 * $Id$
 * This file is part of plptools.
 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Fritz Elfert <felfert@to.com>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#ifndef _RPCS_H_
#define _RPCS_H_

#include <psitime.h>
#include <psiprocess.h>
#include <rfsv.h>
#include <Enum.h>

#include <vector>

class ppsocket;
class bufferStore;
class bufferArray;

typedef std::vector<PsiProcess> processList;

 * Remote procedure call services via PLP
 * rpcs provides an interface for communicating
 * with the Psion's remote procedure call
 * service. The generic facilities for both,
 * EPOC and SIBO are implemented here, while
 * the facilities, unique to each of those
 * variants are implemented in
 * @ref rpcs32 or @ref rpcs16 respectively.
 * These normally are instantiated by using
 * @ref rpcsfactory .
 * @author Fritz Elfert <felfert@to.com>
class rpcs {
    * The known machine types.
    enum machs {
	PSI_MACH_S3 = 4,
	PSI_MACH_S3A = 5,
	PSI_MACH_S3C = 8,
	PSI_MACH_S5 = 32,
	// TODO: Code for 5mx

    * The known interface languages.
    enum languages {
	PSI_LANG_en_GB	= 1,
	PSI_LANG_fr_FR	= 2,
	PSI_LANG_de_DE	= 3,
	PSI_LANG_es_ES	= 4,
	PSI_LANG_it_IT	= 5,
	PSI_LANG_sv_SE	= 6,
	PSI_LANG_da_DK	= 7,
	PSI_LANG_no_NO	= 8,
	PSI_LANG_fi_FI	= 9,
	PSI_LANG_en_US	= 10,
	PSI_LANG_fr_CH	= 11,
	PSI_LANG_de_CH	= 12,
	PSI_LANG_pt_PT	= 13,
	PSI_LANG_tr_TR	= 14,
	PSI_LANG_is_IS	= 15,
	PSI_LANG_ru_RU	= 16,
	PSI_LANG_hu_HU	= 17,
	PSI_LANG_nl_NL	= 18,
	PSI_LANG_nl_BE	= 19,
	PSI_LANG_en_AU	= 20,
	PSI_LANG_fr_BE	= 21,
	PSI_LANG_de_AT	= 22,
	PSI_LANG_en_NZ	= 23,
	PSI_LANG_fr_CA	= 24,
	PSI_LANG_cs_CZ	= 25,
	PSI_LANG_sk_SK	= 26,
	PSI_LANG_pl_PL	= 27,
	PSI_LANG_sl_SI	= 28

    * The known battery states.
    enum batterystates {

    * This struct holds the data returned
    * by @ref rpcs::getMachineInfo.
    typedef struct machineInfo_t {
	Enum<machs> machineType;
	char machineName[17];
	unsigned long long machineUID;
	unsigned long countryCode;
	Enum<languages> uiLanguage;

	unsigned short romMajor;
	unsigned short romMinor;
	unsigned short romBuild;
	unsigned long romSize;
	bool romProgrammable;

	unsigned long ramSize;
	unsigned long ramFree;
	unsigned long ramMaxFree;
	unsigned long ramDiskSize;

	unsigned long registrySize;
	unsigned long displayWidth;
	unsigned long displayHeight;

	psi_timeval time;
	psi_timezone tz;

	psi_timeval mainBatteryInsertionTime;
	Enum<batterystates> mainBatteryStatus;
	psi_timeval mainBatteryUsedTime;
	unsigned long mainBatteryCurrent;
	unsigned long mainBatteryUsedPower;
	unsigned long mainBatteryVoltage;
	unsigned long mainBatteryMaxVoltage;

	Enum<batterystates> backupBatteryStatus;
	unsigned long backupBatteryVoltage;
	unsigned long backupBatteryMaxVoltage;

	psi_timeval externalPowerUsedTime;
	bool externalPower;
    } machineInfo;

    * Virtual destructor.
    virtual ~rpcs();

    * Initializes a connection to the remote
    * machine.
    void reset();

    * Attempts to re-establish a remote
    * connection by first closing the socket,
    * then connecting again to the ncpd daemon
    * and finally calling @ref reset.
    void reconnect();

    * Retrieves the current status of the
    * connection.
    * @returns The connection status.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> getStatus();

    * Retrieves the version of the NCP protocol
    * on the remote side.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices.
    * @param major The major part of the NCP version.
    *	Valid only if returned with no error.
    * @param minor The minor part of the NCP version.
    *	Valid only if returned with no error.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> getNCPversion(int &major, int &minor);

    * Starts execution of a program on the remote machine.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices.
    * @param program The full path of the executable
    *	on the remote machine
    * @param args The arguments for this program, separated
    *	by space.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> execProgram(const char *program, const char *args);

    * Requests termination of a program running on the
    * remote machine.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices.
    * @param program
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> stopProgram(const char *);

    Enum<rfsv::errs> queryProgram(const char *);

    * Starts formatting a drive.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices. After calling formatOpen, formatRead should
    * be called n times with the returned handle where n is
    * the value of the returned parameter count.
    * @param drive The drive character to format (e.g: 'C', 'D' etc).
    * @param handle The handle for calling formatRead is returned here.
    * @param count The number of required calls to formatRead is returned
    *   here.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> formatOpen(const char drive, int &handle, int &count);

    * Continues a running format.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices. Call this function with the handle, returned by formatOpen.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> formatRead(int handle);

    Enum<rfsv::errs> getUniqueID(const char *, long &);

    * Retrieve owner information of the remote machine.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices.
    * @param owner A bufferArray, containing the lines
    *	of the owner info upon return.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> getOwnerInfo(bufferArray &);

