#include "project.h" #include "dfu.h" #include "bluez/gatt-client.h" #include "bluez/mainloop.h" static int verbose = 0; #define ATT_CID 4 static bt_uuid_t fota_uuid, cp_uuid, data_uuid, cccd_uuid; static const char * ecode_to_string (uint8_t ecode) { switch (ecode) { case BT_ATT_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: return "Invalid Handle"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_READ_NOT_PERMITTED: return "Read Not Permitted"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED: return "Write Not Permitted"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_INVALID_PDU: return "Invalid PDU"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION: return "Authentication Required"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "Request Not Supported"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_INVALID_OFFSET: return "Invalid Offset"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_AUTHORIZATION: return "Authorization Required"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_PREPARE_QUEUE_FULL: return "Prepare Write Queue Full"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND: return "Attribute Not Found"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG: return "Attribute Not Long"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE: return "Insuficient Encryption Key Size"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_LEN: return "Invalid Attribute value len"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_UNLIKELY: return "Unlikely Error"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION: return "Insufficient Encryption"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE: return "Group type Not Supported"; case BT_ATT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: return "Insufficient Resources"; default: return "Unknown error type"; } } static void att_debug_cb (const char *str, void *user_data) { const char *prefix = user_data; fprintf (stderr, "%s:%s\n", prefix, str); } static void gatt_debug_cb (const char *str, void *user_data) { const char *prefix = user_data; fprintf (stderr, "%s:%s\n", prefix, str); } static void log_service_event (struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, const char *str) { char uuid_str[MAX_LEN_UUID_STR]; bt_uuid_t uuid; uint16_t start, end; gatt_db_attribute_get_service_uuid (attr, &uuid); bt_uuid_to_string (&uuid, uuid_str, sizeof (uuid_str)); gatt_db_attribute_get_service_handles (attr, &start, &end); fprintf (stderr, "%s - UUID: %s start: 0x%04x end: 0x%04x\n", str, uuid_str, start, end); } static void service_added_cb (struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data) { log_service_event (attr, "Service Added"); } static void service_removed_cb (struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data) { log_service_event (attr, "Service Removed"); } static int l2cap_le_att_connect (bdaddr_t * src, bdaddr_t * dst, uint8_t dst_type, int sec) { int sock; struct sockaddr_l2 srcaddr, dstaddr; struct bt_security btsec; if (verbose) { char srcaddr_str[18], dstaddr_str[18]; ba2str (src, srcaddr_str); ba2str (dst, dstaddr_str); printf ("btgatt-client: Opening L2CAP LE connection on ATT " "channel:\n\t src: %s\n\tdest: %s\n", srcaddr_str, dstaddr_str); } sock = socket (PF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_SEQPACKET, BTPROTO_L2CAP); if (sock < 0) { perror ("Failed to create L2CAP socket"); return -1; } /* Set up source address */ memset (&srcaddr, 0, sizeof (srcaddr)); srcaddr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; srcaddr.l2_cid = htobs (ATT_CID); srcaddr.l2_bdaddr_type = 0; bacpy (&srcaddr.l2_bdaddr, src); if (bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &srcaddr, sizeof (srcaddr)) < 0) { perror ("Failed to bind L2CAP socket"); close (sock); return -1; } /* Set the security level */ memset (&btsec, 0, sizeof (btsec)); btsec.level = sec; if (setsockopt (sock, SOL_BLUETOOTH, BT_SECURITY, &btsec, sizeof (btsec)) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to set L2CAP security level\n"); close (sock); return -1; } /* Set up destination address */ memset (&dstaddr, 0, sizeof (dstaddr)); dstaddr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; dstaddr.l2_cid = htobs (ATT_CID); dstaddr.l2_bdaddr_type = dst_type; bacpy (&dstaddr.l2_bdaddr, dst); printf ("Connecting to device..."); fflush (stdout); if (connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &dstaddr, sizeof (dstaddr)) < 0) { perror (" Failed to connect"); close (sock); return -1; } printf (" Done\n"); return sock; } void ble_close (BLE * ble) { if (!ble) return; mainloop_finish (); if (ble->notify_id) bt_gatt_client_unregister_notify (ble->gatt, ble->notify_id); if (ble->gatt) bt_gatt_client_unref (ble->gatt); if (ble->db) gatt_db_unref (ble->db); if (ble->att) bt_att_unref (ble->att); if (ble->fd > 0) close (ble->fd); free (ble); } static void att_disconnect_cb (int err, void *user_data) { printf ("Device disconnected: %s\n", strerror (err)); mainloop_exit_failure (); } static void print_uuid (const bt_uuid_t * uuid) { char uuid_str[MAX_LEN_UUID_STR]; bt_uuid_t uuid128; bt_uuid_to_uuid128 (uuid, &uuid128); bt_uuid_to_string (&uuid128, uuid_str, sizeof (uuid_str)); printf ("%s\n", uuid_str); } static void scan_desc (struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data) { BLE *ble = user_data; uint16_t handle = gatt_db_attribute_get_handle (attr); const bt_uuid_t *uuid = gatt_db_attribute_get_type (attr); printf ("\t\tdesc - handle: 0x%04x, uuid: ", handle); print_uuid (uuid); if (!bt_uuid_cmp (uuid, &cccd_uuid)) ble->cccd_handle = handle; } static void scan_chrc (struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data) { BLE *ble = user_data; uint16_t handle, value_handle; uint8_t properties; bt_uuid_t uuid; if (!gatt_db_attribute_get_char_data (attr, &handle, &value_handle, &properties, &uuid)) return; printf ("\tchar - start: 0x%04x, value: 0x%04x, props: 0x%02x, uuid: ", handle, value_handle, properties); print_uuid (&uuid); if (!bt_uuid_cmp (&uuid, &data_uuid)) ble->data_handle = value_handle; if (!bt_uuid_cmp (&uuid, &cp_uuid)) { ble->cp_handle = value_handle; gatt_db_service_foreach_desc (attr, scan_desc, ble); } } static void scan_service (struct gatt_db_attribute *attr, void *user_data) { BLE *ble = user_data; uint16_t start, end; bool primary; bt_uuid_t uuid; if (!gatt_db_attribute_get_service_data (attr, &start, &end, &primary, &uuid)) return; gatt_db_service_foreach_char (attr, scan_chrc, ble); printf ("\n"); } static void ready_cb (bool success, uint8_t att_ecode, void *user_data) { BLE *ble = user_data; if (!success) { fprintf (stderr, "GATT discovery procedures failed - error code: 0x%02x\n", att_ecode); mainloop_exit_failure (); return; } printf ("GATT discovery procedures complete\n"); gatt_db_foreach_service (ble->db, &fota_uuid, scan_service, ble); printf ("Handles:\n\tdata: 0x%04x\n\tcp : 0x%04x\n\tcccd: 0x%04x\n", ble->data_handle, ble->cp_handle, ble->cccd_handle); if (ble->cccd_handle && ble->cp_handle && ble->data_handle) { mainloop_exit_success (); return; } mainloop_exit_failure (); } void ble_init (void) { bt_string_to_uuid (&fota_uuid, "00001530-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123"); bt_string_to_uuid (&cp_uuid, "00001531-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123"); bt_string_to_uuid (&data_uuid, "00001532-1212-efde-1523-785feabcd123"); bt_string_to_uuid (&cccd_uuid, "00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); mainloop_init (); } BLE * ble_open (const char *bdaddr) { BLE *ble; ble = xmalloc (sizeof (*ble)); memset (ble, 0, sizeof (*ble)); ble->notify_waiting_for_op = -1; ble->notify_code = -1; ble->sec = BT_SECURITY_LOW; ble->dst_type = BDADDR_LE_RANDOM; bacpy (&ble->src_addr, BDADDR_ANY); if (str2ba (bdaddr, &ble->dst_addr) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid remote address: %s\n", bdaddr); ble_close (ble); return NULL; } ble->fd = l2cap_le_att_connect (&ble->src_addr, &ble->dst_addr, ble->dst_type, ble->sec); if (ble->fd < 0) { perror ("l2cap_le_att_connect"); ble_close (ble); return NULL; } ble->att = bt_att_new (ble->fd); if (!ble->att) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialze ATT transport layer\n"); ble_close (ble); return NULL; } if (!bt_att_set_close_on_unref (ble->att, true)) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to set up ATT transport layer\n"); ble_close (ble); return NULL; } if (!bt_att_register_disconnect (ble->att, att_disconnect_cb, NULL, NULL)) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to set ATT disconnect handler\n"); ble_close (ble); return NULL; } ble->db = gatt_db_new (); ble->gatt = bt_gatt_client_new (ble->db, ble->att, ble->mtu); gatt_db_register (ble->db, service_added_cb, service_removed_cb, NULL, NULL); if (verbose) { bt_att_set_debug (ble->att, att_debug_cb, "att: ", NULL); bt_gatt_client_set_debug (ble->gatt, gatt_debug_cb, "gatt: ", NULL); } bt_gatt_client_set_ready_handler (ble->gatt, ready_cb, ble, NULL); if (mainloop_run () == EXIT_SUCCESS) return ble; ble_close (ble); return NULL; } static void notify_cb (uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t * value, uint16_t length, void *user_data) { int i; BLE *ble = user_data; printf ("Handle Value Not/Ind: 0x%04x - ", value_handle); if (length == 0) { printf ("(0 bytes)\n"); return; } printf ("(%u bytes): ", length); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) printf ("%02x ", value[i]); printf ("\n"); if (value_handle != ble->cp_handle) return; if (length != 3) return; if (value[0] != OP_CODE_RESPONSE) return; if (value[1] != ble->notify_waiting_for_op) return; ble->notify_code = value[2]; printf ("Got response => 0x%02x\n", value[2]); mainloop_quit (); } static void register_notify_cb (uint16_t att_ecode, void *user_data) { if (att_ecode) { printf ("Failed to register notify handler " "- error code: 0x%02x\n", att_ecode); mainloop_exit_failure (); return; } printf ("Registered notify handler!\n"); mainloop_exit_success (); } int ble_register_notify (BLE * ble) { if (!bt_gatt_client_is_ready (ble->gatt)) { printf ("GATT client not initialized\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ble->notify_id = bt_gatt_client_register_notify (ble->gatt, ble->cp_handle, register_notify_cb, notify_cb, ble, NULL); if (!ble->notify_id) { printf ("Failed to register notify handler\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf ("requesting notify\n"); return mainloop_run (); } static void write_cb (bool success, uint8_t att_ecode, void *user_data) { //BLE *ble=user_data; if (success) { mainloop_exit_success (); } else { printf ("Write failed: %s (0x%02x)\n", ecode_to_string (att_ecode), att_ecode); mainloop_exit_failure (); } } int ble_send_cp (BLE * ble, uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { printf ("Sending control:\n"); hexdump (buf, len); if (!bt_gatt_client_write_value (ble->gatt, ble->cp_handle, buf, len, write_cb, ble, NULL)) { printf ("Failed to initiate write procedure\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return mainloop_run (); } #if 0 int ble_send_data (BLE * ble, uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { size_t mtu = 16, tx; printf ("Sending data:\n"); hexdump (buf, (len < 64) ? len : 64); while (len) { printf ("%u bytes left\n", (unsigned) len); tx = (len > mtu) ? mtu : len; if (!bt_gatt_client_write_value (ble->gatt, ble->data_handle, buf, tx, write_cb, ble, NULL)) { printf ("Failed to initiate write procedure\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (mainloop_run () == EXIT_FAILURE) return EXIT_FAILURE; len -= tx; buf += tx; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #else int ble_send_data (BLE * ble, uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (!bt_gatt_client_write_value (ble->gatt, ble->data_handle, buf, len, write_cb, ble, NULL)) { printf ("Failed to initiate write procedure\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return mainloop_run (); } #endif int ble_send_data_noresp (BLE * ble, uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { size_t mtu = 16, tx; printf ("Sending data:\n"); hexdump (buf, (len < 64) ? len : 64); while (len) { printf ("%u bytes left\n", (unsigned) len); tx = (len > mtu) ? mtu : len; if (!bt_gatt_client_write_without_response (ble->gatt, ble->data_handle, false, buf, tx)) { printf ("Failed to initiate write procedure\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } len -= tx; buf += tx; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void ble_wait_setup (BLE * ble, uint8_t op) { ble->notify_waiting_for_op = op; ble->notify_code = -1; } int ble_wait_run (BLE * ble) { mainloop_run (); ble->notify_waiting_for_op = -1; printf ("Returning response 0x%02x\n", ble->notify_code); return ble->notify_code; }