/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License * Version 2 or later at the following locations: * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ #include #include #include #include "crm_regs.h" /* set cpu low power mode before WFI instruction. This function is called * mx5 because it can be used for mx50, mx51, and mx53.*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crm_regs.h" /*! * @defgroup MSL_MX51 i.MX51 Machine Specific Layer (MSL) */ /*! * @file mach-mx51/system.c * @brief This file contains idle and reset functions. * * @ingroup MSL_MX51 */ extern int mxc_jtag_enabled; extern int iram_ready; extern int dvfs_core_is_active; extern void __iomem *ccm_base; extern void __iomem *databahn_base; extern int low_bus_freq_mode; extern void (*wait_in_iram)(void *ccm_addr, void *databahn_addr); extern void mx50_wait(u32 ccm_base, u32 databahn_addr); extern void stop_dvfs(void); extern void *wait_in_iram_base; extern void __iomem *apll_base; static struct clk *gpc_dvfs_clk; static struct regulator *vpll; static struct clk *pll1_sw_clk; static struct clk *osc; static struct clk *pll1_main_clk; static struct clk *ddr_clk ; static int dvfs_core_paused; /* set cpu low power mode before WFI instruction */ void mxc_cpu_lp_set(enum mxc_cpu_pwr_mode mode) { u32 plat_lpc, arm_srpgcr, ccm_clpcr; u32 empgc0, empgc1; int stop_mode = 0; /* always allow platform to issue a deep sleep mode request */ plat_lpc = __raw_readl(MXC_CORTEXA8_PLAT_LPC) & ~(MXC_CORTEXA8_PLAT_LPC_DSM); ccm_clpcr = __raw_readl(MXC_CCM_CLPCR) & ~(MXC_CCM_CLPCR_LPM_MASK); arm_srpgcr = __raw_readl(MXC_SRPG_ARM_SRPGCR) & ~(MXC_SRPGCR_PCR); empgc0 = __raw_readl(MXC_SRPG_EMPGC0_SRPGCR) & ~(MXC_SRPGCR_PCR); empgc1 = __raw_readl(MXC_SRPG_EMPGC1_SRPGCR) & ~(MXC_SRPGCR_PCR); switch (mode) { case WAIT_CLOCKED: break; case WAIT_UNCLOCKED: ccm_clpcr |= 0x1 << MXC_CCM_CLPCR_LPM_OFFSET; break; case WAIT_UNCLOCKED_POWER_OFF: case STOP_POWER_OFF: plat_lpc |= MXC_CORTEXA8_PLAT_LPC_DSM | MXC_CORTEXA8_PLAT_LPC_DBG_DSM; if (mode == WAIT_UNCLOCKED_POWER_OFF) { ccm_clpcr |= 0x1 << MXC_CCM_CLPCR_LPM_OFFSET; ccm_clpcr &= ~MXC_CCM_CLPCR_VSTBY; ccm_clpcr &= ~MXC_CCM_CLPCR_SBYOS; stop_mode = 0; } else { ccm_clpcr |= 0x2 << MXC_CCM_CLPCR_LPM_OFFSET; ccm_clpcr |= 0x3 << MXC_CCM_CLPCR_STBY_COUNT_OFFSET; ccm_clpcr |= MXC_CCM_CLPCR_VSTBY; ccm_clpcr |= MXC_CCM_CLPCR_SBYOS; stop_mode = 1; } arm_srpgcr |= MXC_SRPGCR_PCR; if (tzic_enable_wake(1) != 0) return; break; case STOP_POWER_ON: ccm_clpcr |= 0x2 << MXC_CCM_CLPCR_LPM_OFFSET; break; default: printk(KERN_WARNING "UNKNOWN cpu power mode: %d\n", mode); return; } __raw_writel(plat_lpc, MXC_CORTEXA8_PLAT_LPC); __raw_writel(ccm_clpcr, MXC_CCM_CLPCR); __raw_writel(arm_srpgcr, MXC_SRPG_ARM_SRPGCR); /* Enable NEON SRPG for all but MX50TO1.0. */ if (mx50_revision() != IMX_CHIP_REVISION_1_0) __raw_writel(arm_srpgcr, MXC_SRPG_NEON_SRPGCR); if (stop_mode) { empgc0 |= MXC_SRPGCR_PCR; empgc1 |= MXC_SRPGCR_PCR; __raw_writel(empgc0, MXC_SRPG_EMPGC0_SRPGCR); __raw_writel(empgc1, MXC_SRPG_EMPGC1_SRPGCR); } } /* To change the idle power mode, need to set arch_idle_mode to a different * power mode as in enum mxc_cpu_pwr_mode. * May allow dynamically changing the idle mode. */ static int arch_idle_mode = WAIT_UNCLOCKED_POWER_OFF; /*! * This function puts the CPU into idle mode. It is called by default_idle() * in process.c file. */ void arch_idle(void) { if (likely(!mxc_jtag_enabled)) { if (ddr_clk == NULL) ddr_clk = clk_get(NULL, "ddr_clk"); if (gpc_dvfs_clk == NULL) gpc_dvfs_clk = clk_get(NULL, "gpc_dvfs_clk"); /* gpc clock is needed for SRPG */ clk_enable(gpc_dvfs_clk); mxc_cpu_lp_set(arch_idle_mode); if (cpu_is_mx50() && (clk_get_usecount(ddr_clk) == 0)) { memcpy(wait_in_iram_base, mx50_wait, SZ_4K); wait_in_iram = (void *)wait_in_iram_base; if (low_bus_freq_mode) { u32 reg, cpu_podf; reg = __raw_readl(apll_base + 0x50); reg = 0x120490; __raw_writel(reg, apll_base + 0x50); reg = __raw_readl(apll_base + 0x80); reg |= 1; __raw_writel(reg, apll_base + 0x80); /* Move ARM to be sourced from 24MHz XTAL. * when ARM is in WFI. */ if (pll1_sw_clk == NULL) pll1_sw_clk = clk_get(NULL, "pll1_sw_clk"); if (osc == NULL) osc = clk_get(NULL, "lp_apm"); if (pll1_main_clk == NULL) pll1_main_clk = clk_get(NULL, "pll1_main_clk"); clk_set_parent(pll1_sw_clk, osc); /* Set the ARM-PODF divider to 1. */ cpu_podf = __raw_readl(MXC_CCM_CACRR); __raw_writel(0x01, MXC_CCM_CACRR); wait_in_iram(ccm_base, databahn_base); /* Set the ARM-POD divider back * to the original. */ __raw_writel(cpu_podf, MXC_CCM_CACRR); clk_set_parent(pll1_sw_clk, pll1_main_clk); } else wait_in_iram(ccm_base, databahn_base); } else cpu_do_idle(); clk_disable(gpc_dvfs_clk); clk_put(ddr_clk); } } static int __mxs_reset_block(void __iomem *hwreg, int just_enable) { u32 c; int timeout; /* the process of software reset of IP block is done in several steps: - clear SFTRST and wait for block is enabled; - clear clock gating (CLKGATE bit); - set the SFTRST again and wait for block is in reset; - clear SFTRST and wait for reset completion. */ c = __raw_readl(hwreg); c &= ~(1 << 31); /* clear SFTRST */ __raw_writel(c, hwreg); for (timeout = 1000000; timeout > 0; timeout--) /* still in SFTRST state ? */ if ((__raw_readl(hwreg) & (1 << 31)) == 0) break; if (timeout <= 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%p): timeout when enabling\n", __func__, hwreg); return -ETIME; } c = __raw_readl(hwreg); c &= ~(1 << 30); /* clear CLKGATE */ __raw_writel(c, hwreg); if (!just_enable) { c = __raw_readl(hwreg); c |= (1 << 31); /* now again set SFTRST */ __raw_writel(c, hwreg); for (timeout = 1000000; timeout > 0; timeout--) /* poll until CLKGATE set */ if (__raw_readl(hwreg) & (1 << 30)) break; if (timeout <= 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%p): timeout when resetting\n", __func__, hwreg); return -ETIME; } c = __raw_readl(hwreg); c &= ~(1 << 31); /* clear SFTRST */ __raw_writel(c, hwreg); for (timeout = 1000000; timeout > 0; timeout--) /* still in SFTRST state ? */ if ((__raw_readl(hwreg) & (1 << 31)) == 0) break; if (timeout <= 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%p): timeout when enabling " "after reset\n", __func__, hwreg); return -ETIME; } c = __raw_readl(hwreg); c &= ~(1 << 30); /* clear CLKGATE */ __raw_writel(c, hwreg); } for (timeout = 1000000; timeout > 0; timeout--) /* still in SFTRST state ? */ if ((__raw_readl(hwreg) & (1 << 30)) == 0) break; if (timeout <= 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "%s(%p): timeout when unclockgating\n", __func__, hwreg); return -ETIME; } return 0; } int mxs_reset_block(void __iomem *hwreg, int just_enable) { int try = 10; int r; while (try--) { r = __mxs_reset_block(hwreg, just_enable); if (!r) break; pr_debug("%s: try %d failed\n", __func__, 10 - try); } return r; }