#!/bin/bash libs="" genvcd=false use_xsim=false use_modelsim=false verbose=false keeprunning=false makejmode=false frontend="verilog" backend_opts="-noattr -noexpr" autotb_opts="" scriptfiles="" scriptopt="" toolsdir="$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)" warn_iverilog_git=false if [ ! -f $toolsdir/cmp_tbdata -o $toolsdir/cmp_tbdata.c -nt $toolsdir/cmp_tbdata ]; then ( set -ex; ${CC:-gcc} -Wall -o $toolsdir/cmp_tbdata $toolsdir/cmp_tbdata.c; ) || exit 1 fi while getopts xmGl:wkjvref:s:p:n: opt; do case "$opt" in x) use_xsim=true ;; m) use_modelsim=true ;; G) warn_iverilog_git=true ;; l) libs="$libs $(cd $(dirname $OPTARG); pwd)/$(basename $OPTARG)";; w) genvcd=true ;; k) keeprunning=true ;; j) makejmode=true ;; v) verbose=true ;; r) backend_opts="$backend_opts -norename" ;; e) backend_opts="$( echo " $backend_opts " | sed 's, -noexpr ,,; s,^ ,,; s, $,,;'; )" ;; f) frontend="$OPTARG" ;; s) [[ "$OPTARG" == /* ]] || OPTARG="$PWD/$OPTARG" scriptfiles="$scriptfiles $OPTARG" ;; p) scriptopt="$OPTARG" ;; n) autotb_opts="$autotb_opts -n $OPTARG" ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 [-x|-m] [-w] [-k] [-j] [-v] [-r] [-e] [-l libs] [-f frontend] [-s script] [-p cmdstring] verilog-files\n" >&2 exit 1 esac done create_ref() { cp "$1" "$2.v" } compile_and_run() { exe="$1"; output="$2"; shift 2 if $use_modelsim; then altver=$( ls -v /opt/altera/ | grep '^[0-9]' | tail -n1; ) /opt/altera/$altver/modelsim_ase/bin/vlib work /opt/altera/$altver/modelsim_ase/bin/vlog "$@" /opt/altera/$altver/modelsim_ase/bin/vsim -c -do 'run -all; exit;' testbench | grep '#OUT#' > "$output" elif $use_xsim; then ( set +x files=( "$@" ) xilver=$( ls -v /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/ | grep '^[0-9]' | tail -n1; ) /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/$xilver/bin/xvlog "${files[@]}" /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/$xilver/bin/xelab -R work.testbench | grep '#OUT#' > "$output" ) else iverilog -s testbench -o "$exe" "$@" vvp -n "$exe" > "$output" fi } shift $((OPTIND - 1)) for fn do bn=${fn%.v} if [ "$bn" == "$fn" ]; then echo "Invalid argument: $fn" >&2 exit 1 fi [[ "$bn" == *_tb ]] && continue if $makejmode; then status_prefix="Test: $bn " else status_prefix="" echo -n "Test: $bn " fi rm -f ${bn}.{err,log,sikp} mkdir -p ${bn}.out rm -rf ${bn}.out/* body() { cd ${bn}.out fn=$(basename $fn) bn=$(basename $bn) cp ../$fn $fn if [ ! -f ../${bn}_tb.v ]; then "$toolsdir"/../../yosys -b "test_autotb $autotb_opts" -o ${bn}_tb.v $fn else cp ../${bn}_tb.v ${bn}_tb.v fi if $genvcd; then sed -i 's,// \$dump,$dump,g' ${bn}_tb.v; fi create_ref $fn ${bn}_ref compile_and_run ${bn}_tb_ref ${bn}_out_ref ${bn}_tb.v ${bn}_ref.v $libs if $genvcd; then mv testbench.vcd ${bn}_ref.vcd; fi test_count=0 test_passes() { "$toolsdir"/../../yosys -b "verilog $backend_opts" -o ${bn}_syn${test_count}.v "$@" compile_and_run ${bn}_tb_syn${test_count} ${bn}_out_syn${test_count} \ ${bn}_tb.v ${bn}_syn${test_count}.v $libs \ "$toolsdir"/../../techlibs/common/simlib.v \ "$toolsdir"/../../techlibs/common/simcells.v if $genvcd; then mv testbench.vcd ${bn}_syn${test_count}.vcd; fi $toolsdir/cmp_tbdata ${bn}_out_ref ${bn}_out_syn${test_count} test_count=$(( test_count + 1 )) } if [ "$frontend" = "verific" -o "$frontend" = "verific_gates" ] && grep -q VERIFIC-SKIP $fn; then touch ../${bn}.skip return fi if [ -n "$scriptfiles" ]; then test_passes $fn $scriptfiles elif [ -n "$scriptopt" ]; then test_passes -f "$frontend" -p "$scriptopt" $fn elif [ "$frontend" = "verific" ]; then test_passes -p "verific -vlog2k $fn; verific -import -all; opt; memory;;" elif [ "$frontend" = "verific_gates" ]; then test_passes -p "verific -vlog2k $fn; verific -import -gates -all; opt; memory;;" else test_passes -f "$frontend" -p "hierarchy; proc; opt; memory; opt; fsm; opt -full -fine" $fn test_passes -f "$frontend" -p "hierarchy; synth -run coarse; techmap; opt; abc -dff" $fn fi touch ../${bn}.log } if $verbose; then echo ".." echo "Output written to console." > ${bn}.err ( set -ex; body; ) else ( set -ex; body; ) > ${bn}.err 2>&1 fi if [ -f ${bn}.log ]; then mv ${bn}.err ${bn}.log echo "${status_prefix}-> ok" elif [ -f ${bn}.skip ]; then mv ${bn}.err ${bn}.skip echo "${status_prefix}-> skip" else echo "${status_prefix}-> ERROR!" if $warn_iverilog_git; then echo "Note: Make sure that 'iverilog' is an up-to-date git checkout of Icarus Verilog." fi $keeprunning || exit 1 fi done exit 0