/*-*-c++-*- * $Id$ * * This file is part of plptools. * * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Fritz Elfert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "kpsion.h" #include "kpsionconfig.h" #include "wizards.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STID_CONNECTION 1 using namespace std; KPsionMainWindow::KPsionMainWindow() : KMainWindow() { setupActions(); statusBar()->insertItem(i18n("Idle"), STID_CONNECTION, 1); statusBar()->setItemAlignment(STID_CONNECTION, QLabel::AlignLeft|QLabel::AlignVCenter); progress = new KPsionStatusBarProgress(statusBar(), "progressBar"); statusBar()->addWidget(progress, 10); connect(progress, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(slotProgressBarPressed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(setProgress(int)), progress, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setProgress(int, int)), progress, SLOT(setValue(int, int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setProgressText(const QString &)), progress, SLOT(setText(const QString &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(enableProgressText(bool)), progress, SLOT(setTextEnabled(bool))); backupRunning = false; restoreRunning = false; formatRunning = false; doScheduledBackup = false; quitImmediately = false; view = new KIconView(this, "iconview"); view->setSelectionMode(KIconView::Multi); view->setResizeMode(KIconView::Adjust); view->setItemsMovable(false); connect(view, SIGNAL(clicked(QIconViewItem *)), SLOT(iconClicked(QIconViewItem *))); connect(view, SIGNAL(onItem(QIconViewItem *)), SLOT(iconOver(QIconViewItem *))); connect(this, SIGNAL(rearrangeIcons(bool)), view, SLOT(arrangeItemsInGrid(bool))); KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_UIDS)); QStringList uids = config->readListEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_UIDS)); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_MACHNAME)); QString tmp = pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_MACHNAME); for (QStringList::Iterator it = uids.begin(); it != uids.end(); it++) machines.insert(*it, config->readEntry(tmp.arg(*it))); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDIR)); backupDir = config->readEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDIR)); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_CONNRETRY)); reconnectTime = config->readNumEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_CONNRETRY)); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALDEV)); ncpdDevice = config->readEntry(pcfg.getOptionName( KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALDEV), "off"); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_NCPDPATH)); ncpdPath = config->readEntry(pcfg.getOptionName( KPsionConfig::OPT_NCPDPATH), "ncpd"); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALSPEED)); ncpdSpeed = config->readEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_SERIALSPEED), "115200"); QWhatsThis::add(view, i18n( "Here, you see your Psion's drives.
" "Every drive is represented by an Icon. If you " "click on it, it gets selected for the next " "operation. E.g.: backup, restore or format.
" "To unselect it, simply click on it again.
" "Select as many drives a you want, then choose " "an operation.
")); setCentralWidget(view); rfsvSocket = 0L; rpcsSocket = 0L; plpRfsv = 0L; plpRpcs = 0L; firstTry = true; connected = false; shuttingDown = false; args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { firstTry = false; reconnectTime = 0; } tryConnect(); } KPsionMainWindow::~KPsionMainWindow() { shuttingDown = true; if (plpRfsv) delete plpRfsv; if (plpRpcs) delete plpRpcs; if (rfsvSocket) delete rfsvSocket; if (rfsvSocket) delete rpcsSocket; } QString KPsionMainWindow:: unix2psion(const char * const path) { QString tmp = path; tmp.replace(QRegExp("/"), "\\"); tmp.replace(QRegExp("%2f"), "/"); tmp.replace(QRegExp("%25"), "%"); return tmp; } QString KPsionMainWindow:: psion2unix(const char * const path) { QString tmp = path; tmp.replace(QRegExp("%"), "%25"); tmp.replace(QRegExp("/"), "%2f"); #if QT_VERSION >= 300 tmp.replace(QRegExp("\\\\"), "/"); #else tmp.replace(QRegExp("\\"), "/"); #endif return tmp; } void KPsionMainWindow:: setupActions() { KStdAction::quit(this, SLOT(close()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::showToolbar(this, SLOT(slotToggleToolbar()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::showStatusbar(this, SLOT(slotToggleStatusbar()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::preferences(this, SLOT(slotPreferences()), actionCollection()); new KAction(i18n("Start &Format"), "psion_format", 0, this, SLOT(slotStartFormat()), actionCollection(), "format"); new KAction(i18n("Start Full &Backup"), "psion_backup", 0, this, SLOT(slotStartFullBackup()), actionCollection(), "fullbackup"); new KAction(i18n("Start &Incremental Backup"), "psion_backup", 0, this, SLOT(slotStartIncBackup()), actionCollection(), "incbackup"); new KAction(i18n("Start &Restore"), "psion_restore", 0, this, SLOT(slotStartRestore()), actionCollection(), "restore"); createGUI(); actionCollection()->action("fullbackup")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("incbackup")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("restore")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("format")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("fullbackup")-> setToolTip(i18n("Full backup of selected drive(s)")); actionCollection()->action("incbackup")-> setToolTip(i18n("Incremental backup of selected drive(s)")); actionCollection()->action("restore")-> setToolTip(i18n("Restore selected drive(s)")); actionCollection()->action("format")-> setToolTip(i18n("Format selected drive(s)")); } void KPsionMainWindow:: iconOver(QIconViewItem *i) { lastSelected = i->isSelected(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: switchActions() { QIconViewItem *i; bool rwSelected = false; bool anySelected = false; if (backupRunning | restoreRunning | formatRunning) view->setEnabled(false); else { for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->isSelected()) { anySelected = true; if (i->key() != "Z") { rwSelected = true; break; } } } view->setEnabled(true); } actionCollection()->action("restore")->setEnabled(rwSelected); actionCollection()->action("format")->setEnabled(rwSelected); actionCollection()->action("fullbackup")->setEnabled(anySelected); actionCollection()->action("incbackup")->setEnabled(anySelected); } void KPsionMainWindow:: iconClicked(QIconViewItem *i) { if (i == 0L) return; lastSelected = !lastSelected; i->setSelected(lastSelected); switchActions(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: insertDrive(char letter, const char * const name) { QString tmp; if (name && strlen(name)) tmp = QString::fromLatin1("%1 (%2:)").arg(name).arg(letter); else tmp = QString::fromLatin1("%1:").arg(letter); drives.insert(letter,tmp); QIconViewItem *it = new QIconViewItem(view, tmp, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("psion_drive", KIcon::Desktop)); tmp = QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(letter); it->setKey(tmp); it->setDropEnabled(false); it->setDragEnabled(false); it->setRenameEnabled(false); } bool KPsionMainWindow:: shouldQuit() { return quitImmediately; } void KPsionMainWindow:: syncTime(QString uid) { } void KPsionMainWindow:: queryPsion() { u_int32_t devbits; Enum res; statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Retrieving machine info ..."), STID_CONNECTION); Enum machType; if (plpRpcs->getMachineType(machType) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { QString msg = i18n("Could not get Psion machine type"); statusBar()->changeItem(msg, STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, msg); return; } if (machType == rpcs::PSI_MACH_S5) { rpcs::machineInfo mi; if ((res = plpRpcs->getMachineInfo(mi)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { QString msg = i18n("Could not get Psion machine info"); statusBar()->changeItem(msg, STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, msg); return; } machineUID = mi.machineUID; S5mx = (strcmp(mi.machineName, "SERIES5mx") == 0); } else { // On a SIBO, first check for a file 'SYS$PT.CFG' on the default // directory. If it exists, read the UID from it. Otherwise // calculate a virtual machine UID from the OwnerInfo data and // write it to that file. bufferArray b; u_int32_t handle; u_int32_t count; res = plpRfsv->fopen(plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDONLY), "SYS$PT.CFG", handle); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { res = plpRfsv->fread(handle, (unsigned char *)&machineUID, sizeof(machineUID), count); plpRfsv->fclose(handle); if ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) || (count != sizeof(machineUID))) { QString msg = i18n("Could not read SIBO UID file"); statusBar()->changeItem(msg, STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, msg); return; } } else { if ((res = plpRpcs->getOwnerInfo(b)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { QString msg = i18n("Could not get Psion owner info"); statusBar()->changeItem(msg, STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, msg); return; } machineUID = 0; std::string oi = ""; while (!b.empty()) { oi += b.pop().getString(); oi += "\n"; } const char *p = oi.c_str(); unsigned long long z; int i = 0; while (*p) { z = *p; machineUID ^= (z << i); p++; i++; i &= ((sizeof(machineUID) * 8) - 1); } res = plpRfsv->fcreatefile(plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), "SYS$PT.CFG", handle); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { res = plpRfsv->fwrite(handle, (const unsigned char *)&machineUID, sizeof(machineUID), count); plpRfsv->fclose(handle); } if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { QString msg = i18n("Could not write SIBO UID file %1").arg((const char *)res); statusBar()->changeItem(msg, STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, msg); return; } } S5mx = false; } QString uid = getMachineUID(); bool machineFound = false; KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDRIVES)); QString tmp = pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPDRIVES); machineName = i18n("an unknown machine"); psionMap::Iterator it; for (it = machines.begin(); it != machines.end(); it++) { if (uid == it.key()) { machineName = it.data(); backupDrives = config->readListEntry(tmp.arg(it.key())); machineFound = true; } } drives.clear(); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Retrieving drive list ..."), STID_CONNECTION); if ((res = plpRfsv->devlist(devbits)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { QString msg = i18n("Could not get list of drives"); statusBar()->changeItem(msg, STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, msg); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if ((devbits & 1) != 0) { PlpDrive drive; if (plpRfsv->devinfo('A' + i, drive) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) insertDrive('A' + i, drive.getName().c_str()); } devbits >>= 1; } if (!machineFound) { if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { connected = false; if (plpRfsv) delete plpRfsv; if (plpRpcs) delete plpRpcs; if (rfsvSocket) delete rfsvSocket; if (rfsvSocket) delete rpcsSocket; quitImmediately = true; return; } NewPsionWizard *wiz = new NewPsionWizard(this, "newpsionwiz"); wiz->exec(); } statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); syncTime(uid); if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { // Check, if scheduled backups to perform doScheduledBackup = false; KPsionConfig pcfg; QIconViewItem *i; QStringList::Iterator it; QDateTime d; KConfig *config = kapp->config(); QString uid = getMachineUID(); QString key; int fi = pcfg.getIntervalDays(config, KPsionConfig::OPT_FULLINTERVAL); int ii = pcfg.getIntervalDays(config, KPsionConfig::OPT_INCINTERVAL); // Check for Full Backup config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_LASTFULL)); for (it = backupDrives.begin(); it != backupDrives.end(); ++it) { key = pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_LASTFULL).arg(uid).arg(*it); d.setTime_t(config->readNumEntry(key)); if (fi && d.