${__iface}_${__field}" return $? } # test whether the given logical interface is running # 1: interface network_is_up() { local __up __network_device __up "$1" up && [ $__up -eq 1 ] } # determine the protocol of the given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_protocol() { __network_device "$1" "$2" proto; } # determine the layer 3 linux network device of the given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_device() { __network_device "$1" "$2" l3_device; } # determine the layer 2 linux network device of the given logical interface # 1: destination variable # 2: interface network_get_physdev() { __network_device "$1" "$2" device; } __network_defer() { local __device="$1" local __defer="$2" json_init json_add_string name "$__device" json_add_boolean defer "$__defer" ubus call network.device set_state "$(json_dump)" 2>/dev/null } # defer netifd actions on the given linux network device # 1: device name network_defer_device() { __network_defer "$1" 1; } # continue netifd actions on the given linux network device # 1: device name network_ready_device() { __network_defer "$1" 0; } # flush the internal value cache to force re-reading values from ubus network_flush_cache() { local __tmp for __tmp in $__NETWORK_CACHE __NETWORK_CACHE; do unset "$__tmp" done }