/*************************************************************************** * File Name : nvramembed.c * * Description: This program embeds the NVRAM into the CFE. * * Build: gcc -m32 -D _BCM96348_ -I ../shared/opensource/include/bcm963xx/ \ -o nvramembed nvramembed.c ../shared/opensource/boardparms/bcm963xx/boardparms.c * * Example : nvramembed -b blue5g9 -n 4 -m FA:BA:DA:18:12:01 * -i cfe6348.bin -o cfe6348-nvram.bin * where: * -b = board id * -n = number of mac address * -m = base mac address * -i = input file name * -o = output file name * * ***************************************************************************/ /* Includes. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned int UINT32; #define BCMTAG_EXE_USE #include "bcmTag.h" #include "boardparms.h" #define MAX_MAC_STR_LEN 19 // mac address string 18+1 in regular format - 02:18:10:11:aa:bb //#include "board.h" #define SDRAM_TYPE_ADDRESS_OFFSET 16 #define THREAD_NUM_ADDRESS_OFFSET 20 #define NVRAM_DATA_OFFSET 0x0580 #define NVRAM_VERSION_NUMBER 2 #define NVRAM_BOOTLINE_LEN 256 #define NVRAM_BOARD_ID_STRING_LEN 16 #define NVRAM_MAC_ADDRESS_LEN 6 typedef struct { unsigned long ulVersion; char szBootline[NVRAM_BOOTLINE_LEN]; char szBoardId[NVRAM_BOARD_ID_STRING_LEN]; unsigned long ulReserved1[2]; unsigned long ulNumMacAddrs; unsigned char ucaBaseMacAddr[NVRAM_MAC_ADDRESS_LEN]; char chReserved[2]; unsigned long ulCheckSum; } NVRAM_DATA, *PNVRAM_DATA; static struct option longopts[] = { { "boardid", 1, 0, 'b'}, { "numbermac", 1, 0, 'n'}, { "macaddr", 1, 0, 'm'}, { "inputfile", 1, 0, 'i'}, { "outputfile", 1, 0, 'o'}, { "help", 0, 0, 'h'}, { "version", 0, 0, 'v'}, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; static char version[] = "Broadcom Creator version 0.3"; static char usage[] = "Usage:\t%s [-bhvnmio] [--help] [--version]\n" "\texample:\n" "\t-b blue5g9 -n 4 -m FA:BA:DA:18:12:01 -i cfe6348.bin -o cfe6348-nvram.bin\n" "\twhere:\n" "\t[-b] board id name\n" "\t[-n] number of mac address\n" "\t[-m] base mac address\n" "\t[-i] input image name\n" "\t[-o] ouput image name\n"; static char *progname; /*************************************************************************** // Function Name: getCrc32 // Description : caculate the CRC 32 of the given data. // Parameters : pdata - array of data. // size - number of input data bytes. // crc - either CRC32_INIT_VALUE or previous return value. // Returns : crc. ****************************************************************************/ UINT32 getCrc32(byte *pdata, UINT32 size, UINT32 crc) { while (size-- > 0) crc = (crc >> 8) ^ Crc32_table[(crc ^ *pdata++) & 0xff]; printf("\tNVRAM CRC = 0x%x\n\n", crc); return crc; } /*************************************************************************** // Function Name: parsexdigit // Description : parse hex digit // Parameters : input char // Returns : hex int ****************************************************************************/ static int parsexdigit(char str) { int digit; if ((str >= '0') && (str <= '9')) digit = str - '0'; else if ((str >= 'a') && (str <= 'f')) digit = str - 'a' + 10; else if ((str >= 'A') && (str <= 'F')) digit = str - 'A' + 10; else return -1; return digit; } /*************************************************************************** // Function Name: parsehwaddr // Description : convert in = "" to fffffff00 // Parameters : str = "" ; // Return : if not -1, hwaddr = fffffff00 ****************************************************************************/ int parsehwaddr(unsigned char *str, unsigned char *hwaddr) { int digit1,digit2; int idx = 6; if (strlen(str) != MAX_MAC_STR_LEN-2) return -1; if (*(str+2) != ':' || *(str+5) != ':' || *(str+8) != ':' || *(str+11) != ':' || *(str+14) != ':') return -1; while (*str && (idx > 0)) { digit1 = parsexdigit(*str); if (digit1 < 0) return -1; str++; if (!*str) return -1; if (*str == ':') { digit2 = digit1; digit1 = 0; } else { digit2 = parsexdigit(*str); if (digit2 < 0) return -1; str++; } *hwaddr++ = (digit1 << 4) | digit2; idx--; if (*str == ':') str++; } return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * Function Name: fillInOutputBuffer * Description : Fills the output buffer with the flash image contents. * Returns : len of output buffer - OK, -1 - failed. ***************************************************************************/ int fillInOutputBuffer(int cfesize, int numOfMac, unsigned char *ucaBaseMac, int sdramType, char *szBoardId, unsigned long ulOutputSize, char *pszIn, char *pszOut) { int nLen; unsigned long ulCfeLen = 0; NVRAM_DATA nvramData; UINT32 crc = CRC32_INIT_VALUE; unsigned long ulCmtThread = 0; ulCfeLen = cfesize; nLen = ulCfeLen; if( nLen > (int) ulOutputSize ) { printf( "\nERROR: The image size is greater than the output buffer " "allocated by this program.\n" ); return( -1 ); } memcpy( pszOut, pszIn, ulCfeLen ); // add board thread number in the CFE space #if 0 BpGetCMTThread(&ulCmtThread); memcpy(pszOut + THREAD_NUM_ADDRESS_OFFSET, (char*)&ulCmtThread, sizeof(int)); #endif // add memory size type in the CFE space sdramType = htonl(sdramType); memcpy(pszOut + SDRAM_TYPE_ADDRESS_OFFSET, (char*)&sdramType, sizeof(int)); // create nvram data. No default bootline. CFE will create one on the first boot memset((char *)&nvramData, 0, sizeof(NVRAM_DATA)); nvramData.ulVersion = htonl(NVRAM_VERSION_NUMBER); strncpy(nvramData.szBoardId, szBoardId, NVRAM_BOARD_ID_STRING_LEN); nvramData.ulNumMacAddrs = htonl(numOfMac); memcpy(nvramData.ucaBaseMacAddr, ucaBaseMac, NVRAM_MAC_ADDRESS_LEN); nvramData.ulCheckSum = 0; crc = getCrc32((char *)&nvramData, (UINT32) sizeof(NVRAM_DATA), crc); nvramData.ulCheckSum = htonl(crc); memcpy(pszOut + NVRAM_DATA_OFFSET, (char *)&nvramData, sizeof(NVRAM_DATA)); return nLen; } /*fillInOutputBuffer */ /*************************************************************************** * Function Name: createImage * Description : Creates the flash image file. * Returns : None. ***************************************************************************/ void createImage(int numOfMac, unsigned char *ucaBaseMac, int sdramType, char *szBoardId, char *inputFile, char *outputFile) { FILE *hInput = NULL; struct stat StatBuf; char *pszIn = NULL, *pszOut = NULL; unsigned long ulOutputSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; int cfesize; if (stat(inputFile, &StatBuf ) == 0 && (hInput = fopen(inputFile, "rb" )) == NULL) { printf( "nvramembed: Error opening input file %s.\n\n", inputFile); return; } cfesize = StatBuf.st_size; printf("\tCFE size is %d\n", cfesize); /* Allocate buffers to read the entire input file and to write the * entire flash. */ pszIn = (char *) malloc(StatBuf.st_size); pszOut = (char *) malloc(ulOutputSize); if (!pszIn || !pszOut) { printf( "Memory allocation error, in=0x%8.8lx, out=0x%8.8lx.