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= fi) { fullBackup = true; for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->key() == *it) { i->setSelected(true); doScheduledBackup = true; } } } } if (!doScheduledBackup) { // Check for Incremental Backup fullBackup = false; view->clearSelection(); config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_LASTINC)); for (it = backupDrives.begin(); it != backupDrives.end(); ++it) { key = pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_LASTINC).arg(uid).arg(*it); d.setTime_t(config->readNumEntry(key)); if (ii && d.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= ii) { for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->key() == *it) { i->setSelected(true); doScheduledBackup = true; } } } } } if (!doScheduledBackup) { quitImmediately = true; return; } } if (doScheduledBackup || args->isSet("backup") || args->isSet("restore") || args->isSet("format")) { view->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("restore")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("format")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("fullbackup")->setEnabled(false); actionCollection()->action("incbackup")->setEnabled(false); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotAutoAction())); } } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotAutoAction() { QIconViewItem *i; if (doScheduledBackup) { doBackup(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close())); return; } if (args->isSet("backup")) { bool any = false; QCStringList argl = args->getOptionList("backup"); QCStringList::Iterator it; for (it = argl.begin(); it != argl.end(); ++it) { i = 0L; if ((*it).left(7) == "psion:/") { QString volname((*it).mid(7)); for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->text().startsWith(volname + " ")) break; } } else { QString drv((*it).upper()); for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->key() == drv) break; } } if (i) { i->setSelected(true); any = true; } } if (any) { fullBackup = true; doBackup(); } QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close())); return; } if (args->isSet("restore")) { bool any = false; QCStringList argl = args->getOptionList("restore"); QCStringList::Iterator it; for (it = argl.begin(); it != argl.end(); ++it) { i = 0L; if ((*it).left(7) == "psion:/") { QString volname((*it).mid(7)); for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->text().startsWith(volname + " ")) break; } } else { QString drv((*it).upper()); for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->key() == drv) break; } } if (i) { if (i->key() == "Z") { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n( "The selected drive Z: is " "a ROM drive and therefore cannot be restored.")); continue; } i->setSelected(true); any = true; } } if (any) slotStartRestore(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close())); return; } if (args->isSet("format")) { bool any = false; QCStringList argl = args->getOptionList("format"); QCStringList::Iterator it; for (it = argl.begin(); it != argl.end(); ++it) { i = 0L; if ((*it).left(7) == "psion:/") { QString volname((*it).mid(7)); for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->text().startsWith(volname + " ")) break; } } else { QString drv((*it).upper()); for (i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->key() == drv) break; } } if (i) { if (i->key() == "Z") { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n( "The selected drive Z: is " "a ROM drive and therefore cannot be formatted.")); continue; } i->setSelected(true); any = true; } } if (any) slotStartFormat(); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close())); return; } QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(close())); } QString KPsionMainWindow:: getMachineUID() { // ??! None of QString's formatting methods knows about long long. char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%16llx", machineUID); return QString(tmp); } bool KPsionMainWindow:: queryClose() { QString msg = 0L; if (backupRunning) msg = i18n("A backup is running.\nDo you really want to quit?"); if (restoreRunning) msg = i18n("A restore is running.\nDo you really want to quit?"); if (formatRunning) msg = i18n("A format is running.\nDo you really want to quit?"); if ((!msg.isNull()) && (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, msg) == KMessageBox::No)) return false; return true; } void KPsionMainWindow:: startupNcpd() { if (ncpdDevice == "off") return; KProcess proc; ppsocket *testSocket; time_t start_time = time(0L) + 2; bool connectOk = false; testSocket = new ppsocket(); if (!testSocket->connect(NULL, 7501)) { statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Starting ncpd daemon ..."), STID_CONNECTION); proc << ncpdPath; proc << "-s" << ncpdDevice << "-b" << ncpdSpeed; proc.start(KProcess::DontCare); while ((time(0L) < start_time) && (!(connectOk = testSocket->connect(NULL, 7501)))) kapp->processEvents(); } delete testSocket; if (connectOk) { // 2 more seconds for ncpd to negotiate with the Psion. start_time = time(0L) + 2; while (time(0L) < start_time) kapp->processEvents(); } } void KPsionMainWindow:: tryConnect() { if (shuttingDown || connected) return; bool showMB = firstTry; firstTry = false; if (plpRfsv) delete plpRfsv; if (plpRpcs) delete plpRpcs; if (rfsvSocket) delete rfsvSocket; if (rfsvSocket) delete rpcsSocket; startupNcpd(); rfsvSocket = new ppsocket(); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connecting ..."), STID_CONNECTION); if (!rfsvSocket->connect(NULL, 7501)) { if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { quitImmediately = true; return; } statusMsg = i18n("RFSV could not connect to ncpd at %1:%2. ").arg("localhost").arg(7501); if (reconnectTime) { nextTry = reconnectTime; statusMsg += i18n(" (Retry in %1 seconds.)"); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotUpdateTimer())); statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime), STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime)); } else { statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg, STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg); } return; } rfsvfactory factory(rfsvSocket); plpRfsv = factory.create(false); if (plpRfsv == 0L) { if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { quitImmediately = true; return; } statusMsg = i18n("RFSV could not establish link: %1.").arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(factory.getError())); delete rfsvSocket; rfsvSocket = 0L; if (reconnectTime) { nextTry = reconnectTime; statusMsg += i18n(" (Retry in %1 seconds.)"); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotUpdateTimer())); statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime), STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime)); } else { statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg, STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg); } return; } rpcsSocket = new ppsocket(); if (!rpcsSocket->connect(NULL, 7501)) { if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { quitImmediately = true; return; } statusMsg = i18n("RPCS could not connect to ncpd at %1:%2.").arg("localhost").arg(7501); delete plpRfsv; plpRfsv = 0L; delete rfsvSocket; rfsvSocket = 0L; if (reconnectTime) { nextTry = reconnectTime; statusMsg += i18n(" (Retry in %1 seconds.)"); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotUpdateTimer())); statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime), STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime)); } else { statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg, STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg); } return; } rpcsfactory factory2(rpcsSocket); plpRpcs = factory2.create(false); if (plpRpcs == 0L) { if (args->isSet("autobackup")) { quitImmediately = true; return; } statusMsg = i18n("RPCS could not establish link: %1.").arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(factory2.getError())); delete plpRfsv; plpRfsv = 0L; delete rfsvSocket; rfsvSocket = 0L; delete rpcsSocket; rpcsSocket = 0L; if (reconnectTime) { nextTry = reconnectTime; statusMsg += i18n(" (Retry in %1 seconds.)"); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotUpdateTimer())); statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime), STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg.arg(reconnectTime)); } else { statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg, STID_CONNECTION); if (showMB) KMessageBox::error(this, statusMsg); } return; } connected = true; queryPsion(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotUpdateTimer() { nextTry--; if (nextTry <= 0) tryConnect(); else { statusBar()->changeItem(statusMsg.arg(nextTry), STID_CONNECTION); QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(slotUpdateTimer())); } } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotProgressBarPressed() { } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotStartFullBackup() { fullBackup = true; doBackup(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotStartIncBackup() { fullBackup = false; doBackup(); } const KTarEntry *KPsionMainWindow:: findTarEntry(const KTarEntry *te, QString path, QString rpath) { const KTarEntry *fte = NULL; if (te->isDirectory() && (path.left(rpath.length()) == rpath)) { KTarDirectory *td = (KTarDirectory *)te; QStringList files = td->entries(); for (QStringList::Iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); f++) { QString tmp = rpath; if (tmp.length()) tmp += "/"; tmp += *f; fte = findTarEntry(td->entry(*f), path, tmp); if (fte != 0L) break; } } else { if (path == rpath) fte = te; } return fte; } void KPsionMainWindow:: updateBackupStamps() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; QString uid = getMachineUID(); int cfgBtype = (fullBackup) ? KPsionConfig::OPT_LASTFULL : KPsionConfig::OPT_LASTINC; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(cfgBtype)); for (QIconViewItem *i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { QString key = pcfg.getOptionName(cfgBtype).arg(uid).arg(i->key()); if (i->isSelected()) config->writeEntry(key, time(0)); } } void KPsionMainWindow:: doBackup() { backupRunning = true; switchActions(); QStringList processDrives; toBackup.clear(); // Collect list of files to backup backupSize = 0; backupCount = 0; progressTotal = 0; emit enableProgressText(true); emit setProgress(0); for (QIconViewItem *i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->isSelected()) { QString drv = i->key(); drv += ":"; int drvChar = drv[0].latin1(); PlpDrive drive; if (plpRfsv->devinfo(drvChar, drive) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); emit enableProgressText(false); emit setProgress(0); KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not retrieve drive details for drive %1").arg(drv)); backupRunning = false; switchActions(); return; } emit setProgressText(i18n("Scanning drive %1").arg(drv)); progressLocal = drive.getSize() - drive.getSpace(); progressLocalCount = 0; progressLocalPercent = -1; progress->setValue(0); collectFiles(drv); processDrives += drv; } } emit setProgressText(i18n("%1 files need backup").arg(backupSize)); if (backupCount == 0) { emit enableProgressText(false); emit setProgress(0); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); updateBackupStamps(); if (!args->isSet("autobackup")) KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("No files need backup")); backupRunning = false; switchActions(); return; } progressCount = 0; progressTotal = backupSize; progressPercent = -1; // Create tgz with index file. QString archiveName = backupDir; if (archiveName.right(1) != "/") archiveName += "/"; archiveName += getMachineUID(); QDir archiveDir(archiveName); if (!archiveDir.exists()) if (!archiveDir.mkdir(archiveName)) { emit enableProgressText(false); emit setProgress(0); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not create backup folder %1").arg(archiveName)); backupRunning = false; switchActions(); return; } archiveName += (fullBackup) ? "/F-" : "/I-"; time_t now = time(0); char tstr[30]; strftime(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.tmp.gz", localtime(&now)); archiveName += tstr; #if KDE_VERSION >= 300 backupTgz = new KTar(archiveName, "application/x-gzip"); #else backupTgz = new KTarGz(archiveName); #endif backupTgz->open(IO_WriteOnly); createIndex(); // Kill all running applications on the Psion // and save their state. killSave(); bool badBackup = false; Enum res; // Now the real backup progressTotalText = i18n("Backup %1% done"); for (int i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; const char *fn = e.getName(); QByteArray ba; QDataStream os(ba, IO_WriteOnly); emit setProgressText(QString("%1").arg(fn)); progressLocal = e.getSize(); progressLocalCount = 0; progressLocalPercent = -1; emit setProgress(0); u_int32_t handle; kapp->processEvents(); bool tryLoop = true; do { res = plpRfsv->fopen(plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDONLY), fn, handle); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { unsigned char *buff = new unsigned char[RFSV_SENDLEN]; u_int32_t len; do { if ((res = plpRfsv->fread(handle, buff, RFSV_SENDLEN, len)) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { os.writeRawBytes((char *)buff, len); updateProgress(len); } } while ((len > 0) && (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE)); delete[]buff; plpRfsv->fclose(handle); } if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { switch (KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this, i18n( "Could not backup
" "%2
" ).arg(fn).arg((const char *)res), QString::null, i18n("Retry"), i18n("Ignore"))) { case KMessageBox::Cancel: badBackup = true; tryLoop = false; break; case KMessageBox::No: e.setName("!"); tryLoop = false; break; case KMessageBox::Yes: break; } } else { tryLoop = false; } } while (tryLoop); if (badBackup) break; if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) continue; backupTgz->writeFile(psion2unix(fn), "root", "root", ba.size(), ba.data()); } if (!badBackup) { // Reset archive attributes of all backuped files. emit setProgressText(i18n("Resetting archive attributes")); progressLocal = backupSize; progressLocalCount = 0; progressLocalPercent = -1; emit setProgress(0); kapp->processEvents(); progressTotal = 0; for (int i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; const char *fn = e.getName(); if ((e.getAttr() & rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE) && (strcmp(fn, "!") != 0)) { kapp->processEvents(); res = plpRfsv->fsetattr(fn, 0, rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("Could not set attributes of
").arg(fn)) == KMessageBox::No) { break; } } } updateProgress(e.getSize()); } updateBackupStamps(); } // Restart previously running applications on the Psion // from saved state info. runRestore(); backupTgz->close(); delete backupTgz; emit enableProgressText(false); emit setProgress(0); if (badBackup) ::unlink(archiveName.latin1()); else { QString newName = archiveName; newName.replace(QRegExp("\\.tmp\\.gz$"), ".tar.gz"); // Rename Tarfile to its final name; if (::rename(archiveName.latin1(), newName.latin1()) != 0) KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Could not rename backup archive from
%1 to
").arg(archiveName).arg(newName)); else removeOldBackups(processDrives); } backupRunning = false; switchActions(); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); emit enableProgressText(false); emit setProgress(0); statusBar()->message(i18n("Backup done"), 2000); } class Barchive { public: Barchive() : n(""), d(0) {} Barchive(const QString &name, time_t date) : n(name), d(date) {} QString name() const { return n; } time_t date() const { return d; } bool operator==(const Barchive &a) { return (a.n == n); } private: QString n; time_t d; }; typedef QValueListArchList; void KPsionMainWindow:: removeOldBackups(QStringList &drives) { if (!fullBackup) return; KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KPsionConfig pcfg; config->setGroup(pcfg.getSectionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPGEN)); int bgen = config->readNumEntry( pcfg.getOptionName(KPsionConfig::OPT_BACKUPGEN)); if (bgen == 0) return; statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Removing old backups ..."), STID_CONNECTION); QString bdir(backupDir); bdir += "/"; bdir += getMachineUID(); QDir d(bdir); kapp->processEvents(); const QFileInfoList *fil = d.entryInfoList("*.tar.gz", QDir::Files|QDir::Readable, QDir::Name); QFileInfoListIterator it(*fil); QFileInfo *fi; ArchList alist; // Build a list of full-backups sorted by date while ((fi = it.current())) { kapp->processEvents(); #if KDE_VERSION >= 300 KTar tgz(fi->absFilePath()); #else KTarGz tgz(fi->absFilePath()); #endif const KTarEntry *te; tgz.open(IO_ReadOnly); te = tgz.directory()->entry("KPsionFullIndex"); if (te && (!te->isDirectory())) { for (QStringList::Iterator d = drives.begin(); d != drives.end(); d++) { const KTarEntry *de = tgz.directory()->entry(*d); if (de && (de->isDirectory())) { Barchive a(tgz.fileName(), te->date()); if (!alist.contains(a)) { if (alist.isEmpty() || (alist.first().date()>te->date())) alist.prepend(a); else alist.append(a); } } } } tgz.close(); ++it; } // Remove entries from the beginning of the list if there are more than // bgen entries. This leaves at most bgen of the youngest backups in the // list. while (alist.count() > bgen) { Barchive r = alist.first(); alist.remove(r); } // Finally iterate over all backups and delete those which are older // than the first entry in alist. (void)it.toFirst(); while ((fi = it.current())) { kapp->processEvents(); #if KDE_VERSION >= 300 KTar tgz(fi->absFilePath()); #else KTarGz tgz(fi->absFilePath()); #endif const KTarEntry *te; bool valid = false; bool del = false; tgz.open(IO_ReadOnly); te = tgz.directory()->entry("KPsionFullIndex"); if (te && (!te->isDirectory())) valid = true; else { te = tgz.directory()->entry("KPsionIncrementalIndex"); if (te && (!te->isDirectory())) valid = true; } if (valid) { Barchive a(tgz.fileName(), te->date()); if (alist.isEmpty() || ((!alist.contains(a)) && (te->date() < alist.first().date()))) del = true; } tgz.close(); if (del) ::remove(fi->absFilePath().data()); ++it; } } bool KPsionMainWindow:: askOverwrite(PlpDirent e) { if (overWriteAll) return true; const char *fn = e.getName(); if (overWriteList.contains(QString(fn))) return true; PlpDirent old; Enum res = plpRfsv->fgeteattr(fn, old); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not get attributes of
