/*-*-c++-*- * $Id$ * * This file is part of plptools. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Proudman <philip.proudman@btinternet.com> * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Fritz Elfert <felfert@to.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <termios.h> #include <signal.h> extern "C" { #include "mp_serial.h" } #include "packet.h" #include "link.h" #define BUFLEN 4096 // Must be a power of 2 #define BUFMASK (BUFLEN-1) #define hasSpace(dir) (((dir##Write + 1) & BUFMASK) != dir##Read) #define hasData(dir) (dir##Write != dir##Read) #define inca(idx,amount) do { \ idx = (idx + amount) & BUFMASK; \ } while (0) #define inc1(idx) inca(idx, 1) #define normalize(idx) do { idx &= BUFMASK; } while (0) static unsigned short pumpverbose = 0; extern "C" { /** * Signal handler does nothing. It just exists * for having the select() below return an * interrupted system call. */ static void usr1handler(int sig) { signal(SIGUSR1, usr1handler); } static void *pump_run(void *arg) { packet *p = (packet *)arg; pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL); while (1) { if (p->fd != -1) { fd_set r_set; fd_set w_set; int res; int count; FD_ZERO(&r_set); w_set = r_set; if (hasSpace(p->in)) FD_SET(p->fd, &r_set); if (hasData(p->out)) FD_SET(p->fd, &w_set); res = select(p->fd+1, &r_set, &w_set, NULL, NULL); switch (res) { case 0: break; case -1: break; default: if (FD_ISSET(p->fd, &w_set)) { count = p->outWrite - p->outRead; if (count < 0) count = (BUFLEN - p->outRead); res = write(p->fd, &p->outBuffer[p->outRead], count); if (res > 0) { if (pumpverbose & PKT_DEBUG_DUMP) { int i; printf("pump: wrote %d bytes: (", res); for (i = 0; i<res; i++) printf("%02x ", p->outBuffer[p->outRead + i]); printf(")\n"); } int hadSpace = hasSpace(p->out); inca(p->outRead, res); if (!hadSpace) pthread_kill(p->thisThread, SIGUSR1); } } if (FD_ISSET(p->fd, &r_set)) { count = p->inRead - p->inWrite; if (count <= 0) count = (BUFLEN - p->inWrite); res = read(p->fd, &p->inBuffer[p->inWrite], count); if (res > 0) { if (pumpverbose & PKT_DEBUG_DUMP) { int i; printf("pump: read %d bytes: (", res); for (i = 0; i<res; i++) printf("%02x ", p->inBuffer[p->inWrite + i]); printf(")\n"); } inca(p->inWrite, res); p->findSync(); } } else { if (hasData(p->in)) p->findSync(); } break; } } } } }; static const int baud_table[] = { 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, // Lower rates don't make sense ?! }; #define BAUD_TABLE_SIZE (sizeof(baud_table) / sizeof(int)) packet:: packet(const char *fname, int _baud, Link *_link, unsigned short _verbose) { verbose = pumpverbose = _verbose; devname = strdup(fname); assert(devname); baud = _baud; theLINK = _link; isEPOC = false; justStarted = true; // Initialize CRC table crc_table[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { unsigned int carry = crc_table[i] & 0x8000; unsigned int tmp = (crc_table[i] << 1) & 0xffff; crc_table[i * 2 + (carry ? 0 : 1)] = tmp ^ 0x1021; crc_table[i * 2 + (carry ? 1 : 0)] = tmp; } inRead = inWrite = outRead = outWrite = 0; inBuffer = new unsigned char[BUFLEN + 1]; outBuffer = new unsigned char[BUFLEN + 1]; assert(inBuffer); assert(outBuffer); esc = false; lastFatal = false; serialStatus = -1; lastSYN = startPkt = -1; crcIn = crcOut = 0; thisThread = pthread_self(); realBaud = baud; if (baud < 0) { baud_index = 1; realBaud = baud_table[0]; } fd = init_serial(devname, realBaud, 0); if (fd == -1) lastFatal = true; else { signal(SIGUSR1, usr1handler); pthread_create(&datapump, NULL, pump_run, this); } } packet:: ~packet() { if (fd != -1) { pthread_cancel(datapump); pthread_join(datapump, NULL); ser_exit(fd); } fd = -1; delete []inBuffer; delete []outBuffer; free(devname); } void packet:: reset() { if (fd != -1) { pthread_cancel(datapump); pthread_join(datapump, NULL); } outRead = outWrite = 0; internalReset(); if (fd != -1) pthread_create(&datapump, NULL, pump_run, this); } void packet:: internalReset() { if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) cout << "resetting serial connection" << endl; if (fd != -1) { ser_exit(fd); fd = -1; } usleep(100000); inRead = inWrite = 0; esc = false; lastFatal = false; serialStatus = -1; lastSYN = startPkt = -1; crcIn = crcOut = 0; realBaud = baud; justStarted = true; if (baud < 0) { realBaud = baud_table[baud_index++]; if (baud_index >= BAUD_TABLE_SIZE) baud_index = 0; } fd = init_serial(devname, realBaud, 0); if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) cout << "serial connection set to " << dec << realBaud << " baud, fd=" << fd << endl; if (fd != -1) { lastFatal = false; realWrite(); } } short int packet:: getVerbose() { return verbose; } void packet:: setVerbose(short int _verbose) { verbose = pumpverbose = _verbose; } void packet:: setEpoc(bool _epoc) { isEPOC = _epoc; } int packet:: getSpeed() { return realBaud; } void packet:: send(bufferStore &b) { opByte(0x16); opByte(0x10); opByte(0x02); crcOut = 0; long len = b.getLen(); if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) { cout << "packet: >> "; if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_DUMP) cout << b; else cout << " len=" << dec << len; cout << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { unsigned char c = b.getByte(i); switch (c) { case 0x03: if (isEPOC) { opByte(0x10); opByte(0x04); addToCrc(0x03, &crcOut); } else opCByte(c, &crcOut); break; case 0x10: opByte(0x10); // fall thru default: opCByte(c, &crcOut); } } opByte(0x10); opByte(0x03); opByte(crcOut >> 8); opByte(crcOut & 0xff); realWrite(); } void packet:: opByte(unsigned char a) { if (!hasSpace(out)) realWrite(); outBuffer[outWrite] = a; inc1(outWrite); } void packet:: opCByte(unsigned char a, unsigned short *crc) { addToCrc(a, crc); if (!hasSpace(out)) realWrite(); outBuffer[outWrite] = a; inc1(outWrite); } void packet:: realWrite() { pthread_kill(datapump, SIGUSR1); while (!hasSpace(out)) { sigset_t sigs; int dummy; sigemptyset(&sigs); sigaddset(&sigs, SIGUSR1); sigwait(&sigs, &dummy); } } void packet:: findSync() { int inw = inWrite; int p; outerLoop: p = (lastSYN >= 0) ? lastSYN : inRead; if (startPkt < 0) { while (p != inw) { normalize(p); if (inBuffer[p++] != 0x16) continue; lastSYN = p - 1; normalize(p); if (p == inw) break; if (inBuffer[p++] != 0x10) continue; normalize(p); if (p == inw) break; if (inBuffer[p++] != 0x02) continue; normalize(p); lastSYN = startPkt = p; crcIn = inCRCstate = 0; rcv.init(); esc = false; break; } } if (startPkt >= 0) { justStarted = false; while (p != inw) { unsigned char c = inBuffer[p]; switch (inCRCstate) { case 0: if (esc) { esc = false; switch (c) { case 0x03: inCRCstate = 1; break; case 0x04: addToCrc(0x03, &crcIn); rcv.addByte(0x03); break; default: addToCrc(c, &crcIn); rcv.addByte(c); break; } } else { if (c == 0x10) esc = true; else { addToCrc(c, &crcIn); rcv.addByte(c); } } break; case 1: receivedCRC = c; receivedCRC <<= 8; inCRCstate = 2; break; case 2: receivedCRC |= c; inc1(p); inRead = p; startPkt = lastSYN = -1; inCRCstate = 0; if (receivedCRC != crcIn) { if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) cout << "packet: BAD CRC" << endl; } else { if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) { cout << "packet: << "; if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_DUMP) cout << rcv; else cout << "len=" << dec << rcv.getLen(); cout << endl; } theLINK->receive(rcv); } rcv.init(); if (hasData(out)) return; goto outerLoop; } inc1(p); } lastSYN = p; } else { // If we get here, no sync was found. // If we are just started and the amount of received data exceeds // 15 bytes, the baudrate is obviously wrong. // (or the connected device is not an EPOC device). Reset the // serial connection and try next baudrate, if auto-baud is set. if (justStarted) { int rx_amount = (inw > inRead) ? inw - inRead : BUFLEN - inRead + inw; if (rx_amount > 15) internalReset(); } } } bool packet:: linkFailed() { int arg; int res; bool failed = false; if (fd == -1) return false; res = ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &arg); if (res < 0) lastFatal = true; if ((serialStatus == -1) || (arg != serialStatus)) { if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_HANDSHAKE) cout << "packet: < DTR:" << ((arg & TIOCM_DTR)?1:0) << " RTS:" << ((arg & TIOCM_RTS)?1:0) << " DCD:" << ((arg & TIOCM_CAR)?1:0) << " DSR:" << ((arg & TIOCM_DSR)?1:0) << " CTS:" << ((arg & TIOCM_CTS)?1:0) << endl; if (!((arg & TIOCM_RTS) && (arg & TIOCM_DTR))) { arg |= (TIOCM_DTR | TIOCM_RTS); res = ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &arg); if (res < 0) lastFatal = true; if (verbose & PKT_DEBUG_HANDSHAKE) cout << "packet: > DTR:" << ((arg & TIOCM_DTR)?1:0) << " RTS:" << ((arg & TIOCM_RTS)?1:0) << " DCD:" << ((arg & TIOCM_CAR)?1:0) << " DSR:" << ((arg & TIOCM_DSR)?1:0) << " CTS:" << ((arg & TIOCM_CTS)?1:0) << endl; } serialStatus = arg; } // TODO: Check for a solution on Solaris. if ((arg & TIOCM_DSR) == 0) { failed = true; } if ((verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) && lastFatal) cout << "packet: linkFATAL\n"; if ((verbose & PKT_DEBUG_LOG) && failed) cout << "packet: linkFAILED\n"; return (lastFatal || failed); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */