module enum_simple(input clk, input rst); enum {s0, s1, s2, s3} test_enum; typedef enum logic [1:0] { ts0, ts1, ts2, ts3 } states_t; states_t state; (states_t) state1; states_t enum_const = ts1; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin test_enum <= s3; state <= ts0; end else begin //test_enum if (test_enum == s0) test_enum <= s1; else if (test_enum == s1) test_enum <= s2; else if (test_enum == s2) test_enum <= s3; else if (test_enum == s3) test_enum <= s0; else assert(1'b0); //should be unreachable //state if (state == ts0) state <= ts1; else if (state == ts1) state <= ts2; else if (state == ts2) state <= ts0; else assert(1'b0); //should be unreachable end end always @(*) begin assert(state != 2'h3); assert(s0 == '0); assert(ts0 == '0); assert(enum_const == ts1); end endmodule