/*-*-c++-*- * $Id$ * * This file is part of plptools. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Philip Proudman * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Fritz Elfert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "kpsionbackuplistview.h" #include "kpsion.h" #include "kpsionconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KPsionCheckListItem::KPsionCheckListItemMetaData { friend KPsionCheckListItem; private: KPsionCheckListItemMetaData(); ~KPsionCheckListItemMetaData() { }; bool parentIsKPsionCheckListItem; bool dontPropagate; int backupType; int size; time_t when; u_int32_t timeHi; u_int32_t timeLo; u_int32_t attr; QString name; }; KPsionCheckListItem::KPsionCheckListItemMetaData::KPsionCheckListItemMetaData() { when = 0; size = 0; timeHi = 0; timeLo = 0; attr = 0; name = QString::null; backupType = KPsionBackupListView::UNKNOWN; } KPsionCheckListItem::~KPsionCheckListItem() { delete meta; } KPsionCheckListItem *KPsionCheckListItem:: firstChild() const { return (KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::firstChild(); } KPsionCheckListItem *KPsionCheckListItem:: nextSibling() const { return (KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::nextSibling(); } void KPsionCheckListItem:: init(bool myparent) { setSelectable(false); meta = new KPsionCheckListItemMetaData(); meta->dontPropagate = false; meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem = myparent; } void KPsionCheckListItem:: setMetaData(int type, time_t when, QString name, int size, u_int32_t tHi, u_int32_t tLo, u_int32_t attr) { meta->backupType = type; meta->when = when; meta->name = name; meta->size = size; meta->timeHi = tHi; meta->timeLo = tLo; meta->attr = attr; } void KPsionCheckListItem:: stateChange(bool state) { QCheckListItem::stateChange(state); if (meta->dontPropagate) return; if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) ((KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::parent())->propagateUp(state); else emit rootToggled(); propagateDown(state); } void KPsionCheckListItem:: propagateDown(bool state) { setOn(state); KPsionCheckListItem *child = firstChild(); while (child) { child->propagateDown(state); child = child->nextSibling(); } } void KPsionCheckListItem:: propagateUp(bool state) { bool deactivateThis = false; KPsionCheckListItem *child = firstChild(); while (child) { if ((child->isOn() != state) || (!child->isEnabled())) { deactivateThis = true; break; } child = child->nextSibling(); } meta->dontPropagate = true; if (deactivateThis) { setOn(true); setEnabled(false); } else { setEnabled(true); setOn(state); } // Bug in QListView? It doesn't update, when // enabled/disabled without activating. // -> force it. listView()->repaintItem(this); meta->dontPropagate = false; if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) ((KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::parent())->propagateUp(state); else emit rootToggled(); } QString KPsionCheckListItem:: key(int column, bool ascending) const { if (meta->when) { QString tmp; tmp.sprintf("%08d", meta->when); return tmp; } return text(); } QString KPsionCheckListItem:: psionname() { if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) return meta->name; else return QString::null; } QString KPsionCheckListItem:: unixname() { if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) return KPsionMainWindow::psion2unix(meta->name); else return QString::null; } QString KPsionCheckListItem:: tarname() { if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) return ((KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::parent())->tarname(); else return meta->name; } int KPsionCheckListItem:: backupType() { if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) return ((KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::parent())->backupType(); else return meta->backupType; } time_t KPsionCheckListItem:: when() { if (meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem) return ((KPsionCheckListItem *)QListViewItem::parent())->when(); else return meta->when; } PlpDirent KPsionCheckListItem:: plpdirent() { assert(meta->parentIsKPsionCheckListItem); return PlpDirent(meta->size, meta->attr, meta->timeHi, meta->timeLo, meta->name); } KPsionBackupListView::KPsionBackupListView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KListView(parent, name) { toRestore.clear(); uid = QString::null; KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDIR)); backupDir = config->readEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDIR)); addColumn(i18n("Available backups")); setRootIsDecorated(true); } KPsionCheckListItem *KPsionBackupListView:: firstChild() const { return (KPsionCheckListItem *)QListView::firstChild(); } void KPsionBackupListView:: readBackups(QString uid) { QString bdir(backupDir); bdir += "/"; bdir += uid; QDir d(bdir); kapp->processEvents(); const QFileInfoList *fil = d.entryInfoList("*.tar.gz", QDir::Files|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name); QFileInfoListIterator it(*fil); QFileInfo *fi; while ((fi = it.current())) { kapp->processEvents(); bool isValid = false; KTarGz tgz(fi->absFilePath()); const KTarEntry *te; QString bTypeName; int bType; QDateTime date; tgz.open(IO_ReadOnly); te = tgz.directory()->entry("KPsionFullIndex"); if (te && (!te->isDirectory())) { date.setTime_t(te->date()); bTypeName = i18n("Full"); bType = FULL; isValid = true; } else { te = tgz.directory()->entry("KPsionIncrementalIndex"); if (te && (!te->isDirectory())) { date.setTime_t(te->date()); bTypeName = i18n("Incremental"); bType = INCREMENTAL; isValid = true; } } if (isValid) { QString n = i18n("%1 backup, created at %2").arg(bTypeName).