import os import re import sys import random import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-S', '--seed', type=int, help='seed for PRNG') parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', type=int, default=32, help='number of random patterns to test') parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', default='', help='regular expression to filter tests to generate') args = parser.parse_args() if args.seed is None: args.seed = random.randrange(1 << 32) print(f"xprop PRNG seed: {args.seed}") makefile = open("", "w") def add_test(name, src, seq=False): if not, name): return workdir = f"xprop_{name}" os.makedirs(workdir, exist_ok=True) with open(f"{workdir}/uut.v", "w") as uut: print(src, file=uut) print(f"all: {workdir}", file=makefile) print(f".PHONY: {workdir}", file=makefile) print(f"{workdir}:", file=makefile) seq_arg = " -s" if seq else "" print( f"\t@cd {workdir} && python3 -u ../ -S {args.seed} -c {args.count}{seq_arg} > test.log 2>&1 || echo {workdir}: failed > status\n" f"\t@cat {workdir}/status\n" # f"\t@grep '^.*: ok' {workdir}/status\n" , file=makefile, ) def cell_test(name, cell, inputs, outputs, params, initial={}, defclock=False, seq=False): ports = [] port_conns = [] for inport, width in inputs.items(): ports.append(f"input [{width-1}:0] {inport}") if defclock and inport in ["C", "CLK"]: port_conns.append(f".{inport}({inport} !== 0)") else: port_conns.append(f".{inport}({inport})") for outport, width in outputs.items(): reg = " reg" if outport in initial else "" ports.append(f"output{reg} [{width-1}:0] {outport}") port_conns.append(f".{outport}({outport})") param_defs = [] for param, value in params.items(): param_defs.append(f".{param}({value})") initials = [] # for port, value in initial.items(): # initials.append(f"initial {port} = {value};\n") add_test(name, f"module uut({', '.join(ports)});\n" f"\\${cell} #({', '.join(param_defs)}) cell ({', '.join(port_conns)});\n" f"{''.join(initials)}" "endmodule", seq=seq, ) def unary_test(cell, width, signed, out_width): add_test( f"{cell}_{width}{'us'[signed]}_{out_width}", f"module uut(input [{width-1}:0] A, output [{out_width}-1:0] Y);\n" f"\\${cell} #(.A_WIDTH({width}), .A_SIGNED({int(signed)}), .Y_WIDTH({out_width}))" " cell (.A(A), .Y(Y));\n" "endmodule", ) def binary_test(cell, a_width, b_width, signed, out_width): add_test( f"{cell}_{a_width}{'us'[signed]}{b_width}_{out_width}", f"module uut(input [{a_width-1}:0] A, input [{b_width-1}:0] B, output [{out_width}-1:0] Y);\n" f"\\${cell} #(.A_WIDTH({a_width}), .A_SIGNED({int(signed)}), .B_WIDTH({b_width}), .B_SIGNED({int(signed)}), .Y_WIDTH({out_width}))" " cell (.A(A), .B(B), .Y(Y));\n" "endmodule", ) def shift_test(cell, a_width, b_width, a_signed, b_signed, out_width): add_test( f"{cell}_{a_width}{'us'[a_signed]}{b_width}{'us'[b_signed]}_{out_width}", f"module uut(input [{a_width-1}:0] A, input [{b_width-1}:0] B, output [{out_width}-1:0] Y);\n" f"\\${cell} #(.A_WIDTH({a_width}), .A_SIGNED({int(a_signed)}), .B_WIDTH({b_width}), .B_SIGNED({int(b_signed)}), .Y_WIDTH({out_width}))" " cell (.A(A), .B(B), .Y(Y));\n" "endmodule", ) def mux_test(width): cell_test(f"mux_{width}", 'mux', {"A": width, "B": width, "S": 1}, {"Y": width}, {"WIDTH": width}) def bmux_test(width, s_width): cell_test(f"bmux_{width}_{s_width}", 'bmux', {"A": width << s_width, "S": s_width}, {"Y": width}, {"WIDTH": width, "S_WIDTH": s_width}) def demux_test(width, s_width): cell_test(f"demux_{width}_{s_width}", 'demux', {"A": width, "S": s_width}, {"Y": width << s_width}, {"WIDTH": width, "S_WIDTH": s_width}) def pmux_test(width, s_width): cell_test(f"pmux_{width}_{s_width}", 'pmux', {"A": width, "B": width * s_width, "S": s_width}, {"Y": width}, {"WIDTH": width, "S_WIDTH": s_width}) def bwmux_test(width): cell_test(f"bwmux_{width}", 'bwmux', {"A": width, "B": width, "S": width}, {"Y": width}, {"WIDTH": width}) def bweqx_test(width): cell_test(f"bweqx_{width}", 'bweqx', {"A": width, "B": width}, {"Y": width}, {"WIDTH": width}) def ff_test(width): cell_test(f"ff_{width}", 'ff', {"D": width}, {"Q": width}, {"WIDTH": width}, seq=True) def dff_test(width, pol, defclock): cell_test(f"dff_{width}{'np'[pol]}{'xd'[defclock]}", 'dff', {"CLK": 1, "D": width}, {"Q": width}, {"WIDTH": width, "CLK_POLARITY": int(pol)}, defclock=defclock, seq=True) def dffe_test(width, pol, enpol, defclock): cell_test(f"dffe_{width}{'np'[pol]}{'np'[enpol]}{'xd'[defclock]}", 'dffe', {"CLK": 1, "EN": 1, "D": width}, {"Q": width}, {"WIDTH": width, "CLK_POLARITY": int(pol), "EN_POLARITY": int(enpol)}, defclock=defclock, seq=True) print(".PHONY: all", file=makefile) print("all:\n\t@echo done\n", file=makefile) for cell in ["not", "pos", "neg"]: unary_test(cell, 1, False, 1) unary_test(cell, 3, False, 3) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 3) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 1) unary_test(cell, 3, False, 5) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 5) for cell in ["and", "or", "xor", "xnor"]: binary_test(cell, 1, 1, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 1, 1, True, 2) binary_test(cell, 2, 2, False, 2) binary_test(cell, 2, 2, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 2, 1, False, 2) binary_test(cell, 2, 1, False, 1) # [, "pow"] are not implemented yet for cell in ["add", "sub", "mul", "div", "mod", "divfloor", "modfloor"]: binary_test(cell, 1, 1, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 1, 1, False, 2) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, False, 3) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, False, 6) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 1) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 3) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 6) binary_test(cell, 5, 3, False, 3) binary_test(cell, 5, 3, True, 3) for cell in ["lt", "le", "eq", "ne", "eqx", "nex", "ge", "gt"]: binary_test(cell, 1, 1, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 1, 1, False, 2) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, False, 2) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 1) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 2) binary_test(cell, 5, 3, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 5, 3, True, 1) binary_test(cell, 5, 3, False, 2) binary_test(cell, 5, 3, True, 2) for cell in ["reduce_and", "reduce_or", "reduce_xor", "reduce_xnor"]: unary_test(cell, 1, False, 1) unary_test(cell, 3, False, 1) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 1) unary_test(cell, 3, False, 3) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 3) for cell in ["reduce_bool", "logic_not"]: unary_test(cell, 1, False, 1) unary_test(cell, 3, False, 3) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 3) unary_test(cell, 3, True, 1) for cell in ["logic_and", "logic_or"]: binary_test(cell, 1, 1, False, 1) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, False, 3) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 3) binary_test(cell, 3, 3, True, 1) for cell in ["shl", "shr", "sshl", "sshr", "shift"]: shift_test(cell, 2, 1, False, False, 2) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, True, False, 2) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, False, False, 4) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, True, False, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, False, False, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, True, False, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, False, False, 8) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, True, False, 8) shift_test(cell, 4, 3, False, False, 3) shift_test(cell, 4, 3, True, False, 3) for cell in ["shift"]: shift_test(cell, 2, 1, False, True, 2) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, True, True, 2) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, False, True, 4) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, True, True, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, False, True, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, True, True, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, False, True, 8) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, True, True, 8) shift_test(cell, 4, 3, False, True, 3) shift_test(cell, 4, 3, True, True, 3) for cell in ["shiftx"]: shift_test(cell, 2, 1, False, True, 2) shift_test(cell, 2, 1, False, True, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, False, True, 4) shift_test(cell, 4, 2, False, True, 8) shift_test(cell, 4, 3, False, True, 3) mux_test(1) mux_test(3) bmux_test(1, 2) bmux_test(2, 2) bmux_test(3, 1) demux_test(1, 2) demux_test(2, 2) demux_test(3, 1) pmux_test(1, 4) pmux_test(2, 2) pmux_test(3, 1) pmux_test(4, 4) bwmux_test(1) bwmux_test(3) bweqx_test(1) bweqx_test(3) ff_test(1) ff_test(3) dff_test(1, True, True) dff_test(1, False, True) dff_test(3, True, True) dff_test(3, False, True) # dff_test(1, True, False) # TODO support x clocks # dff_test(1, False, False) # TODO support x clocks # dff_test(3, True, False) # TODO support x clocks # dff_test(3, False, False) # TODO support x clocks dffe_test(1, True, False, True) dffe_test(1, False, False, True) dffe_test(3, True, False, True) dffe_test(3, False, False, True) dffe_test(1, True, True, True) dffe_test(1, False, True, True) dffe_test(3, True, True, True) dffe_test(3, False, True, True) # TODO "shift", "shiftx" # TODO "fa", "lcu", "alu", "macc", "lut", "sop" # TODO "slice", "concat" # TODO "tribuf", "specify2", "specify3", "specrule" # TODO "assert", "assume", "live", "fair", "cover", "initstate", "anyconst", "anyseq", "anyinit", "allconst", "allseq", "equiv", # TODO "bweqx", "bwmux" # TODO "sr", "ff", "dff", "dffe", "dffsr", "sffsre", "adff", "aldff", "sdff", "adffe", "aldffe", "sdffe", "sdffce", "dlatch", "adlatch", "dlatchsr" # TODO "fsm" # TODO "memrd", "memrd_v2", "memwr", "memwr_v2", "meminit", "meminit_v2", "mem", "mem_v2"