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(fn).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); return false; } // Don't ask if size and attribs are same if ((old.getSize() == e.getSize()) && ((old.getAttr() & ~rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE) == (e.getAttr() & ~rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE))) return true; QDateTime odate; QDateTime ndate; odate.setTime_t(old.getPsiTime().getTime()); ndate.setTime_t(e.getPsiTime().getTime()); // Dates QString od = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(odate, false); QString nd = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(ndate, false); // Sizes QString os = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(KIO::convertSize(old.getSize())).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(old.getSize(), 0)); QString ns = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(KIO::convertSize(e.getSize())).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(e.getSize(), 0)); // Attributes QString oa(plpRfsv->attr2String(old.getAttr()).c_str()); QString na(plpRfsv->attr2String(e.getAttr()).c_str()); KDialogBase dialog(i18n("Overwrite"), KDialogBase::Yes | KDialogBase::No | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::No, KDialogBase::Cancel, this, "overwriteDialog", true, true, QString::null, QString::null, i18n("Overwrite &All")); QWidget *contents = new QWidget(&dialog); QHBoxLayout * lay = new QHBoxLayout(contents); lay->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()*2); lay->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()*2); lay->addStretch(1); QLabel *label1 = new QLabel(contents); #if (QT_VERSION >= 300) label1->setPixmap(kapp->style().stylePixmap( kapp->style().SP_MessageBoxWarning)); #else label1->setPixmap(QMessageBox::standardIcon(QMessageBox::Warning, kapp->style().guiStyle())); #endif lay->add(label1); lay->add(new QLabel(i18n( "The file %1 exists already on the Psion with " "different size and/or attributes." "

On the Psion:
" " Size: %2
" " Date: %3
" " Attributes: %4

" "

In backup:
" " Size: %5
" " Date: %6
" " Attributes: %7

" "Do you want to overwrite it?
").arg(fn).arg(os).arg(od).arg(oa).arg(ns).arg(nd).arg(na), contents)); lay->addStretch(1); dialog.setMainWidget(contents); dialog.enableButtonSeparator(false); int result = dialog.exec(); switch (result) { case KDialogBase::Yes: return true; case KDialogBase::No: return false; case KDialogBase::Cancel: overWriteAll = true; return true; default: // Huh? break; } return false; // Default } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotStartRestore() { restoreRunning = true; switchActions(); kapp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::waitCursor); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Reading backups ..."), STID_CONNECTION); update(); kapp->processEvents(); KPsionRestoreDialog restoreDialog(this, getMachineUID()); kapp->restoreOverrideCursor(); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Selecting backups ..."), STID_CONNECTION); for (QIconViewItem *i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->isSelected() && (i->key() != "Z")) restoreDialog.autoSelect(i->key()); } overWriteList.clear(); overWriteAll = false; if (restoreDialog.exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted) { QStringList tars = restoreDialog.getSelectedTars(); QStringList fmtDrives = restoreDialog.getFormatDrives(); QStringList::Iterator t; backupSize = 0; backupCount = 0; for (t = tars.begin(); t != tars.end(); t++) { PlpDir toRestore = restoreDialog.getRestoreList(*t); for (int r = 0; r < toRestore.size(); r++) { PlpDirent e = toRestore[r]; backupSize += e.getSize(); backupCount++; } } if (backupCount == 0) { restoreRunning = false; switchActions(); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); return; } progressTotalText = i18n("Restore %1% done"); progressTotal = backupSize; progressCount = 0; progressPercent = -1; emit setProgressText(""); emit enableProgressText(true); emit setProgress(0); // Kill all running applications on the Psion // and save their state. killSave(); for (t = tars.begin(); t != tars.end(); t++) { PlpDir toRestore = restoreDialog.getRestoreList(*t); if (toRestore.size() > 0) { #if KDE_VERSION >= 300 KTar tgz(*t); #else KTarGz tgz(*t); #endif const KTarEntry *te; QString pDir(""); tgz.open(IO_ReadOnly); for (int r = 0; r < toRestore.size(); r++) { PlpDirent e = toRestore[r]; PlpDirent olde; const char *fn = e.getName(); Enum res; progressLocal = e.getSize(); progressLocalCount = 0; progressLocalPercent = -1; emit setProgressText(QString("%1").arg(fn)); emit setProgress(0); te = findTarEntry(tgz.directory(), psion2unix(fn)); if (te != 0L) { u_int32_t handle; QString cpDir(fn); QByteArray ba = ((KTarFile *)te)->data(); int bslash = cpDir.findRev('\\'); if (bslash > 0) cpDir = cpDir.left(bslash); QString drv = cpDir.left(1); if (fmtDrives.find(drv) != fmtDrives.end()) { int tSave = progressCount; doFormat(drv); fmtDrives.remove(drv); progressTotalText = i18n("Restore %1% done"); progressTotal = backupSize; progressCount = tSave; progressLocal = e.getSize(); progressLocalCount = 0; progressLocalPercent = -1; emit setProgressText(QString("%1").arg(fn)); emit enableProgressText(true); emit setProgress(0); } if (pDir != cpDir) { pDir = cpDir; res = plpRfsv->mkdir(pDir); if ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (res != rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST)) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not create directory