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(date, false)); QByteArray a = ((KTarFile *)te)->data(); QTextIStream indexData(a); indexData.readLine(); indexData.flags(QTextStream::hex); indexData.fill('0'); indexData.width(8); KPsionCheckListItem *i = new KPsionCheckListItem(this, n, KPsionCheckListItem::CheckBox); i->setMetaData(bType, te->date(), tgz.fileName(), 0, 0, 0, 0); i->setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("mime_empty", KIcon::Small)); connect(i, SIGNAL(rootToggled()), this, SLOT(slotRootToggled())); QStringList files = tgz.directory()->entries(); for (QStringList::Iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); f++) if ((*f != "KPsionFullIndex") && (*f != "KPsionIncrementalIndex")) listTree(i, tgz.directory()->entry(*f), indexData, 0); } tgz.close(); ++it; } header()->setClickEnabled(false); header()->setResizeEnabled(false); header()->setMovingEnabled(false); setMinimumSize(columnWidth(0) + 4, height()); QWhatsThis::add(this, i18n( "Here, you can select the available backups." " Select the items you want to restore, the click" " on Start to start restoring these items." "")); } void KPsionBackupListView:: listTree(KPsionCheckListItem *cli, const KTarEntry *te, QTextIStream &idx, int level) { KPsionCheckListItem *i = new KPsionCheckListItem(cli, te->name(), KPsionCheckListItem::CheckBox); kapp->processEvents(); if (te->isDirectory()) { if (level) i->setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("folder", KIcon::Small)); else i->setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("hdd_unmount", KIcon::Small)); i->setMetaData(0, 0, QString::null, 0, 0, 0, 0); KTarDirectory *td = (KTarDirectory *)te; QStringList files = td->entries(); for (QStringList::Iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); f++) listTree(i, td->entry(*f), idx, level + 1); } else { uint32_t timeHi; uint32_t timeLo; uint32_t size; uint32_t attr; QString name; i->setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("mime_empty", KIcon::Small)); idx >> timeHi >> timeLo >> size >> attr; name = idx.readLine().mid(1); i->setMetaData(0, 0, name, size, timeHi, timeLo, attr); } } void KPsionBackupListView:: slotRootToggled() { bool anyOn = false; KPsionCheckListItem *i = firstChild(); while (i != 0L) { if (i->isOn()) { anyOn = true; break; } i = i->nextSibling(); } emit itemsEnabled(anyOn); } QStringList KPsionBackupListView:: getSelectedTars() { QStringList l; KPsionCheckListItem *i = firstChild(); while (i != 0L) { if (i->isOn()) l += i->tarname(); i = i->nextSibling(); } return l; } QStringList KPsionBackupListView:: getFormatDrives() { QStringList l; KPsionCheckListItem *i = firstChild(); while (i != 0L) { if (i->isOn()) { KPsionCheckListItem *c = i->firstChild(); while (c != 0L) { if (c->isOn()) { QString drv = c->text().left(1); if (l.find(drv) == l.end()) l += drv; } c = c->nextSibling(); } } i = i->nextSibling(); } return l; } bool KPsionBackupListView:: autoSelect(QString drive) { KPsionCheckListItem *latest = NULL; time_t stamp = 0; drive += ":"; // Find latest full backup for given drive KPsionCheckListItem *i = firstChild(); while (i != 0L) { if ((i->backupType() == FULL) && (i->when() > stamp)) { KPsionCheckListItem *c = i->firstChild(); while (c != 0L) { if (c->text() == drive) { latest = c; stamp = i->when(); break; } c = c->nextSibling(); } } i = i->nextSibling(); } // Now find all incremental backups for given drive which are newer than // selected backup if (latest != 0) { latest->setOn(true); i = firstChild(); while (i != 0L) { if ((i->backupType() == INCREMENTAL) && (i->when() >= stamp)) { KPsionCheckListItem *c = i->firstChild(); while (c != 0L) { if (c->text() == drive) c->setOn(true); c = c->nextSibling(); } } i = i->nextSibling(); } } return (latest != 0L); } void KPsionBackupListView:: collectEntries(KPsionCheckListItem *i) { while (i != 0L) { KPsionCheckListItem *c = i->firstChild(); if (c == 0L) { if (i->isOn()) toRestore.push_back(i->plpdirent()); } else collectEntries(c); i = i->nextSibling(); } } PlpDir &KPsionBackupListView:: getRestoreList(QString tarname) { toRestore.clear(); KPsionCheckListItem *i = firstChild(); while (i != 0L) { if ((i->tarname() == tarname) && (i->isOn())) { collectEntries(i->firstChild()); break; } i = i->nextSibling(); } return toRestore; } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */