library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; entity spdif is port ( xtal_50mhz : in std_logic; spdif_in : in std_logic; n_rst_in : in std_logic; n_leds : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); n_mute_out : out std_logic; n_stby_out : out std_logic; dbg : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end spdif; architecture rtl of spdif is component detector is port ( clk_in : in std_logic; spdif_in : in std_logic; n_reset : in std_logic; divisor : in integer; silent_thresh : in integer; valid_divisor : in integer; valid_thresh : in integer; mute : out std_logic; dbg : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end component; component pll100 is port ( areset : in std_logic := '0'; inclk0 : in std_logic := '0'; c0 : out std_logic; locked : out std_logic ); end component; component pll200 is port ( areset : in std_logic := '0'; inclk0 : in std_logic := '0'; c0 : out std_logic; locked : out std_logic ); end component; signal n_reset : std_logic; signal clk_200mhz : std_logic; -- signal clk_100mhz : -- std_logic; signal mute1 : std_logic; signal mute2 : std_logic; signal mute3 : std_logic; signal mute : std_logic; begin n_reset <= n_rst_in; pll1 : pll200 port map ( areset => not n_reset, inclk0 => xtal_50mhz, c0 => clk_200mhz ); -- 96000Hz -- det1 : detector port map ( -- n_reset => n_reset, -- clk_in => clk_200mhz, -- spdif_in => spdif_in, -- -- divisor => 2, -- divisor to turn clk_in into 6x spdif base frequency -- silent_thresh => 96000, -- number of samples of same sample before we declare silence -- valid_divisor => 100000000, -- (clk_in/(divisor*valid_divisor)) is period for validity checks -- valid_thresh => 90000, -- number of valid samples that must be received in validity period to declare it's all ok. -- -- mute => mute1 -- ); -- 44100Hz det2 : detector port map ( n_reset => n_reset, clk_in => clk_200mhz, spdif_in => spdif_in, divisor => 5, -- divisor to turn clk_in into 6x spdif base frequency silent_thresh => 44100, -- number of samples of same sample before we declare silence valid_divisor => 40000000, -- (clk_in/(divisor*valid_divisor)) is period for validity checks valid_thresh => 40000, -- number of valid samples that must be received in validity period to declare it's all ok. mute => mute2, dbg => dbg ); -- 32000Hz -- det3 : detector port map ( -- n_reset => n_reset, -- clk_in => clk_200mhz, -- spdif_in => spdif_in, -- -- divisor => 8, -- divisor to turn clk_in into 6x spdif base frequency -- silent_thresh => 32000, -- number of samples of same sample before we declare silence -- valid_divisor => 25000000, -- (clk_in/(divisor*valid_divisor)) is period for validity checks -- valid_thresh => 30000, -- number of valid samples that must be received in validity period to declare it's all ok. -- -- mute => mute3 -- ); mute1 <= '1'; mute3 <= '1'; mute <= mute1 and mute2 and mute3; n_mute_out <= not mute; n_stby_out <= not mute; n_leds(0) <= mute1; n_leds(1) <= mute2; n_leds(2) <= mute3; end rtl;