\n\n", (unsigned long) pszIn, (unsigned long) pszOut ); fclose( hInput ); return; } /* Read the input file into memory. */ if (fread( pszIn, sizeof(char), StatBuf.st_size, hInput ) == StatBuf.st_size) { FILE *hOutput; int nLen; /* Fill in the output buffer with the flash image. */ memset( (unsigned char *) pszOut, 0xff, ulOutputSize ); if ((nLen = fillInOutputBuffer(cfesize, numOfMac, ucaBaseMac, sdramType, szBoardId, ulOutputSize, pszIn, pszOut)) > 0) { /* Open output file. */ if ((hOutput = fopen(outputFile, "w+" )) != NULL) { /* Write the output buffer to the output file. */ if (fwrite(pszOut, sizeof(char), nLen, hOutput) == nLen) printf( "\t%s CFE with embedded NVRAM\n\tsuccessfully created.\n\n", outputFile); else printf( "nvramembed: Error writing to output file.\n\n" ); fclose( hOutput ); } else printf ("nvramembed: Error opening output file %s.\n\n", outputFile); } } if( pszIn ) free( pszIn ); if( pszOut ) free( pszOut ); fclose( hInput ); } /* createImage */ /************************************************************* * Function Name: main * Description : Program entry point that parses command line parameters * and calls a function to create the image. * Returns : 0 ***************************************************************************/ int main (int argc, char **argv) { int optc; int option_index = 0; int h = 0, v = 0, lose = 0; char inputFile[256], outputFile[256], macString[256]; char szBoardId[BP_BOARD_ID_LEN] = ""; int numOfMac = 0, sdramSize = 0, enetExtPhy = 0; unsigned long sdramType = 0; unsigned char ucaBaseMacAddr[NVRAM_MAC_ADDRESS_LEN]; /* Parse command line options. */ progname = argv[0]; inputFile[0] = outputFile[0] = macString[0] = '\0'; while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvp:n:m:b:i:o:", longopts, &option_index)) != EOF) { switch (optc) { case 'v': v = 1; break; case 'h': h = 1; break; case 'n': numOfMac = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'm': strcpy(macString, optarg); break; case 'i': strcpy(inputFile, optarg); break; case 'o': strcpy(outputFile, optarg); break; case 'b': strcpy(szBoardId, optarg); break; default: lose = 1; break; } } if (v) { /* Print version number. */ fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", version); if (!h) exit(0); } if (h) { /* Print help info and exit. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", version); fprintf(stderr, usage, progname); exit(0); } if (lose || optind < argc || argc < 2 || inputFile[0] == '\0' || outputFile[0] == '\0' || (parsehwaddr(macString, ucaBaseMacAddr) == -1)) { fprintf (stderr, usage, progname); exit(1); } if (szBoardId[0] != '\0') { BpSetBoardId( szBoardId ); #if 0 if( BpGetSdramSize( (unsigned long *) &sdramType ) == BP_SUCCESS ) { switch (sdramType) { case BP_MEMORY_8MB_1_CHIP: sdramSize = 8; break; case BP_MEMORY_16MB_1_CHIP: case BP_MEMORY_16MB_2_CHIP: sdramSize = 16; break; case BP_MEMORY_32MB_1_CHIP: case BP_MEMORY_32MB_2_CHIP: sdramSize = 32; break; case BP_MEMORY_64MB_2_CHIP: sdramSize = 64; break; } } #endif } printf("nvramembed: Embed the NVRAM with the following inputs:\n" ); printf("\tBoard id : %s\n", szBoardId); printf("\tNumber of Mac Addresses : %d\n", numOfMac); printf("\tBase Mac Address: : %s\n", macString); printf("\tMemory size : %dMB\n", sdramSize); printf("\tInput File Name : %s\n", inputFile); printf("\tOutput File Name : %s\n\n", outputFile); createImage(numOfMac, ucaBaseMacAddr, sdramType, szBoardId, inputFile, outputFile); return(0); } /* main */