# # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # ifneq ($(DUMP),) all: dumpinfo else all: compile endif include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/prereq.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/unpack.mk export CONFIG_SITE:=$(INCLUDE_DIR)/site/$(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME) define Build/DefaultTargets ifeq ($(DUMP),) ifeq ($(CONFIG_AUTOREBUILD),y) _INFO:= ifneq ($$(shell $(SCRIPT_DIR)/timestamp.pl -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) .),$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)) _INFO+=$(subst $(TOPDIR)/,,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.prepared: package-clean endif endif endif $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.prepared: @-rm -rf $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) @mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(call Build/Prepare) touch $$@ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.configured: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.prepared $(call Build/Configure) touch $$@ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.configured $(call Build/Compile) touch $$@ ifdef Build/InstallDev ifneq ($$(shell $(SCRIPT_DIR)/timestamp.pl -p -x ipkg -x ipkg-install $(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles/.$(PKG_NAME)-installed $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)),$(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles/.$(PKG_NAME)-installed) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built: package-rebuild endif $(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles/.$(PKG_NAME)-installed: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built mkdir -p $(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles $(call Build/InstallDev) touch $$@ compile-targets: $(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles/.$(PKG_NAME)-installed endif package-clean: FORCE $(call Build/Clean) $(call Build/UninstallDev) -rm -f $(STAGING_DIR)/stampfiles/.$(PKG_NAME)-installed package-rebuild: FORCE @-rm -f $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built define Build/DefaultTargets endef endef define Package/Default CONFIGFILE:= SECTION:=opt CATEGORY:=Extra packages DEPENDS:= PROVIDES:= EXTRA_DEPENDS:= MAINTAINER:=OpenWrt Developers Team <openwrt-devel@openwrt.org> SOURCE:=$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,%,${shell pwd}) ifneq ($(PKG_VERSION),) ifneq ($(PKG_RELEASE),) VERSION:=$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE) else VERSION:=$(PKG_VERSION) endif else VERSION:=$(PKG_RELEASE) endif PKGARCH:=$(ARCH) PRIORITY:=optional DEFAULT:= MENU:= SUBMENU:= SUBMENUDEP:= TITLE:= DESCRIPTION:= endef define BuildDescription ifneq ($(DESCRIPTION),) DESCRIPTION:=$(TITLE)\\ $(DESCRIPTION) else DESCRIPTION:=$(TITLE) endif endef define BuildIPKGVariable $(call shexport,Package/$(1)/$(2)) $(1)_COMMANDS += var2file "$(call shvar,Package/$(1)/$(2))" $(2); endef define BuildPackage $(eval $(call Package/Default)) $(eval $(call Package/$(1))) $(eval $(call BuildDescription)) $(foreach FIELD, TITLE CATEGORY PRIORITY SECTION VERSION, ifeq ($($(FIELD)),) $$(error Package/$(1) is missing the $(FIELD) field) endif ) IPKG_$(1):=$(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(1)_$(VERSION)_$(PKGARCH).ipk IDIR_$(1):=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ipkg/$(1) INFO_$(1):=$(IPKG_STATE_DIR)/info/$(1).list ifdef Package/$(1)/install ifeq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(1)),y) install-targets: $$(INFO_$(1)) endif ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(1)),) compile-targets: $$(IPKG_$(1)) else compile-targets: $(1)-disabled $(1)-disabled: @echo "WARNING: skipping $(1) -- package not selected" endif endif ifeq ($(FORCEREBUILD),y) $$(IPKG_$(1)): FORCE endif IDEPEND_$(1):=$$(strip $$(DEPENDS)) ifneq ($(DUMP),) DUMPINFO += \ echo "Package: $(1)"; ifneq ($(MENU),) DUMPINFO += \ echo "Menu: $(MENU)"; endif ifneq ($(SUBMENU),) DUMPINFO += \ echo "Submenu: $(SUBMENU)"; ifneq ($(SUBMENUDEP),) DUMPINFO += \ echo "Submenu-Depends: $(SUBMENUDEP)"; endif endif ifneq ($(DEFAULT),) DUMPINFO += \ echo "Default: $(DEFAULT)"; endif $(call shexport,Package/$(1)/description) DUMPINFO += \ if [ "$$$$PREREQ_CHECK" = 1 ]; then echo "Prereq-Check: 1"; fi; \ echo "Version: $(VERSION)"; \ echo "Depends: $$(IDEPEND_$(1))"; \ echo "Provides: $(PROVIDES)"; \ echo "Build-Depends: $(PKG_BUILDDEP)"; \ echo "Category: $(CATEGORY)"; \ echo "Title: $(TITLE)"; \ if isset $(call shvar,Package/$(1)/description); then \ echo -n "Description: "; \ getvar $(call shvar,Package/$(1)/description); \ else \ echo "Description: $(DESCRIPTION)" | sed -e 's,\\,\n,g'; \ fi; ifneq ($(URL),) DUMPINFO += \ echo; \ echo "$(URL)"; endif DUMPINFO += \ echo "@@"; $(call shexport,Package/$(1)/config) DUMPINFO += \ if isset $(call shvar,Package/$(1)/config); then echo "Config: "; getvar $(call shvar,Package/$(1)/config); fi; \ echo "@@"; endif $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),conffiles)) $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),preinst)) $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),postinst)) $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),prerm)) $(eval $(call BuildIPKGVariable,$(1),postrm)) $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.version-$(1)_$(VERSION)_$(PKGARCH) mkdir -p $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL echo "Package: $(1)" > $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control echo "Version: $(VERSION)" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control ( \ DEPENDS=; \ for depend in $$(filter-out @%,$$(IDEPEND_$(1))); do \ DEPENDS=$$$${DEPENDS:+$$$$DEPENDS, }$$$${depend##+}; \ done; \ echo "Depends: $(EXTRA_DEPENDS) $$$$DEPENDS" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control; \ ) echo "Source: $(SOURCE)" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control echo "Section: $(SECTION)" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control echo "Priority: $(PRIORITY)" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control echo "Maintainer: $(MAINTAINER)" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control echo "Architecture: $(PKGARCH)" >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control echo "Description: $(DESCRIPTION)" | sed -e 's,\\,\n,g' | sed -e 's,^[[:space:]]*$$$$, .,g' >> $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control chmod 644 $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control (cd $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL; \ $($(1)_COMMANDS) \ ) $$(IPKG_$(1)): $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built $$(IDIR_$(1))/CONTROL/control $(call Package/$(1)/install,$$(IDIR_$(1))) mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_DIR) -find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name CVS | xargs rm -rf -find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name .svn | xargs rm -rf -find $$(IDIR_$(1)) -name '.#*' | xargs rm -f $(RSTRIP) $$(IDIR_$(1)) $(IPKG_BUILD) $$(IDIR_$(1)) $(PACKAGE_DIR) @[ -f $$(IPKG_$(1)) ] || false $$(INFO_$(1)): $$(IPKG_$(1)) $(IPKG) install $$(IPKG_$(1)) $(1)-clean: rm -f $(PACKAGE_DIR)/$(1)_* clean: $(1)-clean $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.version-$(1)_$(VERSION)_$(PKGARCH): $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.prepared -@rm -f $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.version-$(1)_* 2>/dev/null @touch $$@ $$(eval $$(call Build/DefaultTargets,$(1))) ifdef Package/$(1)/install ifneq ($$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$(1)),) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),prereq) ifneq ($(DUMP),1) ifneq ($$(shell $(SCRIPT_DIR)/timestamp.pl -p -x ipkg -x ipkg-install '$$(IPKG_$(1))' '$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)'),$$(IPKG_$(1))) _INFO+=$(subst $(TOPDIR)/,,$$(IPKG_$(1))) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.built: package-rebuild endif ifneq ($$(_INFO),) $$(info Rebuilding $$(_INFO)) endif endif endif endif endif endef ifneq ($(strip $(PKG_UNPACK)),) define Build/Prepare/Default $(PKG_UNPACK) @if [ -d ./patches -a "$$$$(ls ./patches | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then \ $(PATCH) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) ./patches; \ fi endef endif define Build/Prepare $(call Build/Prepare/Default,) endef define Build/Configure/Default (cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(strip $(3)); \ if [ -x configure ]; then \ $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ CXXFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS)" \ CPPFLAGS="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include -I$(STAGING_DIR)/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib -L$(STAGING_DIR)/lib" \ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/pkgconfig" \ $(2) \ ./configure \ --target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --host=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ --build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \ --program-prefix="" \ --program-suffix="" \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/sbin \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --localstatedir=/var \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --infodir=/usr/info \ $(DISABLE_NLS) \ $(1); \ fi; \ ) endef define Build/Configure $(call Build/Configure/Default,) endef define Build/Compile/Default $(MAKE) -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \ $(TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ CROSS="$(TARGET_CROSS)" \ EXTRA_CFLAGS="$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include -I$(STAGING_DIR)/include " \ EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib -L$(STAGING_DIR)/lib " \ ARCH="$(ARCH)" \ $(1); endef define Build/Compile $(call Build/Compile/Default,) endef ifneq ($(DUMP),) dumpinfo: FORCE @$(DUMPINFO) else $(PACKAGE_DIR): mkdir -p $@ ifneq ($(strip $(PKG_SOURCE_URL)),) download: $(DL_DIR)/$(PKG_SOURCE) $(DL_DIR)/$(PKG_SOURCE): mkdir -p $(DL_DIR) $(SCRIPT_DIR)/download.pl "$(DL_DIR)" "$(PKG_SOURCE)" "$(PKG_MD5SUM)" $(PKG_SOURCE_URL) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.prepared: $(DL_DIR)/$(PKG_SOURCE) endif download: prepare: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.prepared configure: $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.configured compile-targets: compile: compile-targets install-targets: install: install-targets clean-targets: clean: FORCE @$(MAKE) clean-targets $(call Build/Clean) rm -rf $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) endif