# # Copyright (C) 2006-2015 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # ifneq ($(filter check,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) CHECK:=1 DUMP:=1 endif ifeq ($(__target_inc),) ifndef CHECK include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/target.mk endif endif ifeq ($(DUMP),1) KERNEL?= BOARD?= LINUX_VERSION?= LINUX_VERMAGIC?= else ifeq ($(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN),) export GCC_HONOUR_COPTS=s endif LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX=ko ifneq (,$(findstring uml,$(BOARD))) KERNEL_CC?=$(HOSTCC) KERNEL_CROSS?= else KERNEL_CC?=$(TARGET_CC) KERNEL_CROSS?=$(TARGET_CROSS) endif ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD),1) PATCH_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/patches$(if $(wildcard ./patches-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)),-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)) FILES_DIR ?= $(foreach dir,$(wildcard $(CURDIR)/files $(CURDIR)/files-$(KERNEL_PATCHVER)),"$(dir)") endif KERNEL_BUILD_DIR ?= $(BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(BOARD)$(if $(SUBTARGET),_$(SUBTARGET)) LINUX_DIR ?= $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/linux-$(LINUX_VERSION) LINUX_UAPI_DIR=uapi/ LINUX_VERMAGIC:=$(strip $(shell cat $(LINUX_DIR)/.vermagic 2>/dev/null)) LINUX_VERMAGIC:=$(if $(LINUX_VERMAGIC),$(LINUX_VERMAGIC),unknown) LINUX_UNAME_VERSION:=$(if $(word 3,$(subst ., ,$(KERNEL_BASE))),$(KERNEL_BASE),$(KERNEL_BASE).0) ifneq ($(findstring -rc,$(LINUX_VERSION)),) LINUX_UNAME_VERSION:=$(LINUX_UNAME_VERSION)-$(strip $(lastword $(subst -, ,$(LINUX_VERSION)))) endif LINUX_KERNEL:=$(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/vmlinux LINUX_SOURCE:=linux-$(LINUX_VERSION).tar.xz TESTING:=$(if $(findstring -rc,$(LINUX_VERSION)),/testing,) ifeq ($(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_KERNEL_TREE))$(call qstrip,$(CONFIG_KERNEL_GIT_CLONE_URI)),) LINUX_SITE:=@KERNEL/linux/kernel/v$(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(KERNEL_BASE))).x$(TESTING) else LINUX_UNAME_VERSION:=$(strip $(shell cat $(LINUX_DIR)/include/config/kernel.release)) endif MODULES_SUBDIR:=lib/modules/$(LINUX_UNAME_VERSION) TARGET_MODULES_DIR:=$(LINUX_TARGET_DIR)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR) ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD),1) PKG_BUILD_DIR ?= $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)$(if $(PKG_VERSION),-$(PKG_VERSION)) endif endif ifneq (,$(findstring uml,$(BOARD))) LINUX_KARCH=um else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH) , aarch64 aarch64_be )) LINUX_KARCH := arm64 else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH) , arceb )) LINUX_KARCH := arc else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH) , armeb )) LINUX_KARCH := arm else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH) , mipsel mips64 mips64el )) LINUX_KARCH := mips else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH) , sh2 sh3 sh4 )) LINUX_KARCH := sh else ifneq (,$(findstring $(ARCH) , i386 x86_64 )) LINUX_KARCH := x86 else LINUX_KARCH := $(ARCH) endif define KernelPackage/Defaults FILES:= AUTOLOAD:= PKGFLAGS+=nonshared endef define ModuleAutoLoad $(SH_FUNC) \ export modules=; \ probe_module() { \ mods="$$$$$$$$1"; \ boot="$$$$$$$$2"; \ shift 2; \ for mod in $(sort $$$$$$$$mods); do \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \ echo "$$$$$$$$mod" >> $(2)/etc/modules.d/$(1); \ done; \ if [ -e $(2)/etc/modules.d/$(1) ]; then \ if [ "$$$$$$$$boot" = "1" ]; then \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d; \ ln -s ../modules.d/$(1) $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d/; \ fi; \ modules="$$$$$$$${modules:+$$$$$$$$modules }$$$$$$$$mods"; \ fi; \ }; \ add_module() { \ priority="$$$$$$$$1"; \ mods="$$$$$$$$2"; \ boot="$$$$$$$$3"; \ shift 3; \ for mod in $(sort $$$$$$$$mods); do \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \ echo "$$$$$$$$mod" >> $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1); \ done; \ if [ -e $(2)/etc/modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1) ]; then \ if [ "$$$$$$$$boot" = "1" ]; then \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d; \ ln -s ../modules.d/$$$$$$$$priority-$(1) $(2)/etc/modules-boot.d/; \ fi; \ modules="$$$$$$$${modules:+$$$$$$$$modules }$$$$$$$$priority-$(1)"; \ fi; \ }; \ $(3) \ if [ -n "$$$$$$$$modules" ]; then \ mkdir -p $(2)/etc/modules.d; \ mkdir -p $(2)/CONTROL; \ echo "#!/bin/sh" > $(2)/CONTROL/postinst-pkg; \ echo "[ -z \"\$$$$$$$$IPKG_INSTROOT\" ] || exit 0" >> $(2)/CONTROL/postinst-pkg; \ echo ". /lib/functions.sh" >> $(2)/CONTROL/postinst-pkg; \ echo "insert_modules $$$$$$$$modules" >> $(2)/CONTROL/postinst-pkg; \ chmod 0755 $(2)/CONTROL/postinst-pkg; \ fi endef ifeq ($(DUMP)$(TARGET_BUILD),) -include $(LINUX_DIR)/.config endif define KernelPackage/depends $(STAMP_BUILT): $(LINUX_DIR)/.config define KernelPackage/depends endef endef define KernelPackage NAME:=$(1) $(eval $(call Package/Default)) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/Defaults)) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/$(1))) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/$(BOARD))) $(eval $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/$(BOARD)/$(if $(SUBTARGET),$(SUBTARGET),generic))) define Package/kmod-$(1) TITLE:=$(TITLE) SECTION:=kernel CATEGORY:=Kernel modules DESCRIPTION:=$(DESCRIPTION) EXTRA_DEPENDS:=kernel (=$(LINUX_VERSION)-$(LINUX_RELEASE)-$(LINUX_VERMAGIC)) VERSION:=$(LINUX_VERSION)$(if $(PKG_VERSION),+$(PKG_VERSION))-$(if $(PKG_RELEASE),$(PKG_RELEASE),$(LINUX_RELEASE)) PKGFLAGS:=$(PKGFLAGS) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/$(BOARD)) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/$(BOARD)/$(if $(SUBTARGET),$(SUBTARGET),generic)) endef ifdef KernelPackage/$(1)/conffiles define Package/kmod-$(1)/conffiles $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/conffiles) endef endif ifdef KernelPackage/$(1)/description define Package/kmod-$(1)/description $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/description) endef endif ifdef KernelPackage/$(1)/config define Package/kmod-$(1)/config $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/config) endef endif $(call KernelPackage/depends) ifneq ($(if $(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$(filter m y,$(foreach c,$(filter-out %=y %=n %=m,$(KCONFIG)),$($(c)))),.),) ifneq ($(strip $(FILES)),) define Package/kmod-$(1)/install @for mod in $$(call version_filter,$$(FILES)); do \ if grep -q "$$$$$$$${mod##$(LINUX_DIR)/}" "$(LINUX_DIR)/modules.builtin"; then \ echo "NOTICE: module '$$$$$$$$mod' is built-in."; \ elif [ -e $$$$$$$$mod ]; then \ mkdir -p $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR) ; \ $(CP) -L $$$$$$$$mod $$(1)/$(MODULES_SUBDIR)/ ; \ else \ echo "ERROR: module '$$$$$$$$mod' is missing." >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ done; $(call ModuleAutoLoad,$(1),$$(1),$(AUTOLOAD)) $(call KernelPackage/$(1)/install,$$(1)) endef endif $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-$(1)), else compile: $(1)-disabled $(1)-disabled: @echo "WARNING: kmod-$(1) is not available in the kernel config - generating empty package" >&2 define Package/kmod-$(1)/install true endef ) endif $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,kmod-$(1))) $$(IPKG_kmod-$(1)): $$(wildcard $$(FILES)) endef version_filter=$(if $(findstring @,$(1)),$(shell $(SCRIPT_DIR)/package-metadata.pl version_filter $(KERNEL_PATCHVER) $(1)),$(1)) define AutoLoad add_module "$(1)" "$(call version_filter,$(2))" "$(3)"; endef define AutoProbe probe_module "$(call version_filter,$(1))" "$(2)"; endef version_field=$(if $(word $(1),$(2)),$(word $(1),$(2)),0) kernel_version_merge=$$(( ($(call version_field,1,$(1)) << 24) + ($(call version_field,2,$(1)) << 16) + ($(call version_field,3,$(1)) << 8) + $(call version_field,4,$(1)) )) ifdef DUMP kernel_version_cmp= else kernel_version_cmp=$(shell [ $(call kernel_version_merge,$(call split_version,$(2))) $(1) $(call kernel_version_merge,$(call split_version,$(3))) ] && echo 1 ) endif CompareKernelPatchVer=$(if $(call kernel_version_cmp,-$(2),$(1),$(3)),1,0) kernel_patchver_gt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-gt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_ge=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-ge,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_eq=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-eq,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_le=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-le,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) kernel_patchver_lt=$(call kernel_version_cmp,-lt,$(KERNEL_PATCHVER),$(1)) 4'>154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253
# Advanced Keycodes

Your keymap can include keycodes that are more advanced than normal, for example keys that switch layers or send modifiers when held, but send regular keycodes when tapped. This page documents the functions that are available to you.

## Assigning Custom Names

People often define custom names using `#define`. For example:


This will allow you to use `FN_CAPS` and `ALT_TAB` in your `KEYMAP()`, keeping it more readable.

## Caveats

Currently, `LT()` and `MT()` are limited to the [Basic Keycode set](keycodes_basic.md), meaning you can't use keycodes like `LCTL()`, `KC_TILD`, or anything greater than `0xFF`. Modifiers specified as part of a Layer Tap or Mod Tap's keycode will be ignored.

Additionally, if at least one right-handed modifier is specified in a Mod Tap or Layer Tap, it will cause all modifiers specified to become right-handed, so it is not possible to mix and match the two.

# Switching and Toggling Layers

These functions allow you to activate layers in various ways. Note that layers are not generally independent layouts -- multiple layers can be activated at once, and it's typical for layers to use `KC_TRNS` to allow keypresses to pass through to lower layers. For a detailed explanation of layers, see [Keymap Overview](keymap.md#keymap-and-layers) When using momentary layer switching with MO(), LM(), TT(), or LT(), make sure to leave the key on the above layers transparent or it may not work as intended.

* `DF(layer)` - switches the default layer. The default layer is the always-active base layer that other layers stack on top of. See below for more about the default layer. This might be used to switch from QWERTY to Dvorak layout. (Note that this is a temporary switch that only persists until the keyboard loses power. To modify the default layer in a persistent way requires deeper customization, such as calling the `set_single_persistent_default_layer` function inside of [process_record_user](custom_quantum_functions.md#programming-the-behavior-of-any-keycode).)
* `MO(layer)` - momentarily activates *layer*. As soon as you let go of the key, the layer is deactivated. 
* `LM(layer, mod)` - Momentarily activates *layer* (like `MO`), but with modifier(s) *mod* active. Only supports layers 0-15 and the left modifiers: `MOD_LCTL`, `MOD_LSFT`, `MOD_LALT`, `MOD_LGUI` (note the use of `MOD_` constants instead of `KC_`). These modifiers can be combined using bitwise OR, e.g. `LM(_RAISE, MOD_LCTL | MOD_LALT)`.
* `LT(layer, kc)` - momentarily activates *layer* when held, and sends *kc* when tapped. Only supports layers 0-15.
* `OSL(layer)` - momentarily activates *layer* until the next key is pressed. See [One Shot Keys](#one-shot-keys) for details and additional functionality.
* `TG(layer)` - toggles *layer*, activating it if it's inactive and vice versa
* `TO(layer)` - activates *layer* and de-activates all other layers (except your default layer). This function is special, because instead of just adding/removing one layer to your active layer stack, it will completely replace your current active layers, uniquely allowing you to replace higher layers with a lower one. This is activated on keydown (as soon as the key is pressed).
* `TT(layer)` - Layer Tap-Toggle. If you hold the key down, *layer* is activated, and then is de-activated when you let go (like `MO`). If you repeatedly tap it, the layer will be toggled on or off (like `TG`). It needs 5 taps by default, but you can change this by defining `TAPPING_TOGGLE` -- for example, `#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2` to toggle on just two taps.

# Working with Layers

Care must be taken when switching layers, it's possible to lock yourself into a layer with no way to deactivate that layer (without unplugging your keyboard.) We've created some guidelines to help users avoid the most common problems.

## Beginners

If you are just getting started with QMK you will want to keep everything simple. Follow these guidelines when setting up your layers:

* Setup layer 0 as your default, "base" layer. This is your normal typing layer, and could be whatever layout you want (qwerty, dvorak, colemak, etc.). It's important to set this as the lowest layer since it will typically have most or all of the keyboard's keys defined, so would block other layers from having any effect if it were above them (i.e., had a higher layer number). 
* Arrange your layers in a "tree" layout, with layer 0 as the root. Do not try to enter the same layer from more than one other layer.
* In a layer's keymap, only reference higher-numbered layers. Because layers are processed from the highest-numbered (topmost) active layer down, modifying the state of lower layers can be tricky and error-prone.

## Intermediate Users

Sometimes you need more than one base layer. For example, if you want to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak, switch between layouts for different countries, or switch your layout for different videogames. Your base layers should always be the lowest numbered layers. When you have multiple base layers you should always treat them as mutually exclusive. When one base layer is on the others are off.

## Advanced Users

Once you have a good feel for how layers work and what you can do, you can get more creative. The rules listed in the beginner section will help you be successful by avoiding some of the tricker details but they can be constraining, especially for ultra-compact keyboard users. Understanding how layers work will allow you to use them in more advanced ways.

Layers stack on top of each other in numerical order. When determining what a keypress does, QMK scans the layers from the top down, stopping when it reaches the first active layer that is not set to `KC_TRNS`. As a result if you activate a layer that is numerically lower than your current layer, and your current layer (or another layer that is active and higher than your target layer) has something other than `KC_TRNS`, that is the key that will be sent, not the key on the layer you just activated. This is the cause of most people's "why doesn't my layer get switched" problem.

Sometimes, you might want to switch between layers in a macro or as part of a tap dance routine. `layer_on` activates a layer, and `layer_off` deactivates it. More layer-related functions can be found in [action_layer.h](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/blob/master/tmk_core/common/action_layer.h).

# Modifier Keys

These allow you to combine a modifier with a keycode. When pressed, the keydown event for the modifier, then `kc` will be sent. On release, the keyup event for `kc`, then the modifier will be sent.

|Key       |Aliases                        |Description                                         |
|`LCTL(kc)`|`C(kc)`                        |Hold Left Control and press `kc`                    |
|`LSFT(kc)`|`S(kc)`                        |Hold Left Shift and press `kc`                      |
|`LALT(kc)`|`A(kc)`                        |Hold Left Alt and press `kc`                        |
|`LGUI(kc)`|`G(kc)`, `LCMD(kc)`, `LWIN(kc)`|Hold Left GUI and press `kc`                        |
|`RCTL(kc)`|                               |Hold Right Control and press `kc`                   |
|`RSFT(kc)`|                               |Hold Right Shift and press `kc`                     |
|`RALT(kc)`|`ALGR(kc)`                     |Hold Right Alt and press `kc`                       |
|`RGUI(kc)`|`RCMD(kc)`, `LWIN(kc)`         |Hold Right GUI and press `kc`                       |
|`SGUI(kc)`|`SCMD(kc)`, `SWIN(kc)`         |Hold Left Shift and GUI and press `kc`              |
|`LCA(kc)` |                               |Hold Left Control and Alt and press `kc`            |
|`LCAG(kc)`|                               |Hold Left Control, Alt and GUI and press `kc`       |
|`MEH(kc)` |                               |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt and press `kc`     |
|`HYPR(kc)`|                               |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI and press `kc`|

You can also chain them, for example `LCTL(LALT(KC_DEL))` makes a key that sends Control+Alt+Delete with a single keypress.

# Mod-Tap

The Mod-Tap key `MT(mod, kc)` acts like a modifier when held, and a regular keycode when tapped. In other words, you can have a key that sends Escape when you tap it, but functions as a Control or Shift key when you hold it down.

The modifiers this keycode and `OSM()` accept are prefixed with `MOD_`, not `KC_`:

|Modifier  |Description                             |
|`MOD_LCTL`|Left Control                            |
|`MOD_LSFT`|Left Shift                              |