    * Retrieves the type of machine on the remote side
    * as defined in @ref #machs.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices
    * @param type The code describing the type of machine
    *	on the remote side is stored here on return.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> getMachineType(Enum<machs> &type);

    * Retrieves the name of a process, having a
    * given file opened on the remote side.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices
    * @param name The full path of a file to be checked
    *	for being used by a program.
    * @param buf A buffer which gets filled with the
    *	program's name.
    * @param maxlen The maximum capacity of the buffer.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> fuser(const char *name, char *buf, int maxlen);

    * Requests the remote server to terminate.
    * This function is working with both SIBO and EPOC
    * devices. There is usually no need to call this
    * function, because the remote server is automatically
    * stopped on disconnect.
    * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> quitServer(void);

     * Retrieves a list of all running Programs.
     * This function works with both SIBO and EPOC.
     * @param ret The list of currently running processes is returned here.
     * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> queryPrograms(processList &ret);

    * Retrieves the command line of a running process.
    * This function works with both SIBO and EPOC.
    * Note: @ref rfsv::getPrograms calls this method internally and sets
    * the args member of @ref PsiProcess , so you usually don't have to call
    * this method yourself.
    * @param process Name of process. Format: processname.$pid
    * @param ret The program name and arguments are returned here.
    * @return Psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> getCmdLine(const char *process, std::string &ret) = 0;

    * Retrieve general Information about the connected
    * machine.
    * This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO
    * machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO.
    * @param machineInfo The struct holding all information on return.
    * @returns Psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> getMachineInfo(machineInfo &) { return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}

     * Release an rpcs handle.
     * This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO
     * machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO.
     * It releases a handle, obtained by a previous call to
     * @ref rpcs::configOpen .
     * @param handle The handle to close.
     * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> closeHandle(u_int32_t handle)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO; }

    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> regOpenIter(u_int32_t, char *, u_int16_t &)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> regReadIter(u_int16_t)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> regWrite(void)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> regRead(void)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> regDelete(void)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> setTime(time_t time)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}

     * Read from Series 5 scratch RAM
     * This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO
     * machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO.
     * It reads raw data from the scratch RAM of the Series 5.
     * @param size   The amount of data to be read.
     * @param data   The content of the scratch RAM is returned here.
     * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> configRead(u_int32_t size, bufferStore &data)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO; }

     * Write to Series 5 scratch RAM
     * This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO
     * machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO.
     * It writes raw data to the scatch RAM of the Series 5.
     * @param data   The data to be written to the scratch RAM.
     * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> configWrite(bufferStore data)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}

    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> queryOpen(void)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> queryRead(void)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO;}

    * The socket, used for communication
    * with ncpd.
    ppsocket *skt;

    * The current status of the connection.
    Enum<rfsv::errs> status;

    * The possible commands.
    enum commands {
	QUERY_NCP        = 0x00,
	EXEC_PROG        = 0x01,
	QUERY_DRIVE      = 0x02,
	STOP_PROG        = 0x03,
	QUERY_PROG       = 0x04,
	FORMAT_OPEN      = 0x05,
	FORMAT_READ      = 0x06,
	GET_UNIQUEID     = 0x07,
	GET_OWNERINFO    = 0x08,
	GET_CMDLINE      = 0x0a,
	FUSER            = 0x0b,
	CLOSE_HANDLE     = 0x65,
	REG_OPEN_ITER    = 0x66,
	REG_READ_ITER    = 0x67,
	REG_WRITE        = 0x68,
	REG_READ         = 0x69,
	REG_DELETE       = 0x6a,
	SET_TIME         = 0x6b,
	CONFIG_OPEN      = 0x6c,
	CONFIG_READ      = 0x6d,
	CONFIG_WRITE     = 0x6e,
	QUERY_OPEN       = 0x6f,
	QUERY_READ       = 0x70,
	QUIT_SERVER      = 0xff

     * Flag: getMachineType and getMachineInfo have been called and the
     * machine is an S5mx.
    int mtCacheS5mx;

     * Prepare scratch RAM in Series 5 for read/write
     * This function works with EPOC only. Using it with SIBO
     * machines, returns always an error code E_PSI_NOT_SIBO.
     * It prepares a scratch area on the EPOC machine for a following
     * use from within @ref rpcs::configRead or @ref rpcs::configWrite .
     * These functions call @ref rpcs::closeHandle on exit. The contents
     * of the scratch area is stored in RAM of the Series 5, therefore it
     * gets lost when the Series 5 is switched off.
     * @param handle The handle to be used in @ref rpcs::configRead ,
     *               @ref rpcs::configWrite and @ref rpcs::closeHandle is
     *               returned here.
     * @param size   The number of bytes you want to use.
     * @returns A psion error code. 0 = Ok.
    virtual Enum<rfsv::errs> configOpen(u_int16_t &handle, u_int32_t size)
	{ return rfsv::E_PSI_NOT_SIBO; }

    * Sends a command to the remote side.
    * If communication fails, a reconnect is triggered
    * and a second attempt to transmit the request
    * is attempted. If that second attempt fails,
    * the function returns an error and sets rpcs::status
    * to E_PSI_FILE_DISC.
    * @param cc The command to execute on the remote side.
    * @param data Additional data for this command.
    * @returns true on success, false on failure.
    bool sendCommand(enum commands cc, bufferStore &data);
    Enum<rfsv::errs> getResponse(bufferStore &data, bool statusIsFirstByte);
    const char *getConnectName();


 * Local variables:
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * End: