#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, os, re, shutil import numpy as np max_span_hack = True pins = np.random.permutation(""" 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 32 33 34 37 38 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 52 56 58 60 61 62 63 64 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 87 88 90 91 95 96 97 98 101 102 104 105 106 107 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 """.split()) io_names = None mode = sys.argv[1] with open("%s.v" % sys.argv[1], "w") as f: if mode == "test0": io_names = [ "clk", "i0", "o0", "o1", "o2" ] print("module top(input clk, i0, output o0, o1, o2);", file=f) print(" reg [31:0] state;", file=f) print(" always @(posedge clk) state <= ((state << 5) + state) ^ i0;", file=f) print(" assign o0 = ^state, o1 = |state, o2 = state[31:16] + state[15:0];", file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) if mode == "test1": io_names = [ "clk", "i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3" ] print("module top(input clk, i0, i1, i2, i3, output o0, o1, o2, o3);", file=f) print(" reg [15:0] din, dout;", file=f) print(" always @(posedge clk) din <= {din, i3, i2, i1, i0};", file=f) print(" always @(posedge clk) dout <= din + {din[7:0], din[15:8]};", file=f) print(" assign {o3, o2, o1, o0} = dout >> din;", file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) if mode == "test2": io_names = [ "clk", "i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3" ] print(""" module top(input clk, i0, i1, i2, i3, output reg o0, o1, o2, o3); reg [7:0] raddr, waddr, rdata, wdata; reg [7:0] memory [0:255]; always @(posedge clk) begin case ({i0, i1, i2}) 0: raddr <= {raddr, i3}; 1: waddr <= {waddr, i3}; 2: wdata <= {wdata, i3}; 3: rdata <= memory[raddr]; 4: memory[waddr] <= wdata; 5: {o0, o1, o2, o3} <= rdata[3:0]; 6: {o0, o1, o2, o3} <= rdata[7:4]; endcase end endmodule """, file=f) if mode == "test3": io_names = [ "clk", "i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4" ] print(""" module top(input clk, i0, i1, i2, i3, output reg o0, o1, o2, o3, o4); reg [9:0] raddr, waddr, rdata, wdata; reg [9:0] memory [0:1023]; always @(posedge clk) begin case ({i0, i1, i2}) 0: raddr <= {raddr, i3}; 1: waddr <= {waddr, i3}; 2: wdata <= {wdata, i3}; 3: rdata <= memory[raddr]; 4: memory[waddr] <= wdata; 5: rdata <= memory[waddr]; 6: {o0, o1, o2, o3, o4} <= rdata[4:0]; 7: {o0, o1, o2, o3, o4} <= rdata[9:5]; endcase end endmodule """, file=f) if mode == "test4": io_names = [ "clk", "i", "s", "o" ] print(""" module top(input clk, i, s, output reg o); reg re1, rclke ire [15:0] rdata2_unreg; always @(posedge clk) begin o <= rdata1[15]; {rdata1, rdata2} <= {rdata1, rdata2} << 1; {raddr1, waddr1, wdata1, mask1, re1, rclke1, we1, wclke1, raddr2, waddr2, wdata2, mask2, re2, rclke2, we2, wclke2} <= ({raddr1, waddr1, wdata1, mask1, re1, rclke1, we1, wclke1, raddr2, waddr2, wdata2, mask2, re2, rclke2, we2, wclke2} << 1) | i; if (s) begin rdata1 <= rdata1_unreg; rdata2 <= rdata2_unreg; end end SB_RAM40_4K mem1 ( .RDATA(rdata1_unreg), .RCLK(clk), .RCLKE(rclke1), .RE(re1), .RADDR(raddr1), .WCLK(clk), .WCLKE(wclke1), .WE(we1), .WADDR(waddr1), .MASK(mask1), .WDATA(wdata1) ); SB_RAM40_4K mem2 ( .RDATA(rdata2_unreg), .RCLK(clk), .RCLKE(rclke2), .RE(re2), .RADDR(raddr1), // <- cascade .WCLK(clk), .WCLKE(wclke2), .WE(we2), .WADDR(waddr1), // <- cascade .MASK(mask2), .WDATA(wdata2) ); endmodule """, file=f) with open("%s.pcf" % sys.argv[1], "w") as f: for i, name in enumerate(io_names): print("set_io %s %s" % (name, pins[i]), file=f) with open("%s.ys" % sys.argv[1], "w") as f: print("echo on", file=f) print("read_verilog -lib cells.v", file=f) print("read_verilog %s_ref.v" % sys.argv[1], file=f) print("read_verilog %s_out.v" % sys.argv[1], file=f) print("prep", file=f) print("equiv_make top chip equiv", file=f) print("# check -assert", file=f) print("cd equiv", file=f) print("script %s.lc" % sys.argv[1], file=f) print("rename -hide w:N_*", file=f) print("equiv_struct -maxiter 100", file=f) print("opt_clean -purge", file=f) print("write_ilang %s.il" % sys.argv[1], file=f) print("equiv_status -assert", file=f) assert os.system("bash ../icefuzz/icecube.sh %s.v" % sys.argv[1]) == 0 os.rename("%s.v" % sys.argv[1], "%s_in.v" % sys.argv[1]) if False: assert os.system("python3 ../icebox/icebox_explain.py %s.asc > %s.ex" % (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[1])) == 0 with open("%s_ref.v" % sys.argv[1], "w") as f: for line in open("%s.vsb" % sys.argv[1], "r"): if re.match(r" *defparam .*\.(IO_STANDARD|PULLUP|INIT_.|WRITE_MODE|READ_MODE)=", line): continue line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s0_h ", " Span4Mux_h4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_h0 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s1_h ", " Span4Mux_h4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_h1 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s2_h ", " Span4Mux_h4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_h2 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s3_h ", " Span4Mux_h4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_h3 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_h ", " Span4Mux_h4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_h4 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s0_v ", " Span4Mux_v4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_v0 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s1_v ", " Span4Mux_v4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_v1 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s2_v ", " Span4Mux_v4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_v2 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_s3_v ", " Span4Mux_v4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_v3 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux_v ", " Span4Mux_v4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_v4 ") line = line.replace(" Span4Mux ", " Span4Mux_v4 " if max_span_hack else " Span4Mux_v4 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s0_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h0 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s1_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h1 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s2_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h2 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s3_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h3 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s4_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h4 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s5_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h5 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s6_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h6 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s7_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h7 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s8_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h8 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s9_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h9 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s10_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h10 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s11_h ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h11 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux ", " Span12Mux_h12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_h12 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s0_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v0 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s1_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v1 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s2_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v2 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s3_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v3 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s4_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v4 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s5_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v5 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s6_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v6 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s7_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v7 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s8_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v8 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s9_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v9 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s10_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v10 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_s11_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v11 ") line = line.replace(" Span12Mux_v ", " Span12Mux_v12 " if max_span_hack else " Span12Mux_v12 ") f.write(line) assert os.system("yosys -qp 'select -write %s.lc t:LogicCell40' %s_ref.v" % (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[1])) == 0 assert os.system(r"sed -i -r 's,.*/(.*)LC_(.*),equiv_add -try -cell \1LC_\2_gold lc40_\2_gate,' %s.lc" % sys.argv[1]) == 0 os.remove("%s.bin" % sys.argv[1]) os.remove("%s.vsb" % sys.argv[1]) os.remove("%s.glb" % sys.argv[1]) os.remove("%s.psb" % sys.argv[1]) os.remove("%s.sdf" % sys.argv[1]) shutil.rmtree("%s.tmp" % sys.argv[1])