// $Id$ // // PLP - An implementation of the PSION link protocol // // Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Proudman // Modifications for plptools: // Copyright (C) 1999 Fritz Elfert // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // e-mail philip.proudman@btinternet.com #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ftp.h" #include "rfsv.h" #include "rpcs.h" #include "bufferarray.h" #include "bufferstore.h" #include "Enum.h" #if HAVE_LIBREADLINE extern "C" { #include #if HAVE_LIBHISTORY #include #endif } #endif static char psionDir[1024]; static rfsv *comp_a; static int continueRunning; void ftp:: resetUnixPwd() { getcwd(localDir, 500); strcat(localDir, "/"); } ftp::ftp() { resetUnixPwd(); } ftp::~ftp() { } void ftp::usage() { cout << "Known FTP commands:" << endl << endl; cout << " pwd" << endl; cout << " ren " << endl; cout << " touch " << endl; cout << " gtime " << endl; cout << " test " << endl; cout << " gattr " << endl; cout << " sattr [[-|+]rhsa] " << endl; cout << " devs" << endl; cout << " dir|ls" << endl; cout << " dircnt" << endl; cout << " cd " << endl; cout << " lcd " << endl; cout << " !" << endl; cout << " get " << endl; cout << " put " << endl; cout << " mget " << endl; cout << " mput " << endl; cout << " del|rm " << endl; cout << " mkdir " << endl; cout << " rmdir " << endl; cout << " prompt" << endl; cout << " hash" << endl; cout << " bye" << endl; cout << endl << "Known RPC commands:" << endl << endl; cout << " ps" << endl; cout << " kill " << endl; } static int Wildmat(const char *s, char *p); static int Star(const char *s, char *p) { while (Wildmat(s, p) == 0) if (*++s == '\0') return 0; return 1; } static int Wildmat(const char *s, char *p) { register int last; register int matched; register int reverse; for (; *p; s++, p++) switch (*p) { case '\\': /* * Literal match with following character, * fall through. */ p++; default: if (*s != *p) return (0); continue; case '?': /* Match anything. */ if (*s == '\0') return (0); continue; case '*': /* Trailing star matches everything. */ return (*++p ? Star(s, p) : 1); case '[': /* [^....] means inverse character class. */ if ((reverse = (p[1] == '^'))) p++; for (last = 0, matched = 0; *++p && (*p != ']'); last = *p) /* This next line requires a good C compiler. */ if (*p == '-' ? *s <= *++p && *s >= last : *s == *p) matched = 1; if (matched == reverse) return (0); continue; } return (*s == '\0'); } static int checkAbortNoHash(long) { return continueRunning; } static int checkAbortHash(long) { if (continueRunning) { printf("#"); fflush(stdout); } return continueRunning; } static void sigint_handler(int i) { continueRunning = 0; signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); } static void sigint_handler2(int i) { continueRunning = 0; fclose(stdin); signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler2); } const char *datefmt = "%c"; int ftp:: session(rfsv & a, rpcs & r, int xargc, char **xargv) { int argc; char *argv[10]; char f1[256]; char f2[256]; Enum res; bool prompt = true; bool hash = false; cpCallback_t cab = checkAbortNoHash; bool once = false; if (xargc > 1) { once = true; argc = (xargc<10)?xargc:10; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) argv[i] = xargv[i+1]; } if (!once) { bufferArray b; if (!