/*-*-c++-*- * $Id$ * * This file is part of plptools. * * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Fritz Elfert * Copyright (C) 2007 Reuben Thomas * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rfsv_api.h" #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include using namespace std; static rfsv *a; static rfsvfactory *rf; static rpcs *r; static rpcsfactory *rp; static bufferStore owner; /* Translate EPOC/SIBO error to UNIX error code, leaving positive numbers alone */ int epocerr_to_errno(long epocerr) { int unixerr = (int)epocerr; if (epocerr < 0) { switch (epocerr) { case rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE: unixerr = 0; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST: unixerr = -EEXIST; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NXIST: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DIR: unixerr = -ENOENT; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_WRITE: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_READ: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EOF: // Can't err = EOF as it's not an error code case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ALLOC: // FIXME: No idea what this is case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_UNKNOWN: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DIRFULL: unixerr = -EPERM; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_FULL: unixerr = -ENOSPC; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NAME: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_RECORD: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_VOLUME: unixerr = -EINVAL; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ACCESS: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_LOCKED: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_RDONLY: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_PROTECT: unixerr = -EACCES; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_INUSE: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DEVICE: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_PENDING: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NOTREADY: unixerr = -EBUSY; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_INV: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_RETRAN: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_LINE: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_INACT: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_PARITY: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_FRAME: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_OVERRUN: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_CORRUPT: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_INVALID: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ABORT: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_ERASE: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_NDISC: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DRIVER: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_COMPLETION: default: unixerr = -EIO; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_CANCEL: unixerr = -EINTR; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_DISC: case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_CONNECT: unixerr = -ENODEV; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_TOOBIG: unixerr = -EFBIG; break; case rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_HANDLE: unixerr = -EBADF; break; } } debuglog("EPOC error %ld became UNIX code %d", epocerr, unixerr); return unixerr; } int rfsv_isalive(void) { if (!a) { if (!(a = rf->create(true))) return 0; } return a->getStatus() == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE; } int rfsv_dir(const char *file, dentry **e) { PlpDir entries; dentry *tmp; long ret; if (!a) return -ENODEV; ret = a->dir(file, entries); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { PlpDirent pe = entries[i]; tmp = *e; *e = (dentry *)calloc(1, sizeof(dentry)); if (!*e) return -ENODEV; (*e)->time = pe.getPsiTime().getTime(); (*e)->size = pe.getSize(); (*e)->attr = pe.getAttr(); (*e)->name = strdup(pe.getName()); (*e)->next = tmp; } return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } int rfsv_dircount(const char *file, u_int32_t *count) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->dircount(file, *count)); } int rfsv_rmdir(const char *name) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->rmdir(name)); } int rfsv_mkdir(const char *file) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->mkdir(file)); } int rfsv_remove(const char *file) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->remove(file)); } int rfsv_fclose(long handle) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->fclose(handle)); } int rfsv_fcreate(long attr, const char *file, u_int32_t *handle) { u_int32_t ph; long ret; if (!a) return -ENODEV; ret = a->fcreatefile(attr, file, ph); *handle = ph; return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } int rfsv_open(const char *name, long mode, u_int32_t *handle) { long ret, retry; if (!a) return -ENODEV; if (mode == O_RDONLY) mode = rfsv::PSI_O_RDONLY; else mode = rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR; for (retry = 100; retry > 0 && (ret = a->fopen(a->opMode(mode), name, *handle)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE; retry--) usleep(20000); return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } int rfsv_read(char *buf, long offset, long len, const char *name) { u_int32_t ret = 0, r_offset, handle; if (!a) return -ENODEV; if ((ret = rfsv_open(name, O_RDONLY, &handle))) return ret; if (a->fseek(handle, offset, rfsv::PSI_SEEK_SET, r_offset) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE || offset != r_offset || a->fread(handle, (unsigned char *)buf, len, ret) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) ret = -1; rfsv_fclose(handle); return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } int rfsv_write(const char *buf, long offset, long len, const char *name) { u_int32_t ret = 0, r_offset, handle; if (!a) return -ENODEV; if ((ret = rfsv_open(name, O_RDWR, &handle))) return ret; if (a->fseek(handle, offset, rfsv::PSI_SEEK_SET, r_offset) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE || offset != r_offset || a->fwrite(handle, (unsigned char *)buf, len, ret) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) ret = -1; rfsv_fclose(handle); return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } int rfsv_setmtime(const char *name, long time) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->fsetmtime(name, PsiTime(time))); } int rfsv_setsize(const char *name, long size) { u_int32_t ph; long ret; if (!a) return -ENODEV; ret = a->fopen(a->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), name, ph); if (!ret) { ret = a->fsetsize(ph, size); a->fclose(ph); } return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } int rfsv_setattr(const char *name, long sattr, long dattr) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->fsetattr(name, sattr, dattr)); } int rfsv_getattr(const char *name, long *attr, long *size, long *time) { long res; PlpDirent e; if (!a) return -ENODEV; res = a->fgeteattr(name, e); *attr = e.getAttr(); *size = e.getSize(); *time = e.getPsiTime().getTime(); return epocerr_to_errno(res); } int rfsv_rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname) { if (!a) return -ENODEV; return epocerr_to_errno(a->rename(oldname, newname)); } int rfsv_drivelist(int *cnt, device **dlist) { *dlist = NULL; u_int32_t devbits; long ret; int i; if (!a) return -ENODEV; ret = a->devlist(devbits); if (ret == 0) for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { PlpDrive drive; if ((devbits & 1) && ((a->devinfo(i + 'A', drive) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE))) { device *next = *dlist; *dlist = (device *)malloc(sizeof(device)); (*dlist)->next = next; (*dlist)->name = strdup(drive.getName().c_str()); (*dlist)->total = drive.getSize(); (*dlist)->free = drive.getSpace(); (*dlist)->letter = 'A' + i; (*dlist)->attrib = drive.getMediaType(); (*cnt)++; } devbits >>= 1; } return epocerr_to_errno(ret); } static void help() { cerr << _( "Usage: plpfuse [OPTION...] MOUNTPOINT\n" "\n" "plpfuse options:\n" "\n" " -d, --debug Increase debugging level\n" " -h, --help Display this text\n" " -V, --version Print version and exit\n" " -p, --port=[HOST:]PORT Connect to port PORT on host HOST\n" " Default for HOST is\n" " Default for PORT is " ) << DPORT << "\n\n"; } static struct option opts[] = { {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"debug", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"port", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; static void parse_destination(const char *arg, const char **host, int *port) { if (!arg) return; // We don't want to modify argv, therefore copy it first ... char *argcpy = strdup(arg); char *pp = strchr(argcpy, ':'); if (pp) { // host.domain:400 // *pp ++= '\0'; *host = argcpy; } else { // 400 // host.domain // host // if (strchr(argcpy, '.') || !isdigit(argcpy[0])) { *host = argcpy; pp = 0L; } else pp = argcpy; } if (pp) *port = atoi(pp); } int fuse(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct fuse_args args = FUSE_ARGS_INIT(argc, argv); struct fuse_chan *ch; char *mountpoint; int err = -1, foreground; if (fuse_parse_cmdline(&args, &mountpoint, NULL, &foreground) != -1 && (ch = fuse_mount(mountpoint, &args)) != NULL) { if (fuse_daemonize(foreground) != -1) { struct fuse *fp = fuse_new(ch, &args, &plp_oper, sizeof(plp_oper), NULL); if (fp != NULL) err = fuse_loop(fp); } fuse_unmount(mountpoint, ch); } fuse_opt_free_args(&args); return err ? 1 : 0; } int main(int argc, char**argv) { ppsocket *skt, *skt2; const char *host = ""; int sockNum = DPORT, i, c, oldoptind = 1; struct servent *se = getservbyname("psion", "tcp"); endservent(); if (se != 0L) sockNum = ntohs(se->s_port); /* N.B. Option handling is kludged. Most of the options are shared with FUSE, except for -p/--port, which has to be removed from argv so that FUSE doesn't see it. Hence, we don't complain about unknown options, but leave that to FUSE, and similarly we don't quit after issuing a version or help message. */ opterr = 0; // Suppress errors from unknown options while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hVp:d", opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'V': cerr << _("plpfuse version ") << VERSION << endl; break; case 'h': help(); break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'p': parse_destination(optarg, &host, &sockNum); for (i = oldoptind; i < argc - (optind - oldoptind); i++) argv[i] = argv[i + (optind - oldoptind)]; argc -= optind - oldoptind; break; } } skt = new ppsocket(); if (!skt->connect(host, sockNum)) { cerr << _("plpfuse: could not connect to ncpd") << endl; return 1; } skt2 = new ppsocket(); if (!skt2->connect(host, sockNum)) { cerr << _("plpfuse: could not connect to ncpd") << endl; return 1; } rf = new rfsvfactory(skt); rp = new rpcsfactory(skt2); a = rf->create(true); r = rp->create(true); if (a != NULL && r != NULL) debuglog("plpfuse: connected"); else debuglog("plpfuse: could not create rfsv or rpcs object, connect delayed"); return fuse(argc, argv); }