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(pDir).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); continue; } } res = plpRfsv->fcreatefile( plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), fn, handle); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_FILE_EXIST) { if (!askOverwrite(e)) continue; res = plpRfsv->freplacefile( plpRfsv->opMode(rfsv::PSI_O_RDWR), fn, handle); } if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not create
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(fn).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); continue; } const unsigned char *data = (const unsigned char *)(ba.data()); long len = ba.size(); do { u_int32_t written; u_int32_t count = (len > RFSV_SENDLEN) ? RFSV_SENDLEN : len; res = plpRfsv->fwrite(handle, data, count, written); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) break; len -= written; data += written; updateProgress(written); } while (len > 0); plpRfsv->fclose(handle); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not write to
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(fn).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); continue; } u_int32_t oldattr; res = plpRfsv->fgetattr(fn, oldattr); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not get attributes of
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(fn).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); continue; } u_int32_t mask = e.getAttr() ^ oldattr; u_int32_t sattr = e.getAttr() & mask; u_int32_t dattr = ~sattr & mask; int retry = 10; // Retry, because file somtimes takes some time // to close; do { res = plpRfsv->fsetattr(fn, sattr, dattr); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) usleep(100000); retry--; } while ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (retry > 0)); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not set attributes of
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(fn).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); continue; } retry = 10; do { res = plpRfsv->fsetmtime(fn, e.getPsiTime()); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) usleep(100000); retry--; } while ((res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) && (retry > 0)); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not set modification time of
" "%1
Reason: %2
").arg(fn).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); continue; } overWriteList += QString(fn); } } tgz.close(); } } // Restart previously running applications on the Psion // from saved state info. runRestore(); } else { restoreRunning = false; switchActions(); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); return; } restoreRunning = false; switchActions(); emit setProgress(0); emit enableProgressText(false); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); statusBar()->message(i18n("Restore done"), 2000); } void KPsionMainWindow:: doFormat(QString drive) { int handle; int count; const char dchar = drive[0].latin1(); QString dname(""); PlpDrive drv; if (plpRfsv->devinfo(dchar, drv) == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) dname = QString(drv.getName().c_str()); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Formatting drive %1:").arg(dchar), STID_CONNECTION); update(); emit setProgressText(QString("")); emit setProgress(0); emit enableProgressText(true); Enum res = plpRpcs->formatOpen(dchar, handle, count); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not format drive %1:
" "%2
").arg(dchar).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); emit setProgress(0); emit enableProgressText(false); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); return; } progressTotal = 0; progressLocal = count; progressLocalCount = 0; progressLocalPercent = -1; updateProgress(0); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { res = plpRpcs->formatRead(handle); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Error during format of drive %1:
" "%2
").arg(dchar).arg(KGlobal::locale()->translate(res))); emit setProgress(0); emit enableProgressText(false); statusBar()->changeItem( i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); count = 0; return; } updateProgress(1); } setDriveName(dchar, dname); emit setProgress(0); emit enableProgressText(false); statusBar()->changeItem(i18n("Connected to %1").arg(machineName), STID_CONNECTION); statusBar()->message(i18n("Format done"), 2000); } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotStartFormat() { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n( "This erases ALL data " "on the drive(s).
Do you really " "want to proceed?" )) == KMessageBox::No) return; formatRunning = true; switchActions(); killSave(); for (QIconViewItem *i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->isSelected() && (i->key() != "Z")) doFormat(i->key()); } runRestore(); formatRunning = false; switchActions(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: setDriveName(const char dchar, QString dname) { KDialogBase dialog(this, "drivenameDialog", true, i18n("Assign drive name"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true); QWidget *w = new QWidget(&dialog); QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout(w, 1, 1, KDialog::marginHint()*2, KDialog::spacingHint()*2); QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n( "Formatting of drive %1: finished. Please assign a name for " "that drive.").arg(dchar), w); gl->addMultiCellWidget(l, 0, 0, 0, 1); l = new QLabel(i18n("New name of drive %1:").arg(dchar), w); gl->addWidget(l, 1, 0); KLineEdit *e = new KLineEdit(dname, w, "nameEntry"); gl->addWidget(e, 1, 1); gl->setColStretch(1, 1); dialog.setMainWidget(w); int result = dialog.exec(); QString newname = QString("%1:").arg(dchar); QString dstr; dstr = dchar; switch (result) { case QDialog::Accepted: if (!e->text().isEmpty()) { Enum res; res = plpRfsv->setVolumeName(dchar, e->text()); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) newname = QString("%1 (%2:)").arg(e->text()).arg(dchar); } drives.replace(dchar, newname); for (QIconViewItem *i = view->firstItem(); i; i = i->nextItem()) { if (i->key() == dstr) { i->setText(newname); break; } } emit rearrangeIcons(true); break; default: // Huh? break; } } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotToggleToolbar() { if (toolBar()->isVisible()) toolBar()->hide(); else toolBar()->show(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotToggleStatusbar() { if (statusBar()->isVisible()) statusBar()->hide(); else statusBar()->show(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotSaveOptions() { } void KPsionMainWindow:: slotPreferences() { SetupDialog d(this, plpRfsv, plpRpcs); d.exec(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: updateProgress(unsigned long amount) { progressLocalCount += amount; int lastPercent = progressLocalPercent; if (progressLocal) progressLocalPercent = progressLocalCount * 100 / progressLocal; else progressLocalPercent = 100; if (progressLocalPercent != lastPercent) emit setProgress(progressLocalPercent); if (progressTotal > 0) { progressCount += amount; lastPercent = progressPercent; if (progressTotal) progressPercent = progressCount * 100 / progressTotal; else progressPercent = 100; if (progressPercent != lastPercent) statusBar()->changeItem(progressTotalText.arg(progressPercent), STID_CONNECTION); } kapp->processEvents(); } void KPsionMainWindow:: collectFiles(QString dir) { Enum res; PlpDir files; QString tmp = dir; kapp->processEvents(); tmp += "\\"; if ((res = plpRfsv->dir(tmp.data(), files)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { // messagebox "Couldn't get directory ...." } else for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = files[i]; long attr = e.getAttr(); tmp = dir; tmp += "\\"; tmp += e.getName(); if (attr & rfsv::PSI_A_DIR) { collectFiles(tmp); } else { updateProgress(e.getSize()); if ((attr & rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE) || fullBackup) { backupCount++; backupSize += e.getSize(); e.setName(tmp.data()); toBackup.push_back(e); } } } } void KPsionMainWindow:: killSave() { Enum res; processList tmp; savedCommands.clear(); if ((res = plpRpcs->queryPrograms(tmp)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not get process list, Error: " << res << endl; return; } else { for (processList::iterator i = tmp.begin(); i != tmp.end(); i++) { savedCommands += i->getArgs(); emit setProgressText(i18n("Stopping %1").arg(i->getName())); kapp->processEvents(); plpRpcs->stopProgram(i->getProcId()); } } time_t tstart = time(0) + 5; while (true) { kapp->processEvents(); usleep(100000); kapp->processEvents(); if ((res = plpRpcs->queryPrograms(tmp)) != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { cerr << "Could not get process list, Error: " << res << endl; return; } if (tmp.empty()) break; if (time(0) > tstart) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n( "Could not stop all processes.
" "Please stop running programs manually on the Psion, " "then click Ok.")); tstart = time(0) + 5; } } return; } void KPsionMainWindow:: runRestore() { Enum res; for (QStringList::Iterator it = savedCommands.begin(); it != savedCommands.end(); it++) { int firstBlank = (*it).find(' '); QString cmd = (*it).left(firstBlank); QString arg = (*it).mid(firstBlank + 1); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { // Workaround for broken programs like Backlite. // These do not storethe full program path. // In that case we try running the arg1 which // results in starting the program via recog. facility. emit setProgressText(i18n("Starting %1").arg(cmd)); kapp->processEvents(); if ((arg.length() > 2) && (arg[1] == ':') && (arg[0] >= 'A') && (arg[0] <= 'Z')) res = plpRpcs->execProgram(arg.data(), ""); else res = plpRpcs->execProgram(cmd.data(), arg.data()); if (res != rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) { // If we got an error here, that happened probably because // we have no path at all (e.g. Macro5) and the program is // not registered in the Psion's path properly. Now try // the ususal \System\Apps\\.app // on all drives. if (cmd.find('\\') == -1) { driveMap::Iterator it; for (it = drives.begin(); it != drives.end(); it++) { QString newcmd = QString::fromLatin1("%1:\\System\\Apps\\%2\\%3").arg(it.key()).arg(cmd).arg(cmd); res = plpRpcs->execProgram(newcmd.data(), ""); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) break; newcmd += ".app"; res = plpRpcs->execProgram(newcmd.data(), ""); if (res == rfsv::E_PSI_GEN_NONE) break; } } } } } return; } void KPsionMainWindow:: createIndex() { QByteArray ba; QTextOStream os(ba); os << "#plpbackup index " << (fullBackup ? "F" : "I") << endl; for (int i = 0; i < toBackup.size(); i++) { PlpDirent e = toBackup[i]; PsiTime t = e.getPsiTime(); long attr = e.getAttr() & ~rfsv::PSI_A_ARCHIVE; #if (QT_VERSION < 300) os << hex << setw(8) << setfill('0') << t.getPsiTimeHi() << " " << setw(8) << setfill('0') << t.getPsiTimeLo() << " " << setw(8) << setfill('0') << e.getSize() << " " << setw(8) << setfill('0') << attr << " " << setw(0) << e.getName() << endl; #else os << hex << qSetW(8) << qSetFill('0') << t.getPsiTimeHi() << " " << qSetW(8) << qSetFill('0') << t.getPsiTimeLo() << " " << qSetW(8) << qSetFill('0') << e.getSize() << " " << qSetW(8) << qSetFill('0') << attr << " " << qSetW(0) << e.getName() << endl; #endif kapp->processEvents(); } QString idxName = QString::fromLatin1("KPsion%1Index").arg(fullBackup ? "Full" : "Incremental"); backupTgz->writeFile(idxName, "root", "root", ba.size(), ba.data()); } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: */