(res = r.getOwnerInfo(b))) { Enum machType; r.getMachineType(machType); cout << "Connected to a " << machType << ", OwnerInfo:" << endl; while (!b.empty()) cout << " " << b.pop().getString() << endl; cout << endl; } else cerr << "OwnerInfo returned error " << res << endl; } if (!strcmp(DDRIVE, "AUTO")) { long devbits; long vtotal, vfree, vattr, vuniqueid; int i; strcpy(defDrive, "::"); if (a.devlist(&devbits) == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if ((devbits & 1) && a.devinfo(i, &vfree, &vtotal, &vattr, &vuniqueid)) { defDrive[0] = 'A' + i; break; } devbits >>= 1; } } if (!strcmp(defDrive, "::")) { cerr << "FATAL: Couln't find default Drive" << endl; return -1; } } else strcpy(defDrive, DDRIVE); strcpy(psionDir, defDrive); strcat(psionDir, DBASEDIR); comp_a = &a; if (!once) { cout << "Psion dir is: \"" << psionDir << "\"" << endl; initReadline(); } continueRunning = 1; signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); do { if (!once) getCommand(argc, argv); if (!strcmp(argv[0], "help")) { usage(); continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "prompt")) { prompt = !prompt; cout << "Prompting now " << (prompt?"on":"off") << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "hash")) { hash = !hash; cout << "Hash printing now " << (hash?"on":"off") << endl; cab = (hash) ? checkAbortHash : checkAbortNoHash; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "pwd")) { cout << "Local dir: \"" << localDir << "\"" << endl; cout << "Psion dir: \"" << psionDir << "\"" << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "ren") && (argc == 3)) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); strcpy(f2, psionDir); strcat(f2, argv[2]); if ((res = a.rename(f1, f2)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "touch") && (argc == 2)) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.fsetmtime(f1, time(0))) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "test") && (argc == 2)) { long attr, size, time; strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.fgeteattr(f1, &attr, &size, &time)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; else { // never used to do this char dateBuff[100]; strftime(dateBuff, sizeof(dateBuff), datefmt, localtime(&time)); cout << a.opAttr(attr); cout << " " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << size; cout << " " << dateBuff; cout << " " << argv[1] << endl; } continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "gattr") && (argc == 2)) { long attr; strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.fgetattr(f1, &attr)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; else { cout << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << attr; cout << " (" << a.opAttr(attr) << ")" << endl; } continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "gtime") && (argc == 2)) { long mtime; strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.fgetmtime(f1, &mtime)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; else { char dateBuff[100]; strftime(dateBuff, sizeof(dateBuff), datefmt, localtime(&mtime)); cout << dateBuff << endl; } continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "sattr") && (argc == 2)) { long attr[2]; int aidx = 0; char *p = argv[1]; strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[2]); attr[0] = attr[1] = 0; while (*p) { switch (*p) { case '+': aidx = 0; break; case '-': aidx = 1; break; case 'r': attr[aidx] |= 0x01; attr[1 - aidx] &= ~0x01; break; case 'h': attr[aidx] |= 0x02; attr[1 - aidx] &= ~0x02; break; case 's': attr[aidx] |= 0x04; attr[1 - aidx] &= ~0x04; break; case 'a': attr[aidx] |= 0x20; attr[1 - aidx] &= ~0x20; break; } p++; } if ((res = a.fsetattr(f1, attr[0], attr[1])) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "dircnt")) { long cnt; if ((res = a.dircount(psionDir, &cnt)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; else cout << cnt << " Entries" << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "devs")) { long devbits; if ((res = a.devlist(&devbits)) == 0) { cout << "Drive Type Volname Total Free UniqueID" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { char *vname; long vtotal, vfree, vattr, vuniqueid; if ((devbits & 1) != 0) { vname = a.devinfo(i, &vfree, &vtotal, &vattr, &vuniqueid); if (vname != NULL) { cout << (char) ('A' + i) << " " << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << vattr << " " << setw(12) << setfill(' ') << setiosflags(ios::left) << vname << resetiosflags(ios::left) << dec << setw(9) << vtotal << setw(9) << vfree << setw(10) << vuniqueid << endl; free(vname); } } devbits >>= 1; } } else cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "ls") || !strcmp(argv[0], "dir")) { bufferArray files; if ((res = a.dir(psionDir, &files)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; else while (!files.empty()) { bufferStore s; s = files.pop(); long date = s.getDWord(0); long size = s.getDWord(4); long attr = s.getDWord(8); char dateBuff[100]; strftime(dateBuff, sizeof(dateBuff), datefmt, localtime(&date)); cout << a.opAttr(attr); cout << " " << dec << setw(10) << setfill(' ') << size; cout << " " << dateBuff; cout << " " << s.getString(12) << endl; } continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "lcd")) { if (argc == 1) resetUnixPwd(); else { if (chdir(argv[1]) == 0) { getcwd(localDir, sizeof(localDir)); strcat(localDir, "/"); } else cerr << "No such directory" << endl << "Keeping original directory \"" << localDir << "\"" << endl; } continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "cd")) { if (argc == 1) { strcpy(psionDir, defDrive); strcat(psionDir, DBASEDIR); } else { long tmp; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "..")) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); char *p = f1 + strlen(f1); if (p > f1) p--; *p = '\0'; while ((p > f1) && (*p != '/') && (*p != '\\')) p--; *(++p) = '\0'; if (strlen(f1) < 3) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); f1[3] = '\0'; } } else { if ((argv[1][0] != '/') && (argv[1][0] != '\\') && (argv[1][1] != ':')) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); } else strcpy(f1, argv[1]); } if ((f1[strlen(f1) -1] != '/') && (f1[strlen(f1) -1] != '\\')) strcat(f1,"\\"); if ((res = a.dircount(f1, &tmp)) == 0) { for (char *p = f1; *p; p++) if (*p == '/') *p = '\\'; strcpy(psionDir, f1); } else { cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; cerr << "Keeping original directory \"" << psionDir << "\"" << endl; } } continue; } if ((!strcmp(argv[0], "get")) && (argc > 1)) { struct timeval stime; struct timeval etime; struct stat stbuf; strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); strcpy(f2, localDir); if (argc == 2) strcat(f2, argv[1]); else strcat(f2, argv[2]); gettimeofday(&stime, 0L); if ((res = a.copyFromPsion(f1, f2, cab)) != 0) { if (hash) cout << endl; continueRunning = 1; cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; } else { if (hash) cout << endl; gettimeofday(&etime, 0L); long dsec = etime.tv_sec - stime.tv_sec; long dhse = (etime.tv_usec / 10000) - (stime.tv_usec /10000); if (dhse < 0) { dsec--; dhse = 100 + dhse; } float dt = dhse; dt /= 100.0; dt += dsec; stat(f2, &stbuf); float cps = (float)(stbuf.st_size) / dt; cout << "Transfer complete, (" << stbuf.st_size << " bytes in " << dsec << "." << dhse << " secs = " << cps << " cps)\n"; } continue; } else if ((!strcmp(argv[0], "mget")) && (argc == 2)) { char *pattern = argv[1]; bufferArray files; if ((res = a.dir(psionDir, &files)) != 0) { cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } while (!files.empty()) { bufferStore s; s = files.pop(); char temp[100]; long attr = s.getDWord(8); if (attr & 0x10) continue; if (!Wildmat(s.getString(12), pattern)) continue; do { cout << "Get \"" << s.getString(12) << "\" (y,n): "; if (prompt) { cout.flush(); cin.getline(temp, 100); } else { temp[0] = 'y'; temp[1] = 0; cout << "y "; cout.flush(); } } while (temp[1] != 0 || (temp[0] != 'y' && temp[0] != 'n')); if (temp[0] != 'n') { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, s.getString(12)); strcpy(f2, localDir); strcat(f2, s.getString(12)); if (temp[0] == 'l') { for (char *p = f2; *p; p++) *p = tolower(*p); } if ((res = a.copyFromPsion(f1, f2, cab)) != 0) { if (hash) cout << endl; continueRunning = 1; cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; break; } else { if (hash) cout << endl; cout << "Transfer complete\n"; } } } continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "put") && (argc >= 2)) { struct timeval stime; struct timeval etime; struct stat stbuf; strcpy(f1, localDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); strcpy(f2, psionDir); if (argc == 2) strcat(f2, argv[1]); else strcat(f2, argv[2]); gettimeofday(&stime, 0L); if ((res = a.copyToPsion(f1, f2, cab)) != 0) { if (hash) cout << endl; continueRunning = 1; cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; } else { if (hash) cout << endl; gettimeofday(&etime, 0L); long dsec = etime.tv_sec - stime.tv_sec; long dhse = (etime.tv_usec / 10000) - (stime.tv_usec /10000); if (dhse < 0) { dsec--; dhse = 100 + dhse; } float dt = dhse; dt /= 100.0; dt += dsec; stat(f1, &stbuf); float cps = (float)(stbuf.st_size) / dt; cout << "Transfer complete, (" << stbuf.st_size << " bytes in " << dsec << "." << dhse << " secs = " << cps << " cps)\n"; } continue; } if ((!strcmp(argv[0], "mput")) && (argc == 2)) { char *pattern = argv[1]; DIR *d = opendir(localDir); if (d) { struct dirent *de; do { de = readdir(d); if (de) { char temp[100]; struct stat st; if (!Wildmat(de->d_name, pattern)) continue; strcpy(f1, localDir); strcat(f1, de->d_name); if (stat(f1, &st) != 0) continue; if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) continue; do { cout << "Put \"" << de->d_name << "\" y,n: "; if (prompt) { cout.flush(); cin.getline(temp, 100); } else { temp[0] = 'y'; temp[1] = 0; cout << "y "; cout.flush(); } } while (temp[1] != 0 || (temp[0] != 'y' && temp[0] != 'n')); if (temp[0] == 'y') { strcpy(f2, psionDir); strcat(f2, de->d_name); if ((res = a.copyToPsion(f1, f2, cab)) != 0) { if (hash) cout << endl; continueRunning = 1; cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; break; } else { if (hash) cout << endl; cout << "Transfer complete\n"; } } } } while (de); closedir(d); } else cerr << "Error in directory name \"" << localDir << "\"\n"; continue; } if ((!strcmp(argv[0], "del") || !strcmp(argv[0], "rm")) && (argc == 2)) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.remove(f1)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "mkdir") && (argc == 2)) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.mkdir(f1)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "rmdir") && (argc == 2)) { strcpy(f1, psionDir); strcat(f1, argv[1]); if ((res = a.rmdir(f1)) != 0) cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } if (argv[0][0] == '!') { char cmd[1024]; strcpy(cmd, &argv[0][1]); for (int i=1; i= 2)) { char argbuf[1024]; char cmdbuf[1024]; argbuf[0] = 0; for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 2) { strcat(argbuf, " "); strcat(argbuf, argv[i]); } else strcpy(argbuf, argv[i]); } if (argv[1][1] != ':') { strcpy(cmdbuf, psionDir); strcat(cmdbuf, argv[1]); } else strcpy(cmdbuf, argv[1]); r.execProgram(cmdbuf, argbuf); continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "machinfo")) { rpcs::machineInfo mi; if ((res = r.getMachineInfo(mi))) { cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; continue; } cout << "General:" << endl; cout << " Machine Type: " << mi.machineType << endl; cout << " Machine Name: " << mi.machineName << endl; cout << " Machine UID: " << hex << mi.machineUID << dec << endl; cout << " UI Language: " << mi.uiLanguage << endl; cout << "ROM:" << endl; cout << " Version: " << mi.romMajor << "." << setw(2) << setfill('0') << mi.romMinor << "(" << mi.romBuild << ")" << endl; cout << " Size: " << mi.romSize / 1024 << "k" << endl; cout << " Programmable: " << (mi.romProgrammable ? "yes" : "no") << endl; cout << "RAM:" << endl; cout << " Size: " << mi.ramSize / 1024 << "k" << endl; cout << " Free: " << mi.ramFree / 1024 << "k" << endl; cout << " Free max: " << mi.ramMaxFree / 1024 << "k" << endl; cout << "RAM disk size: " << mi.ramDiskSize / 1024 << "k" << endl; cout << "Registry size: " << mi.registrySize << endl; cout << "Display size: " << mi.displayWidth << "x" << mi.displayHeight << endl; cout << "Time:" << endl; PsiTime pt(&mi.time, &mi.tz); cout << " Current time: " << pt << endl; cout << " UTC offset: " << mi.tz.utc_offset << " seconds" << endl; cout << " DST: " << (mi.tz.dst_zones & PsiTime::PSI_TZ_HOME ? "yes" : "no") << endl; cout << " Timezone: " << mi.tz.home_zone << endl; cout << " Country Code: " << mi.countryCode << endl; cout << "Main battery:" << endl; pt.setPsiTime(&mi.mainBatteryInsertionTime); cout << " Changed at: " << pt << endl; cout << " Used for: " << mi.mainBatteryUsedTime << endl; cout << " Status: " << mi.mainBatteryStatus << endl; cout << " Current: " << mi.mainBatteryCurrent << " mA" << endl; cout << " UsedPower: " << mi.mainBatteryUsedPower << " mAs" << endl; cout << " Voltage: " << mi.mainBatteryVoltage << " mV" << endl; cout << " Max. voltage: " << mi.mainBatteryMaxVoltage << " mV" << endl; cout << "Backup battery:" << endl; cout << " Status: " << mi.backupBatteryStatus << endl; cout << " Voltage: " << mi.backupBatteryVoltage << " mV" << endl; cout << " Max. voltage: " << mi.backupBatteryMaxVoltage << " mV" << endl; cout << " Used for: " << mi.backupBatteryUsedTime << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "runrestore") && (argc == 2)) { ifstream ip(argv[1]); if (!ip) { cerr << "Could not read processlist " << argv[1] << endl; continue; } while (!ip.eof()) { char cmd[256]; char arg[256]; ip >> cmd >> arg; if ((res = r.execProgram(cmd, arg))) { cerr << "Could not start " << cmd << " " << arg << endl; cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; } } ip.close(); continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "killsave") && (argc == 2)) { bufferArray tmp; ofstream op(argv[1]); if (!op) { cerr << "Could not write processlist " << argv[1] << endl; continue; } r.queryDrive('C', tmp); while (!tmp.empty()) { char pbuf[128]; bufferStore cmdargs; bufferStore bs = tmp.pop(); int pid = bs.getWord(0); const char *proc = bs.getString(2); sprintf(pbuf, "%s.$%d", proc, pid); bs = tmp.pop(); if (r.getCmdLine(pbuf, cmdargs) == 0) op << cmdargs.getString(0) << " " << bs.getString(0) << endl; r.stopProgram(pbuf); } op.close(); continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "kill") && (argc >= 2)) { bufferArray tmp, tmp2; bool anykilled = false; r.queryDrive('C', tmp); tmp2 = tmp; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { int kpid; tmp = tmp2; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "all")) kpid = -1; else sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &kpid); while (!tmp.empty()) { bufferStore bs = tmp.pop(); tmp.pop(); int pid = bs.getWord(0); const char *proc = bs.getString(2); if (kpid == -1 || kpid == pid) { char pbuf[128]; sprintf(pbuf, "%s.$%d", proc, pid); r.stopProgram(pbuf); anykilled = true; } } if (kpid == -1) break; } if (!anykilled) cerr << "no such process" << endl; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "ps")) { bufferArray tmp; r.queryDrive('C', tmp); cout << "PID CMD ARGS" << endl; while (!tmp.empty()) { bufferStore bs = tmp.pop(); bufferStore bs2 = tmp.pop(); int pid = bs.getWord(0); const char *proc = bs.getString(2); const char *arg = bs2.getString(); printf("%5d %-12s %s\n", pid, proc, arg); } continue; } if (strcmp(argv[0], "bye") && strcmp(argv[0], "quit")) cerr << "syntax error. Try \"help\"" << endl; } while (strcmp(argv[0], "bye") && strcmp(argv[0], "quit") && !once && continueRunning); return a.getStatus(); } #if HAVE_LIBREADLINE static char *all_commands[] = { "pwd", "ren", "touch", "gtime", "test", "gattr", "sattr", "devs", "dir", "ls", "dircnt", "cd", "lcd", "get", "put", "mget", "mput", "del", "rm", "mkdir", "rmdir", "prompt", "bye", "ps", "kill", "killsave", "runrestore", "run", "machinfo", NULL }; static char *localfile_commands[] = { "lcd ", "put ", "mput ", NULL }; static char *remote_dir_commands[] = { "cd ", "rmdir ", NULL }; static bufferArray *comp_files = NULL; static long maskAttr; static char* filename_generator(char *text, int state) { static int len; if (!state) { long res; len = strlen(text); if (comp_files) delete comp_files; comp_files = new bufferArray(); if ((res = comp_a->dir(psionDir, comp_files)) != 0) { cerr << "Error: " << res << endl; return NULL; } } while (!comp_files->empty()) { bufferStore s; s = comp_files->pop(); long attr = s.getDWord(8); if ((attr & maskAttr) == 0) continue; if (!(strncmp(s.getString(12), text, len))) { char fnbuf[512]; strcpy(fnbuf, s.getString(12)); if (attr & 0x10) strcat(fnbuf, "/"); return (strdup(fnbuf)); } } return NULL; } static char * command_generator(char *text, int state) { static int idx, len; char *name; if (!state) { idx = 0; len = strlen(text); } while ((name = all_commands[idx])) { idx++; if (!strncmp(name, text, len)) return (strdup(name)); } return NULL; } static int null_completion() { return 0; } static char ** do_completion(char *text, int start, int end) { char **matches = NULL; rl_completion_entry_function = (Function *)null_completion; if (start == 0) matches = completion_matches(text, command_generator); else { int idx = 0; char *name; rl_filename_quoting_desired = 1; while ((name = localfile_commands[idx])) { idx++; if (!strncmp(name, rl_line_buffer, strlen(name))) { rl_completion_entry_function = NULL; return NULL; } } maskAttr = 0xffff; idx = 0; while ((name = remote_dir_commands[idx])) { idx++; if (!strncmp(name, rl_line_buffer, strlen(name))) maskAttr = 0x0010; } matches = completion_matches(text, filename_generator); } return matches; } #endif void ftp:: initReadline(void) { #if HAVE_LIBREADLINE rl_readline_name = "plpftp"; rl_completion_entry_function = (Function *)null_completion; rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *)do_completion; #endif } void ftp:: getCommand(int &argc, char **argv) { int ws, quote; static char buf[1024]; buf[0] = 0; argc = 0; while (!strlen(buf) && continueRunning) { signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler2); #if HAVE_LIBREADLINE char *bp = readline("> "); if (!bp) { strcpy(buf, "bye"); cout << buf << endl; } else { strcpy(buf, bp); #if HAVE_LIBHISTORY add_history(buf); #endif free(bp); } #else cout << "> "; cout.flush(); cin.getline(buf, 1023); if (cin.eof()) { strcpy(buf, "bye"); cout << buf << endl; } #endif signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); } ws = 1; quote = 0; for (char *p = buf; *p; p++) switch (*p) { case ' ': case '\t': if (!quote) { ws = 1; *p = 0; } break; case '"': quote = 1 - quote; if (!quote) *p = 0; break; default: if (ws) { argv[argc++] = p; } ws = 0; } } // Unix utilities bool ftp:: unixDirExists(const char *dir) { return false; } void ftp:: getUnixDir(bufferArray & files) { } void ftp:: cd(const char *source, const char *cdto, char *dest) { if (cdto[0] == '/' || cdto[0] == '\\' || cdto[1] == ':') { strcpy(dest, cdto); char cc = dest[strlen(dest) - 1]; if (cc != '/' && cc != '\\') strcat(dest, "/"); } else { char start[200]; strcpy(start, source); while (*cdto) { char bit[200]; int j; for (j = 0; cdto[j] && cdto[j] != '/' && cdto[j] != '\\'; j++) bit[j] = cdto[j]; bit[j] = 0; cdto += j; if (*cdto) cdto++; if (!strcmp(bit, "..")) { strcpy(dest, start); int i; for (i = strlen(dest) - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (dest[i] == '/' || dest[i] == '\\') { dest[i + 1] = 0; break; } } } else { strcpy(dest, start); strcat(dest, bit); strcat(dest, "/"); } strcpy(start, dest); } } }