path: root/include/kernel-version.mk
diff options
authorChuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>2018-07-17 17:09:13 +0800
committerJohn Crispin <john@phrozen.org>2018-07-30 10:43:33 +0200
commit83d2dbc59924c90dd865de113a55d60826ac0c04 (patch)
tree2fb028041fcffa2e1de5342fa6f9a98462da5e48 /include/kernel-version.mk
parent24cbe27bb7ff83b9bb3a2640904bced1a2d14a8d (diff)
ath79: ag71xx: Split mdio driver into an independent platform device.
We need to have mdio1 belonging to gmac1 initialized before gmac0. Split it into a separated mdio device to get both mdios ready before probing gmac. Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'include/kernel-version.mk')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
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# QMK HHKB Keymap: blakedietz

<!-- TODO: Link to Hasu's geekhack page from his name -->
<!-- TODO: Link to the ergodox ez layout in this repository -->

This is my (Blake Dietz's) own take on a QMK keymap for the Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 alternate controller made by Hasu. A lot of the
 functionality was inspired by the ergodox ez default layout. 

## Dependencies

### macOS

brew tap osx-cross/avr
brew install avr-libc
brew install dfu-programmer

### Windows/Linux

[Build Environment Setup](https://github.com/jackhumbert/qmk_firmware/wiki#build-environment-setup)

## Flashing

You will need to make sure that you have something that you can use to press the button on the alternate controller in
order to put it into boot mode.

From the hhkb directory run the following:

make clean
make hhkb-blakedietz-dfu

Press the button on the alternate controller to put the board into boot mode.

You'll see an output similar to the following:

make hhkb-blakedietz-dfu

Making hhkb with keymap blakedietz and target dfu

avr-gcc (GCC) 6.2.0
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Size before:
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
      0   22162       0   22162    5692 hhkb_blakedietz.hex

Compiling: keyboards/hhkb/keymaps/blakedietz/keymap.c                                               [OK]
Compiling: ./tmk_core/common/command.c                                                              [OK]
Linking: .build/hhkb_blakedietz.elf                                                                 [OK]
Creating load file for Flash: .build/hhkb_blakedietz.hex                                            [OK]

Size after:
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
      0   22162       0   22162    5692 hhkb_blakedietz.hex